
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Surf’s up! Obamas taking $4 million Hawaiian vacation as America plunges over fiscal cliff     

Surf’s up! Obamas taking $4 million Hawaiian vacation as America plunges over fiscal cliff

As Twitchy reported earlier, despite the fast-approaching fiscal cliff, President Obama can’t be troubled to meet with Congressional leaders. Well, it looks like the country will have to wait a little longer for even a halfhearted show of leadership. While the president is threatening Americans that Republicans will steal their $2000, he’s preparing to embark on a three-week, $4 million Hawaiian vacation. Funded by taxpayers, of course.
The Hawaii Reporter estimates that the total cost of the vacation to Hawaii and federal taxpayers, including funding for travel, staff and protection, is at least $4 million. Obama’s vacations are more expensive than those of previous presidents because of the huge costs to fly Air Force One and an accompanying cargo plane for nine hours or so to Hawaii.
The trip is set for December 17 to January 6. We’re set to reach the edge of the fiscal cliff on January 2. As Obama and the Democrats’ irresponsible policies send us hurtling toward economic disaster, the president and his family will be enjoying their pu pu platters. Maybe they’ll even do a little cliff diving of their own!
Conservatives are absolutely livid:
While Obama’s reckless disregard for Americans’ welfare is nothing short of infuriating — and downright disgusting — this Twitterer does make an interesting point:

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