
Saturday, December 1, 2012

5 Ways Americans Can Stop Acting Like Mind Controlled Zombies             
Mind Control through technology and education has created a culture of conditioning, with the entertainment industry becoming the vice of the lost. When looking at modern-day society it’s hard not to see a zombieesque sleep state whose tentacles are latched onto everyone ‘plugged in’ to some degree. Here are 5 ways that Americans can break hypnotic zombie mind control.
These days there is a scientific dimension along with mental, physical and spiritual that all seems hellbent in turning away what is human and towards something in the artificial realm. If you are not aware of this, you are not living in what has traditionally been known as real. You are likely a zombie.
1. Television
If there is ever one thing we can point to that has turned individual thinking into a watered down collective, it is the television. If you have a child in the home you must turn the TV off. If you have a kid and visit someone, such as your parents, pay attention to how they will go long periods of time not even noticing your child, even as he or she works, flirts and tries to charm their way into favor…without luck. When parents watch television, real human interaction is lost and a child’s growth is stunted.
Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state.
2. Sports & Politics & Religion
Divide & Conquer. Politics have been called sports for nerds and at the end of the day, they are the same. The technique is to appeal to a human desire to unite for increased odds of survival. This has mutated into a desire for for teams and alliances that are formed around a myth, illusion or simply entertainment. What TV show do you watch? What team do you root for? What Politician will you vote for? What god do you pray to? Does this define who you are and who you associate with? If it does, you are a mind controlled zombie. Start associating with those who wear a different color uniform or better yet, don’t think about it at all.
3. Food, Water, Air, Environment: Clean The Body, Clean The Mind
The food we eat, the water we drink and the air all around us is filled with additives, preservatives, toxins and pollution. Essentially, the environment around us is being poisoned and we are being poisoned. For there to be any hope for change change, you need to first cleanse yourself and set the tone for the world around you. As infertility rates rise, this fact becomes evident that the current trajectory won’t support life much longer. While it is easier to control what you eat and drink, it is nearly impossible to control the outside air you breathe. Cleanse and detox yourself and tell others how to raise their levels of consciousness.
4. Education
We are a nation of repeaters. Everyone seems to share the same information and if someone is not tuned in they are thought to be out-of-touch. Doctors, journalists, educators…all repeating the same information with little or no unique insight. Most of what we are taught has one purpose: to make us productive drones in a monetary system that is bent around never ending growth and ultimate destruction of natural resources. More and more, it is becoming morally imperative to opting out of the current paradigm and this begins with education. Increased rates of Home schooled and unschooled children is evidence of this.
5. Step Away From the Conspiracy
Some conspiracies are true and some are not. The greatest conspiracy that exists is the one to keep us involved in a system of enslavement. Keep us working and paying taxes. Keep buying merchandise that does nothing to advance humanity. Keep voting. Keep buying in. To keep watching. If you step away from the conspiracy and live to tell about it, you are taking a giant step towards a reality most humans today don’t even know can exist, should exist and will exist if everyone says “fuck it” and stops offering validity to a system working towards a brave new goal of ultimate destruction.
Stay Tuned for a part 2 where we will go into more detail on what you can do and what is being done by others to escape the grips of mind control.

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