
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Is A “Breakaway Civilization” Behind The Mysterious Secret Space Program?

Is A “Breakaway Civilization” Behind The Mysterious Secret Space Program?

Sean Casteel's picture
By Sean Casteel
It has long been theorized that there exists a secret space program, an enormously complex program to conquer the nearby solar system with manmade spaceships that have been hidden from public view perhaps since the late 19th century. Timothy Beckley, the editor of “The Conspiracy Journal” and the Global Communications publisher, has recently released a new book called “The Secret Space Program: Who Is Responsible?” that covers this arcane subject most thoroughly. The book is coauthored by Beckley, Tim R. Swartz, Commander X, and myself, and includes the full text of a book I coauthored with Swartz ten years ago called “Nikola Tesla, Journey To Mars.”
            But let’s look first at the newer material. “The Secret Space Program” begins with an interview with Richard Dolan, the author of “UFOs And The National Security State,” Volumes I and II. Dolan’s conservatism of approach is well known in the UFO community, and has kept his research credible after many years of close scrutiny. He is not a wild-eyed contactee or fringe believer, but is instead a scholarly historian of the UFO cover-up with many contacts within the intelligence and military communities.
            Dolan told us why he believes the rumored secret space program really does exist, saying, “I think that there are a number of anomalous events we know have occurred in Earth orbit and beyond Earth orbit. We’ve got 40 years of events recorded by US and Soviet astronauts of objects in orbit that appear to be not our own that seemed to move intelligently. We have the evidence of what’s known as DSP satellites – that’s Defense Support Program satellites. These are a series of geosynchronous satellites in Earth orbit that have a long record of tracking ‘fast-walkers’ in space. That is, objects that are like a space UFO.”
            Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and researcher
Richard Dolan, who believes a "breakaway civilization"
may exist.
According to Dolan, there have been nearly 300 such anomalous events recorded by the DSP satellites in the years 1973 to 1991.
            “It would seem to me very logical,” Dolan continued, “that just as there would be a covert monitoring of the UFO phenomenon within Earth’s atmosphere and on the ground and so forth, if there are anomalous activities going on in space, then clearly you would want an agency to monitor that as well, to deal with it. And that would necessitate the creation of a very clandestine component to the US space program.”
            The normally staid Dolan also allows for the possibility of there being an alien and/or human presence on the dark side of the moon that is concealed from public view. The information comes from leaks within the military world that, while not “airtight,” are nonetheless credible.
            “You get the claim quite a few times,” Dolan said, “of NASA airbrushing and doctoring moon photographs. Again, these are claims, but I look at a number of these claims and they strike me as sincere individuals, and, frankly, I have no reason to doubt what they’re saying. So that makes me think there’s more funny business going on. They’re hiding something important about space.”
            Even Mars is a possible location for artificial structures of some kind, according to Dolan, though he does not lend credence to reports from people who claim to have actually been there. Recovered UFO technology also fits into the mix.
            “It makes perfect sense to me,” he explained, “when you look at the history of apparent UFO crashes and recoveries, and there are a number I think there are good cases for, you have to assume that the national security apparatus isn’t going to be just sitting on their hands looking at this technology forever. Of course they’re going to try to study it and obviously to replicate it. How could they not?”
            So that allows 40 to 50 years, Dolan continued, with a lot of black budget money and secrecy, in which a classified reverse-engineering group could work.
            “And if you’ve had any success with it,” Dolan said, “it’s not something you can share with the world. Yet it would be something that would come in very handy for covert missions beyond Earth’s orbit, i.e., a secret space program.”
            Dolan also described something he calls a “breakaway civilization,” or a secret group with technological knowledge light years beyond the everyday world.
            “I think this is something that is real,” Dolan said.  “Now, my theory of it is that it originated in really in post-World War II society, but there’s nothing preventing such a thing from having happened earlier. The basic idea of the ‘breakaway civilization’ is simply that you have a secret group, a classified group of people, with access to radically advanced technology, radically advanced science, and they just don’t share it with the rest of the world. One scientific breakthrough leads to another, and that leads to another and so on. So the next thing you know, you’ve got a separate group of humanity that is vastly far beyond the rest of the world.”
