
Sunday, November 4, 2012

McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate       
The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.
- Joseph Mengele
Have you seen this one yet?
NOTE:  While we are remembering the demonic Dr. Louis Jolyon West, I'd like to remind listees that Dr. West showed up in Oklahoma City three days after the bombing (April 21st, 1995) and was present when McVeigh was transferred to the El Reno Federal Correction Facility where he remained until being transferred to Colorado for trial.  West later came to town again at the end of September 1995 -- at which time his visit was the headline story on the front page of the Daily Oklahoman.

In light of those things, it seems appropriate to reprint this interesting though somewhat speculative article by Alex Constantine who, toward the end of the material, writes:

"But CIA watchers everywhere caught their breath when CNN announced that a psychological trauma team, mustered by the American Psychological Association, would converge in Oklahoma City to treat survivors of the explosion and the victims' families - led by none other than Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. West is a sinister creation of the Agency's mind control fraternity. Among other totalitarian projects, he has studied the use of drugs as "adjuncts to interpersonal manipulation or assault," and employed pioneers in the field of remote, electronic mind control experimentation at UCLA.  West has recommended to federal officials that drugs be used to control "bothersome" segments of the population...."
Was Timothy McVeigh an unwitting mind-controlled patsy?

McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate

by David Hoffman
Special to ParaScope

[Editor's Note: The following is a special preview of David Hoffman's forthcoming book The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, due out from Feral House later this year. Hoffman is the publisher of the Haight Ashbury Free Press.]

IN ORDER TO FULFILL HIS MILITARY OBLIGATION, McVeigh signed on with the Army National Guard in Buffalo, where he landed a job as a security guard with Burns International Security. McVeigh was assigned to the night shift, guarding the grounds of Calspan Research, a defense contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare.

In a manner mirroring his conduct in the service, McVeigh became the consummate security guard. Calspan spokesman Al Salandra told reporters that McVeigh was "a model employee." Yet according to media accounts, McVeigh had lost his confidence, and his cool.

"Timmy was a good guard," said former Burns supervisor Linda Haner-Mele. He was "always there prompt, clean and neat. His only quirk," according to Mele, "was that he couldn't deal with people. If someone didn't cooperate with him, he would start yelling at them, become verbally aggressive. He could be set off easily."

According to an article in the Washington Post, co-workers at a Niagara Falls convention center where he was assigned described him as "emotionally spent, veering from passivity to volcanic anger." An old friend said he looked "like things were really weighing on him."

"Timmy just wasn't the type of person who could initiate action," said Lynda Haner-Mele formerly of Burns Security, where McVeigh worked in early 1992. "He was very good if you said, 'Tim watch this door -- don't let anyone through.' The Tim I knew couldn't have masterminded something like this and carried it out himself. It would have had to have been someone who said: 'Tim, this is what you do. You drive the truck...'"

Mele's account directly contradicts the testimony of Sergeant Chris Barner and former Private Ray Jimboy, both of whom served with McVeigh at Fort Riley, and claimed that McVeigh was a natural leader. This also contradicts McVeigh's service record, which rated him "among the best" in leadership potential and an "inspiration to young soldiers." "He had a lot of leadership ability inside himself," said Barner. "He had a lot of self confidence."

Apparently, "Something happened to Tim McVeigh between the time he left the Army and now," said Captain Terry Guild.

"He didn't really carry himself like he came out of the military," said Mele. "He didn't stand tall with his shoulders back. He kind of slumped over." She recalled him as silent, expressionless, with lightless eyes, but subject to explosive fits of temper. "That guy didn't have an expression 99 percent of the time," added Mele. "He was cold."

Colonel David Hackworth, an Army veteran who interviewed McVeigh for Newsweek, concluded that McVeigh was suffering from a "postwar hangover." "I've seen countless veterans, including myself, stumble home after the high-noon excitement of the killing fields, missing their battle buddies and the unique dangers and sense of purpose," wrote Hackworth in the July 3rd edition of Newsweek. "Many lose themselves forever."

Although such symptoms may be seen as a delayed reaction syndrome resulting from the stress of battle, they are also common symptoms of mind control.

While visiting friends in Decker, Michigan, McVeigh complained that the Army had implanted him with a microchip, a miniature subcutaneous transponder, so that they could keep track of him. He complained that it left an unexplained scar on his buttocks and was painful to sit on.

"Among the many telemetry instruments being used today, are
miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed, carried
externally, or surgically implanted.... They permit the
simultaneous study of behavior and physiological functioning."

--Dr. Stuart Mackay, Bio-Medical Telemetry (textbook), 1968

To the public, unfamiliar with the bewildering lexicon of government mind control research, such a claim may appear as the obvious rantings of a paranoiac. But is it?

Miniaturized telemetrics have been part of an ongoing project by the military and the various intelligence agencies to test the effectiveness of tracking soldiers on the battlefield. The miniature implantable telemetric device was declassified long ago. As far back as 1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay, in his textbook entitled Bio-Medical Telemetry, reported, "Among the many telemetry instruments being used today, are miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed, carried externally, or surgically implanted in man or animal. They permit the simultaneous study of behavior and physiological functioning."

It is interesting to note that McVeigh claimed that the Army implanted him with a microchip. According to Dr. Carl Sanders, the developer of the Intelligence Manned Interface (IMI) biochip, "We used this with military personnel in the Iraq War where they were actually tracked using this particular type of device."

It is also interesting to note that the Calspan Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo, NY (Calspan ATC), where McVeigh worked, is engaged in microscopic electronic engineering of the kind applicable to telemetrics. Calspan was founded in 1946 as Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, which included the "Fund for the Study of Human Ecology," a CIA financing conduit for mind control experiments by emigre Nazi scientists and others under the direction of CIA doctors Sidney Gottlieb, Ewen Cameron, and Louis Jolyn West.

