
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mind Control & Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber               
Mind Control & Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber
By Alex Constantine
The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it. - Joseph Mengele
Dennis Sweeney  Allard Lowenstein  George Moscone  Dan White
Francis Fox
Christopher Scalley
Calspan  Brain telemetering  Hippocampal Neuron Patterning  Brigadier General Benton Partin
American Psychological Association  Dr. Louis Jolyon West

The popular conception was spun by the press corps like a clay urn: McVeigh, the volatile minute man, was so bitter after failing to make the Army's "elite" Special Forces, so stuffed full of the froth of the Turner Diaries, that he vented his rage on the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
But Captain Terry Guild, McVeigh's' former platoon leader, told reporters that the failure to become a Green Beret left the Iraq War veteran "upset. Not angry. Just very, very disappointed." In the Army, he demonstrated a willingness to carry out orders, any orders. He trained on his own time while other soldiers languished in their bunks or caroused at the PX. As a civilian, Timothy McVeigh continued to dwell on the military. In 1992 he took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo and was assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare. Al Salandra, a spokesman for Calspan, told reporters that McVeigh was "a model employee."
"He was real different," Todd Regier, a plumber, told the Boston Globe. "Kind of cold. He was almost like a robot."
Within a few months, his manager planned on promoting McVeigh to the supervisory level. But McVeigh's bitterness, once directed at the military, "was becoming directed at a much larger, more ubiquitous enemy." It was in Buffalo, as a civilian, that McVeigh's rage peaked. He complained that federal agents had left him with an unexplained scar on his posterior, implanted him with a microchip. It was painful, he said, to sit on the chip.
It's conceivable, given the current state-of-the-art in classified mind control technology, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental black project.
Jeff Camp, who worked as a guard with McVeigh in upstate New York after high school, told Newsweek that the bomber was "a very strange person. It was like he had two different personalities." The press has ignored the rise of mind control operations and technology, but electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military science units that once tested nuclear isotopes on crippled children.
The generals keep it close to their armored vests, but the miniature implantable monitor was declassified long ago. Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for instance, markets a sensor implant sealed inside a "hermetic biocompatible package" that runs on a tiny power coil, complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia's sales literature notes that the implant's design "is founded on technology originally developed for weapons."
The Pentagon's electromagnetic arsenal is cloaked by the "nonlethal defense" program the media has been busily selling as a "humane" alternative to conventional death-dealing conventional arms.
From the Pentagon's electromagnetic underworld came Timothy McVeigh, the "robotic" recruit obsessed with visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge. If he had indeed been implanted, McVeigh marched in step with a small army of glassy-eyed assassins.
No Programmed Killer's Hall-of-Fame would be complete without a bust of Dennis Sweeney, the student activist who murdered Allard Lowenstein, the famed civil rights and anti-war activist. Lowenstein was suspected by many of fronting for the CIA. A Yale graduate, he marched in the Freedom Summer of 1964 in Mississippi, campaigned for Adlai Stevenson and Robert Kennedy. Yet he was a close friend of William F. Buckley, the garrulous CIA asset and Lowenstein's conservative counterpart. He qualified for the Nixon enemy list, but associated with the coalition of felons occupying the White House. He ran the National Student Association before the CIA took over.
For several years, Lowenstein attempted to prove that a conspiracy was responsible for the deaths of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and was also responsible for his own political downfall ... a malevolent force that would explain the civil rights movement's decline. Sweeney, who had protested with Lowenstein in Mississippi, shot his tumultuous mentor seven times at Rockefeller Center. The assassin remained calm and did not flee.
He maintained that the CIA, with Lowenstein's help, had implanted him with a telemetric brain device fifteen years earlier, and made his life an unbearable torment. Voices were transmitted through his dental work, he said, and he attempted to silence them by filing his false teeth. Sweeney blamed remote "controllers" for the assassination of San Francisco mayor George Moscone.
The murders of Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk had all the earmarks of mind control. Dan White, their assassin, had been a paratrooper in the 173rd Airborne Division, in which capacity he served in Vietnam. He was discharged from Fort Bragg in 1967, returned to San Francisco and joined the police department. He lived in Sausalito, drove a Porsche and generally lived far beyond his means. In 1972 he gave it all up and took a vacation since known as White's "missing year."
Back in San Francisco, he joined the fire department. His temper tantrums were an embarrassment to co-workers, though his work record was without blemish. In his run for the Board of Supervisors, White spoke as if he was "programmed," according to Stan Smith, a local labor leader. During Board sessions, White was known to slip into lapses of silence punctuated by goose-stepping walks around the chambers.
