
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Did DHS Just Award an Ammunition Contract to a Shell Corporation?

James Smith, Contributor
Activist Post On the 18th of December, 2012 I wrote a story about how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had requested, through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), an order for 200,000 rounds of 180 Grain, Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition. Despite the fact that FLETC orders more ammunition that a human could possible expend in a lifetime.
And to be quite frank, these solicitations are very tiresome because we ask questions and no one seems to have any answers. But once in a while you just fall onto a nugget that makes this task seem less Sisyphean and more of a worthy calling.
In reviewing the award granted to the “winner” of this contract, I see that the American Taxpayer is again, the loser. We’ll add up the tally later. The winner of this contract is Evian Group, Inc. located at 105 South Eastern Ave, Las Vegas Nevada.
Well, congratulations Evian Group; you’ve shown the Federal Government what it means to be naïve. It seems that the Evian Group was formed on December 12, 2012, just 5 days before the announcement of the solicitation:
But wait, there’s more!
The contract for 200,000 rounds was $45,758, which boils down to about $0.21 per round. And, to be quiet honest, that a really good price. As in, unheard of good price.  So two websites were used for comparison. You’ll see that the price was less than half of what the other guys are charging.
The address provided to DHS and the Secretary of State is 105 S Eastern Avenue. Let’s use the NSA’s golden child, Google, to take a look what’s there: What you see is the street corner of East Fremont Street and the intersection of North Eastern Avenue and South Eastern Avenue. On the opposite side of the street is an ARCO gas station.
Does anyone see a business capable of providing 200,000 rounds of jacketed hollow point rounds to the Federal Government? There’s not even a MailBoxes Etc to accept mail! 105 S Eastern Avenue looks like the parking lot for a bodega.
The listed principals, Grace Hodge and Larayne Whitehead, are director and president respectively. Nowhere can they be found attached to Evian Group, Inc, which is unusual, as the whole purpose of running a business is to create a steady stream of revenue. They cannot be found on LinkedIn, where people network to get more business, or even in Google as a website. is parked by for a future site, and Bravenet is hosting
Furthermore, no property or telephone records exist for the principals. The people do not seem to exist.
In reviewing the DUNS (Dun and Bradstreet) record, when the telephone number was called, it was not a business line, but a rather unusual phrase was used, “…[P]lease download line 2”.
So the question of the moment is this: Is this a payoff to a mobster or someone of less-than-honest intent? Or is this graft for Harry Reid, the incumbent Senator for Nevada?
But, as usual, the truth will stay hidden because the government is not “for the people”, but against the people. Not “of the people” but of special interests. And it is certainly not “by the people”, because we know the difference from right and wrong. And as long as evil stays in power, the Nation, once mighty, will pass into the annals of history as a mere footnote.
This article first appeared at Prepper Podcast Radio Network.

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