According to mind control researcher Alex Constantine, "Calspan places much research emphasis on bioengineering and artificial intelligence (Calspan pioneered in the field in the 1950s)." In his article, "The Good Soldier," Constantine states:

"Human tracking and monitoring technology are well within Calspan's sphere of pursuits. The company is instrumental in REDCAP, an Air Force electronic warfare system that winds through every Department of Defense facility in the country. A Pentagon release explains that REDCAP "is used to evaluate the effectiveness of electronic-combat hardware, techniques, tactics and concepts." The system "includes closed-loop radar and data links at RF manned data fusion and weapons control posts." One Patriot computer news board reported that a disembodied, rumbling, low-frequency hum had been heard across the country the week of the bombing. Past hums in Taos, New Mexico, Eugene and Medford, Oregon, Timmons, Ontario and Bristol, England were most definitely (despite specious official denials) attuned to the brain's auditory pathways.

"The Air Force is among Calspan's leading clients, and Eglin AFB has farmed key personnel to the company. The grating irony -- recalling McVeigh's contention he'd been implanted with a telemetry chip -- is that the Instrumentation Technology Branch of Eglin Air Force Base is currently engaged in the tracking of mammals with subminiature telemetry devices. According to an Air Force press release, the biotelemetry chip transmits on the upper S-band (2318 to 2398 MHz), with up to 120 digital channels."

There is nothing secret about the biotelemetry chip. Ads for commercial versions of the device have appeared in national publications. Time magazine ran an ad for an implantable pet transponder in its June 26, 1995 issue -- ironically enough -- opposite an article about a militia leader who was warning about the coming New World Order. While monitoring animals has been an unclassified scientific pursuit for decades, the monitoring of humans has been a highly classified project which is but a subset of the Pentagon's "nonlethal" arsenal. As Constantine notes, "the dystopian implications were explored by Defense News for March 20, 1995:

"Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May Produce Army of 'Zombies.'

"Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells.... The research, called Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips. 'This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies,' Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said."

"It's conceivable," according to Constantine, "given the current state of the electronic mind control art, a biocybernetic Oz over the black budget rainbow, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental project, that the device was the real McCoy."

What this defense department newsletter may have been discussing is the successor to the "Stimoceiver," developed in the late 1950s by Dr. Joseph Delgado and funded by the CIA and the Office of Naval Research. The stimoceiver is a tiny transponder, implanted in the head of a control subject, which can then be used to modify emotions and control behavior. According to Delgado, "Radio Stimulation of different points in the amygdala and hippocampus [areas of the brain] in the four patients produced a variety of effects, including pleasant sensations, elation, deep, thoughtful concentration, odd feelings, super relaxation, colored visions, and other responses."

According to Delgado, "One of the possibilities with brain transmitters is to influence people so that they conform with the political system. Autonomic and somatic functions, individual and social behavior, emotional and mental reactions may be invoked, maintained, modified, or inhibited, both in animals and in man, by stimulation of specific cerebral structures. Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact. It is even possible to follow intentions, the development of thought and visual experiences."

As Constantine points out, the military has a long and sordid history of using enlisted men and unwitting civilians for its nefarious experiments, ranging from radiation, poison gas, drugs and mind control, to spraying entire U.S. cities with bacteriological viruses to test their effectiveness, as was done in San Francisco in the late 1950s. The most recent example involves the use of experimental vaccines tested on Gulf War veterans who are currently experiencing bizarre symptoms, not the least of which is death. When attorneys representing the former soldiers requested their military medical files, they discovered there was no record of the vaccines ever being administered.

