
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Appendix Two: The Programming Sites Some MAJOR MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMING SITES with explanations of their

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Appendix Two: The Programming Sites
Some MAJOR MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMING SITES with explanations of their programming. 
(Fritz Springmeier originally exposed many of these sites in 1993, so it is possible they have made some changes since they were originally exposed. Most of these operated for years, and may still be operating. We are aware of that some of their programming bases have been moved after exposure.) 
Besides these major programming sites, there are countless minor ones. For instance, some of the programming sites for water-beach tortures have been visited by the co-authors, but are not listed. The massive Boeing Plant in the Seatle, WA area with its large amount underground tunnels has been used for programming, as well as the ARCO Beaver Valley Plant in Pennslyvannia. So has the chapel at the Coast Guard Academy at New London , Conn. which was built by A.W. Mellon of the Mellon Illuminati family via their Mellon Foundation.
This list is not put forth as comprehensive. Without question, this list is only the tip of the iceberg.
29 Palms, CA  Area 51 (Dreamland, Groom Lake ), NV--Area 51 is also known as Dreamland. There are a number of extensive underground facilities in the area. This was one of the first genetic research facilities in the U.S. and perhaps the first major genetic research facility. The people/workers & victims are brought in by airplane and tube shuttle. The worst cases of UFO/alien type of Monarch programming is coming out of Area 51. The eggs from slaves are being harvested and weird genetic creatures are being developed from human eggs which have been genetically mixed with other things. 
Bethseda , MD --The Bethesada Naval Hospital  Bingham , UT --A red brick house, which was a closed House of Prostitution. The building was used for KKK programming. Child porn was produced in the basement, and upstairs programmed child slaves serviced KKK members. The KKK activity in the area connects in with the Illuminati controlled Kennecott Copper Co. (aka Utah Copper Co.) Russell G. Frazer, head of Bingham’s Klavern & doctor for Kennecott Copper Co. did the electro-shock to split personalities. 
Black Forest, Germany--Because the U.S-U.K. and Germany do so much programming, and some of the people in the U.S. were programmed in the U.K., Germany or Russia, it is worthwhile to mention some of the German programming sites.  A number of witnesses report about castles in the Black Forest which are used for programming & ritual.
Basal, Sw. on the border with Germany is a important Illuminati center.
Frankfurt , Berlin and Zurich are all important programming/ritual sites. The Jesuits and the Catholic churches are very active in programming in Germany . 
Boulder , CO --The headquarters for EMC, a type of electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves. 
Butner , N.C. -- Center of Correctional Research , all types of mind control are carried out and experimented with on the inmates. 
Camp Peary , VA --The CIA’s The Farm is located on a narrow strip of land between the York & James Rivers near Williamsburg , VA , used for programming CIA slaves. It has red brick buildings, and looks similar to a small college. The official crytonym was ISOLATION. People who are brought in who don’t know where they are for training are called Black Trainees. 
China Lake Naval Research Base (Inyokern), CA--This facility had a country store, and hangers, and a hospital (address for the hospital is the code- 232 Naval Air Weapons Station) which all provided sites for programming. This site has been operational since the early 1950s. Large numbers of children (batches of 1000 or 2,000 or 3,000 children were run through this facility at a time. This facility did much of the original traumas and mind-splitting tortures that created the MPD. Other facilities then specialized in further programming that was then layered in on top of the original China Lake programming. A great deal of dehumanization in cages was done to large numbers of tiny children at China Lake Naval Facility.
Nimitz Hospital did drug testing of the children prior to their programming. 
Colorado Springs , CO --The ALEX system programming and end-times Military programming is coming out of Colorado Springs and is connected to NORAD. One of the Colorado sites is doing alien programming with mock UFOs. 
Dillsboro Nike Base--Monarch programming of many kinds 
Disneyland , CA -- Disneyland has been an off hour site for Illuminati and satanic rituals for years. Programming has gone on using Disneyland as one big prop for programming. Many of the Disney movies are used for programming, and some Disney scripts are especially tailored for Monarch slave programming. The Peter Pan programming can use the ship. The space programming can use the space props. The satanic programming can use the castles. Lots of mirror programming is done at Disneyland , and Disneyworld . There is also Magic Mountain programming, and programming using the Around the World Dolls, and its theme song. Some of Wizard of Oz and the Cinderella programming was also done at Disneyland using costumes. Preverbal children are taken to Disneyland to get them ready for the scripts. 
