
Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Fourth Giza Black Pyramid Long Gone        neat man?

The Fourth Giza Black Pyramid Long Gone

Frederic Norden during the 1700′s in his book ‘Travels in Egypt and Nubia’ described a fourth Giza main pyramid, his illustrations regarding the position of such are very good for the period.
He describes this pyramid here page 120:
“The principal pyramids are at the east south east of Gize …..There are four of them, that deserve the greatest attention of the curious,; for tho we see seven or eight others in the neighborhood, they are nothing in comparison to the former. The two most northerly pyramids are the greatest, and have five hundred feet perpendicular height. The two others are much less, but have some particularities, which occasion their being examined and admired.”
Its without coating, closed and resembles the others, but without any temple like the first. It has however one particular deserving remark; which is, that its summit is terminated by a single great stone, which seems to have served as a pedestal…the fourth pyramid has been made, upwards above the middle, of a stone more black than the common granite, and at least as hard. Its summit is of a yellowish stone. I shall speak elsewhere of its top, which terminates in a cube. It is, moreover, situated out of the line of the others, being more to thewest…it makes a series with the three others
Other early illustrations also show this fourth pyramid:
Some Other Images:

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