White used illegal hollow-point bullets. After Milk's body was cremated, the ashes were enshrined at his prior direction with bubble bath, signifying his homosexuality, and several packets of Kool-Aid, a clue that Milk left behind, per the will he'd revised a week before the shootings, to signify Jim Jones of the People's Temple, a CIA mind control experiment that ended with the destruction of 1200 subjects.
"I can be killed with ease," Milk noted in a poem written the month he died, "I can be cut right down." In his new will, he wrote: "Let the bullets that rip through my brain smash every closet door in the country."
Allegations of classified federal mind control operations have surfaced repeatedly, erupting from hidden pockets of the "national security" underground. In 1984, Francis Fox of Coral Gables, Florida, the owner of a prestigious bridal shop, announced that she'd been subjected to a traumatic set of mind control experiments by CIA and military psychiatrists. She spoke to reporters for the St. Petersburg Times for three hours. The story, "Military Controls My Mind, Woman Says," appeared on March 6, 1994. "Fox said her father was a Cuban-American," the Times reported. "He went into the U.S. military and was stationed in Panama, Germany and several U.S. bases, including MacDill in Tampa." She was tormented for a year, while her father was visiting Cuba. She was subjected to ritualized trauma by her father on instructions from the CIA, Fox believes, to "split" her and "deposit the painful memory with several alter personalities."
Five months after the Oklahoma bombing, freeway sniper Christopher Scalley claimed to take direction from "electronic appliances," as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle on August 19, 1995:
     Why Evidence on I-80 Sniper Languished - CHP was given suspect's license number in June
     Auburn, Placer County- The California Highway Patrol received information almost two months ago leading to the      man arrested Thursday in the Interstate 80 sniping spree, but an official acknowledged yesterday that the CHP did      not pass it on to local investigators.
     David Morillas of Loomis said his wife Carla wrote down the license number of a truck that passed them after the      side rear window of their car was blown away, showering their sleeping 5-year- old son with glass in what is now      thought to have been the sniper's first attack, in Citrus Heights, a Sacramento suburb, on June 27.
     "We kept thinking that the CHP was checking into it,'' Morillas said. He said yesterday that after his car window      shattered, he saw a red Toyota pickup suddenly slow down and shift into the right lane on the roadway.
     Morillas said he slowed down alongside the truck and yelled through an open window. "I was shouting at him.      'Did you see what happened to my window?'.
     . . Finally, he said, 'I didn't see nothing.' He was kind of talking weird, mumbling. I couldn't understand him.''
     The tie-in between the June 27 shooting and the other 14 sniper attacks was not made until this week, when Carla      Morillas spoke to sheriff's officers. The officers discovered that the license plate number she had reported matched the tag number of their suspect, Christopher Shaw Scalley, 48, of Applegate, who was arrested Thursday.
     According to arrest documents, Scalley told Placer County authorities that he had been receiving messages via      radio waves and electronic appliances, and had heard voices telepathically from passing vehicles. Scalley had      been arrested before for the sale of controlled substances and for driving under the influence.
     Scalley had been missing since his home was searched Tuesday. He was spotted Thursday by a television news      crew in his red pickup outside a home in Carmichael, where a friend of Scalley's reportedly committed suicide      Wednesday....
Advances in 'overhead' sensors - satellites and UAVs (Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles) included - will create opportunities not only to detect targets but to track them as they move. In (U.S. Air Force Joint Chief of Staff) General Fogelman's view, "this is kind of a revolution in warfare," - Interview with General Ronald R. Fogelman, Jane's Defense Weekly, 1995
McVeigh's rage at a target "larger" and "more ubiquitous" than the military was incited at Calspan, within a year of his failed Special Forces entrance examination, several months AFTER leaving the Army.
Calspan and electromagnetic mind control both have roots at the same Ivy League institution - Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Calspan was founded in 1946 as Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. And Cornell was also the contract base for the CIA's "Human Ecology Fund," a fount of financial support for classified experimentation at the country's leading universities.
Cornell Aerospace was reorganized in 1972 and renamed Calspan. Six years later, the firm was acquired by Arvin Industries. Recently, Arvin-Calspan merged with Space Industries International (SII), a commercial space- flight venture based in Texas. During the Reagan-Bush era, SII expanded from a staff of 33 to over 2,700 employees.
Timothy McVeigh was assigned to the conglomerate's Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo, N.Y. (Calspan ATC). ATC sales literature boasts a large energy shock tunnel, radar facilities and "a radio-frequency (RF) simulator facility for evaluating electronic warfare techniques." One Calspan research lab specializes in microscopic engineering. Calspan literature boasts that ATC employs "numerous world-renowned scientists and engineers" on "the cutting edge" of scientific research.
