
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Fake Victims of 9/11             

The Fake Victims of 9/11

We all know that 9/11 was a complete hoax! I have done two posts on it which can be found Here and Here. Please read the first link because that has all the facts about this false flag attack on America by our own government. In this post I’m going to show you photos of the ‘victims’ and you can decided if these images are Photoshopped (Source)! I think our government created fictitious identities for these people; or unless they have more to hide about this vast conspiracy… Did 3,000 people really die that day?!

In 2001 no one was familiar with the technology that our government used or was capable of but now the pieces are coming all together as more and more people research into the government given ‘facts’.. We know that our government have withheld a lot of different information from the official 9/11 commission report.. Have you ever read that big piece of crap? It sounds like a made-up story! We can assume that there was no real hijackers on that plane because it was reported that many of the hijackers were still alive after the twin towers collapsed.. Does that make any sense? Now this is where is gets really weird..


“Elizabeth Wainio” – (“Honor Elizabeth Wainio” depending on which website you go on) – She is probably the most well known victim of 9/11. Many memorials ask for donations and fund-raising events for the family but the problem is she never existed! She is listed as being on Flight 93 but the government tried to ‘create’ her by placing a fake cell phone call to her step mother minutes before the plane crashed! Every time I’m on a plane, my cell phone has no service what so ever.. How could she ever make a phone call? The plane didn’t have any kind of telephone system on it.. Now if you keep reading below you’ll see how the same ‘technique’ is used in all of the victims photos…
If you search the internet, you won’t find many photos of Liz. Even her family has limited photos of her? Now that doesn’t seem right… The couple photos that are out there; she has the same face/expression in all of the photos..In this next photo you can see why they cropped the image..
Now here is even another image but again she looks like a frozen doll… Is she a computer-generated entity?
Now this maybe the weirdest part about this conspiracy..They are trying to make money off this fake terrorist attack.. Just like the big insurance claim was taken out on the buildings days before they came crashing to the ground.. I’m sure the brainwashed citizens who believe this bogus story; are still donating… We need the truth!!

More Photoshopped Images

Now after looking at the well-known ‘victims’ of the 9/11 terrorist attack; always two different photos come up of the same person.. Now doing some close-up investigation you can see that there is only a few differences between the photos.. I mean what are the chances that they could take two of the same photos with the same smile, lighting, and angle?! Did they’re families see these photos; what did they say?! Wait they might not exist…Well just look at these photos below:

Identical Firefighters?

Now this is where it gets really strange… Do all these firefighters just happen to look like one another?! I wonder if they got plastic surgery at anytime of their life… Anyway here is more photos to deepen the mystery:

More Examples:

300 firefighters died on 9/11 (NYC has about 11,600 firefighters) Most of these photos at a quick glance look pretty much identical.. What are the odds? It’s also weird how most of the photos are all in Black and White.. But the weird thing is that none of these families showed up to the 9/11 Memorial or supplied any other photos of their loved ones.

Police Officers

“The Allen Mix-Up”
One memorial lists “Richard L. Allen”, another lists “Richard D. Allen”. They are obviously the same guy (‘barcode’ on cheek). The two portraits are also clearly made from the same ‘photo’. The VOICES of SEPTEMBER memorial, “Richard L. Allen” is now a black gentleman! Now you might say that this is a ‘honest mistake’ by the memorial service. But none of the families or friends asked for a correction?

“The Collins Clones”
What are the chances for these 3 “Collinses” to look exactly alike?

“The Colaio Brothers” Both were senior managing directors at Cantor Fitzgerald (which lost over 650 of their employees). Mark and Stephen COLAIO share the same but have a common friend named ‘Desiree’. No one else has bothered to comment on their very dramatic deaths.. Here is the official tribute on LEGACY.COM which goes like this:
“There are countless ways to encapsulate Mark and Stephen Colaio, but the T-shirts do it in three words. The brothers owned matching shirts that they wore every chance they got. On the front was inscribed, “Life Is Good.”Mark Colaio was a senior managing director and ran the agency desk at Cantor Fitzgerald, and he recruited his brother to work with him as a broker on the desk.”

The Black P’s

The White P’s

More Really Bad Memorial Photos!

Links & Videos

There is tons of information out on the web.. There is no way that I included every photo, video or every person that was a part of this 9/11 hoax.. I encourage everyone to do their own research into this vast conspiracy.. If you have anyone information or photos please email me at

Victim Photo Analysis
9/11 – The Vicsim Report (PDF) 9/11 Victim Memorial Website
9/11 MEMORIAL SCAMS (Great Posts)
The Vicsim Report
CNN 9/11 Victim List
Morphing Software
Mark Adrian Humphrey, actor, is the Harley Shirt Guy
9/11 ACTORS, Real or Unreal? (Forum)


  1. Was "Obama" installed to BURY 9/11 truth?
    (ARTICLE) Obama: The Ultimate Temp

  2. (VIDEO) Michelle Obama FORGETS her wedding year. Fake family?
