
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Mystical Legacy OF Nikola Tesla - Martian Or Time Traveler?

The Mystical Legacy OF Nikola Tesla - Martian Or Time Traveler?

Sean Casteel's picture
Otis Carr proto type of saucer
Previously, we revealed how Nikola Tesla has impacted each of our lives without us being, in many cases, even aware of his existence. We noted that Tesla has a much-deserved reputation as perhaps the greatest single inventor of the last 200 years, having created Alternating Current, radio, radar and remote control, among many other indispensable innovations. What is less well known is his kinship with the stars, his relationship to the divine and direct connection to the Godhead.
Makes Tesla sound almost Christ-like, doesn’t it?
As is also the case with Christ, Tesla’s story begins with a series of birth legends, a mythical stage entrance that foreshadows the lifetime of service to mankind that lay ahead of Tesla.
A Global Communications book "Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and the White Dove," written by the mysterious and ever-popular retired military intelligence operative known only as Commander X, borrows liberally from a very rare manuscript issued privately in the 1950s by Margaret Storm, that was only circulated among a small group of New Age believers and was never published by a commercial publisher. In this work the articulate Storm proclaims the following about Tesla for the first time:
"Nikola Tesla was not an Earthman."
Storm goes on to explain that the "space people" have stated that Nikola Tesla was born onboard a spaceship which was on a flight from Venus to the Earth in July of 1856. The little boy was called Nikola. The ship delivered the newborn baby at precisely midnight between July 9 and 10.
It is generally known in occult circles that the "in-between" areas have the most power, hence midnight is called "the witching hour" because it lies between the end of one day and the beginning of the next. Similarly, blues singer Robert Johnson is alleged to have met the devil at "the crossroads," the space between the various roads. Even "The Twilight Zone" is named for that gray borderland between day and night.
So it is no accident of birth that Tesla arrived when he did, to the home of the Reverend Milutin and Djouka Tesla, in a remote mountain province in what came to be called Yugoslavia.
Storm claims that information was given by the space people in 1947 to contactee Arthur H. Matthews of Quebec, Canada, an electrical engineer who from his youth was closely associated with Tesla.
Also referenced by Commander X in "Nikola Tesla Free Energy And The White Dove" is a biography of Tesla written by John J. O’Neill, a science editor from "The New York Herald-Tribune," called "Prodigal Genius." While Storm acknowledges that O’Neill did not fail to show a proper respect and awe for his subject, he nevertheless did not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the occult to correctly interpret the extraordinary powers which set Tesla apart from this world.
"O’Neill made the common error," Storm writes, "of assuming that Tesla had died as do ordinary mortals, that his work was finished and that he left no disciples."
O’Neill could not have been more mistaken, according to Storm.
"In the first place," she continues, "Tesla was not a mortal according to Earth standards. Being a Venusian, he is now able to work on Earth in his subtle body with far greater facility than when in his physical body. Tesla carefully trained certain disciples to continue his physical plane work under his supervision after he had shed his physical body."
Among those he trusted to carry on his work after his death was the aforementioned Arthur H. Matthews, who claimed to receive the information from the space people that has become a large part of the Tesla mystique.
While Tesla never personally claimed any otherworldly origins, we do know that he attempted to communicate with the planet Mars and claimed to have picked up mysterious radio signals from the Red Planet on several occasions. Tesla also expressed the rather peculiar idea that his mind was being acted on by outside forces. A new book by Tim R. Swartz and Timothy Green Beckley called "Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr" includes portions of Tesla’s thesis on this matter.
"In my boyhood," Tesla recalls, "I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the site of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and actions. They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those imagined. When a word was spoken to me, the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not. This caused me great discomfort and anxiety. None of the students of psychology or physiology whom I have consulted could ever explain satisfactorily these phenomena."
Tesla later theorized that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain that put the retina "under great excitation."
"They certainly were not hallucinations," he added, "such as are produced in diseased and anguished minds, for in other respects I was normal and composed. If my explanation is correct, it should be possible to project on a screen the image of any object one conceives and make it visible. Such an advance would revolutionize all human relations. I am convinced this wonder can and will be accomplished in time to come. I may add that I have devoted much thought to the solution of the problem."