Disneyworld , FL -- Disneyworld was created as the eastern counterpart to the Disneyland programming site. One of the rides in Disneyworld plays "It’s a small, small world" which is Disneyland developed programming theme. 
Ft. Campbell , KT--Base programs are placed in here. 
Ft. Detrick , MD --involved with medical/biological experimentation 
Ft. Holabird , MD --This site is no longer in existence, but was the Army Intelligence School . CIC used the school. The place was known as "the Bird." 
Ft. Hood , TX --programming involving military uses of Delta Monarch slaves was done here. 
Ft. Huahuachua , AZ --HQ for Army Intelligence. 
Ft. Knox , KT --The 1st Earth Batt. was developed here. 
Ft. Lewis , WA --involved with the Psychic warfare part of the Monarch Programming. 
Ft. McClellen -- Ft. Meade , MD --The National Security Agency was created on 4 Nov 1952 . Its headquarters were Fort Meade , VA. The National Security Agency (NSA) employs tens of thousands of employees and has a budget larger than the CIA. It has also been kept far more secret, while the CIA has been used as the fall guy to protect the National Security Agency’s reputation.
In the late 1960’s, under Operation Minaret and Program Shamrock, the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ began monitoring much of the communication within the USA and UK .  The NSA monitors all American calls via computers using trip words, specific names, specific addresses, specific telephone numbers, etc. NSA has several computer to record all the millions of conversations which the computers have examined and deemed worthy of recording. How the NSA can get any use out of millions of recorded telephone conversations is beyond me? What intelligence agency could adequately process so much information? These organizations now monitor all communications within both countries. At least one congressman got upset that his phone was bugged by the NSA. (see David Corn’s article, "The case of the bugged senator" in Nation, Feb. 6, ‘89 , p. 152.)
NSA has developed a fiberoptics network called Internet computer network. An orange book is used to specify some of the NSA’s security levels. An informant in the National Security Agency states that establishment newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are used to communicate secret messages which are placed within want ads, buzz words in editorials, and via other methods. Because of some of what this person told me, I have given some possible examples in this newsletter of how people might be using the papers for secret messages. For instance using Michael Jackson with his hands making some type of sign might be a signal.
Manfried Adler and the US Senate Committee investigating the CIA found that 90% of the CIA’s secret messages are transmitted via the media, with the aid of coded texts and pictures. A raised forefinger or two raised forefingers while a speaker is talking means that the message is a Masonic message coming from a Masonic speaker.
The Illuminati uses code words within the large establishment papers to warn their people what they are going to do with the economy. In this way, people in the Illuminati can take appropriate responses. 
Goddard Space Flight Center--NASA mirror-theme programming 
Grissom AFB, IND--  Hollywood, CA--One of the programmers/handlers in the Hollywood area is surprisingly Anton LaVey. This is one reason Anton LaVey has followers who will carry out his very wishes. LaVey’s children of course were programmed too. His own girls have been participating in the nude in satanic rituals since little children. 
Homestead AFB, FL--  Kirkland AFB, NM--Lampe, MO--This has been the site of a CIA near-death trauma center where slaves are programmed. It is an R&R center for the CIA where they can have any sexual perversion or drug they want. This has been a large cocaine supply depot also. Hal Meadows was director of this center which is deep in the woods surrounded by cabin chalets overlooking a small deep lake. A gravel road leads to the site which is fenced and well-guarded. Hal Meadows address was Box 27, Lampe, MO 65681. 
Langley, VA-- Slaves for the wants of intelligence. 
Las Vegas (sites in and around Las Vegas), NV--MGM’s Grand Hotel and Theme park were built for programming, but there are also some sites outside of the city used. In the general area of Las Vegas in remote sites, the elite gather for slave auctions once a year where Monarch slaves are sold and traded. One of the favorite slave auction sites was 20 miles out of Las Vegas and 10 miles off the main road into the site. The Mob is involved with Monarch slaves in Las Vegas. A blue-eyed 11 year old girl will go for $50,000.