Timothy McVeigh may have unknowningly been an Army/CIA guinea pig involved in a classified telemetric/mind-control project -- a "Manchurian Candidate."
Mind Control & Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber                                         By Alex Constantine
The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.
- Joseph Mengele
The popular conception was spun by the press corps like a clay urn: McVeigh, the volatile minute man, was so bitter after failing to make the Army's "elite" Special Forces, so stuffed full of the froth of the Turner Diaries, that he vented his rage on the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
But Captain Terry Guild, McVeigh's' former platoon leader, told reporters that the failure to become a Green Beret left the Iraq War veteran "upset. Not angry. Just very, very disappointed." In the Army, he demonstrated a willingness to carry out orders,
any orders. He trained on his own time while other soldiers languished in their bunks or caroused at the PX. As a civilian, Timothy McVeigh continued to dwell on the military. In 1992 he took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo and was assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare. Al Salandra, a spokesman for Calspan, told reporters that McVeigh was "a model employee."
"He was real different," Todd Regier, a plumber, told the Boston Globe. "Kind of cold. He was almost like a robot."
Within a few months, his manager planned on promoting McVeigh to the supervisory level. But McVeigh's bitterness, once directed at the military, "was becoming directed at a much larger, more ubiquitous enemy." It was in Buffalo, as a civilian, that McVeigh's rage peaked. He complained that federal agents had left him with an unexplained scar on his posterior, implanted him with a microchip. It was painful, he said, to sit on the chip.
It's conceivable, given the current state-of-the-art in classified mind control technology, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental black project.
Jeff Camp, who worked as a guard with McVeigh in upstate New York after high school, told Newsweek that the bomber was "a very strange person. It was like he had two different personalities." The press has ignored the rise of mind control operations and technology, but electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military science units that once tested nuclear isotopes on crippled children.
The generals keep it close to their armored vests, but the miniature implantable monitor was declassified long ago. Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for instance, markets a sensor implant sealed inside a "hermetic biocompatible package" that runs on a tiny power coil, complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia's sales literature notes that the implant's design "is founded on technology originally developed for weapons."
The Pentagon's electromagnetic arsenal is cloaked by the "nonlethal defense" program the media has been busily selling as a "humane" alternative to conventional death-dealing conventional arms.
From the Pentagon's electromagnetic underworld came Timothy McVeigh, the "robotic" recruit obsessed with visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge. If he had indeed been implanted, McVeigh marched in step with a small army of glassy-eyed assassins.
No Programmed Killer's Hall-of-Fame would be complete without a bust of Dennis Sweeney, the student activist who murdered Allard Lowenstein, the famed civil rights and anti-war activist. Lowenstein was suspected by many of fronting for the CIA. A Yale graduate, he marched in the Freedom Summer of 1964 in Mississippi, campaigned for Adlai Stevenson and Robert Kennedy. Yet he was a close friend of William F. Buckley, the garrulous CIA asset and Lowenstein's conservative counterpart. He qualified for the Nixon enemy list, but associated with the coalition of felons occupying the White House. He ran the National Student Association before the CIA took over.
For several years, Lowenstein attempted to prove that a conspiracy was responsible for the deaths of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and was also responsible for his own political downfall ... a malevolent force that would explain the civil rights movement's decline. Sweeney, who had protested with Lowenstein in Mississippi, shot his tumultuous mentor seven times at Rockefeller Center. The assassin remained calm and did not flee.
He maintained that the CIA, with Lowenstein's help, had implanted him with a telemetric brain device fifteen years earlier, and made his life an unbearable torment. Voices were transmitted through his dental work, he said, and he attempted to silence them by filing his false teeth. Sweeney blamed remote "controllers" for the assassination of San Francisco mayor George Moscone.
The murders of Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk had all the earmarks of mind control. Dan White, their assassin, had been a paratrooper in the 173rd Airborne Division, in which capacity he served in Vietnam. He was discharged from Fort Bragg in 1967, returned to San Francisco and joined the police department. He lived in Sausalito, drove a Porsche and generally lived far beyond his means. In 1972 he gave it all up and took a vacation since known as White's "missing year."
Back in San Francisco, he joined the fire department. His temper tantrums were an embarrassment to co-workers, though his work record was without blemish. In his run for the Board of Supervisors, White spoke as if he was "programmed," according to Stan Smith, a local labor leader. During Board sessions, White was known to slip into lapses of silence punctuated by goose-stepping walks around the chambers.
White used illegal hollow-point bullets. After Milk's body was cremated, the ashes were enshrined at his prior direction with bubble bath, signifying his homosexuality, and several packets of Kool-Aid, a clue that Milk left behind, per the will he'd revised a week before the shootings, to signify Jim Jones of the People's Temple, a CIA mind control experiment that ended with the destruction of 1200 subjects.
"I can be killed with ease," Milk noted in a poem written the month he died, "I can be cut right down." In his new will, he wrote: "Let the bullets that rip through my brain smash every closet door in the country."
Allegations of classified federal mind control operations have surfaced repeatedly, erupting from hidden pockets of the "national security" underground. In 1984, Francis Fox of Coral Gables, Florida, the owner of a prestigious bridal shop, announced that
she'd been subjected to a traumatic set of mind control experiments by CIA and military psychiatrists. She spoke to reporters for the St. Petersburg Times for three hours. The story, "Military Controls My Mind, Woman Says," appeared on March 6, 1994. "Fox said her father was a Cuban-American," the Times reported. "He went into the U.S. military and was stationed in Panama, Germany and several U.S. bases, including MacDill in Tampa." She was tormented for a year, while her father was visiting Cuba. She was subjected to ritualized trauma by her father on instructions from the CIA, Fox believes, to "split" her and "deposit the painful memory with several alter personalities."
Five months after the Oklahoma bombing, freeway sniper Christopher Scalley claimed to take direction from "electronic appliances," as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle on August 19, 1995:
Why Evidence on I-80 Sniper Languished - CHP was given suspect's license number in June
     Auburn, Placer County- The California Highway Patrol received information almost two months ago leading to the man arrested Thursday in the Interstate 80 sniping spree, but an official acknowledged yesterday that the CHP did not pass it on to local investigators.
     David Morillas of Loomis said his wife Carla wrote down the license number of a truck that passed them after the side rear window of their car was blown away, showering their sleeping 5-year- old son with glass in what is now thought to have been the sniper's first attack, in Citrus Heights, a Sacramento suburb, on June 27.
     "We kept thinking that the CHP was checking into it,'' Morillas said. He said yesterday that after his car window shattered, he saw a red Toyota pickup suddenly slow down and shift into the right lane on the roadway.
     Morillas said he slowed down alongside the truck and yelled through an open window. "I was shouting at him. 'Did you see what happened to my window?'.
