
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chris Kyle Shot: The Devil is Dead in Texas

by Scott Creighton
At around 5:30 pm Saturday evening, police found the devil shot dead, probably by his own gun, at a shooting range in Texas.
When I do go face God there is going to be lots of things I will have to account for but killing any of those people is not one of them.” Chris Kyle
His name was Chris Kyle and he was a career sniper on SEAL Team 3 from 1999 to 2009 who bragged that he had killed more people with a sniper rifle than anyone else in our military history (160). The people he killed were mainly Iraqi insurgents, people who resisted our illegal occupation of their country.  Ever see the movie “Red Dawn”? The heroes of that movie are insurgents fighting against a fictional invasion and occupation of this country. Kyle claims that he was so feared in Iraq that the insurgents had a name for him “The Devil of Ramadi“. Like his number of his kills, that aspect of the story of the “American Sniper” changes a bit from one story to the next as well. Kyle and Jessie Ventura got into a little spat a while ago about whether or not one punched the other. Imagine that, two killers turned authors hooking up to promote more book sales.
There is apparently no motive behind his murder and the details of the shooting are sketchy at best. Sound familiar?

Kyle and a friend of his took another military man,  Marine Corps Individual Ready Reserve member Eddie Ray Routh, to a shooting range to try to “help Routh deal with his demons”. Routh allegedly shot Kyle in the back at close range and then killed his friend as well before getting in Kyle’s truck and driving to his home 90 miles away where he was later arrested.
Kyle really liked killing people. After doing it professionally in a country we had no business in, he had someone ghost write a book making him an American Hero for killing people and he started up his own little business training other people to kill even more people.
Kyle’s company is called Craft International and what they do is train police and civilians to do basically what Kyle did in Iraq. They have courses (the next one was scheduled for Mar 1st at the same place he was killed) for various types of shooting, be it long distance or with a handgun and an AR-15 type assault weapon. They also offer a course to corporate executives to make them more aware of their surroundings in the event that the indigenous people of a nation they are visiting decide to whack all the Goldman Sachs executives.
Craft International’s logo is a skull with a sniper cross-hair over one eye. The cross hair in elongated on the bottom making it a cross. When I look at it, it looks remarkable like the symbol of the Knights of Malta, the red cross symbol.
craft knights
What happened yesterday is still pretty much a mystery. The claim is that this active marine was suffering from PTSD and just “flipped out” and shot Kyle. The reality is probably much worse.
Will this be used to help push through some kind of gun-grabbing legislation? Sure it will. Is that why it is was done? Possibly. But there are other possibilities. Was “the devil’ involved in other killings that he couldn’t brag about in ghost written books? Killings a little closer to home and the powers that be decided to close the loop on one chapter while still being able to use his death to promote their agenda? It is very possible. We will probably never know what line Kyle crossed which brought him to that inglorious end. Don’t really want to know.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t random. Kyle did a number of things and had no remorse for them. He was the perfect product of an imperialist military machine that basked in the mythology of his own superiority.
In the might makes right world, Chris Kyle was a celebrity and a hero. He died like he lived, shot by someone in the back, and like his victims, he never saw it coming.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You sir, are one angry and misinformed individual. Chris never said he enjoyed killing anyone. Only a psychopath does that. And Chris was no psychopath. Chris killed in defense of others and himself. He was sent to another country not of his choosing and honored his commitment to his country. He was a man of honor, unlike you. I find you to be anything but a man of honor as you sit at your keyboard and comment on a man you did not know who was willing to fight for others that you are not. I hope that you find your peace in being who you are. Now, you deserve no more of my time nor anyone else's.
