
Friday, February 8, 2013


Posted by George Freund on February 6, 2013 at 5:05 PM

Mary Leakey was a famous archaeologist and anthropologist. She found fossilized footprints in Tanzania and the Zinjanthropus skull in Olduvai Gorge in Eastern Africa. She travelled with her two dogs as illustrated above. That is all very interesting, but when we apply the twilight language we see far deeper than any crystal ball can take us. The future is here buried with the past.
Mary had three sons. One was named Richard and he followed in her path as a paleoanthropologist. That is a very important point. You see a great archaeological event has been reported in conjunction with this doodle. The skeleton of Richard III the last Plantagenet King of England was confirmed as genuine. The parallels are truly interesting. The twilight language shouts from the grave.
The doodle itself highlights three letters GLE. They can mean a graphics layout engine, i.e. Google doodle or the code for you guessed it Gainesville, Texas site of the recent helicopter firing on the masses drill.

Battle from the War of the Roses
Mary was a rebel. She was expelled from school for causing an explosion in the chemistry lab. Without completion of her pre-University education she was prevented from acceptance at university. In time she was granted an honorary doctoral degree in 1951. She was taken under the wing of one Mortimer Wheeler and was taught in the field starting with her first dig at St. Albans. A virtual who's who are affiliated with St. Albans in English history past and present including Sir Francis Bacon alleged to be the real Shakespeare author of, of course, Richard III. Pope Adrian IV, Sarah Churchill and even Stanley (Moonshot) Kubrick were included. The town was the scene of battle from the War of the Roses that resulted in the demise of Richard III. Those battles were fought on February 17 and May 22 respectively. Next to a 511 a 522 would whet the treachery of the New World Order. June 22 is Saint Albans Day. A Daily Mail article titled 'Will George be slayed as England's patron saint?' suggests in 2006 replacing St. George with St. Alban as England's patron saint.

Saint Alban
This is a very long and complex decoding. Mary is descended from baronet Henry Bartle Frere. He was a British Colonial Administrator who was instrumental in setting the stage for the Zulu Wars, the Boer Wars, and get this the Basuto Gun Wars. Yes wars of oppression are as old as the hills. Africa was and still is center stage. The Zulu conflict illustrated a native force defeating a superiour British one at the Battle of Isandlwana. After the colonial masters conquered their foes, they decided to make the victory complete. They tried to collect the arms ergo the Basuto Gun War. We don't learn history like that. I'm sure it was for the safety of all and the mastery of the few.


Belgian domination of the Congo
With the reward of privilege on pain of punishment brother will brutalize brother. It has been a success formula for years. We see the same 'GUN WAR' coming to America. The NWO wishes to dominate the republic. They will use reward and punishment to get brother to dominate brother. Advocates of the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment will be punished. Those who will agree to harass them will be rewarded with government largesse. As a case in point, Albuquerque gun dealer Robert Adams was raided by DHS. He was charged with no crime, but all his guns were seized. People who will brutalize their fellows will be given power the most dangerous aphrodisiac and wages in return for helping destroy America from within. The 'GUN WAR' is on. Decide your fate. In the Belgian Congo human hands were used as money properly salted of course.

The elite rich have a taste for flesh as well as cruelty
After they take the guns, they take YOU! It has always been that way in genocide. Mary loved freedom. She was a rebel who disliked rules. Numerous cities have been named Freretown after another relative.
Along the parallel of the doodle is the history of Richard III. He was at first a Sheriff and then Constable of England. He was entrusted as Lord Protector of boy King Edward V. He tried to gain the throne by combat. He kept Edward's mother from power and influence. Then he came up with a more devious plot. He got a clergyman to say that Edward IV's marriage was invalid. Therefore, his sons were bastard children. They were locked up in the Tower of London where they both died. They are alleged to still haunt the tower. He had the power the Obamamites crave - the power to execute without trial. Even children are at risk from such power. They always have been. It is no stretch Anti-Christ evil will murder children to achieve their objectives.

King Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower of London by Paul Delaroche. The theme of innocent children awaiting an uncertain fate was a popular one amongst 19th-century painters. (Notice the dog. Mary's dogs imply the child princes.)

Tonight's show will highlight the movie Apocalypse Now. Marlon Brando's soliloquy about the horror of war and the killing of children reveal the true nature of conflict. Brando says horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are your enemies to be feared. If he had ten divisions of those men with the instinct to kill without judgement, he could win any battle. He further states it is JUDGEMENT that defeats us. That is our weapon and their vulnerability - JUDGEMENT. We must point the finger at the child killers. They are the orchestrators of the Sandy Hook school shooting in this era. They need HORROR and MORAL TERROR as their weapon. We must understand that and never give it too them in spite of what they have done and what they will do next. We must void ourselves of empathy. It is not because we are cruel. It is because we must neuter enemies to the republic. Our duty is to expose them for JUDGEMENT. That defeats them. In those few minutes Brando describes WAR as it is practiced. You are all deputized for JUDGEMENT.

The skeletal remains found under a parking lot in Leicester
Richard III felt the full effect of the karma wave. He was killed in battle. His remains were unearthed in an archaeologist's dig. The bones revealed mortal wounds to the head and humiliation wounds to the pelvis from the rear. There is NO escaping the karma wave no matter what reward they offer you. Another case in point is our sniper Chris Kyle. He killed with impunity for the State. However, the state is NOT immune from God's laws. They may well have destroyed their own best dog because he outlived his usefulness and became a threat. We said at the beginning of the Sandy Hook event that those fleeing would be in grave danger. Of the short list, who would be near the top to plan and execute Sandy Hook? Who would know how to kill without judgement? Who would benefit by having a private company to train armed guards for school? CUI BONO answers it's own questions. Was Eddie Ray Routh captured outside Sandy Hook or was it Chris Kyle or was it Chad Littlefield or was it all three of them? The karma wave has struck. It knows no terror or horror. It only knows JUDGEMENT. Mary has followed the fossilized footprints to their source. The war is still on, but now we are fully involved.

There is no escaping the JUDGEMENT. Even mighty nations must receive their due. The karma wave strikes without remorse. There is much blood on our hands. We have slaughtered children by the tens of thousands and allow them to die of neglect by the millions. Then we have the unmitigated gall to say we are noble and pure.
JUDGEMENT will come. Don't let yourself receive the impact. Ask God for forgiveness. Understand the use of horror and moral terror. Follow the footsteps of the purveyors and demand JUDGEMENT. They will be defeated.

Would men who kill beautiful children like these hesitate in our own country? I doubt it. Our naiveté is not a strength. It, too, is an enemy that will defeat us.

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