
Monday, November 26, 2012

Physicist: HAARP Manipulates Time

Physicist: HAARP Manipulates Time

truther May 23, 2012 9

Terrence Aym
A brilliant physicist published a revolutionary paper citing 30 other scientific papers that reveal HAARP has incredible powers far beyond what most investigators of the high frequency energy technology suspect. Dr. Fran De Aquino asserts a fully functional HAARP network, activated globally, can not only affect weather and geophysical events, but influence space and gravity…even time itself! Now the network is almost complete with the activation of the newest HAARP facilities at the bottom of the world: the desolate and alien Antarctic. Will the masters of HAARP become the masters of time too?

Physicist: HAARP may create incredible godlike powers
The most dangerous man alive?
Factions of three of the largest governments in the worldthe United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the Peoples Republic of Chinamay be cutting orders to eliminate a man who they see as one of the most dangerous in the world. No, he’s not the world’s most hunted multi-national terrorist, nor even a mad scientist with a new virus that can wipe out humanity.
Dangerous man: Brazilian physicist Dr. Fran De Aquino
The most dangerous man in the world may be Brazilian physicist Dr. Fran De Aquino.
De Aquino hasn’t developed a death ray or obtained secret launch codes to the world’s nuclear missiles. He’s done something potentially much worse: he’s spilled the scientific and technological beans of the greatest secret in the world: the ultimate purpose of HAARP.
Expanding HAARP network almost completed
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) now has installations criss-crossing the world and extends from pole-to-pole. The Antarctic facilities are near completion.
Strange space-gravity waves
De Aquino, whose paper High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause earthquakes, cyclones and localized heating, lifts the veil hiding the HAARP wizardsand unlike the erstwhile Wizard of Oz, the HAARP wizards have some real power at their disposal.
The physicist’s scholarly workciting 30 other scientific papers, many peer-reviewedreveals much more than the incredible title the paper promises.
HAARP interfering with gravity over Pacific Ocean
HAARP can manipulate gravity
Most researchers of HAARP suspected for some time that the technology can trigger earthquakes and ignite hurricanes. De Aquino’s paper tends to confirm those suspicions, but goes farther.
Utilizing high frequencies, he says, HAARP can modify, even control gravity by blocking gravity waves locally.
De Aquino claims heavy objects can be moved, even transported by creating “gravitational shieldings.” But, the scientists stresses, HAARP can do even more.
The ELF technology can generate “Gravitational Shielding Mantles which are made by layers of high-dielectric strength semiconductor sandwiched by two metallic foils and insulation layers. The Gravitational Shielding Mantle can be made so that it is only 1 millimeter in thickness.”
The Stavros RF pendulum experiment has HAARP properties
De Aquino’s contention is actually supported by the experiments of another physicist, Dimitriou Stavros from the TEI-Athens, Deptartment of Electrical Engineering in Greece.Stavros successfully demonstrated an electromagnetic interaction with the gravity field.
From his abstract:
The period of the pendulum oscillations of a suspended electromagnetic resonant circuit formed by quarter-wavelength transmission line sections is found to be affected by electrical parameters of the oscillator driving it. Of particular influence appears to the magntitude of current at resonance, which depends on the effective quality factor (Q) of the RF tank circuit and the input driving power.
Incredible HAARP energy vortex warps a cloud
Yet, most astounding of all, De Aquino asserts that the ultimate power of HAARP is its capability to warp time.
Time dilation, a relativistic effect described in Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, is created by mass approaching the speed of light and affecting gravity by warping space-time.
Is HAARP being used to create space-time travel?
HAARP can control space and time
De Aquino’s paper shows that when subjected to a uniform ELF electromagnetic field, mass can be transitioned to a different time relative to outside observers. It is done artifically and at will.
Advanced HAARP teleportation technology
The analogy he draws envisions an ocean going vessel. He explains the ship “…is made of steel. When subjected to a uniform ELF electromagnetic field, with intensity and frequency the ship will perform a transition in time to another time. It is important to note that the electromagnetic field, besides being uniform, must remain with the ship during the transition to the new time. If it is not uniform, each part of the ship will perform transitions to different times in the future. In order for the electromagnetic field to remain with the ship, it is necessary that all the parts, which are involved with the generation of the field, stay inside the ship. If persons are inside the ship they will perform transitions to different times in the future because their conductivities and densities are different.”
The USS Eldridge at sea [Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy]
Remarkably, that is almost the exact scenario described by the alleged witness Carl Allende of the Philadelphia Experiment. Now widely regarded as a fabricated story, the early 1940s U.S. Navy experiment allegedly codenamed Project Rainbow never actually took place.
HAARP draws upon Nikola Tesla’s work a century ago
Believers of the story, however, claim that famed inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla assisted in the experiment that involved a naval escort vessel named the USS Eldridge. The purpose was to create invisibility, but ended tragically when the ship was spatially transported and parts of it were trapped in temporal anomalies.
It’s strongly suspected that much of the HAARP technology is Tesla’s workupdated and improved—and built upon the latest 21st Century scientific knowledge.
So, just what will HAARP be used for? Weather wars? Triggering geophysical events? Manipulation of gravity? Warping space-time? Some think the technology is already driving people mad.
The most dangerous man alive, Dr. Fran De Aquino, claims it’s all of the above.

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