
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Game-changing video: Moon facts refute ‘official’ story: it’s a spaceship           

David Icke - Ancient Spaceships

Game-changing video: Moon facts refute ‘official’ story: it’s a spaceship

Preface from the owner of Washington’s Blog: I am agnostic about aliens, and have spent no time looking into the issue. I tend not to believe the claims set forth in this post by guest poster Carl Herman, and I wouldn’t have posted it myself. However, Carl has guest posting privileges. Because I have spent zero time researching this issue, I am not qualified to weigh in one way or the other. If you are interested in the issue, then think for yourself, investigate whether the claims are true or false … and make up your own mind.
First: the more we demonstrate leadership to destroy false beliefs when presented with clear objective data, the easier we make this path for others to travel. You and I empathize with:
  • Cognitive dissonance people may experience, and we both present essential facts to understand our human condition regardless.
  • Nobody has time to explore all interesting hidden histories, and we both reject uninformed/unsubstantiated opinions saying something is “impossible” because such voices literally don’t know what they’re talking about.
  • Some topics are more useful than others to different people, and this topic might be among your top few upon examination.
And remember: you said you wanted Truth and promised to follow facts wherever they lead. Among compelling documentaries and resources, perhaps 35-minutes now is a wise investment to be briefed on this area of Truth.
“Official” related stories we already refute because we command facts rather than stories from even the “highest authorities”:
  • The sun and universe orbit Earth.
  • Kings have divine right from the God of Earth and Moon to rule.
  • The Earth is a few thousand years old.
Facts we’ve recently learned that refute authorities’ “official stories.” Please recall when you called proponents “lunatics” or perhaps “Moonies”:
Among the Moon facts that refute official stories:
  • A 1969 NASA Moon experiment (and here, here with NASA confirmation) of a surface-shock caused the Moon to “ring like a bell,” consistent with having a hollow core. MIT analysis of the Moon’s gravitational field agrees with this conclusion. NASA data from an unplanned 1970 Saturn V launch vehicle abortion replicated this data.
  • A 1970 Soviet Academy of Sciences publication (encyclopedia summary here) analyzed Moon surface materials and concluded they are the result of machinery hollowing-out the interior with design to shield the interior from radiation, meteor strikes, and heat. Uniform depth of every large meteor-impact crater is consistent with an hardened shell. Nobel Prize scientist Harold Urey concurred that he could not account for natural occurrence of the Moon’s surface chemistry.
  • NASA film shows massive structures on the Moon that they plainly airbrush-out to hide, and NASA film footage show UFOs they confirm as UFOs; both shown in our 35-minute video.
Helpful resources:
What’s the point of Moon/UFO/ET info? Free and non-polluting energy, discovery of our true history, help in our evolution in unimaginable ways, and unpredictable adventure if we can connect with these beings.
Last and always: res ipsa loquitur (facts always speak for themselves). And that said, the only pathway I see to get our most important facts accessible to humanity on this topic is for Earth’s law enforcement to demand, “Take us to your leaders,” and:

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