
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Coming Water Wars         

The Coming Water Wars

by Dave Hodges -
water warsThe powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences…”

Professor Carroll Quigley, Mentor to President Bill Clinton

Very soon, America will be forced into water wars in order to secure the precious asset of water for our people. This will force our people into more wars of occupation in a search for water. Meanwhile, every nation that America conquers, is one less country that the bankers have to worry about taking over. At the end of the day, if America wants water, someday, Americans will have to go to war to obtain water.
As any aware person knows, Agenda 21 is being used as a front for the purpose of increasing the bottom of line of select global corporations. Bolivia is being exploited to this end and is serving as the canary in the mine with regard to what lies ahead for the United States and the coming water wars.
The United States sits upon a fiscal cliff. Economic devastation is in the cards for the US. Many wonder what will happen when the country defaults and cannot pay its bills. The answer is simple, our country will enter receivership. Once receivership is thrust upon our country, the bankers will begin to take control of our assets. Among the prize assets coveted by the globalist bankers will be our water supply.  Soon, very soon, our water supplies will become the most expensive in the world. Obtaining water for many Americans will soon be a life and death struggle.
Global consumption of water is doubling every 20 years, more than twice the rate of human population growth (United Nations Development Program, 2007). Also, according to the United Nations, more than one billion people already lack access to fresh drinking water (United Nations Developmental Program, 2007). If the current trend continues, by 2025 the demand for fresh water is expected to rise by over 50% more than the amount of water that is currently available. Multinational corporations recognize these trends and are trying to monopolize water supplies around the world. Monsanto, Bechtel, and other global multinationals are seeking control of world water systems and supplies. The World Bank recently adopted a policy of water privatization and full-cost water pricing. The World Bank’s policy of privatizing the world’s water supply conveniently coincides with the United Nations Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is actively promoting the privatization for the world’s water supplies through a “water for profit” scheme. “…(i) At the lowest appropriate level, delegation of water resources management, generally, to such a level, in accordance with national legislation, including decentralization of government services to local authorities, private enterprises and communities…” (United Nations Environment Program, 2007).
Agenda 21 further addresses the looming water crisis in Chapter 18 (.35) which states that “…water is a unitary resource. Long-term development of global freshwater requires holistic management of resources and a recognition of the interconnectedness of the elements related to freshwater and freshwater quality. There are few regions of the world that are still exempt from problems of loss of potential sources of freshwater supply, degraded water quality and pollution of surface and groundwater sources….” (The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007). After reading the comforting manner in which Agenda 21 addresses the coming water crisis, we should all be able to sleep soundly at night. Unfortunately, this does not prove to be the case when one considers what has happened to Bolivia ’s indigenous peoples’ access to fresh water.
Agenda21isEvilAgenda 21’s strategy for privatizing the world’s water is quite simple: The United Nations financial partner, the World Bank, and its associated set of central banks around the planet, cripples a nation’s economy, largely through the use of fiat currency and forced assumption of banker’s derivative debt. Subsequently, the World Bank attempts to resuscitate that nation’s economy through a series of regime saving loans. World Bank loans offer the hope of staving off massive human suffering resulting from a lack of basic necessities, staggering unemployment and all the other accompanying variables which could lead to a violent overthrow of a nation’s political power structure. However, the terms of a typical World Bank loan would make the most adept loan shark green with envy. Often, as a precondition to receiving the loan, the World Bank imposes some very draconian conditions, such as the privatization of the basic necessities of life (e.g. water) from which their corporate partners derive great economic benefit.
Nowhere has this scheme been played out more directly than in the late 1990’s and the early 2000’s in Bolivia . The first large scale, dry run of Agenda 21’s plan to privatize water, took place in Bolivia when someone at the World Bank flipped a switch and demanded the privatization of Bolivia ’s water supplies as a precondition for massive debt relief.
In 1995, the government of Bolivia owned nothing. However, Bolivia did owe the World Bank enormous sums of money. Like a heroin addict, the Bolivian government became dependent on its financial “drug dealer,” the World Bank. Predictably, repaying Bolivian debt, to the World Bank, was plunging the Bolivian people and its government into the abyss of abject poverty and despair (Watson, 2003).
In Cochabamba , Bolivia , a city of 800,000 people, the public water system of El Alto and its neighbor La Paz , the nation’s capital, was privatized in 1997. In a classic conflict of interest case, the private consortium that took control of the water, Aguas del Illimani, is a subsidiary of Bechtel, and a set of minority shareholders that includes, among others, an arm of the World Bank (Watson, 2003). Within weeks of taking over the city’s public water company, Bechtel hiked up rates by as much as 200%, far beyond what the city’s poor could afford to pay. The Bolivian poor, with a lack of access to clean water, have nearly one in ten children die before they reach the age of five. Adding insult to injury, families living in El Alto’s outskirts rely on well water in which community representatives say are contaminated with industrial waste (Watson, 2003).