Toronto, Canada is another regular site for Monarch slave auctions. 
McClellan AFB, CA - Very bad Child and adult porn using Monarch victims is distributed through this base as well as the other bases listed in this list. A T.W. Sanderson worked with Monarchs at this base. 
MacDill AFB, FL --Near Tampa, FL 
Maxwell AFB, AL -- 
Montreal, Que., Canada -McGill Univ., McGill Psychiatric Training Network, Allan Memorial Inst., St. Mary’s Hosp.- The Zombie Room (Sleep Room) in the basement, the Isolation chamber and the Grid Room at St. Mary’s Hospital were used for programming. 
Mt. Shasta, CA--Underground facilities around this huge mountain in the Lake Shasta area are putting out Monarch programming that makes the people think they are in communication with aliens. This facility is for torturing & reprogramming captured runaway Monarch slaves. People are brought into the area via helicopter, plane, or flying saucer. This site is probably the largest mind-control programming center. It is in a remote wooded area. It is heavily guarded, has fences, and a large contingent of black helicopters. Mt. Shasta is equipped with state of the art high tech programming equipment. Mind-controlled slaves who are soldiers are programmed and trained at the Mt. Shasta facility. 
Nashville, TN--These sites work with the Country Western Music Industry which is actually a CIA front for moving drugs to finance their dirty black activities. Fiddler’s Inn, Nashville fits in with the Monarch Programming. 
Papillion, NE-- 
Patrick AFB,--Portland (Old OMSI, New OMSI, Bldg. Near Monarch Hotel at 8800 SE Sunnyside Rd., Mormon Temple, etc.), OR. The Old OMSI building had a back door on the west side in which slaves were taken in to the bottom floor and reprogrammed. Although security guards aren’t visible, they are there with electronic surveillance. The people running OMSI are tied in the Illuminati. The DC-3 airplane outside of the building was used in the programming as a hypnotic trigger. The submarine docked outside of the new OMSI building is also used as a programming hypnotic tool. The new Mormon Temple has an extremely high tech underground tunnel facility for programming built underneath it. Witnesses have collaborated their testimony on this high tech programming site under the Portland Mormon Temple. Although building plans are to be public information, the city of Lake Oswego makes it very difficult to view the temple’s building plans. The plans show that the foundation walls are far thicker than any conceivable earthquake would ever call for. The reason is that the foundation helps house an underground arena for the Illuminati & and their guests to watch perverse shows. 
Presideo, CA (incl. Alcatraz, San Francisco)-- The Illuminati and various Satanic cults used the Presideo for their programming. Split-brain & other programming was done at Letterman hospital. Fort Point was used for Illuminati ritual & programming, as well as a number of churches, underground gun emplacements and the large circular Greek column art building at the Presideo. Alcatraz, abandoned as a prison, was used for water tortures and other programming. Tunnels connected buildings, and the Mule/Horse buildings and the cemetery also were used. This is one of the older programming sites. Psychic warfare activity also was experimented on in this area. Letterman Hospital has been used for the initial drug testing of the infants before programming. Lots of isolation programming in damp cold places was done at the Presideo. Lots of porn and military programming have also been done here. 
Redstone Arsenal, AL-- 
San Antonio, TX-- 
Salt Lake City (Mormon Temple)--This underground facility works in conjunction with the Mormon hierarchy who are allowed to create slaves. The Illuminati put in base programming that still gives them ultimate control beyond the control that the Mormon programming has. 
Scotty’s Castle, Death Valley, CA-Mengele (Dr.Green) programmed in some of his "internal boxes" as well as other Illuminati programming was done at this site. Mengele had a large circular red bed in the castle which he stocked with his little girl slaves, who already had kitten sexual alters.  Scotty’s Castle is a castle located in Death Valley CA. It has a very interesting history. To reach the castle one is required to drive through many miles of desert. If one drives to lnyo County, CA, the same county that has China Lake Naval Testing Grounds, and Inyokern, and then you drive on Hwy. 190 into Death Valley National Monument (it is not a park or forest, dead valleys are called monuments), next you go north on a road after Stove Pipe for 35 miles. 
