
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The A-Rod Files: Every Mention of the Yankees Slugger in Tony Bosch's Records

By Tim Elfrink
Published Tue., Jan. 29 2013 at 10:28 AM     
photo via Wikimedia Commons by Keith Allison
This week, New Times takes you inside Biogenesis, an anti-aging clinic in Coral Gables run by Miami entrepreneur Anthony Bosch. His name is familiar to sports fans because he and his father, Dr. Pedro Bosch, were probed by authorities in 2009 when Manny Ramirez was suspended for violating baseball's drug rules.

An extraordinary cache of Bosch's records suggests that Bosch has been supplying performance-enhancing drugs to some of the biggest names in sports, including Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez. Click through for a full look at all of A-Rod's appearances in Bosch's files.

See also:
-- A Miami Clinic Supplies Drugs to Sports' Biggest Names

Update: A-Rod has responded to our story, sending a statement to the New York Post's Joel Sherman: "The news report about a purported relationship between Alex Rodriguez and Anthony Bosch are not true. Alex Rodriguez was not Mr. Bosch's patient, he was never treated by him and he was never advised by him. The purported documents referenced in the story -- at least as they relate to Alex Rodriguez -- are not legitimate."

Gio Gonzalez has also issued a denial via Twitter: "I've never used performance enhancing drugs of any kind and I never will ,I've never met or spoken with tony Bosch or used any substance."

First, a word about the records. New Times reviewed a wide range of Biogenesis files, from a neatly kept spreadsheet of patients dated June 2012 to folders of loose documents. There are also daily logs of visitors and, most important, Tony Bosch's personal notebooks from 2009 through 2012.

In all, we reviewed 256 pages of handwritten notes from Bosch, a half-dozen full patient files, and more than 100 pages of other business documents from Biogenesis.

How did we authenticate the records? New Times called dozens of numbers from client lists and Bosch's personal notebooks. Virtually everyone we spoke with acknowledged their involvement with the clinic or politely declined to comment. There wasn't a single denial. We also spoke to six clients who confirmed that their information -- as recorded in the records -- was accurate. Two former Biogenesis employees described intimate details of the clinic and its business.

Bosch's personal notebooks also check out in every other respect. Scrawled numbers to diagnostic clinics reach diagnostic clinics. Details about Bosch's family life, business plans, and debts match public records.

Alex Rodriguez appears 16 times in the documents we reviewed. His name is recorded as "Alex Rod" or "Alex R." or by his nickname at the clinic, "Cacique." This is particularly interesting because on ESPN, he acknowledged using PEDs but said he stopped in 2003.

It's also important to note that Rodriguez's cousin, Miami resident Yuri Sucart, frequently appears in the same records on the same days as Rodriguez. Sucart has been identified in the past as Rodriguez's source for performance-enhancing drugs.

Now, to the records. We have redacted names that don't appear multiple times in the records or who couldn't be confirmed outside the records in some way. Also left out are regular clients whose names we did not believe to be newsworthy. More records will be posted on Riptide over the next few days.

First, Biogenesis's client list as of June 2012 includes a number of ballplayers, as well as their nicknames used by Bosch in his personal notebooks. A-Rod was "Cacique":

This entry is from a Bosch notebook labeled "2009":

As is this:

And this:


This comes from Bosch's notebook labeled "2010":

As does this:

This comes from Bosch's "2011" notebook:

As does this:

This is from the "2012" notebook:

As is this:


This is also from the "2012" notebook:

As is this:

This comes from a file of documents from the office:

As does this:

And finally, this as well:

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