
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Alien Base On The Moon In Detail, Clear UFO Photos Released By NASA Taken By Astronauts, Pilot Films UFO From Air
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 14:03

Date of discovery: January 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, near Bessel crater and North of Mara Serenitatis
Waring says, "I was looking over old Apollo photos when I cam across this one that looks like a definite structure created by intelligent beings. The circle structure has an arm the goes off to a four leaf clover-like area with buildings on it. This is really strange and I ask that others look into this by clicking on the links below."
One link in an official NASA link. It no longer has the hi-res photos but only the low-res photos of the area. The other link is of a persons site that saved massive amounts of NASA photos ten to fifteen years ago for the public to view. His photo of the same area is hi-res and gives us this amazing close up that is mind boggling to say the least. The hacker Gary McKinnon said in an interview that he hacked into US military computers and saw first hand documents that stated the US military has off world officers stationed on an alien base, and since the moon is the closest celestial body it has to be there. SCW
NASA Link:
Moon Photo Site (Hi-Res):

UFO Pictures Released by NASA - Taken by American Astronauts

UFO Pictures RELEASED by NASA - Taken by American Astronauts

Dr. Franklin Roach, said that based on his careful analysis of the photos and video footage provided to him by the astronauts, he concluded and later published in the book Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects that while in orbit the crew did iun fact witness a visual sightings of what later came to be known as UFOS, after his publication NASA attempted to explain the sightings as mere debris, this explanation was later dismissed by experts in various fields of science. 
Additional video evidence was later obtained from the crew of mission STS-48 of the Space Shuttle Discovery, the full crew report indicated that while in orbit on September 15, 1991 a flash of light and several objects were witnessed flying in an artificial and controlled fashion around the shuttle. NASA explained the objects as ice particles reacting to engine jets. James Oberg claimed that the flash was from a thruster firing. Philip C. Plait discussed the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. 
Dr. Jack Kasher analyzed the movement of the objects in 1996, and found five arguments that the footage could not depict ice particles. However, Lan Fleming uncovered severe discrepancies in the video time stamps of the video first released by the NASA FOIA office in 1999, leaving many of their conclusions inconclusive and undetermined. While in orbit mission STS-75 of Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts witnessed hundreds of objects flying around the shuttle and began to captured the event on a camera capable of seeing past the visible light spectrum, this incident was archived by NASA as Undetermined and Classified, the complete documents, footage and video evidence was never released by NASA for further study. 
Another similar video was taken during mission STS-80 of Space Shuttle Columbia which were analyzed by Mark J. Carlotto which show three different unusual phenomena on December 2, 1996: Two slow moving circular objects; a strange rapidly moving burst of light near the earth's surface; and a number of fast moving objects in space near the shuttle. The first two can not be accurately verified as shuttle debris. 
The fast moving objects in space near the shuttle appear as bright streaks, and analysis of their speeds and directions indicates that they can not be shuttle debris nor meteors. This incident with all it's material was classified and archived by NASA as Unidentified Flying Objects.
Incredible UFO Filmed By Commercial Pilot 2013 1080p HD

Incredible UFO Filmed By Commercial Pilot 2013 1080p HD

Published on Jan 30, 2013 Stephen Hannard ADGUK·
Footage captured by a pilot over costa rico appears to show an unidentified flying object. The footage corresponds to a flight on Wednesday, January 23, 2013
In the video we see a rapidly moving object below the aircraft.
The video was captured by the commercial pilot Joseph Daniel Araya, who has more than 500 flight hours. Araya says he was recording with his cell phone when suddenly the camera screen saw the object moving, When he looked out of the aircraft there was nothing, said the pilot,
To find an answer to what happened we went to Jose Alberto Villalobos, astronomer and UFO researcher Alexis Astua.
Villalobos estimated that the object on the screen could have a length between 7 and 10 meters. Its speed could reach 3600 kilometers per hour, seven times more than the ship from which the footage was captured,
Meanwhile Astua does not rule out a UFO but also a secondary reflection theory.The sighting in the South is not strange, since in this region there are constant reports.

1 comment:

  1. The "alien base" is nothing more than a head-on view of the Apollo 11 Comand Service Module taken from the Lunar Module. Check out this NASA link to verify:

    Do a side-by-side split screen comparison of the two photos. There is no doubt this is the CSM.

    Charles S. Opalek, PE
