
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Krampus Virus: The Demonic Echo In The Saturnalian Matrix 

Krampus Virus: The Demonic Echo In The Saturnalian Matrix

Krampus Virus: The Demonic Echo In The Saturnalian Matrix


I know that the terror and sadness of the sacrificing of innocent children has dominated the news and how each one of those children has become exploited for political witchcraft. I know that some people may feel that when I call it that it may be considered insensitive however in my further reading of other stories I am wondering about why we are seeing so many synchronicities happening during these times that can be considered a Jon bar Hinge. These are moments in history where we change the course of human history in move into a new paradigm or “program.”
It was of great interest to me that University of Washington physics professor Martin Savage, and physics graduate student Zohreh Davoudi published a paper on how to test if the universe is a massive computer simulation. I stopped for a moment and contemplated what Peter Gersten had said on my show about how that as he was reaching his 70th year of life he was convinced that what was happening in the world around him was a simulation, like what is seen in the Matrix or in the Truman show.
He spoke of how we see some mathematical synchronicities in most major events and that everything falls into place in some weird synchronicity. He actually was concurring with another guest I had on the show, Alan Addadessa Green that there seems to be a lot of mathematical and obvious synchronicity that changes the way we view things and unless you know what is going on you tend to remain in an emotional state of panic and may do things that you wouldn’t normally do in situations that are dire.
The theory of the simulated Matrix by Savage can be found in his thesis “Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation.” It is actually about the simulation argument, which was first put forth in 2003 by University of Oxford philosophy professor Nick Bostrom.
A UW News posting explaining Savage’s paper has gotten more than 100,000 page views in a week and ignited theories about the nature of reality and consciousness, the limits on computer networks and musings about what our future selves might be like.
The idea is that we are actually a simulation that is being played back on large computers of the future and we are being looked after and programmed by our progeny. It is an idea that we are a simulated program that has been created in the future by our descendants.
Bostrom, the Oxford professor, first proposed the idea that we live in a computer simulation in 2003. In a 2006 article, he said there was probably no way to know for certain if it is true. Savage — who describes his “day job” as doing numerical simulations of lattice quantum chromodynamics — said a chance discussion among colleagues sparked the idea that there was a way to test the truth of Bostrom’s theory.
And although it might deviate from the work he usually does, it was a worthy question because “there are lots of things about our universe we don’t fully understand,” Savage said. “This is certainly a different scenario for how our universe works — but nonetheless, it’s quite plausible.”
In the paper, the physicists propose looking for a “signature,” or pattern, in our universe that also occurs in current small-scale computer simulations. One such pattern might be a limitation in the energy of cosmic rays.
If our world is a computer simulation, “the highest-energy cosmic rays would not travel along the edges of the lattice in the model but would travel diagonally, and they would not interact equally in all directions as they otherwise would be expected to do. In other words, even supercomputers capable of creating a simulation of the universe would be hobbled by finite resources, and one way we might be able to detect those limits is to look for cosmic rays that don’t travel the way they would be expected to travel. This could explain why there are glitches in the way we live, déjà vu and the appearances of ghosts and monsters. The grid could easily burp out some profane forms and we have to deal with them. This leads to some remarkable can compelling explanations for why we believe certain myths and why they manifest at times without warning.
This all reminds me of the scene in the movie ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ where the character Persephone explains that horrible things that happen in the matrix are basically old programs coming back. It is like they are haunting the matrix with things like Ghosts and Vampires and other such monsters that we can’t explain.
Between Agent Smith, Persephone, and the Architect’s explanations, we learn that the Matrix or “program” or “paradigm” was the third version of the Matrix. Agent Smith who takes on the personification of Saturn, or SATAN explains the first one. He tells Morpheus that it was a paradise matrix where every human got everything they wanted. The human mind rejected that version as too unreal so that version was decommissioned.
The second version is a little more mysterious, since we have to wade through the Architect’s dialog to get to it. It was a matrix where the machines tried to build in the concept of cause and effect. This is the matrix where The Merovingian came into play a more Luciferian type of manipulator. Persephone mentions that many of his henchman came from an “older version” of the matrix. They were like the fallen ones, the agents and what we would call the demons in our program if we can permit this type on open thought. This second matrix was a “nightmare” world, the exact opposite of the paradise world. It was populated by all of the horrors from the human psyche.
Presumably, this was the machine’s natural reaction to the first failure do everything exactly the opposite. In that matrix, all of the fantasy monsters from our mythologies were real.
