
Friday, March 1, 2013

Obama DOJ Memo: A National Gun Registration & Mandatory Confiscation Agenda

By Tim Brown
February 28, 2013
Many in America think that we are so heavily armed as a population that we could never be disarmed. But consider Russia.
They were free under the Tsar and one of the most heavily armed societies.
That all changed when Stalin and the communists took control. Stalin was able to control, starve, punish and imprison a defenseless people… after he took their guns.
Now an internal Department of Justice memo is out which indicates that Barack Obama and company are talking gun confiscation with a forerunner of federal gun registration.
According to the January 4, 2013 internal memo, Deputy Director of the National Institute for Justice Greg Ridgeway wrote, “Assault weapons are not a major contributor to gun crime.
The existing stock of assault weapons is large, undercutting the effectiveness of bans with exemptions.” Then proceeded to state a goal of “Limit access to assault weapons.”
The memo then went on to state that their program is to “Ban the manufacture, sale, transfer, or possession of assault weapons.” This is a camel’s nose sniffing around the edge of the tent.
With all of this, including the study data provided, Ridgeway states, “a complete elimination of assault weapons would not have a large impact on gun homicides.”
However, there is more. The memo goes on to put forth something else that can be added that would make it far more effective and that is mandatory gun buybacks, which are nothing more than government confiscation of firearms.
“Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to US gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapon ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violenceIf coupled with a gun buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective,” it reads.
We can conclude there is another reason that the Obama administration wants to deprive Americans of semi-automatic weapons. While most in this audience already know what that is, for those new here, it is a step towards disarming the American people.
The memo went on to deal with universal background checks. “Effectiveness (of universal background checks) depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration and an easy gun transfer process.” This is the camel’s nose nudging at the edge of the tent.
I don’t recall having to register my First, Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Amendment rights. Why is there a need to register my Second?
Director Ridgeway also stated, “In order to have an impact, large capacity magazine regulation needs to sharply curtail their availability to include restrictions on importation, manufacture, sale, and possession.
An exemption for previously owned magazines would nearly eliminate any impact. The program would need to be coupled with an extensive buyback of existing large capacity magazines. With an exemption the impact of the restrictions would only be felt when the magazines degrade or when they no longer are compatible with guns in circulation. This would take decades to realize.”
The short story in all of this is whether it takes days or decades is irrelevant. The goal of the Obama administration is utter disarmament of the American people. This is clear by the obvious abuse of power the people wrongly assume the Federal government has.
The Federal government is not allowed to mandate a national registration of firearms. They are not allowed to push forth a mandatory gun confiscation either. Apparently these people do not understand a single word of “shall not be infringed.”
This is nothing new for Obama or those he surrounds himself with. He has said he doesn’t believe people should own firearms.
His Attorney General, Eric Holder, Mr. Fast and Furious gunrunner himself, believes people in America need to be brainwashed in order to disarm them.
There is documentation a mile long that indicates that when Obama tells you he “respects the Second Amendment” it really means he is out to undermine it.
The challenge to us is to oppose them on every front in which they seek to allow their camel’s nose into the tent. We must demand all gun control legislation be voted down and all previous Federal gun laws repealed.
We must be vigilant about this and must elect representatives to office who are unequivocally pro-gun and anti-gun control in any form.
We must also use all peaceful methods we can to bring down and remove from office all those who would seek to undermine the ability of Americans to possess any and all firearms which they desire to preserve a free state.
About Tim Brown
Husband to my wife. Father of 10. Jack of All Trades. Christian and lover of liberty. Residing in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Follow Tim on Twitter.

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