
Monday, December 17, 2012

Two Shooters Were Captured Alive!     

Two Shooters Were Captured Alive!

December 15, 2012
 Obama brushes away a tear, reminding us that he is a criminal, traitor and a fraud who uses the massacre of children to advance his masters' totalitarian political agenda. It's either our children or our guns, he tells Newtown audience.

Proof the US government and media are lying. 

Two shooters caught. 

One seen running from building, chased by police. Seen on this aerial video starting at 7.30 min  

Another apprehended outside school, "proned out." (Can be heard on Police radio, heard on above video) 

--See UPDATE from George Freund immediately below article.

Who's Really to Blame for School Shooting? (Updated)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The aftermath of the Newtown school massacre is beginning to resemble the 9-11 false flag. Indeed, this is becoming the 9-11 of gun control, probably perpetrated by the same crowd. It's their MO. How long are Americans going to tolerate these pogroms? 

 The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running from the scene. (3.25) 

According to George Freund, "First officers in the school report the patsy dead. He may very well have been killed by the two fleeing men who were probably the whack team.
"Police also report finding a shotgun. How do you carry a rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, and all sorts of ammo with two hands and kill so many people. You are obviously NOT alone.

"There were two escaping persons. The police appear to confront them. There is someone taken into custody. The alleged shooter is found dead. The police supervisor says the 'DRILL' word corresponding to the princpal's tweet of a drill. "

The presence of other shooters may explain why the killer, Adam Lanza, 20, was wearing a mask, flack jacket and military fatigues. This is so he couldn't be distinguished from the other shooters. If he had intended to kill himself, he wouldn't have needed a disguise.  

As with 9-11, when Osama Bin Laden was blamed immediately, the culprit this time was guns. A chorus of calls for gun control went up from Barack Obama and his Illuminati Jewish handlers like Mayor Bloomberg of NY  and Dianne Feinstein. lluminati Jewish mouthpieces like Huffpost are going ballistic. 

(left. Christmas present from Illuminati bankers)

Like 9-11, we can forget about discovering who really executed this attack.

The killer's brother Ryan Lanza, 24, said Adam was mentally disturbed. He had Asperger Syndrome.  Neighbours called him "autistic."  Why didn't the cry go out to know what medication Adam was taking? 

Why isn't there a chorus of demands for a ban on psychological medications?    For greater monitoring of people with Asperger?   Any doubt Adam played videogames? Do we hear calls for a ban on them? 
Adam was the product of a broken family. His parents divorced in 2009.  His father moved away and remarried. His older brother hadn't seen him for two years. Why not demands for support for marriage and family?

friend described  Adam as a "Goth."  Goths are Satanists who possibly would revel in such massacres. Why not demands for a ban on Goth music and behavior? 

How about a media ban on over-reporting massacres, because of the copycat effect?  

Do you think that if 27 soldiers were ambushed and killed in Helmand province yesterday, you would know about it? 

(Since 2001 there have been 1,827 such flag draped caskets  sent back from Afghanistan to the U.S. Wounded in action numbers total 15,460.)

From 1991 - 2009, there was a ban on photographing flag draped coffins. 

Why? Because reports of military setbacks and photos of coffins are bad for morale. 

School massacres are also bad for morale too. The national morale.   

But that's just the point. The Illuminati want to degrade and demoralize. They want to render us defenceless. They want TSA-style checkstops  everywhere and more federal control.

So they blame guns, instead of blaming the real shooters, the multi-billion dollar drug industry, Goth satanism or mass media feeding-frenzies. 

If teachers were armed, they could have defended the children. In Israel everyone is armed and ready. 

Since our leaders love Israel so much, why don' t they call for more guns, not less?

 Americans need protection - from their own Illuminati subverted government. 

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