Then the third was made in order to respond to the extremes. In the third, current matrix, the Oracle introduced the concept of choice or “free will”, allowing the attached minds to behave on their own. That was the final key element that kept the humans invested in the illusion.
There are things in this world that are unexplainable and there are things that really cannot be answered with logic alone. As much as the skeptics want to try and damn those who question official accounts of what is happening around us, there are those who see synchronicities as evidence that perhaps we live in some simulated world. Perhaps we live in some elaborate computer construct where things don’t always happen the way we have always though they did.
After the Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings there are still many people who wish to argue the emotional conflict they have over being insensitive because they want to continue having guns and there are those who have allowed the tragedy to take over their emotional control and allow for those in power to use the dead children as political tools as they did anciently.
If we are living in a simulated program then we are seeing some old programs trying to insert themselves into the matrix. We are seeing old phantoms appear and use their influence try to create a simulation that is frightening and keeps us transfixed as we feel helpless to fight what is simply the darkest tulpa or thought form that comes from the apocalypse or dark night of the soul.
The quantum entanglements that science is trying to identify could very well demonstrate the idea that if advanced computers are simulating what we call life then we can admit that the world demonstrates some technological echo that is indistinguishable from magic and controls on time and synchronicity is an art that when seen can mesmerize and illuminate.
The magic I speak of can mean so many things to different people. People can
perceive a brighter future, and the magic of the potentiality that exists in all new years.
There is always a superficial ray of hope with a New Year and century. We can
all rationalize that if we go beyond an imaginary Mayan due date, we may have another year or ten to try and make things right in the world.
We have been exhorted to be environmentally aware, to be aware of terrorists, to be prayerful, to avoid fatty foods and to spiritualize sacrifice. However, the sacrifices we are being asked to spiritualize are destroying human values and ignoring human basic needs to be safe and secure in our lives. In our so called spiritual quest for sacrifice we forget that any sacrifice that aims to destroy human life and safety should be avoided.When we see school shootings and mass death and in the case of Sandy Hook we see the slaughter of innocents we have to pause and understand that this is all part of the “old program” in the simulation.
We are all be part of the process of human alchemy, as the shadow government assembles its death machine like a doting father assembles a child’s bicycle on Christmas Eve.
We are shown that the sacrifice is for the greater good of the “party” to use Orwellian vernacular. The party wants your guns, and in the process of the alchemical manipulation you are compelled to give them up.
I was contemplating the irony of how we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, at
a time when human sacrifices had usually been made to the sun god Molech. Jesus
was a child that was born as a potential sacrifice. He was betrayed by one of his twelve apostles, which left him one short of twelve. At the time of the birth of Christ there was an account of the murder of the first born. Herod commanded the deaths of first born children in Bethlehem In the hope of killing the Christ child.
The sacrificial rite while looked upon anciently as savage may not have escaped us because here we are some 2000 years later and we are again in the midst of a slaughter of children, this time it is a demonic echo in the Saturnalian Matrix.
We are already giving the elite the power hold on our faith, hoping that they will lead us and guide us to relief from what is plaguing us.
That is all that is needed for the alchemical initiation to begin.
Some people say that only the mentally ill believe in the end of the world. Well, it may not happen tomorrow, it may not happen in on December 21st, 2012 but give it a few years and we will see exactly what the destruction of the innocent is all about. We will see small indications of how the children will be destroyed in many ways.
Many children will disappear, and others that have been taken will scream from their
graves and will be found in the most horrifying conditions.
Many of us now have already been baited into an enslaved apocalypse. People have
already accepted their future and potential obeisance to a system of enslavement. Who
needs to say they haven’t accepted the mark of the beast when it is obvious that we
already have? We did it to ourselves, our children and to their future.
We have fallen into this social trance. We are sleepwalking off the plank into the pit of our own extinction level event.
First, the demonic phantoms come for the children, the old and infirm and later others disappear and the culling of all the innocent become common place as the political warlocks first disarm you emotionally and then move in for the weapons you build in order to protect yourself.
We are living in an old phantom program. The spirit of the times is past, present and future simultaneously and the old legendary demons buried deep in the unconscious are returning and causing distress.
History always seems to reflect what might come in the future, and, as the draped and hooded ghost of Christmas future shows us with his bony hand, the religious trappings of the holiday could very well be taken away with the old idea of sacrificing the child to the demons of winter in hopes that we will find prosperity.
Christmas in its present state has managed to keep darkness and evil at bay. However, after the shootings at Sandy Hook there seems to be a hole in the veil that is allowing these creatures to make a return to the present. This of course can be used as a metaphor or if you are believer in monsters you can believe what you will.