     . . Finally, he said, 'I didn't see nothing.' He was kind of talking weird, mumbling. I couldn't understand him.''
     The tie-in between the June 27 shooting and the other 14 sniper attacks was not made until this week, when Carla Morillas spoke to sheriff's officers. The officers discovered that the license plate number she had reported matched the tag number of their suspect, Christopher Shaw Scalley, 48, of Applegate, who was arrested Thursday.
     According to arrest documents, Scalley told Placer County authorities that he had been receiving messages via radio waves and electronic appliances, and had heard voices telepathically from passing vehicles. Scalley had been arrested before for the sale of controlled substances and for driving under the influence.
     Scalley had been missing since his home was searched Tuesday. He was spotted Thursday by a television news crew in his red pickup outside a home in Carmichael, where a friend of Scalley's reportedly committed suicide Wednesday....
Advances in 'overhead' sensors - satellites and UAVs (Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles) included - will create opportunities not only to detect targets but to track them as they move. In (U.S. Air Force Joint Chief of Staff) General Fogelman's view, "this is kind of a revolution in warfare,"
- Interview with General Ronald R. Fogelman, Jane's Defense Weekly, 1995
McVeigh's rage at a target "larger" and "more ubiquitous" than the military was incited at Calspan, within a year of his failed Special Forces entrance examination, several months AFTER leaving the Army.
Calspan and electromagnetic mind control both have roots at the same Ivy League institution - Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Calspan was founded in 1946 as Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. And Cornell was also the contract base for the CIA's "Human Ecology Fund," a fount of financial support for classified experimentation at the country's leading universities.
Cornell Aerospace was reorganized in 1972 and renamed Calspan. Six years later, the firm was acquired by Arvin Industries. Recently, Arvin-Calspan merged with Space Industries International (SII), a commercial space- flight venture based in Texas.
During the Reagan-Bush era, SII expanded from a staff of 33 to over 2,700 employees.
Timothy McVeigh was assigned to the conglomerate's Advanced Technology Center in Buffalo, N.Y. (Calspan ATC). ATC sales literature boasts a large energy shock tunnel, radar facilities and "a radio-frequency (RF) simulator facility for evaluating electronic warfare techniques." One Calspan research lab specializes in microscopic engineering. Calspan literature boasts that ATC employs "numerous world-renowned scientists and engineers" on "the cutting edge" of scientific research.
The technology is well within Calspan's sphere of its pursuits. The company is instrumental in REDCAP, an Air Force electronic warfare system that winds through every Department of Defense facility in the country.
The week before the bombing in Oklahoma City. A rash of newspaper stories reported that a disembodied, rumbling, low-frequency hum had been heard across the country. Past hums in Taos, NM, Eugene, OR, Timmons, Ontario and Bristol, UK were (despite specious official denials) attuned to the brain's auditory pathways. Brain telemetering systems are a subset of the Pentagon's "non-lethal" arsenal. The dystopian implications were explored by Defense News for March 20, 1995: "Naval Research Lab Attempts to Meld Neurons and Chips: Studies May Produce Army of 'Zombies.' Future battles, the newspaper reported, "could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells.... The research, called Hippocampal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on
computer chips. 'This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies,'  Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said."
The president of SII is former space shuttle astronaut Joseph P. Allen, whose early accomplishments included a Fulbright scholarship to Germany (1959), and nuclear research at Brookhaven National Laboratory (1963-67), under investigation by the Department of Energy in 1994 for conducting secret radiation experiments on human subjects. Dr. Allen was recruited by NASA in 1967. He has also served as a staff consultant to the President's Council on International Economic Policy, and was a
NASA assistant administrator for legislative affairs (1975-78).
From the "mammal tracking" folk at Eglin AFB hails Richard Covey, a former astronaut who has flown four shuttle missions and took five spacewalks, currently SII's director of business development. Covey the fighter hawk served two tours of Duty in Vietnam, and flew 339 combat missions. An Air Force release notes that his immediate postwar assignment was to Eglin AFB, where he was joint director for electronic warfare testing of the F-15 Eagle.
Another ranking scientist at Calspan, Paul Brodnicki chaired the technical program at a conference on electronic warfare simulations held in February, 1994 at the US Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Maryland. Topics on the itinerary included off-board "Radio-Frequency Self-Protection."
Calspan places much research, emphasis on bioengineering and artificial intelligence. In May, 1995, Lames Llinas of the Buffalo division gave a talk at the Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence in Washington, D.C. While making his rounds at Calspan, perhaps Tim McVeigh picked up a company newsletter that discussed the work of Cliff Kurtzman, a graduate of UCLA and MIT's Space Systems Lab and a "team leader" in the R&D of artificial intelligence and telerobotics.
Besides the Air Force and NASA, Calspan is a ranking subcontractor of Sentar, Inc., an advanced science and engineering firm capable, according to company literature, of creating artificial intelligence systems. Sentar's customers include the U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Rockwell International, Teledyne, Nichols Research Corp. and TRW.
The "guilt by association" prize goes to retired Brigadier General Benton Partin of the USAF, who laid responsibility for the Oklahoma bombing on "leftists" conducting a "psycho-political operation going on at the present time against the 'Christian Right' bogeyman." The payoff, Partin insisted darkly, was a propaganda victory for "a world commonwealth of independent states" plotting to "criminalize the patriotic support of Constitutional rights."
Partin called a one-hour press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on June 15. The conference was attended by over 100 reporters, representing every major broadcast, newspaper and wire service, independent news firm and the foreign media.
But then Brig. Gen. Partin was not a disinterested party. He served 31 years in the Air force, in the research, design, testing and management of weapons development. He was commander of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory. He boasts that he held authority over all advanced weapons concepts R&D'd by the Air Force and its high-tech contractors - which would, of course, include Calspan.
The connection to Timothy McVeigh, and the nature of the sensitive, classified work done by the firm, have somehow escaped the notice of the press. The sole exception was a cursory mention of Calspan that appeared in the Boston Globe a few days after the blast.
But CIA watchers everywhere caught their breath when CNN announced that a psychological trauma team, mustered by the American Psychological Association, would converge in Oklahoma City to treat survivors of the explosion and the victims'
families - led by none other than Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. West is a sinister creation of the Agency's mind control fraternity. Among other totalitarian projects, he has studied the use of drugs as "adjuncts to interpersonal manipulation or assault," and employed pioneers in the field of remote, electronic mind control experimentation at UCLA.
West has recommended to federal officials that drugs be used to control "bothersome" segments of the population:
     "This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in {Brave New World} (1932), has the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways. In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed.
     To society, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome--and less expensive--if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent."
Timothy McVeigh: The Good Soldier

