
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yale’s Latest Sexual Perversion hey isn't this  where  R  so called   Leaders, well some of them?  go!  .........nawww  these "elites"     ,  well  they have Our interests? ...hummm  ;0                hehehehehehehehe        yea right!  make  good poll's ,captains of society?  gooooood    managers of the public's   ah  oh  yea  not  to mention trust :)   ....yep   fine upstanding ciz's    ........but   u   know?   ...kinda    wondering ?   ..which head   R  they    gonna  b  thinking  ...with ???  oops!                  awwwwwwwwww  fuck it !!!    ..i  always  wanted  to  wear  1 of  my wife's  dresses  &   u  know what!   ..well    shit  , fuck ,dam! (those r my fav. swear words--Mr. Lipton :) )     while   we  R  bearing our ???  ....always   well ,  kinda  wondered ?  um  .um     well  ....r  their  any female E.T.'s  oops   did  i say ?    well  , that's not  what  i really meant ? ...but   u   know  if  "she"    wouldn't  mind  wearing    a  purple dress  &  maybe  a blonde wig?   hehehehe  .........hey  folks    don't  worry  there  is  a  PILL  4   that ??? ;0                
The Right take on higher education.

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You won’t believe what they’re up to in New Haven. The latest example of a Yale’s depravity is so graphic that I can’t even mention much of it on these family-friendly pages. It involves an innuendo-filled flyer that appeared all over campus this week, advertising a fake event by a female author of a sex-themed book supposedly entitled “Let’s Find Out The Hard Way.” Crude, and woman-demeaning, this is comic material worthy of a 13-year-old’s intelligence and sophistication. How bad was it? Take a look for yourself at the Yale Daily News.
The fictitious flyer wouldn’t be so troubling if it weren’t so true to life.
In my new book, Sex & God at Yale, I set out to warn America that the institution charged with educating our next generation of political and cultural leaders has collapsed into a bizarre and sad sexual dystopia. I showed how the porn aesthetic had been mainstreamed by a generation of left-wing academics so enamored of moral relativism that they allowed the classroom to become a revolving marketplace for corporate interests in the sex industry, including porn companies and sex-toy manufacturers. Meanwhile, Yale’s sexual culture became so unhinged and radicalized that Yale has become infamous for a series of high-profile cases of sexual assault.
Predictably, my warnings have been dismissed by the left-wing media establishment. In the New York Times, feminist Hanna Rosin criticized me for being “protective and patriarchal.” In The New Republic, Nora Caplan-Bricker tried to make the case, most implausibly, that I wrote a 300-page book about college sex culture because I don’t like it when people “think and talk about sex too much” — an absurd critique that Andrew Sullivan nevertheless felt compelled to reprint on this blog at The Daily Beast.
According to the critics on the left, there’s no problem in New Haven, nothing demeaning, immoral, or unworthy of one of the world’s most influential universities. Nothing wrong, more broadly speaking, of this generation’s internalization of the porn aesthetic. Women, they argue, have been empowered by hyper-sexulization.
I ask Rosin, Sullivan, & Co. to take a look at the Yale Daily News link and reconsider: Is this what women’s empowerment looks like in 2012?

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