When all legitimate avenues of securing fresh water were blocked by Bechtel, including the prohibition of collecting rain water in homemade pots and pans, the Bolivian people took to the streets and an ongoing pattern of street violence ensued until Bechtel exercised the better half of discretion and exited the country. Mark my words, when we do this in America, follow our coming contrived water shortage, Americans will be met with 44,000 drones and DARPA killer robots.
Bolivia’s past is America’s future. Why the American people have only heard a whimper about these corporate abuses at the hands of the San Francisco based Bechtel Corporation, the World Bank and the United Nations Agenda 21. In order to answer that question, one has to ask: Who is Bechtel owned by? Bechtel is a subsidiary of General Electric. General Electric owns NBC (Media, 2005). Perhaps this is why the reporting of this tale of human abuse so sparsely reported in the United States .
How interconnected are the global corporations to the United States Government, the United Nations and Agenda 21? Consider the following list of Bechtel employees who have moved into major policy making positions both in the United States Government and the United Nations.
  • Bechtel’s CEO, Riley P. Bechtel, served on the President Bush’s (43) Export Council (4/24/03)
  • George Schultz. Shortly after assuming his new position in Bechtel, President Reagan recruited Schultz to Washington to serve as Secretary of State.
  • Reagan’s Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinburger was a former Bechtel general counsel.
  • W. K. Davis was a Bechtel vice-president for nuclear development before he was appointed as Reagan’s Deputy Secretary of Energy      and administrative head of the Atomic Energy Commission.
  • William Casey a former Bechtel consultant served in a number of government positions including chairman of the SEC under Nixon,      head of the Export-Import bank under President Ford, and director of the CIA under Reagan.
  • Richard Helm, who later became a ‘consultant’ to  Bechtel, had earlier been a CIA director under Nixon.
  • William Simon, Nixon’s Treasury secretary, was hired by Bechtel as a consultant.
  • Ross Connelly, CEO of Bechtel Energy Resources  Corporation (retired), was appointed by George W. Bush (41) in June of 2001 to the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). The OPIC has  strong connections to the United Nations privatization projects.
  • Stew Burkhammer, a current Bechtel executive, is  presently a member of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s  (OSHA) Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (Cooperative  Research, 2006).
  • Marie-Françoise of Bechtel (France), Conseiller d’Etat, From 1979 to 1980, she was Consultant of the United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Center (United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration, 2007)
  • The connections between these groups can be further exemplified by the following: United Resolution 1483 (UN Security Council, 2003), approved the occupation of Iraq by American and British forces, thus making Iraq into a de facto colony. As such, this opened door for a corporate feeding frenzy by companies such as Bechtel as they lined up to “repair” Iraq following Gulf War II. Subsequently, Bechtel received a $1.03 billion contract to oversee major reconstruction of Iraq ‘s water and sewage. In spite of Bechtel’s promises, Iraqi families continue to lack access to clean water. The company made providing Southern Iraq ’s potable water one of its top priorities in which Bechtel promised delivery within 60 days following the commencement of the project. Within a year, Iraqi people still were suffering through epidemics of water-borne illnesses (e.g., cholera, kidney stones and diarrhea). Bechtel failed to live up to its word, but they did make a lot of money (Weston, 2003). And some people think that the United Nations is merely a benign and benevolent organization which is essentially neutral on all areas of politics and finance. Today, the stock holders of Bechtel have the United Nations to thank, in large part, for that extra vacation, their kid’s braces and the addition to their homes.
  • Bechtel is a major player in the evolving struggle to control the world’s future water supply. Bechtel and its peers have quietly been securing the rights to control the production and distribution of this essential resource and fully intend to make huge profits in the future when, as experts predict, water becomes a significantly scarce ‘commodity (Watson, 2003). As a footnote, in the face of 52 civilian deaths of Bechtel personnel, at the hands of insurgent terrorists, Bechtel did not withdraw from Southern Iraq . However, when its infrastructure projects came under fire from the insurgents, costing the corporation millions of dollars, Bechtel ceased operations in Southern Iraq . By the way, it was Bechtel which sold Saddam its chemical stockpile of weapons in his 1980’s war with Iran . This was followed by invading Iraq because it possessed weapons of mass destruction. I also found it interesting that Hillary Clinton was on the Board of Directors for Bechtel at the time of the sale of the weapons of mass destruction to Iraq (August 6th Coalition, 2006). Before the fall of the Shah of Iran, under President Jimmy Carter, Bechtel was contracted to build Iran ’s first nuclear power plant. As was the case with Saddam Hussein, Iran ’s government is still standing in the way of unfettered investment by the global corporations. Iran , the only Middle Eastern oil-rich country which will not likely capitulate to President Bush’s plans for a Middle East Free Trade Area, is now being threatened by the United States military, And remember, free trade is the one of the cornerstones of the UN’s Agenda 21. This makes one wonder who former President Bush really worked for.