On April 19, 1995, around 9:03am, just after parents dropped their children off at day care at the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, the unthinkable happened. 
Half the nine-story building exploded into oblivion.
Covered almost from its inception on nationwide TV, the country watched, stunned, as the bodies of men, women and children were pulled from the rubble for nearly two weeks. When the smoke cleared and the exhausted rescue workers packed up and left, 168 people were dead in what was already being dubbed "the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil."
Just 90 minutes after the explosion, an Oklahoma Highway Patrol officer pulled over 27-year-old Timothy McVeigh for driving without a license plate. Shortly before he was to be released on April 21, McVeigh was recognized as a bombing suspect and was charged with the bombing. When McVeigh's ex-Army buddy, Terry Nichols, discovered that he, too, was wanted for questioning, he voluntarily surrendered to police in Herington, Kansas, and was later charged in the bombing.
The popular conception was spun by the press corps like a clay urn: McVeigh, the volatile minute man, was so bitter after failing to make the Army's "elite" Special Forces, so stuffed full of the froth of the Turner Diaries, that he vented his rage on the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
But Captain Terry Guildt, McVeigh's former platoon leader, told reporters that the failure to become a Green Beret left the Iraq war veteran "upset. Not angry. Just very, very disappointed." In the Army, he demonstrated a willingness to carry our orders, any orders. He trained on his own time while other soldiers languished in their bunks or caroused at the PX. As a civilian, Timothy McVeigh continued to dwell on the military. In 1992 he took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo and was assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare. Al Salandra, a spokesman for Calspan, told reporters that McVeigh was "a model employee."
"He was different," Todd Regier, a plumber, told the Boston Globe. "Kind of cold. He was almost like a robot."
Within a few months, his manager planned on promoting McVeigh to the supervisory level. But McVeigh's bitterness, once directed at the military, "was becoming directed at a much larger, more ubiquitous enemy." It was in Buffalo, as a civilian, that McVeigh's rage peaked. He complained that federal agents had left him with an unexplained scar on his posterior, implanted him with a microchip. It was painful, he said, to sit on the chip.
It is conceivable, given the current state-of-the-art in classified mind control technology, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental black project.
Jeff Camp, who worked as a guard with McVeigh in upstate New York after high school, told Newsweek that the bomber was "a very strange person. It was like he had two different personalities." The press has ignored the rise of mind control operations and technology, but electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military science units that once tested nuclear isotopes on crippled children.
The Pentagon's electromagnetic arsenal is cloaked by the "nonlethal defense" program the media has been busily selling as a "humane" alternative to conventional death-dealing conventional arms.
From the Pentagon's electromagnetic underworld came Timothy McVeigh, the "robotic" recruit obsessed with visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge. If he had indeed been implanted, McVeigh marched in step with a small army of glassy-eyed assassins.
One bomb, in one truck, outside the building, did the entire job. Those who heard more than one bomb, or saw more than one man, or even more than one truck, were quickly and efficiently silenced.
The building itself was imploded and demolished by the Federal Government in an effort to "move on" and create "closure" for the victims. Like MOVE, like WACO, like Jonestown, like the World Trace Center and so many others, the evidence was buried in the pretense of "moving on."
We're not ready to move on. Wait a minute. Hold up. Just what happened? What's the hurry?
McVeigh "confessed," so they say. Was he following orders even then?  There was no trial. McVeigh was executed. Quickly. To get it over with, to "put it behind us" and give the families of the victims "closure." God Bless America?
A sensitive investigation of Nazi activity and drugs was allegedly underway in Oklahoma City. Some 300 members of the victims' families are suing the government claiming that the bombing was a "government sting" designed to trap neo-Nazis but which went horribly wrong. If the building was destroyed, in part, to bury evidence of virtual government involvement in the distribution of drugs, it's certain that a representative would step forward to float disinformation and quickly bury any evidence of the truth.
This is America, one of the few remaining countries that even practices capital punishment. If we are going to take a man's life don't we  want to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is guilty?  I want to hear the evidence, I want to be sure that all the evidence is in, and that there is no mistake being made. Because if there is...if there is...if there is, there will certainly be no closure.
And after the "attack" on the World Trade Towers, closure is even further away than it was then. Killing McVeigh (if he is, indeed dead, which remains questionable) solved nothing. It brought no one back, and no one is any more sure of anything than they were when he was alive. His secrets went with him, wherever he went, and the evil that runs through the this "one nation...under God...indivisible...with liberty...and justice..for all" continues to spew its ugly venom from pillar to post, from sea to shining sea. There are those who even describe the McVeigh they saw "executed" as having a neatly shaved head, looking older and thinner than in previous encounters. Was it even McVeigh at all?
Susan Carlson, a media witness to the execution (and a friend of missing/dead intern Chandra Levy) said McVeigh appeared to be "still breathing or shallow breathing, even after being pronounced dead, and his eyes remained open."
McVeigh's sister testified at the closed grand jury hearing that he worked for a special forces unit involved in criminal activity. He reportedly trained at the School of the Americas, the CIA's academy for death squads. As a civilian, McVeigh's military mindset remained. He joined the National Guard of Tonawanda, New York. He took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo. McVeigh was assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic warfare.
Dr. Louis Jolyon West Rises Again
An article in the Defense News for March 20, 1995 reads:
Navy Resarch Lab Attempts to Meld Neurons and Chips
Studies May Produce Army of 'Zombies'
Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells... The research, called Hippocampal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips. "This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies," Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said.

