
Monday, December 17, 2012

Totalitarian Collectivism           
Shadow Forces Behind Government
The American "TC" Saga - Part 1 - INTRODUCTION
The American "TC" Saga - Part 2 - STATE
The American "TC" Saga - Part 3 - CHURCH
The American "TC" Saga - Part 4 - FAMILY
The American "TC" Saga - Part 5 - ECONOMY
The American "TC" Saga - Part 6 - SCHOOL
The American "TC" Saga - Part 7 - MEDIA
The American "TC" Saga - Part 8 - CORPORATIONS and LAW
The American "TC" Saga - Part 9 - CORPORATE STATE
The American "TC" Saga - Part 10 - GLOBAL CONTROLLERS
"Toxic Obama" - the latest failed Presidency
Barry Soetoro the Blackface Alfred E. Neuman
The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System
Fatalistic Reality and Election Futility
No Labels = the Ignorant Middle
Davos Elites Enjoys the Global Depression
The Rule of Gold after the Financial Collapse
Bretton Woods II - The Final Enslavement of Mankind
NOVO ORDO SECLORUM - NeoCon Hell on Earth
Agenda 21 in New York State - Home Rule and Article X
Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation
Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets
Obamacare is a Public Requiem by Supreme Decree
Edgar Steele and the National Defense Authorization Act
Inverted Totalitarianism and the Corporate State
Race is Still the Issue for the PC Culture
The Killer Elite Hit List
Luciferian Technocrats Rule the New World Order
Rewarding Idiots with Democratic Totalitarianism
Voter Fraud Inevitable from Digital Elections
Shadow Forces Behind Government
Totalitarian Collectivism
The great strength or our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupations."
Adam weishaupt/Founder of the Illuminati
Shadow Forces Behind Government
Let no man or woman dare speak of a shadow government. The crony corruptocrats that make up the ruling elites of the world must maintain the illusion, that elected governments are based upon willful consent and have the legitimate authority to establish rules of conduct that their citizen are obligated to obey. For those regimes that maintain their grip of power by undemocratic means, the apologists for the international community give a wide berth of acceptance in order to maintain the appearance of individual national sovereignty.
In the essay, There Is No Conspiracy - Only Official Policy provides a study in power politics when a banana republic dares defy the moneychangers.
"The lesson for world leaders is you don't cross the masters of power. But for Americans it is that a world run by the IMF never benefits us, the people. The enactment of the FTAA is just one more element in the grand scheme of global rule. There is no need to dapple in extraordinary theories; it is all in the open for everyone to see. The policy is clear - the nations of the world are mere colonies to the interests of the ruling elites. Citizens of countries and their elected leaders are mere subjects of the international community. Not exactly the revered Republic that we all owe allegiance, is it?"
The pattern of retribution against any tin horn leaders that refuse to succumb to the boot of the World Bank or the IMF is in plain sight. Just ask the mutilated and deceased Muhammad al-Gaddafi for testimony of the enforcement treatment one can expect for opposing the world financial plutocracy. While the imperium empire of drone warfare, targets governments that oppose the global hegemony, the behind the screens discord among varied vying factions often goes unnoticed.
 The Constitution Society sees the nature of The Shadow Government differently from most popular interpretations of the power elite.
Some of the best indications that the Shadow Government is not centered in the financial sector are the things it has to do to finance itself. Shadow Government is expensive. We can identify the main sources of its revenue:
(1) Black budgets. This is the core of its operations, but is not enough to secure its control over the country and the world.
(2) Drug trade. It has seized control of the major part of the illegal traffic in addictive substances, in part by using the organs of law enforcement to eliminate competition, and by gaining control of the money and the ways it gets re-introduced into the economy.
(3) Raiding financial institutions. This is what was done with the S&Ls, and is being done, more slowly, with the banks. It involves several aspects: diversion of the funds, seizure of smaller institutions by a few large ones under Shadow Government control, with the seizure financed by the taxpayers, and acquisition under distressed prices of the assets of those institutions, many of which are well-positioned business enterprises that give the Shadow Government both control of the key enterprises in most business sectors and sources of revenue. The Savings & Loan raid was used to finance a major expansion of the Shadow Government. However, it is not a method that can be repeated.
