
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

obama hitler time magazine abortion killing children exterminating jews joy ride sad hill news
Never mind the 11 million American babies – some at Mom’s 8-month term of pregnancy – Obama and his sheep have slaughtered via abortion. Never mind Obama’s illegal war(s) that have killed 176+ children. We need to ban guns, on ‘behalf of the children.’
Question: Are there any MEN left in this country?!
Being emotionally charged over MSM talking points (i.e. ‘Bushmasters kill children’) does not equate to ‘critical thinking’ or ‘taking action.’ And waiting for a prophetic sign from your favorite alphabet network to ‘inform’ everyone when it’s finally time to stand up against rampant government corruption and lawlessness… well, it ain’t gonna happen.
Unplug from CNN and FOX for a moment, because compromise and gradualism – devoid of critical thinking and/or action (aka ‘political correctness’) – is exactly why we’re in this mess.
It’s a pity, a shame really, that most American’s waited until the 2nd Amendment threat to engage in critical thinking, and perhaps action. Instead, choosing to bitch/gab at the water coolers about our nation’s snowballing sad affairs – comparable to the ‘critical thinking’ required when discussing one’s favorite NFL team that won/lost a game.
‘Better late than never’ goes the cliché. Wrong. It’s become painfully obvious that the majority of lazy American’s will not act until they’re affected. How selfish. How thoughtless.
America’s ‘tolerance’ has become stupidity.
Grab A Bucket
[Dave, had to tighten up your piece a bit since this event just occurred. Cheers! ~ Sad Hill]
(Dave Blount of Moonbattery) When the Community Organizer in Chief announce[d] how he will use executive orders to circumvent Congress and gut the Second Amendment, he [was] surrounded by children used as props. Like his slogan “Forward,” the tactic of dressing up tyranny to look like a daycare center was lifted straight from his fellow oligarchical collectivists Hitler and Stalin:
Not even most Obama voters are dumb enough to think that disarming the law-abiding will make children or anyone else other than criminals any safer. What decent person would take the gun out of the hands of Melinda Herman?
Yet we have to endure the nauseating charade of our rulers pretending they are only snuffing out the liberty that defines us as Americans for our own good — and of course for the good of the children, who can look forward to a lifetime of debt thanks to those same rulers.
More: HERE
UPDATE: Oleg from The People’s Cube just sent this…
Obama responsible for killing 11 million kids: HERE
Obama ‘cries’, with laughter using drones to kill children: HERE
American Holocaust: Obama defends ‘the right’ to exterminate 54+ lives: HERE
Pretend your baby is a tree and save it: HERE
The War Movement: Bush war = BAD, Obama war = GOOD: HERE
‘Republicans’ rush to help Obama destroy America: HERE
Dedication: Brad E
Hat tip: Erik

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