What this defense department newsletter may have been discussing is the successor to the "Stimoceiver," developed in the late 1950s by Dr. Joseph Delgado and funded by the CIA and the Office of Naval Research. The stimoceiver is a tiny transponder, implanted in the head of a control subject, which can then be used to modify emotions and control behavior. According to Delgado, "Radio Stimulation of different points in the amygdala and hippocampus [areas of the brain] in the four patients produced a variety of effects, including pleasant sensations, elations, deep, thoughtful concentration, odd feelings, super relaxation, colored visions, and other responses."
According to Delgado, "One of the possibilities with brain transmitters is to influence people so that they conform with the political system. Autonomic and somatic functions, individual and social behavior, emotional and mental reactions may be invoked, maintained, modified, or inhibited, both in animals and in man, by simulation of specific cerebral structures. Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact. It is even possible to follow intentions, the development of thought and visual experiences."
The military has a long and sordid history of using enlisted men and unwitting civilians for its nefarious experiments, ranging from radiation, poison gas, drugs, and mind control, to spraying entire U.S. cities with bacteriological viruses to test their effectiveness, as was done in San Francisco in the late 1950s. The most recent example involves the use of experimental vaccines tested on Gulf War veterans who are currently experiencing bizarre symtpoms, not the least of which is death. When attorneys representing the former soldiers requested their military medical files, they discovered there was no record of the vaccines ever being administered.
CIA observers everywhere choked when CNN announced that a psychological trauma team, mustered by the American Psychological Association, would converge in Oklahoma City to treat survivors of the explosion and the victims' families -- let by none other than Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. West was one of the premier scientists involved in mind control experiments, supported by the CIA. He worked closely with Sidney Gottlieb, director of the CIA's infamous MK-ULTRA mind control program.
West allegedly visited McVeigh up to seventeen times in prison and may have been instrumental in persuading McVeigh to remain silent about co-conspirators in the OKC "bombing." Again, why?
In past mind control operations -- the killings of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and John Lennon among others, operatives were placed in the path of the subject to program his thinking and urge him through a self-incriminating maze to the fatal act. 
Afterwards, intelligence operatives (often a psychiatrist) may step forwared to hypnotically deprogram the subject.
Dr. West also examined Jack Ruby after his conviction of the alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, which closed that case nicely.
West began studing torture and brainwashing during the Korean War, and eventually expanded his research to include post-traumatic stress syndrome, alcohol and drug abuse, pain, sleep problems, dreams and hypnosis. West was frequently a court-appointed "expert" psychiatrist. He testified that Jack Ruby suffered from "major mental illness." He was also one of four psychiatrists who examined Patty Hearst, the kidnapping victim turned bank robber, before her 1976 trial. The panel found that she was sane and able to stand trial, but "psychologically damaged as a result of torture." It recommended she should be treated before the trial, a recommendation ignored by the court.
West was sought out by the news media for insight as recently as 1997, when the Heaven's Gate cult staged a mass suicide in San Diego.
A civil rights activist, ironically, West was the first white psychiatrist to go to South Africa to testify on behalf of black prisoners during the attempt to end apartheid. He was a member of the White House Conference on Civil Rights in 1966, and he worked for years to abolish the death penalty.
West forumlated plans for the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, originally proposed by then-Governor Ronald Reagan. West described the program as an attempt to predict occurences of violent behavior in specific population groups. According to Dr. West, "The major known correlates of violence are sex (male), age (youthful), ethnicity (black), and urbanicity." Voilá! Instant profiling, the police tactic that is sweeping the nation in legal quagmires faintly reminiscent of the years of "runaway slaves." Dr. West then discussed a wide variety of treatments, including chemical castration, psycho-surgery and experimental drugs, which were to be co-ordinated with a California law-enforcement program, using computer databases to track "pre-delinquent" youth for "pre-emptive" treatment, that is, young blacks with no criminal recoreds. Crime prevention, in other words. Shades of The Minority Report, long before the movie!
The California State Legislature officially dismantled plans for the Center after information regarding the program was leaked to the press. However, among the worst of Dr. West's experiments were performed through the Stanford Research Institute. West conducted his own studies of the "phenomenology of dissociative states," or multiple personalities. Dr. Colin Ross, a specialist in dissociative dissorders, offers that Dr. West's work for the CIA centered on the biology or personality of dissociative states. Many victims of the CIA-anchored experimentation have been left with multiple personalities induced at a young age, and it is certain that the CIA can trigger induced multiple personalities electronically from a remote source to commit any act on cue, the ultimate Manchurian Candidate.
Colonel David Hadkworth, an Army veteran who interviewed McVeigh for Newsweek, concluded that McVeigh was suffering from a "postwar hangover." "I've seen countless veterans, including myself, stumble home after the high-noon excitement of the killing fields, missing their battle buddies and the unique dangers and sense of purpose," wrote Hackworth in the July 3rd edition of Newsweek. "Many lose themselves forever."
Although such symptoms may be seen as a delayed reaction syndrome resulting from the stress of battle, they are also common symptoms of mind control.
"Law and order" Republican Phil Gramm has a plan to remake the criminal justice system in America. He has a vision: slave labor. Gramm proposed "decriminalizing prison labor" by converting "every federal prison in this country into a mini-industrial park. "I want prisoners to work ten hours a day, six days a week."
We watch with amazement as our prison population grows by leaps and bounds, the inmates  primarily Black.  The prison-industrial-complex, accountable to no one and nothing but profit now that it has become privatized, becomes a massive beast swallowing the powerless to feed the powerful.
Slave labor camps, run by high-tech science.  Who can blame anyone for not wanting to know? It takes the brave among us to be willing to look, to see, and to examine carefully what we have before us. If not us, who? If not now, when?
Timothy McVeigh needed a lawyer. Attorney Steven Jones took McVeigh's case after both of his legal predecessors were run off by death threats.
The Bridge of Gold: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Within hours of the bombing, the New York Daily News Reported, some rescue workers were stopped from searching for survivors while federal officials removed boxes of documents. 40 to 50 federal agents spent much of the night carrying boxes from the floors occupied by the federal DEA and BATF while federal officials began limiting the number of rescue workers in the building to a dozen, confining them largely to the lower right side of the battered structure. Were these the same files withheld during the trial? Could these files have established either McVeigh's innocence or the fact that he was not working alone?
