
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

RFID Chips And Soul Catcher 2025        
RFID Chips And Soul Catcher 2025

Electronic tagging is one thing. But a microchip designed to capture your soul? The government may be planning to microchip prisoners against their will. But did you know Big Brother is developing a chip that will play back your entire lifetime’s experiences on screen?

RFID Chips And Soul Catcher 2025
By Jon King

RFID Chips

News that the British government is planning to tag prisoners with radio frequency identification (RFID) chips was met last year with instant opposition from probation officers and civil rights lawyers. And rightly so. Government plans to implant the RFID chips without prisoners’ consent would in any circumstance be deemed an illegal act. It would also, of course, create a major moral dilemma.
“If the Home Office doesn’t understand why implanting a chip in someone is worse than an ankle bracelet,“ said Shami Chakrabarti of the civil rights group, Liberty, “they don’t need a human-rights lawyer – they need a common-sense bypass.”
And Harry Fletcher, Assistant General Secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, had this to say about the no-brainer scheme:
“Knowing where offenders like paedophiles are does not mean you know what they are doing. Treating people like pieces of meat does not seem to represent an improvement in the system to me.”
While no one is querying the need for some form of electronic tagging system as a means to help reduce overcrowding in prisons, the present system of wearing ankle bracelets is at least non-intrusive and temporary. One would assume a chip is rather more permanent.
It is also more revealing about the person in whom it lives and beeps. The RFID chip the government still plans to introduce will, for example, contain the person’s name, address, criminal record, and no doubt some form of biometric ID print as well. No escaping that. If the person is ever re-arrested a simple scan will reveal their entire lifetime’s misdemeanours, if not their entire lifetime’s experiences, period.
Which brings us to the Soulcatcher 2025…
Soul Catcher 2025
As long ago as 1995 British Telecom announced it was developing a memory chip designed to capture a person’s entire lifetime’s experiences. Implanted behind the eye, BT said, the chip would record the person’s thoughts, feelings and memories and store them in digital form.
BT confirmed the chip would be ready for use by the year 2025, hence the name: Soul Catcher 2025.
According to the literature available at the time, the Soul Catcher 2025 chip was being designed to attach directly to the optical nerve, where it would store incoming sensory impulses that could then be downloaded and played back on a computer.
Alternatively, the impulses could be implanted in someone else’s brain.
Peter Cochrane, Head of BT’s Advanced Applications and Technologies back in the 90s, announced through the press that an entire lifetime’s experiences could be captured and stored in about 10 terabytes of memory. The research program was being funded to the tune of £25 million, he confirmed.
And Dr Chris Winter of BT’s Artificial Life Team proudly asserted: “This is the end of death. By combining this information with a record of a person’s genes, we could recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually.”
Other reports at the time, most notably in the Telegraph and the Mail, expressed concerns that the Soul Catcher 2025 chip could even be used to record the lifetime experiences of a dying person and implant them in a newborn baby, so that the baby would start life where the dead person left off, so to speak.
When questioned about the ethics involved, Dr Winter replied that BT needed to remain at the cutting edge of telecommunications technologies, and that therefore the program was justified.
Other implications of the Soul Catcher 2025 implant include its use as a permanent bio-digital ID chip – which, somewhat ironically, brings us full circle.
Imagine if the government decided to implant prisoners with Soul Catchers instead of RFIDs.
And worse still, that on the prisoners’ deaths, the Soul Catchers were removed and implanted in newborn babies, as per British Telecom’s frightening ambitions to deploy their immortality chip by the year 2025.
How many generations before every newborn would be controlled – not only by the ‘stimoceiver’ chip implanted behind their eye, but by those specific impulses captured from the dead person’s brain which Big Brother has already decided the newborn should receive?
Paranoia run riot? Probably. But this technology is none the less being developed, as we speak.
I can see George Orwell turning in his grave…

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