(4) Public authorities. These are quasi-governmental enterprises that control substantial assets, often taxpayer-subsidized, without effective accountability. They include housing, port, energy, water, transportation, and educational authorities. To this might also be added various utilities, and both public and publicly-regulated private monopolies, like local telephone and cable companies. They are also a major source of government contracts.
(5) Government contracts. Major source of diverted funds, but must often be shared with others involved.
(6) Arms trade. Another major source of funds, both direct and diverted. But requires payoffs to local officials.
What this viewpoint ignores is that the tactics of subversive operations frequently demand undercover execution and plausible deniability. The methods of covert operations conducted by black bag operatives avoid the question; who really controls the intelligence agencies? It is a fatal error to reject the prevalent role of the money center institutions and central banks in the unified network of financial control and global integration.
A more perceptive breakdown by
Richard Boylan Ph.D. offers a structural analysis of the secret "shadow" government.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.
An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by:
1. Collecting comprehensive institutional and personal information
2. By establishing national and international policy independently of the established Government
3. By developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these, establishing small, specialized, highly mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies, when need arises, without having to rely on the official (and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect)
4. By developing an armed capability to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network
5. By denying information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those outside "need-to-know" policy-making levels
6. By exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official Government
The essential political planetary threat that faces humanity is rooted in the globalist drive to accelerate their NWO plans for a neo-colonial feudal hierarchy. The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System outlines the plot. However, the elements that comprise the surreptitious functions and assignments of shadow government missions need to maintain a clandestine secrecy to be effective. Stealth practices often foster perpetual public ignorance.
Contrast this with maybe the best example of the most visible globalist institution that is used by the shadow elites as their private administration tool for worldwide compliance. The John Birch video U.N. and the United States | John F. McManus presents the argument that Americanism is incompatible with the international community of collectivists that the United Nations is based upon.
The interminable public feuding in General Assembly sessions are sheer spectacle for the uninformed. The real dirty work is done behind the scenes through coerced implementation of programs like Agenda 21. The best way to come out of the shadows is to strip back the curtain. Effectiveness dictates that the banksters and corporatists use the dark art of intrigue and subterfuge to manipulate the systems of governance, which they put in place, to serve their own interests.
The destruction of the unique American experiment falls upon the treason of the ruling class. Human Depravity, James Madison, and The Founding Fathers explains the nature of the existential internal threat that destroyed the essence of the old Republic. Madison wrote:
"If we were all like angels, blameless and freely able to exercise perfect control, we would not need rules or regulations. Why, then, do we have so many laws and statutes? Because of man's wickedness, for he is constantly overflowing with evil; this is why a remedy is required."
When the shadow government usurps the stated original limited authorities and separations of powers, the citizens of the country are relegated to a menu entrée on the feasting table of the power elites. The globalism agenda is the objective of the shadow government. Participates need not be spooks or machinates. Those who influence the operations of the sub-rosa establishment may wear the garb of Illuminati or use the signals of secret societies, but most are pure button down internationalists.
The populace is viewed as useless eaters to the elites, who labor to drive a wedge between government and the ordinary man. The privileged oligarchs see themselves as the ennobled in the entitlement enslavement society of their creation. Keeping the masses dependent until the ultimate elimination of dissenters is the objective.
The specter of the shadow government has always been part of the inner conflict for national integrity. The difference at this time is that it is all pervasive. The United States has become a global empire designed to impose an internationalist monitory yoke around the neck of subservient serfs.
The money machine of shadow banking practiced by the Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks is a prime component of the definitive ruling elite comradeship. Governments are no longer sovereign entities. They function as subsidiaries of the global satanic New World Order conglomerate. The crony corruptocrats bury deep their crimes and give new meaning to being above the law. Without a widespread public awakening, the forces of wickedness will triumph. Less we forget . . . "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12
SARTRE – December 16, 2012

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