The man who built Scotty’s Castle was Walter Perry Scott (1872-1954). Walter P. Scott was the son of an alcohol distiller and horse breeder in Kentucky. Walter did not get any formal education. He left home and went west where he worked as a mule driver, and a water boy. From there he became a horse wrangler. Because of his talent with horses Buffalo Bill made him the feature rider along with Annie Oakley in Buffalo Bill’s family show. The show travelled and Scotty was with it eleven years. During this time, Scotty made many important friendships with men of power and wealth. In 1900, Walter married and left the show. He got a loan from Julian Gerard, a NY banker, to go prospecting for gold which he failed to pay back. Julian Gerard was repeatedly sending people to hassle Scotty to get his money back. In 1905, Walter Scott ("Scotty") scattered gold nuggets and $100 bills from N.Y. to L.A. Where he got all this gold and $100 bills is a mystery, but it wasn’t from prospecting. The idea of finding a secret mine was very obviously a cover for however Scotty managed to get his money. Scotty is well-known for his penchant to throw away $20 gold pieces as if they were candy wherever he went.  Nobody believed he had a mine, strangely the IRS never got interested in Scotty. Why?
The IRS went after Charles Caughlin who was exposing the elite, the bankers, the Freemasons, etc. in the early 1930’s on his radio show. There was no reason to suspect Caughlin of any cheating on his Income Tax, and the audits found the IRS actually owed Caughlin money. However the national papers printed front page stories of the IRS investigation, and practically ignored that the man was exonerated. Yet, the IRS left Scotty alone. Hmmm. 
Although Scotty was married, he became intimate friends with Albert Mussey Johnson (1872-1948), a Chicago millionaire, who was v.p. from 1906 to 1926 of the National Life Insurance Co. Albert M. Johnson was born in Ohio, and lived in Arkansas and Missouri before moving to Chicago. Johnson came out and stayed in Death Valley. The stay helped his health, and he and Scotty remained close friends.  In 1924, construction secretly began on a castle in Death Valley. The best of materials were used and the materials had to be hauled clear out in the desert by truck to Grapevine Canyon where the castle sits. Hundreds of workers were hired. The castle got its kitchen tiles from Spain. Special rugs were made on the European island of Majorca for the castle. Tiles for the incompleted pool came from the Mediterranean. Many of the furnishing of the castle came from cathedrals and palaces in Spain and Morocco. Draperies made for the castle were hand-tooled in selected sheepskin leather. Sixty hand-carved panels, each of a different design, were installed in the music-room ceiling. A Welte Mignon organ reported to have cost $160,000 --the finest of its kind in Western United States was placed in the music room, even though Scotty could not play the organ. Twelve bathrooms were installed. Several kitchens were installed. Tunnels and secret rooms were built under the buildings. Around $2 million (dollars of that time period) were spent on building the castle, supposedly from Scotty’s "gold mine." The castle became known as Scotty’s Castle. It is ideal as a Satanic ritual site. It can accommodate numerous people. It is remote. It has hidden rooms and areas and tunnels.
Tavistock, England--This has been the primary programming center for England. The Rothschild programmers work out of Tavistock. A large number of slaves in America have been programmed there. Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.ll. Under the supervision of London’s W Board & 20 Committee MI6 and MIS’s Section BIA ran double agents and mind-controlled spies/couriers during W.W. II.  MI6 has had an office at Century House, No. 100, Westminster Bridge Road. MI5 offices have been in part on Curzon St. MI5 has operated behind a number of fronts, incl. their fake travel agency Casuro Holidays. MI-5’s address for mail is Room 055, The War Office, London. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS.  The British government has had their own telephone exchange with a 222 prefix, which was later linked to another secret exchange YTAN. Outsiders could dial 222 8080 to get into the secret govt. exchange.
Men like mind-control expert/hypnotist Eric Trist worked for Tavistock. A six-man team which wore black berets also helped w/ mind control at Tavistock. Two people who became terrorists after their visits to Tavistock are Angela Davis and Stockley Carmichael who went to a conference at Tavistock entitled Dialectics of Liberation in 1967.  Its main building is a bland 6-story building.