Let's get one thing straight. There has been a cover-up in the Oklahoma Bombing. The moment the FBI admitted that it had withheld evidence in the case from the lawyers, the Grand Jury, and the public, evidence the FBI admits it should have turned over long ago, then we had, by any definition of the word, a cover-up. The cover-up is not an accident, but deliberate, both because according to CNN and the Los Angeles Times, all the evidence on McVeigh's accomplices are in the withheld materials. The FBI lied about when it knew about the withheld evidence, first claiming only recent awareness, than admitting they had known about the withheld evidence a year prior. The problem for the FBI is that there isn't just one or two pieces of evidence, but a preponderence of evidence which taken together builds a compelling case that We the People have not been told the truth about the Oklahoma City Bombing.
The evidence for a cover-up isn't just that the bomb squads found additional bombs in the Murrah Building. When you add the affidavits by eye witnesses it becomes even harder to refute. Another example is the famous photo of the Ryder truck in the secret camp.  A man has already been executed without even a pretense of a fair trial.
The ATF were not in the building when it exploded. They were already putting out a story that the building had been bombed 'because of Waco' only a few hours after the actual blast and before McVeigh was even arrested. An unexploded bomb was found attached to a gas line inside the building. Arlene Blanchard was a survivor of the bombing, and she was ordered to keep silent about what she knew of the bombing by the Army under threat of court martial.
There is video footage from a security camera at McDonald's in Junction City, cited as proof that McVeigh did not rent the Ryder Truck. Yet this evidence never made it to trial.
There is a bridge spanning the World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City federal building. It is in the Phillipines. And it's made of gold -- Japanese and Nazi gold buried in underground vaults once used to imprison and torture American prisoners of war and local insurgents. Approximately 1,000 tons of the loot was liberated by Ferdinand Marcos before his ouster. Billions of dollars worth was shipped overseas by American intelligence agents and the Mafia. Much of the horde was stashed away under the Zurich airport. This vault was once used to conceal European gold from Hitler's SS scavengers. Fifty years later, some of the same bullion has found its way into the campaign coffers of ultra-conservative political candidates in the U.S., according to the Las Vegas Sun.
Tapes and documents implicating American officials in the gold transfers were withheld from the Iran-Contra committee by Major General Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and William Odom, director of the NSA: Marcos talking on tape to U.S. presidential campaigns and the use of the gold proceeds to fund illegal arms deals.
Oddly enough, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Zacarias Moussaoui and Mohamed Atta all spent time at a nondescript roadside motel outside Oklahoma City, perhaps not together, but with paths that appear to connect. If true, this information and its absence from the public record, raises new questions about the FBI investigation of Moussaoui and even the 1995 destruction of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. If proven, this information could force the FBI to reopen its investigation of Middle Eastern connection to the 1995 Oklahoma City blast, because convicted "bombers" Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols reportedly stayed at the same motel interacting with a group of Iraqis during the weeks before the bombing.
The rapid effort at cover-up, however, indicates that the government knows all about this, and doesn't want it getting out. McVeigh became a very willing and convenient scapegoat, while others were clearly involved and protected, possibly Iraqis -- and now we have just invaded and conquered Iraq...
Either convicted Oklahoma City "bombers" Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were part of a conspiracy, possibly involving Middle Eastern and Filipino connections, or they were not. Seven years later, the authorities have still not fully examined this question. Why would they? McVeigh has been executed. "Justice" has been done. Indeed.
The Iraqi Connection
Jayna Davis, the former TV reporter for KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City, began investigating the bombing the day after the attack. In seven years, she's accumulated 25 affidavits and more than 100 hours of taped interviews. In particular, she zeroed in on a group of Iraqis who worked for Samir Khalil, a Palestinian-born businessman and owner of a property-management company in Oklahoma City. Davis also did pieces on John Doe No. 2, the mysterious figure identified in initial police bulletins as having been seen fleeing the federal building after the bombing. The FBI later announced that John Doe never existed.
The TV reporter, who has since quit the station, also interviewed Lana Padilla, Nichols' first wife. She told Davis that McVeigh had given her ex-husband thousands of dollars and paid for his first trip to the Philippines. Nichols (who was sentenced by a federal judge to spend the rest of his life in prison for his part in the 1995 bombing) traveled extensively to the islands and eventually married a Filipino woman, Lana Padilla.  Padilla has now been subpoenaed as a prosecution witness in Nichols' state case.
Padilla...Padilla...any relation to the "Dirty Bomb" suspect Jose Padilla, whose detention for allegedly plotting to build a "dirty bomb" was announced in June by U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft? A case, by the way, that is going nowhere and appears to have been blown out of all proportion...and has since, disappeared.
Padilla, 31, an American citizen accused of being an al Qaeda operative who was planning to set of a radiological bomb in the United States, was arrested in Chicago . He is being detained as an "enemy combatant" in a Navy brig in Charleston, South Carolina. While a court order restricted what his lawyer could say about Padilla, the government continued to condemn him in public.  A constitutional law professor said that since Padilla has been classified an "enemy" or "unlawful combatant," he can be detained indefinitely without having to bring charges against him. 
This is the "freedom" our troops are fighting -- and dying for.
While not having been charged with any crime, Padilla, a U.S. citizen, was transferred from the Department of Justice to the custody of the Department of Defense.
Newsweek said U.S. authorities aren't even interested in making a case against Padilla, but intend to force him to tell what he knows about al Qaeda. If there is any connection at all to the Padilla who is Lana Padilla, (Terry Nichols' first wife) is al Qaeda being used as an excuse to imprison and silence a man who may have inside information about what really happened both in Oklahoma and in Manhattan, information that the government would rather remain buried in a dank, dark prison where civil rights have lost all their power in the "war on terrorism," a double-think play on words that rivals the "war on drugs" "war on poverty" and "war on AIDS," none of which are anything of the kind?
Did Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols really act alone, or was some larger "terrorist" outfit behind the April 19, 1995 "bombing" of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building? McVeigh went to his grave denying any foreign involvement in the bombing. Terry Nichols swore they acted alone, and no proof of a wider plot ever surfaced.
Minutes after the "bombing," police radios carried a description of a brown Chevrolet pickup with "two Middle Eastern men" inside seen speeding away from the federal complex. A short time later and without explanation, police withdrew the all-points bulletin. The mystery over the truck became the starting point for Davis' investigation. Davis found people in Oklahoma City who said they remembered seeing McVeigh meet with several men they describe as Middle Eastern in the months before the bombing. She also uncovered confidential warnings that a congressional task force issued about a possible Islamic-fundamentalist terror attack on "America's heartland" one month before the Oklahoma bombing.
For years, the FBI has refused to comment on Davis' report. I don't understand why. If it's credible evidence, why not investigate, especially now? What's the problem? What are they hiding? Without the whole truth, how can any of us sleep at night knowing that a man has been executed for a crime that has yet to be solved? If it can happen to one man, it can happen to any of us. You, or I, might be next...
