
Friday, January 25, 2013

Hillary’s long-awaited Benghazi testimony Hillary’s ‘Double Vision’ seems to be catching in Obama Administration

Hillary’s long-awaited Benghazi testimony

Hillary’s ‘Double Vision’ seems to be catching in Obama Administration

- Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives)  Friday, January 25, 2013 
Today’s mainstream media ‘scoops’ are written by nincompoops.
Proof of it comes in the headlines the day after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Senate ‘testimony’ about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya and what and when the administration for which she works knew:
“Daily News analysis points out the Secretary of State may suffer from vision impairments following a concussion and blood clot near her brain.”
“Is Hillary seeing double?” the newspaper asks.
Could be.  She testified in doublespeak leaving more questions than answers during Wednesday’s testimony.
Never has more tea and sympathy been laid on a Secretary of State during whose watch four Americans died without any response to their repeated calls for help.
“A close inspection of Hillary Clinton’s glasses worn during her Wednesday testimony on Benghazi shows an adhesive Fresnel prism, which is usually used to ‘bring things into focus’ for those with double vision or muscle weakness in the eye.” (Daily News, Jan. 24, 2013).
That’s what the mainstream media got out of Hillary’s long-awaited Benghazi testimony?
“Clinton’s spokesman confirmed Thursday night she is wearing the glasses as a result of the fall and concussion she suffered last month, but he did not elaborate.”
No one in the current administration elaborates much on things that matter.  Official campaign papers indicating that Clinton’s 2008 presidential debt of $25-30 million was paid—including the final payment of $73,000—were filed just two days before her Benghazi testimony.  While she was basking in the praise of a job well done from senators, including Republican ones, the mainstream media was reporting that Lady Gaga had led a second night of late-night dancing during White House Inauguration activities.
Some may be forgiven for thinking that Clinton had vision problems long before the Daily News identified the Fresnel prism sticker placed on her glasses.
Like her boss President Barack Hussein Obama and colleague, former UN Secretary Susan Rice, all Clinton saw in the Benghazi Blame Game was a video they said was responsible for a protest that never happened as the cause for the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
The trio stuck to the video/protest story for five straight days running and only one senator’s question—reworded at that—wanted to know why.
“It is telling that the elected officials spent more time fawning over Hillary Rodham Clinton’s alleged medical issues from which she’s recovered, rather than attempting to learn the truth behind the brutal, agonizing and possibly preventable deaths of four Americans. One result from yesterday’s hearings was immediately evident in the Progressive media’s reports, particularly by Lawrence O’Donnell, who crowed that Hillary Clinton had put to rest “conspiracy theories” associated with the attacks in Benghazi. Sadly, O’Donnell and his ilk are more concerned over the future political viability of their “sacred cow” instead of exposing the truth behind an event that not only took American lives, but has hastened U.S. involvement into a life-changing global conflict. (Doug Hagmann, Jan. 24, 2013).
“Out of hours of “testimony” and pages of written transcripts, the most telling moment came in response to Senator Ron Johnson’s rewording of a question relating to the motive and origin of the attack. His persistence caused Clinton to raise her voice and flirt with hysteria, shouting:
“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?”
“Her incomprehensible response offered a glimpse behind the curtain of deception, yet that tear in the fabric of lies was left open but ignored as if following the line of questioning would reveal too much.”
Meanwhile, in a world where government cover ups come airtight, it’s hard to say who is better at enabling the Democrats circling the administration wagons, Republican senators or the mainstream media.
Copyright © Canada Free Press
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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.
Judi can be emailed at:

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