The address is The Training Office, The Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London, UK NWs SBA. Tel. no. 071-435 7111. The chief exec. is Anton Obholzer. The Chair of Prof. Comm. is Nicholas Temple. Both are skilled in psychology.  The Tavistock Clinic was founded in 1920, and in 1946 the Tavistock Institute was created as an independent body to assist the Tavistock Clinic. The Institute does more of the research.
The Royal Free Hospital at the University of London works with Tavistock Clinic, as well as the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University. A large number of Britian’s psychologist, social workers and police get their training at Tavistock. Tavistock has set themselves up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID). In other words, the primary programming site, is pretending to be the leading institution trying to solve the problem! That’s a good cover.
Tinker, AFB, OK--Tinkerbell programming is carried out here. This programming makes alters think they are like Tinkerbell in that they will never grow up or age. 
Titusville, FL--At the Kennedy Space Center. Mind control testing is done, and base programming such as the Wizard of Oz programming is done here. Also NASA high tech programming is done here. 
Tulsa, OK—Believed to have an Alice In Wonderland theme to their programming. Oral Roberts University is used for programming. The programming to infiltrate and capture the Christian church via the healing/charismatic movement has centered around Tulsa and Oral Roberts University. 
Utah State Prison--The prison has carried out mind control for over 30 years on their inmates for the intelligence agencies with the help of the U.S. government’s power to cover it up. 
Versailles, IL—Brain implants are put into Monarchs here. 
Washington, D.C. area--The basement of the Pentagon and other facilities around Washington D.C. such as the Jesuit Georgetown Univ. Hosp. are involved with Mind-Control. Presidential Models are moving in and out of Washington, D.C. carrying messages and performing their sexual acts for the lusts of politicians. There is also a NASA Mind-control Programming Center in Washington D.C. Secret tunnels connect the White House to other buildings. These tunnels are used to bring in slaves. Some secret rooms in the lower White House are set aside for rituals. 
Wright-Patterson AFB--Near Dayton, OH, Virtual reality programming is carried out here. 
Youngstown, OH--The Youngstown Charm School has been run by Illuminatus Prosser Seward Mellon along with a U.S. Congressman named Jim Trafficant. The old stone building originally belonged to one of the railroad elite. This school is for Beta models and gives them advance sexual charm training. This school produces about 6 new Monarch slaves every three days. Mafia deals are carried out on the second floor of the charm school. A slave who is being trained/programmed at the Charm school will take a course that last a few days. The first day may be spent hanging in a dungeon which was once a basement wine cellar. The torture dungeon has all the traditional torture devices, a stretching rack, whips, hanging chains, etc. In the dungeon rooms were a black Nubian goat "Satan", a small donkey "Nester’, and a small white pony "Trigger", as well as dogs and snakes. The slave is taught silence in the dungeon as they are subjected to bestiality. 
 Building near the Presideo used for Mother-of-Darkness rituals.
 The 6th Army HQ at the Presideo
 Oak Tree At The Presideo
Building Near The Presideo
 Fort Point, Presideo
Mule Barns 
Cemetary at The Presideo
A Church At The Presideo
 Across The Bay From The Presideo
 Mother Of Darkness Castle, Belgium
Building In Washington
Mother of Darkness Castle We have just touched the surface of the vest network of programming sites. Two examples of an entire series of programming sites--(1) the Coast to Coast campground resorts and (2), the Jesuit-run institutions, which are often programming sites incl. Jesuit College, WV. An example of the former is the Park City Diamond Caverns.
KT Coast to Coast resort, which has had a sensory deprivation tank, headphones for state of the art harmonic programming. etc. These membership camp sites are used to program children. Nor have we touched upon the large numbers of programmed Russians & Eastern Europeans that are coming Into this nation. When this book was written more people immigrated to the U.S. from Russia than anywhere else. Europe is teeming with programming sites, including the Vatican .
Sebulun Zuflucht in Marienheide , Germany is about the only European attempt at deprogramming.

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