
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gaining Momentum: Now 44 Gun Companies Have Stopped Selling to Law Enforcement In Anti-2nd Amendment States

truther February 26, 2013 6

Mike Opelka
The Blaze
The list of companies that have stopped selling firearms and ammunition to law enforcement agencies in states that are restricting the Second Amendment has more than doubled since Wednesday and is more than five times larger than just one week ago. There are 44 companies on our list, with more being added as we receive notification. Here are the additions since Wednesday:
Gaining Momentum Now 44 Gun Companies Have Stopped Selling to Law Enforcement In Anti-2nd Amendment States
Here’s a sample of statements from some of the recent additions to the list as well as the positions of the companies that have reached out to TheBlaze directly to declare their policy shift:
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Steve Adelmann of Citizen Arms shared the following from his company’s statement, made the day after New York changed its laws:
 ”Due to legal, ethical and moral concerns, Citizen Arms offers only those custom firearms that are legal for all lawful citizens of a given state to possess, regardless of law enforcement status. LE personnel living in states where citizens must have restrictive features will only receive like product support from Citizen Arms. We’re very appreciative of the sacrifices made by the law enforcement community but we’re even more appreciative of the right guaranteed to all law-abiding US citizens by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution: A well regulated militia, necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
On February 20th, as our story was hitting the web, Ronnie Barrett, the Chairman and CEO of Barrett Firearms posted his company’s position statement on their Facebook page:
Barrett’s Position Regarding the Assault on Liberty
Barrett opposes those who are illegally disarming the American public from their efficient arms and creating superior armed elitist government agencies.
Elected state officials of New York, having been sworn to protect our Constitution, have instead committed an offense against it and their citizens by stripping inalienable rights duly protected and guaranteed under th…e Second Amendment. By their deliberate and sinister actions, these officials now cause their state and local policing agencies to enforce these unconstitutional and illegal so called “laws”.
By current law, Barrett cannot be an accomplice with any lawbreaker, therefore, cannot and will not service or sell to New York government agencies. Barrett also applies this stance to the individual elected official who, as a matter of public record, has voted for or created regulation that violates the constitutional rights of their citizens. This is an expansion of our 2002 ban against the California government due to their second amendment infringements, and shall apply to any future violators.
In the course of world history there have been officials that strip inalienable rights from the people that were given to all by our Creator. Most of these officials inevitably come to trial, some do not.
Intentionally violating constitutional rights by officials that have sworn to uphold them should have severe prison sentences.
With the clear vision of horrible events in history repeating itself, all manufacturers of firearms or related equipment remaining in partnership with such violators should have a respectable fear of being found with the guilty on their day of trial.
During this era of assault on liberty, Barrett will remain steadfast in our efforts to serve law-abiding citizens of all fifty states, and stands together with you in the struggles we will fight and win.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Jeffrey Norton of Norton Firearms not only sends a message about the Second Amendment, but also reminds folks that our rights come to us from “our US Constitution and our Creator.”
Norton Firearms, Inc. is a strong defender of the US Constitution, not only the 2nd amendment. We believe that a government that restricts it Citizens from executing their Constitutional Rights is no longer a government for the people or by the people. It is our policy not to sell our products or services to any organization that tries to diminish the rights given to us by our US Constitution and our Creator. If you are a government agency with a policy of restricting our Constitutional Rights we ask that you take our tax dollars and spend it somewhere else. I am sure there is some profiteering communist foreign company that will be glad to take our dollars for their gain. We will only sell to law abiding, Citizens and those agencies that truly support and will defend The US Constitution.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Doug Prince of Evolution Weaponry told TheBlaze, “Evolution Weaponry is proud to say you can add us to that list.”
I am a US Army veteran. I received a medical discharge due to combat related injuries after 6 years of service. I am a strong believer in American veterans, the US Constitution and individual liberty. My service to this country is among my greatest accomplishments in my life to this point and I carry what I have learned from that into every endeavor I undertake.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Arizona’s Kiss Tactical’s Facebook page also carries a story about denying a California police officer’s request to purchase an AR-15.
On Saturday I refused to sell a AR-15 rifle to a police officer from California. He came into my shop and wanted to buy his duty gun in AZ because the same gun in his home state would cost him more. I told him that I would not sell him the gun even though he had his department letter saying he was able to buy it. I told him that if the gun was not legal for law abiding men and women in CA, I would not sell it to him. after he told me that “civilians don’t need them type of guns” I asked to leave my shop. as he stomped out mad.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Doublestar Corporation (which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy) will also be unavailable to law enforcement and government agencies in states suppressing citizen’s rights.
Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.
There are also a host of smaller outlets taking a stand.
List Gun Companies Not Selling To Law Enforcement Is Growing Faster
Witness the recent news from Old Grouch’s Military Surplus in North Carolina:
In support of our customers in the state of New York, effective today we are cancelling all orders to any state or municipal government agency customers in the New York and will accept no more. While we can’t stop the trampling of rights that is occurring there, we certainly can make sure we don’t assist in it in any way going forward.

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