The idea of a machine that can read the minds, at least in visual terms, may indeed one day become a practical reality, though perhaps Tesla is a little too optimistic when he says it would "revolutionize" human relations. The ability to read one another’s minds in such a fashion would more likely become a tool of oppression where "correct thinking" could be gauged and quantified. It also sounds like the kind of thing our present day Homeland Security would like to install in airports, giving them the ability to "see" into the mind of a given terrorist as he inevitably visualizes the mission he intends to carry out.
Another interesting item Tesla touches on in his autobiographical writings is the little-known fact that in his youth he was addicted to both gambling and tobacco. The gambling was ruining his finances, and the tobacco his health, so he quit both habits as a simple act of the will and had suffered no longings for either vice sense, something he said he continued to be proud of. His good health and mental sharpness continued well into his 80s, he said, because of his diet, which included lots of milk and fresh vegetables, and regular exercise, including swimming and long walks.
Given that Tesla’s life was so much about the invention of new machines and groundbreaking technologies, it should perhaps come as no surprise that he often thought of himself as a machine. He used the term "automaton," and said he believed that all humans are an automaton of one kind or another. We are a pathetic form of life that is capable only of responding to outside stimuli that are far beyond our control and that nothing truly intelligent originates in us at all. This seemed to presage some 20>th century schools of psychology that came later, particularly the Stimulus and Response theories of Pavlov and the Behaviorism of B. F. Skinner. While this is not exactly a flattering take on what makes us human, it is again a natural outgrowth of Tesla’s life and work and smacks of a kind of "mechanical metaphysics."
Tesla also relates a sort of sad story from his boyhood. He was playing in the street with some neighborhood boys when one of the town’s aldermen passed by. The alderman stopped to give each of Tesla’s playmates a small silver coin, but when he looked in young Nikola’s eyes, he said, "Nothing for you. You’re too smart."
This would become a pattern for Tesla’s adulthood. He never married or had a romantic relationship with any female and never formed any close bond of friendship with a man. Margaret Storm calls it "aloneness," as opposed to "loneliness." Tesla needed to keep his emotional self to himself for the sake of his continual work, he said. And when work was going well, which it generally was, he was in a state of unending "rapture." His love for his work was all he needed to be psychologically and emotionally content.
There is the often told story that Tesla felt he was in contact with aliens from Mars, which he talked about publicly and suffered no small amount of ridicule for doing so. He was working at his lab in Colorado Springs when a device he had originally invented for detecting thunderstorms at great distances began to register signals that were numerically precise and repeated themselves just as precisely. There was no mistaking the fact that the signals were intelligently controlled and that he was meant to hear them. He immediately concluded that the signals were coming from Mars, then thought to be the most likely place in our solar system for intelligent life to exist. He later modified his opinion to say the signals may have been coming from somewhere much closer, which made them all the more ominous. He did not automatically assume the signals were sent with friendly intent, and the idea that the aliens’ ships were possibly nearby was not a comforting one. Tesla said he did feel a sense of wonder and awe, however, being a witness to the first meeting of two very different worlds and the beginning of what could be a very long conversation between them.
One price Tesla paid for being open about such mysteries was being satirized in the popular entertainment world as a "mad scientist," always building his frightening contraptions, such as his "Death Ray," while never managing to quite defeat the hero, be he Superman or someone similar. The horror and science fiction movies of the period often included a Tesla Coil for atmosphere and spooky realism.
In any case, Timothy Green Beckley and Tim R. Swartz have done a marvelous job of putting together "Men of Mystery," which also includes material from the elusive Michael X, who had written about numerous paranormal and New Age subjects before disappearing from the field altogether when he encountered some intimidating agents of the unknown who frightened him into abandoning his research and writing altogether. But that, as they say, is another story.
"Men of Mystery" takes up the story of one Otis T. Carr as well. Carr was one of the disciples Tesla left behind to carry on his work after the legendary inventor passed away.
"After Nikola Tesla’s death in 1943," the book reads, "it seemed as if there would be no one to carry on with his legacy. At that time, Tesla was forgotten; his accomplishments marginalized by those who sought to steal or suppress the great man’s inventions and theories. One man, however, was not afraid to try to continue with Tesla’s dreams. This man was Otis T. Carr."
