
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Globalism Isn’t working Now and Will Never Work in the Future – America Has Been Conned

Since this site’s inception we have been shouting this obvious fact at the top of our lungs, and there are facts that prove how right we were. The NWO was and is nothing more than a power grab of dangerous proportions that want Americans brought down to dirt level to do nothing more than to give more power to the filthy rich elite. People who are worth multi-billions of dollars who strive to become trillionaires. Billions will no longer suffice; the greed is just too strong a pull. Americans should be talking about limits on personal wealth, the other side of the equation. Something that should have been talked about long ago, as America was brought to her knees with fraud.
Factories throughout Europe are closing just as predicted as nothing has really changed except for the wealth equation of the NWO oligarchs who are currently sucking the rest of us dry. This scourge has ruined millions throughout the world just to fill their pockets from a well thought out con, something that has to be stopped dead in its tracks. Amazingly, we have been duped beyond belief with this garbage and are dying by the thousands from suicide, depression, cancer and God knows what else as these parasites fulfill their sick fantasies at our expense.
This ridiculous notion that America must share precious natural resources with the rest of the world will only be the cancer that will kill us all. It amazes me how we have fallen for this, as even our own so-called business analyst preach this NWO scourge over American airwaves on the idiot boxes. The propaganda tool this scourge has so relied upon to sell this garbage. They are nothing more than NWO tools hoping to get rich at our expense.
Facts are facts and even a billionaire who is worth 25 billion dollars who made his money kissing the NWO ring can’t hide from them. Bloomberg says it best in his own publications; something this slippery constitution killer can’t hide from because this is his business, publishing facts.
The car market in Europe if supposed to drop 12.3 million cars in 2013, a 23 percent decrease since this NWO garbage was introduced by George Walker Bush. This market, along with others that tag along, are losing huge money, and the question has to be asked, why? What was accomplished by all of this globalist nonsense?
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (GT), the largest U.S. tire maker, will close its main French plant and cut its workforce in the country by 39 percent amid labor disputes and plunging auto demand in Europe.
The factory in Amiens in the north of France will be shuttered, with the loss of 1,173 jobs, the company said in a statement today. Goodyear currently employs about 3,000 people across the country, Mathilde Davadant, a spokeswoman, said by phone. There’s no set date for the plant closing, she said.
“We are deeply disappointed that the five past years of negotiations haven’t allowed us to reach a compromise with the employees’ representatives,” Henry Dumortier, head of Goodyear’s French unit, said in a written statement. “Today’s announcement is the only remaining option that we have.”
The economic contraction in Europe stemming from the sovereign-debt crisis has caused car and truck sales to plummet to nearly a 20-year low. Ford Motor Co. (F) has widened its estimate for losses in the region, and Italian carmaker Fiat SpA (F) scrapped its 2012 dividend yesterday to preserve cash after forecasting the auto-market slump will continue this year.
Strategy changes that Akron, Ohio-based Goodyear has sought to carry out at the Amiens-Nord plant in response to the global recession in 2008 have been stymied by disagreements with labor leaders. Titan International Inc.  decided in December 2011 to drop a two-year-old plan to buy the factory’s farm-tire operations, citing union opposition.
Closing Costs
The French plant cost Goodyear 61 million euros ($83 million) last year in losses, according to the statement.
The tiremaker will record a fourth-quarter charge of $74 million for the closing, which will cost in total at least $230 million, the company said in a U.S. filing today. The shutdown will improve operating profit by $75 million in Europe following its completion, Goodyear said.
Europe’s car market is forecast to drop to 12.3 million vehicles this year, 23 percent below the pre-crisis peak, IHS Automotive estimates. Carmakers across the region have announced 30,000 job cuts since the beginning of July in response to the prolonged slump.
General Motors Co. (GM), seeing Germany at risk of slipping into recession, said last week that its Opel brand may shutter a factory in that country two years earlier than planned as the European auto market sinks for a sixth straight year. The factory employs 3,100 workers. Ford is slashing 6,200 positions and closing three plants in the region.
Peugeot plans to shrink its French automotive operations by 11,200 positions over the next two years. The automaker is also closing a factory in Aulnay on the outskirts of Paris, selling assets and building a strategic alliance with GM.
Renault SA (RNO), the automaker whose sales in Europe dropped the most in 2012, said on Jan. 15 it would cut 17 percent of its French workforce, or 7,500 positions.”
Wake up America facts are facts. This is just one example of the obvious. We will be pointing this kind of thing out more and more from our excellent group of contributors and authors. This stuff really isn’t rocket science, it’s really only 5th grade math.
God Bless the Republic of the United States of America.

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