
Saturday, December 1, 2012

by Sherman H. Skolnick 04/28/01

They own half of the skyscrapers built in the 1980s downtown Chicago. They are major owners of one of America's largest banks and its holding company. They are unpublicized kingpins in dope trafficking in America.
Banks in Japan do not dare foreclose on tens of billions of dollars of certain mortgaged properties owned by them. They get hush money by threatening to disrupt, with scandals, business meetings in Japan. For many years, they have been instrumental in installing the topmost officials of the Japanese government and some in America as well.
They are the collectors and enforcers for gambling and prostitution on the West Coast of the United States. In the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere, they operate covert firms, propertaries, for the American CIA. One of their key members, according to a book on the subject, reportedly founded and owns a stylish restaurant chain in America.
Five of their strong-arms tried to murder O.J. Simpson. An outgrowth of a business deal he reportedly had with them that went sour or in which they tried to muscle in on OJ's chain of restaurants. The American monopoly press, hand-cuffed and shackled to large corporations with business in Asia, dare not mention their existence in the U.S.
They leaned on a judge in Chicago who reportedly permitted local extortionists to try to shake them down. They own most every bank in California. They constitute a form of dreaded foreign secret police operating on American soil with total immunity from the American government.
You probably never, ever heard about them. They are the YAKUZA, the Japanese mafia. Knowledgeable sources contend there are more of the Yakuza than the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. If you put that name into a large computer database, you might not come up with much. Why? They are a forbidden subject.
If a property owner in Japan stops paying on their mortgage, the bank will not seek to foreclose or collect---not if they know the property is owned by, or protected by, a member of the Yakuza. To send a message, the Yakuza murdered a top banker in Japan who would not co-operate with this vast underworld. The Yakuza are bold and arrogant. Every once in a while, dressed all in black, they march proudly, with complete impunity, right in the street. In their stronghold of Osaka, Japan, they are the accepted adjunct of the local police.
By 1984, the Yakuza had placed 20 billion dollars of their hot money in Continental Illinois Corporation, holding firm for Continental Bank of Chicago. They were falsely led to believe their funds were "deposited" there. Yet, a bank holding company is not a "bank of deposit", and has no federal deposit insurance. In the spring of 1984, I was one of the first commentators in the U.S. to accurately predict the then upcoming downfall of Continental Bank, owned principally by the Vatican and the Queen of England. An agent of British royalty, by tradition, always sat, together with a Jesuit, on Continental's Board of Directors. It was a really sticky situation. Another major owner of the bank was Walter Cummings, Jr., a "man of trust" selected to handle the secret funds of the Catholic Church hierarchy. For many years he was also Chief Judge of Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit. His Court was the end-of-the-line for most federal cases from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, since the U.S. Supreme Court only lets in to be heard a few handful of cases per year. Required to gain entry into the high court in Washington is the filing of a "begging" petition, imploring the nine members of the court priesthood to please, please, allow the litigant to enter.
Then, as now, most of the federal appeals judges in Chicago, as well as around the nation, are tied to the Federal Reserve and the banking system. And by the way, Judges like to own banks right near their Courthouse. From the federal courthouse in Chicago, the Banker-Judges have full view of the rear entrance of Continental, now merged with Bank of America, owned principally by the Rothschilds, the Jesuits, jointly now with the Yakuza.
In 1984, some called me a liar. But I was, however, the only reporter who stationed himself starting at 3 o'clock early one morning at the back entrance of the Continental Bank. I and an associate noticed well-dressed apparent orientals rushing from waiting cabs into the door with their suitcases. Cab drivers later confirmed that they were paid to wait for oriental messengers who were then rushed back with guards to O'Hare International Airport with heavy suitcases of money. The Yakuza did not wait for or want the money to be wired to them in the impending emergency. JiJi Press Service, owned by the Japanese, with a staff in Chicago, started the run on Continental with a story of their insolvency not being able to return huge funds entrusted to them by Japanese "investors". Continental never really returned all the money but instead gave their Osaka branch and other parts of their business to the Yakuza as return payment.
One of the only detailed books on the subject is simply titled "Yakuza" by authors Kaplan and Dubro. Some years ago, one of the authors was on a local Chicago radio talk show. He outlined how the Japanese underworld owned half of all the tall buildings in the 1980s built in the "Loop", slang for downtown Chicago.
The book asserts the very fancy, unusual serving-style restaurant chain in America, Benihana, was founded and is owned by a member of the Yakuza. At such restaurants, the patrons sit right at a Japanese-style stove while the chef, in traditional Japanese garb, prepares the meal from scratch right in front of them. It is all done with dramatic oriental movements and wielding great sharp knives.