Carr was born in 1904 in Elkins, West Virginia, and briefly attended the Ohio School of Commercial Art in Cleveland before joining a group of artists in New York City. He claimed to have first met Tesla in 1925, while working as a hotel clerk in Manhattan.
"Tesla had a penchant for feeding pigeons in a nearby park," the book continues, "and Carr was asked to obtain a bag of unsalted peanuts so that Tesla could feed his beloved birds."
In spite of Tesla’s reclusive ways, the two men developed a friendship that lasted until Tesla’s death. Carr and Tesla would discuss science and technological developments for new forms of energy production. After Tesla’s death, Carr wrote a book called "Dimensions of Mystery: A Message for the Twentieth Century," a collection of poetry, allegorical stories and a report on the discovery of free energy, no doubt inspired by his relationship with Tesla.
Sometime in the mid-1950s, Carr created OTC Enterprises, with the purpose of developing inventions using Tesla technology. While Carr was in no sense a scientist, and did not claim to be one, it is likely that Tesla had shared with his young friend ideas of utilizing new forms of energy to power a field propulsion generator. This sort of "antigravity" propulsion had been conceived by Tesla years before, but technology at that time prevented him from going beyond laboratory experiments. With Tesla’s notes in hand, Carr was convinced that, with the help of engineers who were not afraid of a little original thinking, Tesla’s dreams could be brought to fruition.
In May 1958, "FATE Magazine" published an article in which Carr claimed to have produced a form of antigravity that could power everything from hearing aids to space cruisers. Carr demonstrated a crude model of a circular motion machine which he said used a "free energy" power source and could be applied to spacecraft, a spacecraft that he could himself build if given sufficient funding. The spacecraft would be able to fly among the planets in controlled flight. It could land or take off as desired, on the Earth, the moon or any planet in the Earth’s solar system.
"Carr and his associates said their claims are based on the most simple, practical applications of natural laws and discoveries in science and mathematics," the FATE article continues. "They have no formal education in science or engineering."
Margaret Storm, whose seminal biography of Tesla from an occult perspective has been quoted earlier, also writes of the relationship between Carr and Tesla.
"Tesla is said to have talked but little in those years," she writes, "but fortunately young Carr was not inhibited by any knowledge of this fact. He asked the great genius so many questions and listened with such rapt eagerness to every syllable that Tesla soon gave him a nickname – ‘The Sponge.’ This served as a little joke between two good friends, but actually the name was well-chosen, as Tesla realized when he selected it."
While Carr would come to proclaim in the late 1950s that free energy and space travel were now available to the world, thanks to Tesla’s work and his own, there is little evidence that he was actually able to deliver on his promises, which must have somehow been suppressed if his claims were true. But Storm adds that men like Tesla, Matthews and Carr "must serve as outposts of consciousness. They have human free will and can put forward inventions without imposing on the free will of others. It is up to humanity to accept or reject inventions which are offered in the open competitive market."
We have only the anecdotal "evidence" as offered by Matthews and Storm and others that Nikola Tesla was actually an extraterrestrial left on the doorstep of his unsuspecting parents and that his genius had truly originated on another world. But no one can argue with the fact that a mythos has grown up around Tesla that casts him as a kind of messiah of our technological age, sent to lead us to a New Jerusalem of wonderworking machines, to a paradise where mankind has mastered all the forces that formerly stood in the way of our collective happiness. If such a thing is even remotely possible, one can only hope that Tesla’s believers are right about him.

Men Of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr: Weird Inventions Of The Strangest Men Who Ever Lived! by Timothy Green Beckley and Tim R. Swartz
Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X
The Experiments, Inventions, Writings And Patents Of Nikola Tesla: Master Of The Cosmic Flame Authored by Nikola Tesla, Editor-in-chief Timothy Green Beckley, Volume editor William Kern
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: Time Travel, Alternative Energy and the Secret of Nazi Flying Saucers by Tim R. Swartz Tesla/dp/1606110543/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1340070773&sr=1-1&keywords=9781606110546
[If you enjoyed this article, visit Sean Casteel’s "UFO Journalist" website at to read more of his work or to purchase his books.]

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