
Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Hook

Here is a picture sent to me by Watcher Shawn;    
This is why there are no shootings in Israeli schools.  Think about it.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Hook

Every time I start feeling like I'm becoming desensitized to the spiralling violence of the modern world something truly grotesque comes along to snap me out of it. The shooting rampage that occurred today in Newtown, Connecticut, mostly at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, is such an occasion.

In brief: Some 28 people died today at the hands of an alleged human being known as Adam Lanza, 20, including Lanza himself. Lanza also killed his mother in addition to 26 people at the Sandy Hook Elementary School where his mother worked as a kindergarten teacher, 20 of them children between the ages of five and ten. Lanza apparently killed his mother, Nancy, at the home they shared in Newtown before heading to the school.

Lanza as a child

I'm a bit pressed for time now, so I'm going to do a quick rundown of the instances of twilight language that have occurred to me in this tragedy:

First, the shooter's name: Adam Lanza. The name Adam can mean either 'red earth' or 'red man,' from the Biblical narrative in which Adam is created from red earth. Colorado, the state in which the Aurora shooting occurred, means red. Aurora means dawn, thus we have 'red dawn.' Red Dawn is of course a famous 1980s action flick in which high school kids fight a guerrilla war against Soviet invaders. The film was recently remade and released this past month. A red dawn is also associated the helical rising of Sirius, of which I've written more on here. Curiously, Newtown's seal is a rooster weathervane. Roosters have long been associated with the dawn, as Loren Coleman has noted here.

As for the last name, Lanza, I've found several different meanings. In Spanish it is said to mean 'lance' while in Italian (apparently where the name originated from) it means noble or eager. In this case the Spanish meaning of lance (which is interchangeable with a spear) is far more appropriate. According to Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant's Dictionary of Symbols "The spear is universally regarded as an axial, phallic, fiery or solar (yang) symbol" (pg. 900). This would certainly be consistent with the 'red man' association of the name Adam. According to Manly P. Hall, Adam is himself a phallic symbol.
"That phallic symbolism occupies an important place in early Jewish mysticism is indisputable. Hargrave Jennings sees in the figure of Adam a type of the lingam of Shiva, which was a stone representative of the creative power of the World Generator: 'In Gregoire's works...,' writers Jennings, 'is a passage to the effect that 'Noah daily prayed in the Ark before the Body of Adam,' i.e., before the Phallus --Adam being the primitive Phallus, great procreator of the human race."
(The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pg. 403)

Excluding Lanza, 26 people were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. According to Aleister Crowley, 26 is one of the numbers of the Tetragrammaton. Specifically, Crowley writes: "Jehovah, as the Dyad expanded, the jealous and terrible God, the lesser Countenance. The God of Nature, fecund, cruel, beautiful, relentless" (Gematria, pg. 30). Crowley is working from the concept of Jehovah as the Demiurge. The legendary figure of Adam had a curious association with the Demiurge in esoteric accounts.
"...As the Macrocosm, Adam is the gigantic Androgyne, even the Demiurgus; as the Microcosm, he is the chief production of the Demiurgus and within the nature of the Microcosm the Demiurgus established all the qualities and powers which He Himself possessed."
(The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall, pg. 402)
the Demiurge

28 is the total number of victims involved in the Newtown rampage, including the shooter and his mother. 28 also has some interesting esoteric associations. According to Crowley, it is the mystic number of Netzach, the seventh of ten Sephirot in the Kabbalah. It is also associated with both power and clay. In some creation accounts, Adam was made from red clay.

That date the tragedy unfolded upon is December 14, 2012. This exactly a week before December 21, 2012, the winter solstice and the end of the Mayan calendar, an event that has obsessed the New Age community for years. After December 14, there are only 17 days left in the year. 17 is a number highly significant in the occult, as I've noted before here. Adam Lanza was apparently 17 years old when his parents divorced.

Incidentally, Adam's father happens to be a vice-president of taxes for GE Financial Services. Adam's brother Ryan, 24, has noted that his younger sibling had some type of "personality disorder." Lanza has been described as a "goth" and was said to be dressed in black when he arrived at the school for the shooting spree. This is similar to Columbine where the two shooters were characterized as goths and metalheads and wore black of the day of the shooting. For a time after the Columbine shooting there was even talk of a "Trench Coat Mafia" comprised of such types. It'll be interesting to see where the media goes with this. Naturally, there were early reports of another shooter.

Finally, there's the name of the school: Sandy Hook Elementary School. When I think of the word 'hook' in association with kids I come up with Captain Hook, the antagonist in Peter Pan. Over the years many dark allegation have been made about Peter Pan and its author, J.M. Berrie. There are of course rumors that Berrie was a pedophile and that he engaged in such acts in at least one occasion while dressed as a pirate character who was a prototype for Captain Hook. The character of Hook sought to do harm to children, specifically the Lost Boys. More recently Loren Coleman has speculated, here and here, that some kind of nation wide pedophile ring may exist that uses references to Peter Pan, especially Captain Hook, in their deeds. Most disturbing are his reports of young boys found dead hanging from a hook.

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