
Friday, December 14, 2012



On this site, and in my book Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas with co-author Dr. Scott D de Hart, I have argued that the phenomenon of transhumanism, the movement, is effectively an alchemical one, in that it aims at the total transformation of mankind, and its environment. In the book, Dr. de Hart and I argued additionally that this alchemical agenda was not vague, it was specifically tied to each of the four stages of the descent of man as viewed in esoteric and alchemical lore, from a primordial androgyny, through mineral, vegetable, and animal stages.
Our argument there was that the reascent back up that ladder would be accomplished via the technological fusions of man and animal, man and plant, and finally, man and machine, or mineral. On this website I have pointed out the strides being made in wiring computer chips directly into the brains of mice and so on, and downloading and uploading the memories of mice from one chip to another, and so on.
The problem is, how to engineer the acceptance of such technologies in society and culture. Well, one possibility for social engineering of a major scale has always been the military, and in particular, the US military. It is a now well-known fact that in the aftermath of World War Two, the military was deliberated used to foster a form of social engineering – in this case, that of racial integration – when a great segment of American society in the south was utterly opposed to it.
Now, it seems, a similar exercise in social engineering is being contemplated, though it is not, for now, being sold or spun that way:
The US Military Wants To ‘Microchip’ Troops
Now it should come as no surprise that DARPA is behind this, and we can see already how the interface is going to be “sold” as a beneficial thing: these chips are for the sole purpose of tracking troops’ health. Imagine the benefits to grandma: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” commercials will change: grandma will no longer have to be conscious after her fall to push the little button on her home medical alert system. The computer chip will simply detect that grandma has knocked herself senseless and have sent for the paramedics, and that’s a good thing.And of course, while we’re at it, we might as well put a global positioning transponder in Private Jones to monitor where he or she is. Additionally, one may envision chips to enhance performance of all sorts as a component of the supersoldier of the future.
The article notes that there are those who look at this development with some alarm, as the first step in a “chips for all” scenario, and indeed, I would number myself as one of those who view it with some alarm, and indeed, the article points out that it is the military which again spearheads the social and cultural change. But let’s not forget DARPA’s role as an agent and agency for cultural change and social engineering: the whole Internet, let us recall, was essentially a DARPA creation (remember ARPANET?), as was the decision to “take it public” to effect a social transformation, and, incidentally, put into place the first block of a global system of surveillance that we are also seeing being erected before our eyes.
Where I disagree with the article’s prognostications are the idea that global positioning and monitoring would be feasible in such chips in the military. If an enemy were to take prisoners, for example, those prisoners would by the nature of the case, give away potential enemy positions… leading inevitably to some enemies not bothering to take prisoners are all… and that logic I submit is the clearest indicator that the idea to chip military personnel is not about military enhancement at all…it’s about social engineering.

- Giza Death Star Community

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