
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Montana NDAA Nullification Bill Passes House Committee, 20-0 / Arizona NDAA Nullification Bill Passes Committee, 6-2

Montana NDAA Nullification Bill Passes House Committee, 20-0

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By a unanimous voice voice today, the Montana House Judiciary Committee voted to approved House Bill 522 (HB522) and move it to the full state house.
A modified version of the Liberty Preservation Act released by the Tenth Amendment Center, Montana joins a growing choir of states and localities who’ve decided that waiting for federal politicians to repeal their own power is something they’re not willing to risk.
The bill was sponsored by State Representative Nicholas Schwaderer who worked hard behind the scenes to get a bipartisan group of legislators to cosponsor – 18 republicans and 6 democrats.
After yesterday’s committee hearing on HB522, Montana Tenth Amendment Center coordinator Tim Ravndal expressed his belief that the bill would pass, and the fact that a wide coalition across the political aisle was in support:
“HB 522 FLEW through the House Judiciary Committee Hearing. I was asked at the conclusion of the hearing how it felt to be on the same side with ACLU. “Politics make strange bedfellows” We had no opposition to the bill, and only one question from the committee seeking clarification. This bill is on the freight train heading for the Governor!”
If signed into law, HB522 would make it illegal for Montana to participate in NDAA indefinite detention: “The state of Montana may not provide material support or participate with the implementation of sections 1021 and 1022 of the federal National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, Public Law 112-81, within the boundaries of this state”
Noncompliance with federal law is 100% noncontroversial both legally and constitutionally. There’s absolutely ZERO serious thought that supports the idea that the federal government has the constitutional authority to require state agents to enforce federal laws. Even the Supreme Court has affirmed this more than once in recent history. Statements to the contrary are absurd.
Such noncompliance on a wide scale is very effective in rendering an unconstitutional federal act null, void or just unenforceable. Learn how this method plays out and works HERE.
ACTION STEPS for Montana….    

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