Several months before the double-murder for which he was accused, O.J. Simpson reported to the police that five orientals [apparently Yakuza] tried to murder him by operating five cars that tried to run him off the road. OJ owned a chain of restaurants part of which was given to his ex-wife Nicole as part of a bitter divorce settlement. The businesses had brought in as silent partners Los Angeles police brass who reportedly arranged to launder the funds from a huge dope traffic supervised by the Yakuza. There were apparent quarrels among the "partners". To associates of his in other businesses, OJ complained of his growing problems with the businesses which he, in part, turned over to Nicole. According to those business associates [who we interviewed], OJ said he is going to have to "do something" to end the problems.
The one who reportedly was in a position to understand all of this was the judge in the first OJ case, Judge Lance Ito, of Japanese descent. The Judge's wife, Los Angeles Police Captain, Margaret York, reportedly had direct knowledge of these problems with corrupt police brass, the chain of OJ businesses, and the Yakuza. She was at the time in charge of L.A. Police Internal Affairs, supposedly investigating corruption within the police department.
The Judge himself was apparently in a position to be a blackmailer. He heard the case against the red-light district madam, Heidi Fleiss. Somehow Judge Ito seized her "little black book" and kept it. Listed there were the prominent patrons of her crew of fancy hookers and dope distributors. The "customers" included important lawyers, doctors, congressmen, Hollywood stars, FBI officials, and drug enforcement agents, and such, according to some in law enforcement familiar with the situation. Experts in whorehouse matters, the Yakuza were interested in Fleiss' notations for shakedown purposes.
In his hometown of Buffalo, New York, O.J. Simpson reportedly had a business partner. Together they owned a cocktail lounge through which dope was distributed supplied reportedly by the Yakuza. During OJ's first trial in California, his Buffalo business partner was murdered. Also murdered in the middle of that trial was Judge Lance Ito's courtroom bailiff. A masked man came up to the bailiff at his home, in the presence of his wife, and did not rob him but simply blew him away. A reporter of a Philadelphia newspaper, attending the trial every day, was likewise murdered. He apparently began asking forbidden questions about the Yakuza links. Also done in was a fellow restaurant employee of Goldman, victim of the double murder for which OJ was accused. The upscale restaurant was reportedly a place for distribution of dope from the Yakuza.
With the apparent aid of a corruptible bankruptcy judge, a band of his cronies tried to put the arm, in Chicago, on a Japanese businessman, a key official of a Japanese auto maker. The Judge and his select group make up a "bankruptcy court club", of most every judge in the place together with certain chosen lawyers, bankruptcy trustees, court clerks, bankruptcy assignees, and such. As we found out from our investigations over a period of years, "The Club" meets every month at a certain lawyer's house. For mandatory "dues" of three thousand dollars a month, certain lawyers get the run of the bankruptcy court. Their court petitions are granted without question, regardless of the law and the facts to the contrary. They must also pay, to fill the Judge's demands, without question, certain "assessments" levied on the club lawyers from time to time. In return, the lawyers are to easily make a quarter million dollars a year in bankruptcy court rackets condoned by the Judges. The "Club" payments are deposited, coincidentally or not, in the Caribbean branch of a Japanese bank. Several lawyers complained to us, not to be publicly identified, that their failure to join the "Club" and pay the "dues" and "assessments", caused them to lose more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in a previous year in cases they should have easily prevailed. A prominent attorney, guest on our television show, once confirmed the existence of a "Club" but said it was harmless, that they merely met after Court for "coffee". In December, 1991,a bankruptcy court auctioneer, about to "sing" to a federal grand jury about "The Club" was assassinated right near a bank linked to "The Club". We are the only ones who did a TV documentary on-location about the killing.
In a case involving the bankruptcy of a car undercoating firm, Rusty Jones, some of the "Club" members tried to shakedown the Japanese auto manufacturing official. They falsely contended he and his firm were financially implicated in the bankruptcy and were obligated to come up with big bucks or suffer the consequences at the hands of the Bankruptcy Trustee seeking out assets of the debtor. The would-be extortionists failed to determine that they were messing around with the Yakuza which could be violent if not fatal. No resulting shootings or stabbings, however, were reported to the police. The Judge on the case, a member of "The Club", was, in addition, closely aligned with Israeli intelligence that for years has skimmed off funds from the Chicago bankruptcy court rackets. As a foreign secret police operating in America, the Mossad's amoral view is that they are not obligated to seek enforcement of American criminal laws and that they are just taking advantage of "business" opportunities in Chicago.
The Judge on the case of the rust-preventing firm, must have somehow, because of the extreme stress of us poking into his corruption, became "rusted out" himself. He needed heart surgery.
A growing amount of the litigation in the federal courts, like in Chicago, involves Japanese firms. Often, not knowing or finding out ahead of time which of these firms are linked to the Yakuza, some of the judges think it is cute to push around some of these Japanese firms, as if the companies and their officials are not entitled to Due Process and fair and square proceedings in American courts. No one close to the judges with sense seems to warn these judicial pirates that it is dangerous to steal property from some Japanese who might actually be the Yakuza on U.S. soil.
A cynic said some foolhardy court member might end up someday as a judge-burger carved up and cooked right in front of some unsuspecting patrons at Benihana.
More coming. Stay tuned.

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