
Sunday, November 4, 2012

[Avoid Disney Florida, according to Bill Schnoebelen they will snatch your kids for an hour, do some mind control on them, and then return them 'found.'  Also the movie Fantasia.]
Disney subliminals
Hannah Montana
Aguilera, Christina

Spears, Britney
Timberlake, Justin
Mickey Mouse ears
Sexualizing children
Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz ….The “Coded” Movie of what really happened to America By Robert Kelly
Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
Behind the Wizard of Oz Story
British cruise ship worker Rebecca Coriam vanishes from Disney ...
Disney's Programmed Princesses Selena and Demi
"When it came to Priest [the movie by Disney], there were few courageous Jewish leaders out there who stepped to the defense of Catholics ... It was appropriate for Jews to join in the denunciation of Priest. After all, the head of Disney [Michael Eisner] as well as the heads of its distribution subsidiary, Miramax [the Weinstein brothers], are Jewish. We may feel that making such an observation is in bad taste. If non-Jews make the same observation we no doubt will immediately recognize them as anti-Semites. However, this kind of intimidation will not stop many Americans from making that observation. Neither will it stop them from seeing as insulting that the companies just happen to choose Good Friday as the date for this film's national release." ---Rabbi Daniel Lapin, America's Real War, Multnomah Publishers, Oregon, 1999, p. 311

Sexualizing children

Lightning bolt


Hand sign (Satanic/horn)  The Beauty And The Beast

Sex subliminals  Marvel Comics (owned by Disney)
Years ago, an Illuminati Grand Master and programmer stated, "If the world only had the eyes to see the fibers which lay under the surface of Walt Disney’s image, they’d tar and feather him, and drag him through the streets. Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
The real money made by the Disney brothers in the 1930-1950’s came from the merchandising of Disney products, the production of underground hard porn, and the kickbacks from various groups which used Disney for mind-control programming, and money laundering.
Disney was not Illuminati. The powerful elite are very skilled at controlling people that rub shoulders with them, those who are beginning to become independently wealthy.
Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
From the time of the Roman Empire (at least, if not before) the oligarchical leadership, who have been in control of both the Mystery Religions and European aristocracy, have known about BREAD & CIRCUS. Bread and Circus refers to the concept that IF the masses of people are given entertainment and food staples, THEN they are easy to control. Walt Disney movies have played a key role in providing entertainment for the masses to insure Illuminati control. Walt Disney’s friend the Masonic prophet H.G. Wells in his book A Modem Utopia that there would be lots of shows in the New World Order. The World Future Society in a book review in their publication Future Survey Annual, 1993, (ed. Michael Marien, Bethesda, MD: World Future Soc., p. 91) describes Disney: "Control of commodities [such as entertainment] and access to commodities translates into control over people. ‘The postmodern US is a massive rush of disconnected commodities, each seeking a moment of our attention." The world of commodities is our soma, and entertainment is the current form of public discourse. Walt Disney World, spread over 27,400 acres of central Florida swamp and scrub forest, ‘is the most ideologically important piece of land in the U.S.’ What goes on here is the quintessence of the American way. It is visited by over 30 million people a year--not only the major middle-class pilgrimage center in the US, but by far the most important entertainment center in the world. It is clearly Oz, utopia as a marketing device."  Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. Well, I tend to feel that it was just the Jesuits themselves because they and they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass.
    They're the ones in the government. They're the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they're busy creating a tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols-that they would create 'amusements'.
    Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rd-degree Freemason-Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they're busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government........ the High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High Mafia Dons-the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And they control Hollywood, not the Jews. It's only Jews who are front-men who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly's [Cardinal Spellman's] Jew in the assassination [of President Kennedy], and he would never say a word about it.---Eric Jon Phelps
Disney has the appearance of Wholesomeness; this appearance is quite deceptive. A close study of Disney cartoons will reveal lots of violence that could not be depicted if the violence was actually real life & not animation. It’s the wholesome front which is one of the deceptions that makes Disney cartoons & films so dangerous. Yes, the image of Disney has been that its cartoons are wholesome. No wonder Illuminati mind-control programmers have laughed at how naive the American public is toward Disney. The Disney Gargoyles cartoons are a television series that is pure demonology. The story line is that a race of demons protects New York City. One of the Gargoyles is even named Demona. The Illuminati programmers are amazed at how stupid the masses of people are, and how easily deceived. Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
How the Disney movies are used as programming scripts is very involved so only one detailed example is given at the end of this chapter. The Illuminati and Mafia knew that Walt had the ability to get the job done that the Great Plans called for.Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
In 1934, Walt Disney made a cartoon about a goddess of the Mystery Religions named Persephone. In the cartoon entitled The Goddess of Spring, the goddess Persephone is captured by Satan as his bride and sent to the underworld, with the agreement she could return to earth six months of each year. The Illuminati have rituals around Persephone. On Dec. 21, 1937, Disney premiered the first full-length color cartoon movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." This cartoon had taken $1.4 in depression-time money and three years to make. Over 750 artists worked on the film. Walt Disney had gotten the idea from a silent movie of Snow White which he saw as a boy in 1917. The movie has an important occult theme to it, and has been used for occult mind-control programming. Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. film Wild Palms which depicts Illuminati mind-control and life. One reader of Vol. 2 stated that the Wild Palms movie would have made no sense except that having read the Vol. 2 book, the movie made lots of sense in the light of Vol. 2’s revelations. The film depicts how children are kidnapped, switched at birth, programmed via TV cartoons, programmed to kill and use stun guns etc. The film depicts Illuminati bloodlines and arranged marriages. Although the name Illuminati" is not used, if viewers substitute in the name "the Fathers" for Illuminati fathers, they will get an insider’s view of life at the top. The main controllers are addressed by their slaves as "Papa" or "Daddy" or "Mother". This is true to life. A person opposed to the Fathers states, "One day we will wake up and discover we don’t own this country and no one will care." The movie states that events are not happening randomly. The movie shows an underground tunnel system which has an entrance hidden by a swimming pool. Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, "down, down, down through the pool of tears..." and "we’re going to go down the yellow brick road now." The movie was created by Bruce Wagner, who obviously is an insider concerning trauma-based total mind-control. The fact the movie was made shows the arrogance of the programmers’ beliefs that their criminal acts in programming thousands of little children will not be exposed, and that people will be too stupid to realize that what is put out as fiction is actually mirroring what is happening.Chapter 5. Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler


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