The American secret political police had McVeigh under video and audio scrutiny from at least thirty days prior to the multiple bombings on April 19, 1995, of the Alfred P. Murrah building. McVeigh's supervisors were actually Iraqi military officers, from intelligence units, quietly brought into the United States at the end of the brief Persian Gulf war in 1991. They were part of the more than four thousand of the same (supposed) defectors arranged by then President George Herbert  Walker Bush.  More than 500 reside with their families in Lincoln, Nebraska, and two thousand with their families reside in Oklahoma City.  Bush and Clinton arranged for them to have housing, to be usefully employed, and to have other financial and related provisions. They were in a position to know that some of these military officers were double agents, trained in sabotage. The Elder Bush was the private business partner of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi strongman. Together they shared billions and billions of dollars of kickbacks and "protection" funds, from the weak oil shiekdoms of the Persian Gulf.
Both the Elder Bush and Clinton knew, as Presidents, what the American people generally do not know about the end of the Persian Gulf War. Tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, mostly conscripts, were proceeding under a white flag of surrender when they were shot from behind, on the ground and from the air, as the U.S. Military had been ordered. Some estimate that as many as 150,000 young Iraqis were thus the victims of these War Crimes. Many still alive were pushed by U.S. military bulldozers into mass graves in the desert. In the Islamic world, where these facts are known, an attack on American soil might very well feel justified.
McVeigh claimed to be outraged over Ruby Ridge and Waco. He said he was making a statement about the United States' violence against innocent victims around the world and at home. He believed he was dying for his country in the ultimate patriotic act. The children in the Murrah Federal Building Day Care were, he said, unfortunate "collateral damage."
How outraged the American Public was to hear that! And yet, the very same words came out of King George's mouth as we continue to bomb the crap out of women and children in Afghanistan, and Iraq, today. And to this day, I do not know why.
The Chandra Levy Connection
Chandra Levy was far more than a "woman scorned," who got herself in over her head in a romantic liaison with a sexually corrupt political official. Chandra was a very intelligent college student doing very important work in Washington D.C.
In high school, Chandra joined the Explorer Scouts police program where she sometimes worked undercover to catch retailers selling alcohol to minors. She was also a writer for the school newspaper. After her 1995 high school graduation she spent four years at San Francisco State University majoring in journalism with a minor in criminal justice. Her job at the Bureau of Prisons information office required her to do internet searches and scan newspapers to prepare daily news summaries, answer telephone calls, and mail, and help with special projects. In one, she coordinated media attendance at planning sessions for the execution of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.
Chandra may have come across the information about Dr. West's visits, although whether that would have meant anything to her is dubious.
Chandra had a boyfriend for a while in the FBI, and became an intern in the Federal Bureau of Prisons in the winter and spring leading up to the date set originally, May 16, 2001, for the execution of Timothy McVeigh.
Levy's internship ended on April 23, the last time she was seen in public. On May 6, her frantic parents, unable to reach her, reported her missing. On May 6, was ten days prior to the original date set for McVeigh's execution. On May 10, Federal Law Enforcement officials revealed that they had "found" some 3,000 pages of FBI materials that had been "mislaid" in the Oklahoma Bombing case, and defense attorneys for Timothy J. McVeigh immediately said they hoped to win a stay of his execution.
Through her FBI boyfriend, through her internship with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, through her friendship with a Congressman, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and now a member of the infamous "Office of Homeland Security" following 9-11, having utmost security clearance, did Chandra Levy uncover something she wasn't supposed to know? Was she connected to the suddenly "discovered" FBI files that almost botched the McVeigh execution?
They didn't, of course. Nobody took a second glance at them to make absolutely sure America was getting to the core of the problem. They just wanted to see McVeigh fry to teach other terrorists a "lesson." See how well it worked?
Or maybe it's because they thought we were all so stupid we wouldn't ask any more questionss as long as somebody died as a ritual sacrifice to provide "closure" for the families.
Except that's not closure. Not by a long shot.
The McVeigh affair was a repository of numerous secrets tending to incriminate George Herbert Walker Bush, such as the suppressed and concealed Iraqi connection to the multiple bombings in Oklahoma City; such as the publicly-undisclosed FBI surveillance tapes showing the month before the bombings, McVeigh in the company of Iraqi military officers, supposed "defectors" (actually double agents) brought into the U.S. by the Elder Bush. Two thousand such Iraqi military officers, some from intelligence units, since the end of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have been settled, financed, and housed in Oklahoma City. Making the arrangements was the Elder Bush as President, and continuing the same with Clinton as President and then George W. Bush as White House resident.
Gary Condit's alibi for the early afternoon of May 1 (the ritualistic Beltain often bastardized by satanic cults for sacrifice) was that he was supposedly in the office of Vice President Richard Cheney. Somehow, that only makes me more suspicious. Condit, 53, admitted in his last interview with police that he was having an affair with Levy. Police officials have repeatedly said Condit, who is married, is not a suspect in Levy's disappearnce. He is not even under an umbrella of suspicion, in spite of his extremely secretive lifestyle and his oddly eccentric sexual personnae. No, that alone doesn't make him a murderer -- but it certainly does make him suspicious. He had means, motive and opportunity. What else does he have to hide? Do his lies and secrets make him a secure candidate for the "Office of Homeland Security"? I suppose that depends on what the "Office of Homeland Security" really is.  I'm sure I don't know.
A theory has been developed that the disappearnce of former intern Chandra Levy had little or nothing to do with her affair with Congressman Gary Condit. Rather, that something Chandra learned on her job at the Bureau of Prisons made her dangerous to powerful people who arranged her elimination. Could it be that she discovered the background of the cover-up? Could it be that she discovered the real plan behind McVeigh's alleged "execution"?
Condit sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Members of that committee would have to be blind and deaf not to be aware of the massive government cover-ups, among other things, of the CIA involvement in illegal drugs and the government's foreknowledge and probable participation in the OKC bombing.
Was Chandra a Mossad agent, as has also been alleged, or a programmed Monarch sex-slave whose assignment was to find out what she could about the weaknesses of those she worked with? Was she too successful? Did she pay the ultimate price? How many others will die for their country before we get our country back?
1. McVeigh: The Manchurian Candidate by David Hoffman (special to Para Scope)
2. Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-Up: A Preponderance of Evidence by Michael Rivero
3. The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh by Sherman H. Skolnick
4. 'Dirty Bomb' Suspect's Case Goes Nowhere, Time Says by Reuters/New York Times
5. Oklahoma City Tragedy (CNN Coverage)
6. The Terrorist Motel
7. Chandra Levy: Unraveling Government Coverups?
8. Virtual Government by Alex Constantine

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