
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package            

The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package

Bane isn't just sitting in his trailer, waiting to cash in on the Dark Knight Rises. He's plotting and waiting. How do we know? Just look at this The Dark Knight Rises viral package we got in the mail!

It has been 8 years since the events of The Dark Knight, and it looks like Bane has been a busy man. The villain has an elaborate plan for Gotham City, and the viral package we received today gives us a glimpse at the disasters we'll get to see when The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters in July. Is this all a ruse to lure out Batman, wear him down, and then break him like he did in the comics? Or is this version of Bane hell-bent on destroying and then ruling Gotham? Regardless of the master mind's true intentions, the Joker would likely be jealous of this elaborate scheme. Let's check out the details from the viral package.
If you want to learn about this infamous Bat villain, don't forget to check out The Dark Knight Rises: Bane facts!
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The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Viral Tube

Bane's lethal and intricate plan is right here on our desk. We considered handing it over to Gotham's police department, but we thought that would have a huge negative impact on entertainment value when the events unfold for our viewing pleasure in July. So, in the meantime we're locking this tube-o'-destruction up and Batman will get zero spoilers about the impending doom.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Bane's Plan

If you're a resident of Gotham City we highly advise for you to stay indoors for the foreseeable future. Bane is a genius with an extremely evil agenda, and it just so happens it'll all be taking place right outside your Gotham apartment window. Bane's highly detailed plan looks like it'll send police scattering all around the city, so we doubt calling 911 will do you any good.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Gotham's Features

There's a lot to see and do in Gotham City and this map is the perfect tool for any tourist. Unfortunately, Bane is using it for a much more sinister visit to the city. We think it's safe to say that a lot of the famous city's landmarks will never be the same when Batman's enemy conducts his diabolical plan.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Map Key

This informative tool was created in hopes of aiding people travel around the city with ease. I doubt the person creating the map had a clue a villain would use it to find the most effective way to arrange his master plan. It looks like we'll need a whole new map key when some of these options are literally blown off the map.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Strike 1

It's a bad day to be a sports fan. Bane has Gotham Stadium set in his sights and it's his first "strike zone." What exactly will he do at each strike zone? We have no idea, but we're willing to bet the stadium is going to need some repairs once the foe is finished with the location.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Strike 2

If you ever visit Gotham City, we highly recommend you avoid getting on a boat. First the Joker tried to have them blown up, and now Bane has a boat tour set as his second strike zone. You know what? It's probably better to just avoid Gotham City at all costs.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Strike 3

We know you love singing "I'm On A Boat," but please don't be on one. When all hell is breaking loose at the second strike zone on the east side, Bane is diverting attention to the Queens River on the west side. We're not sure if he's going to hit the docks or the boat tour in that region, but one thing is for certain: boats shall die on this day.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Strike 4

No, not the park! It's so tough to find a tranquil place in the middle of a crowded city, and now it looks like Bane wants to strike Trillium Park, located right in the heart of the city. For the love of all that is holy, please don't walk your dog in the park that day. 
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Strike 5

As chaos and bloodshed engluf the city, Bane aims to focus on the Chelsea Tunnel at the north-west end of Gotham City. We hope Batman has been doing his cardio, because he's going to be running and jumping across the whole city.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Response Time

Bane has been studying Gotham's finest and hopes to predict how they'll react as he plan goes into action. One can only assume that's precisely why he's scattering the strikes at opposite ends of the city. He's a smart man and he knows they'll be too busy running around the city to notice whatever his real plan is. Spoiler alert: We think it's to break the Bat.
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.

Bane Shirt

We got our hands on some sweet swag, too! This awesome t-shirt is sporting a picture of Bane's face and the catchphrase for the third and final film. The Dark Knight had "why so serious?" and now The Dark Knight Rises has "fire rises." After getting a look at Bane's strike zones, it seems likely the result will be a destroyed Gotham City laced in rising fires. Fitting enough for us! The Dark Knight Rises is still 7 months away so we're sure the viral campaign will remain strong. We'll let you all know if we get anymore goodies!

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