
Saturday, December 15, 2012

20 Outrageous Examples That Show How Political Correctness Is Taking Over America         

20 Outrageous Examples That Show How Political Correctness Is Taking Over America

The thought police are watching you.  Back in the 1990s, lots of jokes were made about "political correctness", and almost everybody thought they were really funny.  Unfortunately, very few people are laughing now because political correctness has become a way of life in America.  If you say the "wrong thing" you could lose your job or you could rapidly end up in court.  Every single day, the mainstream media bombards us with subtle messages that make it clear what is "appropriate" and what is "inappropriate", and most Americans quietly fall in line with this unwritten speech code.  But just because it is not written down somewhere does not mean that it isn't real.  In fact, this speech code becomes more restrictive and more suffocating with each passing year.  The goal of the "thought Nazis" is to control what people say to one another, because eventually that will shape what most people think and what most people believe.  If you don't think this is true, just try the following experiment some time.  Go to a public place where a lot of people are gathered and yell out something horribly politically incorrect such as "I love Jesus" and watch people visibly cringe.  The name of "Jesus" has become a curse word in our politically correct society, and we have been trained to have a negative reaction to it in public places.  After that, yell out something politically correct such as "I support gay marriage" and watch what happens.  You will probably get a bunch of smiles and quite a few people may even approach you to express their appreciation for what you just said.  Of course this is going to vary depending on what area of the country you live in, but hopefully you get the idea.  Billions of dollars of media "programming" has changed the definitions of what people consider to be "acceptable" and what people consider to be "not acceptable".  Political correctness shapes the way that we all communicate with each other every single day, and it is only going to get worse in the years ahead.  Sadly, most people simply have no idea what is happening to them.
The following are 20 outrageous examples that show how political correctness is taking over America...
#1 According to a new Army manual, U.S. soldiers will now be instructed to avoid "any criticism of pedophilia" and to avoid criticizing "anything related to Islam".  The following is from a recent Judicial Watch article...
The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”
#2 The Obama administration has banned all U.S. government agencies from producing any training materials that link Islam with terrorism.  In fact, the FBI has gone back and purged references to Islam and terrorism from hundreds of old documents.
#3 Authorities are cracking down on public expressions of the Christian faith all over the nation, and yet atheists in New York City are allowed to put up an extremely offensive billboard in Time Square this holiday season that shows a picture of Jesus on the cross underneath a picture of Santa with the following tagline: "Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!"
#4 According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals because it has a "disproportionate" impact on minorities.
#5 Down in California, Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that will allow large numbers of illegal immigrants to legally get California driver's licenses.
#6 Should an illegal immigrant be able to get a law license and practice law in the United States?  That is exactly what the State Bar of California argued earlier this year...
An illegal immigrant applying for a law license in California should be allowed to receive it, the State Bar of California argues in a filing to the state Supreme Court.
Sergio Garcia, 35, of Chico, Calif., has met the rules for admission, including passing the bar exam and the moral character review, and his lack of legal status in the United States should not automatically disqualify him, the Committee of Bar Examiners said Monday.
#7 More than 75 percent of the babies born in Detroit are born to unmarried women, yet it is considered to be "politically correct" to suggest that there is anything wrong with that.
#8 The University of Minnesota - Duluth (UMD) initiated an aggressive advertising campaign earlier this year that included online videos, billboards, and lectures that sought to raise awareness about "white privilege".
#9 At one high school down in California, five students were sent home from school for wearing shirts that displayed the American flag on the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.
#10 Chris Matthews of MSNBC recently suggested that it is "racist" for conservatives to use the word "Chicago".
#11 A judge down in North Carolina has ruled that it is unconstitutional for North Carolina to offer license plates that say "Choose Life" on them.
#12 The number of gay characters on television is at an all-time record high.  Meanwhile, there are barely any strongly Christian characters to be found anywhere on television or in the movies, and if they do happen to show up they are almost always portrayed in a very negative light.
#13 House Speaker John Boehner recently stripped key committee positions from four "rebellious" conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives.  It is believed that this "purge" happened in order to send a message that members of the party better fall in line and support Boehner in his negotiations with Barack Obama.
#14 There is already a huge push to have a woman elected president in 2016.  It doesn't appear that it even matters which woman is elected.  There just seems to be a feeling that "it is time" for a woman to be elected even if she doesn't happen to be the best candidate.
#15 Volunteer chaplains for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have been banned from using the name of Jesus on government property.
#16 Chaplains in the U.S. military are being forced to perform gay marriages, even if it goes against their personal religious beliefs.  The few chaplains that have refused to follow orders know that it means the end of their careers.
#17 All over the country, the term "manhole" is being replaced with the terms "utility hole" or "maintenance hole".
#18 In San Francisco, authorities have installed small plastic "privacy screens" on library computers so that perverts can continue to exercise their "right" to watch pornography at the library without children being exposed to it.
#19 You will never guess what is going on at one college up in Washington state...
A Washington college said their non-discrimination policy prevents them from stopping a transgender man from exposing himself to young girls inside a women’s locker room, according to a group of concerned parents.
#20 All over America, liberal commentators are now suggesting that football has become "too violent" and "too dangerous" and that it needs to be substantially toned down.  In fact, one liberal columnist for the Boston Globe is even proposing that football should be banned for anyone under the age of 14.

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