
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Exclusive: Super Bowl Rigged, NWO Gun Agenda & Beyonce Ritual: Fritz Springmeier Comments

Super Bowl Superdome in New Orleans had Power-Outage: On Purpose?
Super Bowl Superdome in New Orleans had Power-Outage: On Purpose?
By Staff EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Was the 2013 Super Bowl rigged and pre-orchestrated?
Was Beyonce’s halftime show performance an occult, Satanic Illuminati New World Order ritual?
Was the power-outage done on purpose and used to reroute the game because the NFL thought there was too big a lead by the Ravens over the 49ers?

Were the children of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting present to bolster support for the NWO agenda to disarm citizens to more easily control people in the future?
According to exclusive comments by author Fritz Springmeier to Truthquake News, probably yes.
Here is Springmeier’s explanation:
For those of you who didn’t watch the Super Bowl, but kinda want to hear about it from my perspective…here is my two cents: I went to a restaurant with a 30 foot screen to watch.

I have noticed that the past years of Super Bowl games have been skillfully crafted entertainment…new records being set, strange plays, new things for sure.
I am really suspicious about all this, as it seems to be skillfully orchestrated rather than happening naturally.
This time we had a 35 min. power outage in the stadium, which I note seems to be a theme the Powers [the "Powers that Be" New World Order] want us to experience this year.
Every time a new all-time record is broke, the announcer knows it the split second it happened, and what the past record was and when it was set, etc. For instance, this year when the Raven’s Jacoby Jones, who runs like a gazelle at Olympic sprint speeds, ran a kickoff 109 yards for a touchdown, the second he got to the goal line the announcer already was declaring the 109 yard return to be a new all-time record as if he were prepared ahead of time for the possibility. Later, it was ruled to be a 108 yard return.

There were several themes along with the football entertainment.
The Sandy Hook children’s choir danced while singing in the opening ceremony (promoting gun control), and Beyonce did her occult stuff, dancing on the faces of two women kissing, or if you looked at it another way, a goat head [the representation of the Devil as Baphomet with a goat head and both male and female genitals].
It is sad how easily humanity gives way to pure idol worship, and she was the idol of the moment. The next Hitler will have no problem receiving the worship of the masses.
The other theme strongly promoted was patriotism, the Super Bowl in essence was not entertainment, but promotion of the U.S. military, it was really a military recruiting program showing our overseas heroes and other military personnel in ways that young men and women would want to sign up to be a hero.
This military theme was so strong, I have to ask myself, “What is the next war that they are wanting our unthinking allegiance to support.”
I love America, but I hate how the Powers manipulate people’s love of country to support their crimes against humanity.

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