The secret demon that does harm to children during the holidays is known as KRAMPUS. Krampus is a German word for “hook” or “claw.” He is an incubus that comes in the night. His claws were covered in dirt and Krampus was originally known as the demon with the sandy “claws” – or sandy “hooks.” The name evolved into the English Santa Claus. Sandy Claws or Krampus had huge sticks he would use to beat unruly children; some were put into sacks and tossed into the river. Others were left at the home and there were times when Krampus would punish the mother of children, blaming them for their bad behavior.
Creatures like Krampus have somehow become evil egregores that are taking shape again because of war, poverty and the need for government control. The term egregore is an occult term where a group of people have developed a thought form. The thought form becomes material in the real world and as an entity becomes an autonomous threat that eventually manifests by means of quantum entanglement.
The Yule was originally set aside as a time to offer a child sacrifice to the horned god, Pope Gregory .advised Saint Augustine to allow his converts certain festivals. as formerly they had done this in honor of the devil. Saint Augustine permitted their usual December celebration under the new name. These early pagan Ceremonies are derived from many of the English holiday customs that have survived to this day.
The name of Nicholas given to the red suited bearded man has also been derived from devilish origins because Old Nick was always known anciently as the devil. The name Nick is taken from the old European name Nikken meaning to murder or slay inferring the old saying that Satan was actually the murderer from the beginning.
There is also the legend of Baal’s Nick or Belsnickel the murdering assassin of Baal, the horned God of sacrifice.
If you open the bible to Isaiah chapter 57:5 you read about the ancients placing idols
of worship under a tree. They inflame themselves under near the evergreen trees and
sacrifice their children in the sanctuaries in front on idols. They did so in valley of Ben Hinnom. In the 1920’s an explorer had found 6000 funerary Urns in Carthage. They
were sacrificed in the sanctuary of Tanit.
It was believed that the children were killed in order to provide safety from evil entities and to insure that the Sun would return. This would bring peace and good will to all men according to the ancients. In the sanctuaries was a large stone idol. It had the head of a horned bull. The horned god had arms where the child would be placed. Ropes and pulleys would raise the arms to heaven. The child would then fall out of the arms into a pile of burning oak. This was the gift under the trees. The gift to Moloch would be an exchange for the birth of the Sun, or “Sol Invictus’ the unconquered sun.
Most people do not know of Moloch unless they are familiar with the “cremation of dull care” ceremonies at the Bohemian Grove.
Many of our leaders today go to this area of Northern California as a retreat. The event includes a mock child sacrifice to a stone owl that is believed to represent Moloch. The sacrifice is done under evergreen trees.
Moloch represents Saturn, and Christmas happens to be during Saturnalia. Krampus
traditionally would murder the bad children by throwing them in his sack or hiding them
in a basket to drown or beat to death later. Some people believe that the idiom “going to hell in a hand basket” is from the legends of Krampus.
It is important to note that as we prepare for the dark solstice there is the tradition of the return of the dark father known as Saturn who also is connected to Satan in his many functions. Saturn of course is in another pantheon known as Kronos the father of time.
The Saturnalia festivities are deeply rooted in the festival of the New Year or the new sun. It is the way to take a negative influence and change it into a positive. Saturn was always considered a negative influence and is intrinsically associated with man’s limitations, death, blight and decay.
Father Time has always been depicted as a white haired bearded entity that carries an hour glass and scythe. The bearded father time looks like a mirrored version of Santa or Ruebezahl the entity that would gather the children for the Yule sacrifice.
Traditional depictions of the Grim reaper come from the image of father time and are a reminder of man’s mortality.
The celebration of Christmas has always been centered on children. It is unfortunate
that the frills of Christmas were like bait and trappings for something sinister in the
past. It can be argued that Christmas is a training ground for great disappointment and
The anagram for Santa is unfortunately Satan, the devil, the deceiver. It is ironic that one tradition that never gets lost on children is finding out the truth about Santa. It is always someone you don’t trust, a deceiver who tells you there is no Santa and someone you love and trust that tells you there is.
Christmas originally as Saturnalia was a celebration of death, necromancy and blood sacrifice. It was designated as a time to make offerings to the dark father Kronos or Saturn in order to pay for the sun to return again. The return of the sun—or is It the second coming of a “son.”I am sure the metaphor of the second coming of the light that is something that we hope incarnates in this simulation of what we are told I the human experience. That will be the signal that it is time to renew and start up another version of the matrix.

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