
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Columbine Killers Considered Hijacking Plane For NYC Attack

By Bill Gheen Joining the list of unusual stories that surround the September 11 attack on America, a new story is emerging of a strange coincidence between the events in New York and the Columbine tragedy. According to articles in the Denver Post, residents of Colorado, and renowned author Stephen King, the columbine killers fantasized about hijacking a plane and crashing it into New York City or the World Trade Towers. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold spent a year planning their self described “Judgment Day” in Columbine. A few years later, one of their sick fantasies has become our nation’s reality.
According to Jacki Tallman, the Public Affairs Officer for the Jefferson County Sheriffs Department, “There was a release of this information in the initial days after the Columbine event.” She said. “The Sheriff read aloud an excerpt of a fantasy thought of one of the killers. The writings he read from were not in Eric Harris’s or Klebold’s journal.” she said. “The excerpt was taken from a collection of their other writings.” The Jefferson County Sheriffs Department is handling the bulk of the Columbine investigation.
This amazing coincidence has been on the minds of several residents close to the Columbine tragedy. “I was aware there was discussion of hijacking a plane and attacking New York City,” said Steven Schweitzberger. Scweitzberger is a resident of Littleton, CO and has followed the Columbine aftermath closely. “There are many parallels in evil deeds,” he says. “Many other people in our community remember the information about the killers wanting to hijack a plane and have been discussing it since Sept. 11.”
Justin Tribble of Sedona, AZ, runs a web site dedicated to the Columbine investigation. His site offers thousands of pages of police documents surrounding the investigation. “I’m not sure if there is reference to that document in the released materials.” he said. “But it is widely discussed and common knowledge locally that they had thought of hijacking a plane and heading for New York.” Link To Tribble Site
An article from the Denver Daily Post, dated Sept. 24, 1999, indicates “Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone disclosed the existence of (Eric) Harris’ diary in the first week after the Columbine High massacre as well as some of its most disturbing contents. He said it showed Harris planning the attack for a year, down to the minute when he and Klebold would “rock and roll.” Their aim was to kill at least 500 Columbine students, murder residents in the surrounding neighborhood, then hijack a plane and crash it in New York City, he said.” The article was written by David Olinger and Peggy Lowe of the Denver Post. Link to the Denver Post
David Cullen, an author and journalist from Denver, confirms the story. “It was announced a few days after the incident.” Cullen said. “I do not think there is any evidence that hijacking a plane was part of their final plan. They just fantasized about it during the year of planning before the attack at Columbine.” He goes on to state that there is an abundance of evidence Harris and Klebold never planned to leave Columbine High alive. Cullen is working on a book about media myths to be released by Random House next year titled “Cloud Over Columbine.” Link to Cullen’s Site
Renowned author Stephen King mentioned the uncanny parallel between Columbine and the WTC disaster in the New York Times on Sept. 23, 2001. While discussing American’s shock at recent events, Mr. King stated “It wouldn’t hurt to remember that the boys who shot up Columbine High School planned to finish their day by hijacking a jetliner and flying it into – yes, that’s right – the World Trade Center. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris weren’t exactly rocket scientists, and the guys who did this didn’t have to be either.” Link to the NY Times
According to Jacki Tallman “The writings do refer to New York City, but not the World Trade Center specifically,” she said. “The writings that were quoted are not part of the journal or diary and those materials have been ordered to be redacted (Not Released) by the judge presiding over the Columbine case.”
Although accounts differ on the actual text of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold’s consideration of hijacking a plane to attack New York City, all sources confirm that such documentation exists. Due to legal restrictions and ongoing investigations, it is unknown if and when then American public will be given access to these documents to explore their entire context.
Source (Gone)
Rense Source Archived

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