The technology is well within Calspan's sphere of its pursuits. The company is instrumental in REDCAP, an Air Force electronic warfare system that winds through every Department of Defense facility in the country.
The week before the bombing in Oklahoma City. A rash of newspaper stories reported that a disembodied, rumbling, low-frequency hum had been heard across the country. Past hums in Taos, NM, Eugene, OR, Timmons, Ontario and Bristol, UK were (despite specious official denials) attuned to the brain's auditory pathways. Brain telemetering systems are a subset of the Pentagon's "non-lethal" arsenal. The dystopian implications were explored by Defense News for March 20, 1995: "Naval Research Lab Attempts to Meld Neurons and Chips: Studies May Produce Army of 'Zombies.' Future battles, the newspaper reported, "could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells.... The research, called Hippocampal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips. 'This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies,' Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said."
The president of SII is former space shuttle astronaut Joseph P. Allen, whose early accomplishments included a Fulbright scholarship to Germany (1959), and nuclear research at Brookhaven National Laboratory (1963-67), under investigation by the Department of Energy in 1994 for conducting secret radiation experiments on human subjects. Dr. Allen was recruited by NASA in 1967. He has also served as a staff consultant to the President's Council on International Economic Policy, and was a NASA assistant administrator for legislative affairs (1975-78).
From the "mammal tracking" folk at Eglin AFB hails Richard Covey, a former astronaut who has flown four shuttle missions and took five spacewalks, currently SII's director of business development. Covey the fighter hawk served two tours of Duty in Vietnam, and flew 339 combat missions. An Air Force release notes that his immediate postwar assignment was to Eglin AFB, where he was joint director for electronic warfare testing of the F-15 Eagle.
Another ranking scientist at Calspan, Paul Brodnicki chaired the technical program at a conference on electronic warfare simulations held in February, 1994 at the US Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Maryland. Topics on the itinerary included off-board "Radio-Frequency Self-Protection."
Calspan places much research, emphasis on bioengineering and artificial intelligence. In May, 1995, Lames Llinas of the Buffalo division gave a talk at the Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence in Washington, D.C. While making his rounds at Calspan, perhaps Tim McVeigh picked up a company newsletter that discussed the work of Cliff Kurtzman, a graduate of UCLA and MIT's Space Systems Lab and a "team leader" in the R&D of artificial intelligence and telerobotics.
Besides the Air Force and NASA, Calspan is a ranking subcontractor of Sentar, Inc., an advanced science and engineering firm capable, according to company literature, of creating artificial intelligence systems. Sentar's customers include the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Rockwell International, Teledyne, Nichols Research Corp. and TRW.
The "guilt by association" prize goes to retired Brigadier General Benton Partin of the USAF, who laid responsibility for the Oklahoma bombing on "leftists" conducting a "psycho-political operation going on at the present time against the 'Christian Right' bogeyman." The payoff, Partin insisted darkly, was a propaganda victory for "a world commonwealth of independent states" plotting to "criminalize the patriotic support of Constitutional rights."
Partin called a one-hour press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on June 15. The conference was attended by over 100 reporters, representing every major broadcast, newspaper and wire service, independent news firm and the foreign media.
But then Brig. Gen. Partin was not a disinterested party. He served 31 years in the Air force, in the research, design, testing and management of weapons development. He was commander of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory. He boasts that he held authority over all advanced weapons concepts R&D'd by the Air Force and its high-tech contractors - which would, of course, include Calspan.
The connection to Timothy McVeigh, and the nature of the sensitive, classified work done by the firm, have somehow escaped the notice of the press. The sole exception was a cursory mention of Calspan that appeared in the Boston Globe a few days after the blast.
But CIA watchers everywhere caught their breath when CNN announced that a psychological trauma team, mustered by the American Psychological Association, would converge in Oklahoma City to treat survivors of the explosion and the victims' families - led by none other than Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. West is a sinister creation of the Agency's mind control fraternity. Among other totalitarian projects, he has studied the use of drugs as "adjuncts to interpersonal manipulation or assault," and employed pioneers in the field of remote, electronic mind control experimentation at UCLA.
West has recommended to federal officials that drugs be used to control "bothersome" segments of the population:
     "This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in {Brave New World} (1932), has the governing element employing      drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways. In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even      more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly      isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed.
     To society, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome--and less expensive--if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent."

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