Which is the basic crux of our book, that a secret society consisting of scientists of various disciplines have banded together to create the means of our traveling to both the moon and Mars and constructing artificial buildings, even literal life-supporting bases of operation, for whatever purpose.
According to a source named Steven Omar, who writes about a secret alien presence on Mars and a hidden program of diplomatic outreach, a United Nations diplomat named Farida Iskiovet claimed that, in 1972, she investigated UFOs and occupant contacts for the President of the General Assembly. Iskiovet also claimed that she had been contacted by a landed spacecraft from the planet Mars. The alleged contact was reported in the newspapers “The Arizona Republic” and “The San Clemente Sun-Post,” the latter coming from reporter Fred Swegles, whose beat was then-President Richard Nixon and his staff at the Western White House.
Frada Iskiovet told Omar that the alien offered to admit an ambassador to their Interplanetary Confederation in this solar system in exchange for an alien ambassador to the General Assembly of the United Nations. However, the terms of this peace arrangement were not acceptable to the Security Council and the exchange was rejected in a secret meeting.
Omar also talks about a Martian flying disc spacecraft landing in the wilderness outside of Moscow, where a secret meeting with Soviet Premiere Nikita Khrushchev was arranged in 1959. The conference regarded improving relations with Earth, exchanging knowledge, and securing world and interplanetary peace, yet the Soviet government rejected the terms. The report originated from a former Army Intelligence sergeant who investigated UFOs while in the army in the 1950s.
Richard Hoagland is a proponent of the idea that NASA
is withholding information on a secret space program
they do not want the public to be aware of.
The astronomer and NASA watchdog Richard Hoagland says he has photographic evidence that proves the alien presence on Mars is very real. The much discussed “Face On Mars” photograph is an image taken from a part of a city built on the Cydonia Planitia consisting of very large pyramids and mounds arranged in a precise geometric pattern, which Hoagland sees as evidence that an advanced civilization might once have existed on Mars. He believes NASA is covering up the evidence in the belief that publicly acknowledging the artificial construction there would destabilize society.
Hoagland also believes that there are large, semi-transparent structures of glass on the moon’s surface, which he says are visible in some Apollo photos when the images are digitally manipulated. He further claims that NASA is suppressing knowledge of an ancient civilization that once occupied the moon, and that the civilization left behind some of its technology, still visible on the moon’s surface.
An especially dark corner of the rumors of the secret space program is the belief that the Nazis created viable flying saucer technology toward the end of World War II that was later discovered and suppressed by the victorious Allies. A new movie called “Iron Sky” will be released in April that uses the rumored Nazi space technology as the starting point for what is called a “science fiction comedy,” but to some believers in the field it’s no laughing matter.
A dramatic look at a Nazi "flying saucer" in the relevant
film "Iron Sky," in which the SS have set up a secret base on
the moon in 1942 and are about to RETURN!
Our book goes into more detail of course, touching at one point on Adolph Hitler’s occult beliefs regarding a subterranean race that possessed supernatural technology and was intent on one day claiming the surface world for its own. Hitler was fanatical over the prospect of an imminent underground invasion of the surface world in the future, and wanted to make alliances with these underground races so that once they emerged he could rule the Earth in joint capacity.
There is also a moment in the experience of early abductee Barney Hill when he says, under regressive hypnosis, “Another [alien] figure has an evil face. He looks like a German Nazi. His eyes! His eyes! I’ve never seen eyes like that before.”
So the Nazis may have left their fingerprints behind on many things, to include flying saucer technology, the various underground races said to inhabit our inner earth, and even the abduction phenomenon itself. One shudders to think that such an evil human enterprise may continue in our time, equipped with some kind of hidden technology that enables them to exert a powerful force over our future lives.
What kind of examination of the secret space program would be complete without a look at Jack Parsons, the inventor of the rocket fuel that took us to the moon? Parsons was a genius in technological terms, but his strange interests away from work still inspire amazement when his life story is examined.
