
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Inmate: James Holmes Told Me He Was ‘Programmed’ To Kill by “Evil” Therapist           

Inmate: James Holmes Told Me He Was ‘Programmed’ To Kill by “Evil” Therapist

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‘Batman’ shooter a Manchurian Candidate?
Paul Joseph Watson
November 28, 2012
An alleged inmate of ‘Batman’ massacre culprit James Holmes claims the shooter told him that he was “programmed” to carry out the massacre by an “evil” therapist.
Inmate: James Holmes Told Me He Was Programmed To Kill by Evil Therapist steven unruh and james holmes
The shocking story has gone virtually unnoticed after appearing in a blog post on the Denver Westword website last week.
After failing to interest the Arapahoe County District Attorney’s Office in his account of what happened, 38-year-old Steven Unruh has now gone public. Unruh was booked into the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office Detention Facility just hours before the ‘Batman’ massacre unfolded and says that he was still in the booking area when Holmes was brought in.
Unruh then claims that he was able to communicate with Holmes from a nearby cell and that Holmes appeared to show remorse for what had happened.
The most explosive element of what Unruh claims Holmes told him could – if true – shed an entirely different light on the circumstances behind the Aurora theater shooting.
“He says that Holmes told him “he felt like he was in a video game” during the shooting, that “he wasn’t on his meds” and “nobody would help him.” He says Holmes also mentioned NLP — presumably, neuro-linguistic programming, a much-scorned and outmoded approach to psychotherapy — and claimed to have been “programmed” to kill by an evil therapist.”
“When he got out to his car, he wasn’t programmed no more,” Unruh says. “It sounded kind of crazy. He was trying to run it by me, basically.”
Unruh was also given a phone number that Holmes asked him to call which connected to a bereavement counselor who says she has no acquaintance with Holmes or Unruh.
“They’re going to try to discredit my story,” Unruh told writer Alan Prendergast. “But I was able to have a four-hour talk with him. I talked him out of suicide.”
Prendergast notes that although jail authorities doubt Unruh would have had an opportunity to speak to Holmes, “certain elements of the story” ring true, including, “a description that resembles the headbanging routine that sent Holmes to the hospital last week.”
Stories about infamous killers being brainwashed into carrying out murders are almost commonplace. The most well known is probably Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy’s alleged assassin.
As the London Independent reported in 2005, evidence strongly indicates that Sirhan was a Manchurian candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to be the fall guy for the murder. Sirhan was described by eyewitnesses as being in a trance-like state as he pulled the trigger.
“There was no way Sirhan Sirhan killed Kennedy,” said (Sirhan’s lawyer Larry) Teeter….He was the fall guy. His job was to get busted while the trigger man walked out. He wasn’t consciously involved in any plot. He was a patsy. He was unconscious and unaware of what was happening – he was the true Manchurian Candidate.”
The CIA’s use of mind control to create killers is a matter of historical record. MK-ULTRA was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence that came to light in 1975 through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti insists that the program is ongoing and has not been abandoned.
According to his lawyers, Sirhan Sirhan “was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed,” and served only as a diversion for the real assassin.
The parallels between Sirhan Sirhan and James Holmes are alarming. Both were described as behaving as if in a trance or under the influence of drugs, both cannot remember any of the details of the shootings, and in both cases eyewitnesses reported more than one gunman at the scene.
In both the RFK and ‘Batman’ shootings, eyewitnesses described other shooters, dismantling the “lone wolf” narrative. According to Nina Rhodes-Hughes, another man was shooting at RFK and the authorities tried to alter her account of what happened. “What has to come out is that there was another shooter to my right,” Rhodes-Hughes said in an interview with CNN. “The truth has got to be told. No more cover-ups.” Sirhan’s lawyers also presented evidence that “two guns were fired in the assassination and that Sirhan’s revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy.”
Similarly in the case of Holmes, eyewitnesses described two shooters, noting that one of the gas canisters was thrown from the opposite side of the theater to where the killer was standing. It has also been suggested that Holmes had an accomplice. Eyewitnesses described the killer talking on a cellphone before the shooting and then standing in the emergency exit and beckoning someone else over.
Holmes, a neuroscience student, was also fascinated with mind control. During his time at Salk Institute of Biological Studies, Holmes designed a computer program to alter mental states using flicker rates. Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner was also obsessed with mind control.
While there is no way to confirm Unruh’s account, he seems to have little motive in making it up out of fresh air. Added to the other unexplained inconsistencies surrounding the ‘Batman’ massacre, the story will only serve to bolster the view amongst some that the full story about the tragic events of that night has not yet come to light.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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