  • I could have chosen any number of global corporations (e.g., Monsanto, Halliburton, etc.) to illustrate this abuse of humanity. The Bechtel Corporation is but one small corporate example of this disturbing trend.
  • In the era of globalization, flying under the banner of Agenda 21’s policy of “global sustainability,” transnational corporations circle the globe looking for opportunities for profit, putting people’s livelihoods, survival and the environment at risk. Too often the global corporations victimize unsuspecting and impoverished people who can least afford to absorb the brunt of these profit generating schemes. These actions severely undermine national sovereignty and individual determinism. However, this process is not inevitable; or infallible, successful resistance is possible. However the clock is ticking and time is quickly running out.
  • Do we think that this only happening in Bolivia? Similar projects are underway in Manilla, Pakistan and San Francisco. Yes, this is correct; Bechtel now has a contract with San Francisco ’s city government to upgrade the city’s water system. Bechtel employees are working side by side with city workers in a privatization move that people-in-the-know fear will lead to an eventual take-over of San Francisco ’s water system and create a fiasco similar to the one in Bolivia (Chatterjee, 2000). The wolf is at the door.
  • As the Roman Empire declined in influence and power, Feudalism replaced the nation-state government. The feudal lord was one of the few employers in the fourth and the fifth centuries. The feudal lords owned most of the land and nearly all the resources. Today, the specter of feudalism has shape-shifted into a global corporatocracy headed by the United Nations and Agenda 21. The global corporations are constructing this brand of neo-feudalism right before our eyes. Unfortunately, the people (i.e., Americans) who still have the power to stop it seem to possess the same vision-impairing flavor of glaucoma and refuse to see what is really happening. This is the same Agenda 21 plan which wants to use the power of behemoth banks and corporations, under the guise of United Nations sustainability rhetoric, in order to blackmail nations into allowing companies like Bechtel to assess a surcharge upon poor people and their at-risk children for daring to collect the rain water in homemade pots and pans. In the early part of this decade, Bolivians were asking each other, “have you seen the rain” in their unending search for fresh water.
  • Much like a teenager being lured into financial devastation by being enticed to own their first credit card, national governments cannot resist the addiction of seemingly infinite credit which is made available through the use of unsecured, fiat currency. Through the reckless spending of various governmental entities, tremendous debt is created. As the debt reaches critical levels and financial catastrophe looms, the World Bank rides in on its black horse and offers a nation financial salvation. However, that financial salvation comes at a steep cost which usually includes the selling their national soul to the devil. All too frequently, this “salvation” involves the imposition of the political and financial agenda of the United Nations and its partner, the World Bank. And with an Obama QE4 looming on the other side of the fiscal cliff, America is close to being the next Bolivia.
How long will it be until America becomes the next Bolivia ?  With regard to Agenda 21, this is only the tip of the iceberg. When this country is bankrupted by the bankers, America will be leveraged into seeking water in foreign countries and we will be all to happy to invade countries that plenty of the resource that we no longer have.
As the reader will discover in the second part of this series, the reader will discover that we don’t just have to worry about a banker takeover of our water assets. we are being invaded from within.  George H. W. Bush and T. Boone Pickens are buying up major water sources inside of our country as America is about to get hit on two fronts. I can see no other purpose behind this madness except that our military will be leveraged to invade, yet another set of countries.


August 6th Coalition (2006). Why Bechtel? (retrieved June 14, 2007).
Chatterjee, Pratap (May 31, 2000). The Earth Wrecker. San Francisco Bay Guardian Cooperative Research (2006). UN Rubber Stamps Iraq Occupation. (retrieved May 11, 2006).
Fogerty, John (1975). Have You Ever Seen the Rain? Chronicle: 20 Greatest Hits. Credence Clear Water Revival
Global Environment Facility (GEF). (2007). A Joint Initiative with UNEP and the World Bank. (retrieved Jun 17, 2007).
Marrs, Jim (2001). Rule by Secrecy. Harper Collins Publishers: New York.
Media (2005). Who Owns the Media? (retrieved June 17, 2007).
United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (2007).
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2007). Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources: Application of Integrated Approaches To the Development, Management and Use of Water Resources. – 124k.
United Nations Environment Programme (2007).Protection Of The Quality And Supply Of Freshwater Resources: Application Of Integrated Approaches To The Development, Management And Use Of Water Resources
United Nations Security Council 2003 Resolutions (2003).
Watson, Connie. (February 4, 2003) Sell the rain. How the privatization of water caused riots in Cochabamba, Bolivia. CBC Radio.
Weston, Fred(May, 2003). UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Iraq .

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