
Friday, November 23, 2012

Zombie Bullets: US ammo producers cash in on Zombie Apocalypse fears     

Zombie Bullets: US ammo producers cash in on Zombie Apocalypse fears

Published: 08 June, 2012, 17:00

AFP Photo/Julio Cesar Aguilar
AFP Photo/Julio Cesar Aguilar
A weapon against zombies is being sold across the US after a series of cannibal attacks shocked the country. The largest independent producer of bullets in the world says their Zombie Max ammunition is a response to the flesh-eating crimes.
Hornady Manufacturing Company, an American maker of ammunition and hand-loading components has decided to cash in on current zombie terror.
Zombie Bullets are designed for those who want to be ready and fully-equipped for what the company calls “a Zombie Apocalypse.”
Zombie fascination is also bouncing around the internet, recently becoming the third most-popular search term on Google. Conspiracies and expectation of the Zombie Apocalypse have even forced the US Center for Disease Control to address the American public and deny the threat.
But the move has obviously failed to calm the situation down.
Hornandy say their bullets are sure to kill for good.
“Be PREPARED – supply yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse with Zombie Max ammunition from Hornady! Loaded with PROVEN Z-Max bullets… MAKE DEAD PERMANENT!” – says the promotion on the company’s website.
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­Company spokesman Everett Deger told WWJ Newsradio 950: “We decided just to have some fun with a marketing plan that would allow us to create some ammunition designed for that … fictional world.”
He also added that Zombie Max and Z-Max bullets are Hornady’s most successful products.
But it’s not just weapons. Principles of theoretical defense against zombies are also proving popular in the US right now. A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Class is being offered in the city of Conover.  About a dozen people paid between $50 and $75 to take the first lesson Thursday night, reports.
"We focus on self-defense, firearms and how to handle apocalyptic situations. It could be anything from a nuclear bomb to a hurricane to an enemy invasion," says Jack Simons, Jr., the course creator.
He added that it is "Basically, a survival course with a zombie theme."
A recent outbreak of bizarre attacks triggered zombie conspiracies across the US. Some blame drugs, others believe it’s a psychiatric issue, but macabre zombie-style crimes have put the country on undead alert.  
Last week, a man in Miami attacked and ate the face of his victim – a homeless man, and was shot dead by police. The victim survived, but doctors are having a hard time piecing his face together. Then, an engineering student in Maryland allegedly stabbed a man to death and ate his heart and brain. In Canada, police are on the hunt for a porn actor who reportedly slaughtered, dismembered, sexually violated the body and then ate his victim.
The zombie paranoia inspired two young men in Miami to stage a prank:  video shot by an operator hiding in a parked car shows a young man wearing a blood-stained shirt. The“zombie” approaches passers-by with a roar and attacks them from behind. Vividly recalling recent bloody events in the city, most locals run away in a panic. The video quickly became an online hit.
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