
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Is This A CIA Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure? Warning For February 15, 2013                        
Is This A CIA Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure? Warning For February 15, 2013
Monday, December 24, 2012 20:25

Published on Dec 24, 2012 by priced916
“You guys have to see this. Keep an open mind (an intelligent person entertains all ideas and accepts none) No facts have been misrepresented or distorted. This is an actual event I would just like to document publically. Viral Mainstream Truth was attacked by a man named Sean Day claiming to be a US navy seal CIA time traveler. Working from his quantum computer he is trying to stop the time machine? Warning us that Feb 15 2013 – WW3 and alien invasion is coming? Looking for the looking glass? Very strange stuff. You can’t write this kind of stuff. Feel free to share. Keep and open mind… An intelligent person entertains all ideas and accepts none”… DCP

Sean Day:
Time Travel is Not as Impossible as You Think it to Be
Why are we asking this now?
Two Russian mathematicians have suggested that the giant atom-smasher being built at the European centre for nuclear research, CERN, near Geneva, could create the conditions where it might be possible to travel backwards or forwards in time. In essence, Irina Aref’eva and Igor Volovich believe that the Large Hadron Collider at Cern, which is due to be switched on this year for the first time, might create tiny “wormholes” in space which could allow some form of limited time travel…
“Time travel into the future is absolutely possible, in fact time passes at a different rate in orbit than it does on the ground, and this has to be taken into consideration in order for satellite navigation systems to work. But time travel into the past, although technically allowed in Einstein’s theory, will in the opinion of most physicists be ruled out when, and if, we develop a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics — and that’s what the LHC is all about.”
The Air Force Research Lab’s August “Teleportation Physics Report,” posted in 2004 on the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Web site, struck a raw nerve with physicists and critics of wasteful military spending.
In the report, author Eric Davis says psychic teleportation, moving yourself from location to location through mind powers, is “quite real and can be controlled.” The 88-page report also reviews a range of teleportation concepts and experiments:
• Quantum teleportation, a technique demonstrated in the last decade that shifts the characteristics, but not the location, of sub-atomic particles at great distances.
• Wormholes, a highly theoretical possibility whereby the intense gravitational field near black holes could rip open entrances to distant locales.
Explaining why the lab sponsored the study, AFRL spokesman Ranney Adams said, “If we don’t turn over stones, we don’t know if we have missed something.”
http://www.usatoday. com/tech/news/2004-11-05- teleportation_x.htm

Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.
One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the now non-existent Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.
On March 21, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

The Commentary that follows is from  [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass (LG) and Time Travel experiments:
“With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events.
I was told to consider the multiverse (5) idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings (6).
The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode). 
I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.
When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East.
How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it – a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away. 
To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column.
(I feel confident that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas injected into the barrel – Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components – These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind.

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