Parsons began his research into rocketry at Caltech in the 1930s, where he and his coworkers were nicknamed the “Suicide Squad” because of the frightening explosions they were causing on campus. When World War II began, the US military asked for their help in developing a way to propel planes into the air in places without adequate runways. His eccentric working group eventually morphed into the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Meanwhile, Parsons became enraptured with the writings of Aleister Crowley, and joined the Los Angeles-based Agape Lodge of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis. Parsons was seen to be a potential savior of their movement, and he began donating nearly all his salary to the upkeep of his lodge brethren.
The FBI and the Air Force investigated Parsons after he was stripped of his security clearance for slipping classified documents to the newly established government of Israel. According to author Nick Redfern, they discovered that the man still so revered and honored by senior figures within the US space program was an admitted occultist who would attempt to invoke the Greek god Pan before every rocket test. In the Air Force report, Parsons was said to belong to a religious cult “believed to advocate sexual perversion” and that “broadly hinted at free love” and that Parsons’ Pasadena home had been described by an unnamed source as “a gathering place of perverts.”
That Parsons had been cavalier with confidential files was one thing, but that Parsons as an occultist and possible sexual deviant had been granted a Top Secret clearance to begin with was seen as being utterly beyond the pale, Redfern writes. When one factors in the Nazi origins of Werner Von Braun along with Parsons’ deep-seated occult connections, it creates a witch’s brew of mystery as to the true beginnings of the American space program. Do we owe it all to a demonic voice whispering in the ears of carefully chosen scientists of dubious political and moral background?
Can you see a secret base inside
this lunar crater?
In “The Secret Space Program,” we also deal with the case of Gary McKinnon, the Scottish-born computer hacker who in the thirteen months between February 2001 to March 2002 hacked into 97 US military and NASA computers, using the name “Solo.” The US authorities claim that McKinnon deleted critical files operating systems, which shut down part of the US military’s network of computers for 24 hours. He was also said to have deleted files belonging to the US Navy, rendering their computers inoperable after the September 11 terrorist attacks. There is a complicated ongoing legal case in which McKinnon is fighting extradition to the US to stand trial for his “attacks.”
But what did McKinnon actually find out about the secret space program?
“I found a list of officers’ names,” he told a UK reporter, “under the heading ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers.’ It doesn’t mean they’re little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. I found a list of ‘fleet-to-fleet’ transfers and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren’t US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.”
“The Americans have a secret spaceship?” the reporter asked.
“That’s what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe.”
In a later interview with the BBC, McKinnon also claimed that “there are some very credible, reliable people all saying that yes, there is UFO technology, there’s antigravity, there’s free energy, and it is extraterrestrial in origin. They’ve captured a spacecraft and reverse-engineered it.”
If McKinnon’s claims about NASA and the US Navy are true, they may serve as concrete proof of some of the mythology that has grown up around the belief in a secret space program. Since McKinnon admits he was usually high on marijuana as he did his hacking work, one UK reporter jokes that the US authorities are probably not too worried about McKinnon’s claims regarding what he found. At least for now.
And if you’re willing to entertain theories on the secret space program that are even stranger, you will doubtless want to read the reprint (included in this same volume along with “Secret Space Program”) of “Nikola Tesla Journey To Mars,” which tells the story of secret technology dating back to the 1800s that may have already taken us to the Red Planet, thanks to the suppressed methods of space travel developed by Nikola Tesla. For that book, I interviewed Tim Swartz, our resident expert on all things Tesla, as well as a young scientist named Frank Znidarsic, who is hard at work trying to develop free energy in our present time. It’s the kind of thing that appeals to the imagination as it lays bare the world of covert machinations used by what Dolan calls the “breakaway civilization” to conquer space for fun and profit.   
And so it goes. One source confirms another, while still another casts its complex shadows of doubt. “The Secret Space Program: Who Is Responsible?” takes on the daunting task of trying to assemble the big picture from a mass of smaller pictures, and only the reader can decide if we have succeeded.
 [If you enjoyed this article, visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at]
For more information or to purchase this book from, simply click on its title: The Secret Space Program: Who Is Responsible? Tesla? The Nazi? NASA? Or A Breakaway Civilization?

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