
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Close Encounters with Celebrities & Show Business: Clones, satanists, prostitutes and serpents… dying for attention…. literally!                

Close Encounters with Celebrities & Show Business: Clones, satanists, prostitutes and serpents… dying for attention…. literally!

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Close Encounters with Celebrities & Show Business:  Clones, satanists, prostitutes and serpents… dying for attention…. literally!
by ‘feliciag’ and reposted at
2010 Aug
I’d like this thread to be a place where anyone who has firsthand, in person, experience with interacting with celebrities can talk about what they have observed. This includes anything “anomalous” which might speak to the idea of replacements, clones, synthetics, and – yes- spiritual possession.
Even if all you did was see someone perform “live” at a concert, or you attended a book signing or political rally, or maybe you had a random moment where you walked past a famous person, I’d love for you to post observations here.
Also I would love people who have worked onstage professionally, worked as model, or worked on film, TV, or music video sets to share any observations they might have about weird “things that make you go ‘HMMMMM?” The entertainment world is FULL of high strangeness.
My own history comes as both a former actress/singer and also as a writer. Also, I am just someone who has come across a lot of celebrities and people who work in show business as part of my daily life. Some of it comes from the area where I live, which is an artistic area where lots of celebs and artistic people chose to vacation and/or retire.
I think I only understood the idea of replacements being possible on an intuitive level for a long time. Most of what I’ve observed has to do with significant emotional/spiritual/and interpersonal changes that happen when people are presented with really big show business opportunities.
Please understand something very important as you read this thread. At any given time, the members of the Screen Actors Guild are 99% unemployed. And there are many, many other actors who are non-union who are also working in the industry on and off, and they are also about 99% unemployed. There is also a TV actors union called AFTRA, and a union for stage actors called Equity.
For the years I worked as an actress I was “Equity eligible,” which at the time was a sub-category of stage performers who had worked on jobs earning Equity minimum rates, but had never actually been hired in an Equity show. At the peak of my “acting career” I was making Equity minimum rates, which in the late 80′s/early 90′s was $300 per week. That was “rich living” in the acting industry, believe it or not!
Most acting jobs last from four weeks to three months if you’re doing a stage show, such as with a regional theater, dinner theater, or youth theater. That’s part of the reason why the unemployement rates are so high. Jobs don’t last very long because shows might have a run for just a few weeks, and then you have several weeks of rehearsals before that. So your entire “work” period might consist of a very short period of time.
I did many different kinds of work ranging from regional theater to Shakespeare in the Park type stuff to summer stock to kids’ theater/school tours and more. In between, I worked as much as possible doing things like voice over work, live events like industrial work at auto shows as a spokesmodel, and TV and film bit parts.
I was lucky to work steadily during the time I was a professional actress. I never took work as a waitress, for instance, to keep me going between jobs. I seemed to always have a gig going on. Most of my friends, in the meantime, made more as waiters and hostesses in restaurants and worked for 2/3rds of the year in the restaurant industry. And many of them were a LOT more talented than I was. Show business is just a brutal, brutal industry.
The competition for women is also horrible. For every fifty women who would audition for a show, there would be one or two men. This was at the Actors Equity offices in New York. And then you have the horrible math of the shows themselves. Almost always, there would be about two major female roles to about 10 – 15 male roles in a given show. So to get a major speaking role, let alone a major role, as a female performer took a helluva lot of work – and some talent. I only ever worked in major roles as an actress with the exception of one dinner theater musical I did as a chorus player. So I think I was pretty good back then!
In the stage world, which centers in New York, you have the Gay Mafia running things. Befriend this crowd and you will continually get work. Piss them off, and you’ll never work in this town again.
I had written a play once that a former Broadway producer was looking at. She was a lesbian woman who had worked on several big name Broadway musicals in the 1980′s and 1990′s. At one point, she pissed off some of the gay males who run the industry in New York. And she literally became homeless almost overnight from blacklisting. She liked my play but told me she couldn’t really help me since all her former friends had turned on her. So, to be clear, it is the gay MALE mafia that runs the theatrical world in New York.
This makes for a very weird dynamic when you seek stage work in New York, as I did. Many gay males took to me because at the time I was pretty glamorous and looked like Jennifer Connelly/Brooke Shields, a popular look at the time. They got me work.
When the rare straight male stage director auditioned me, it was always a casting couch situation – sleep with me or you dont’ get work – and I always refused. So the only work I got in the theater from my New York auditions was from gay male directors.
On the flip side of things, if you were a gay man auditioning for work and a gay male director was casting, you also needed to be ready to sleep with the director. One of my friends was very willing and got a supporting role in a Broadway musical – but the show bombed, unfortunately. He didn’t care about sleeping wiht the director, he thought it was just fun!
I am explaining the background here about the stage world. The stage is very different from TV and film, which I’ll discuss in a moment.
Most of my steady work came from auditioning in New York for theaters that were out of town, so I travelled and did tons of work up and down the East Coast. A lot of the jobs were very fun (again, because I worked for either gay male directors who admired me or straight female directors who simply cast me for my talent.) I mostly did comedies, kids shows, and period pieces like Shakespeare, with a few musicals thrown in.
Stage work can be very beautiful because you get to project loving and positive energy to a crowd and attempt to share something uplifting or educational with the masses. All of the actors I knew were very sweet, and we all tended to be the typical right-brained creative types who were idealistic and naive about the world.
And often very, very over-sexed. Any cast I was in always became an orgy of almost everybody sleeping with everybody else! Where it got weird was when the power players, the producers or directors, “adopted’ a cast member as a lover. Then that person was usually elevated to a position of power – they suddenly took over the lead, for instance, with the original person suddenly not showing up for work, etc.
But the theaters I was involved with were relatively small time, so I didn’t see much of the bigger, darker stuff until I started to work in TV and film.
I will continue that story in my next post.

To continue – for whatever reasons, maybe because the arts allow us to express ourselves and be creative, show business attracts tons of wannabe performers all over the world. This desire to be seen, to be noticed, and often, to receive “love” and adoration on a massive scale seems universal.
I was fortunate to come from a loving family, but many of the performers and models I knew did not. When they came from abusive homes or single parent homes they almost always became more vulnerable to prostitution, abuse, and drug addiction. Some of it is driven by the very real harsh economics of working in that industry. 99% unemployment is really bad, let alone trying to compete with a gazillion people who are prettier, more talented, and who have bigger boobs/skinnier bodies than you do! :)
So from a director or producer’s perspective, when you have thousands of gorgeous young men and women dying to get a part, why not have some “hidden” job requirements like sleeping with the director? If one woman refuses to do it, chances are there are hundreds behind her in line who will say yes.
That’s the mentality.
The problem is that young women often think that sleeping with the director means that they will be taken more seriously as a performer and get more access to meatier roles. It doesn’t always work that way.
I knew two actresses, one who was a comedienne/actress, one who was just an actress, who were trying to make it in New York and were pursuing every option possible, knocking down doors, pounding the pavements, etc.
One of them ended up sleeping with yucky Jewish “comedian” Jackie Mason because he told her he would help her get live comedy gigs in the city. He did invite her to perform at one event, but that was it. She stopped sleeping with him pretty quickly and the entire experience really darkened her, blackened her spirit. She went from this gorgeous Italian-American New Jersey comedienne to this saddened, heavy drinking, harsh-toned woman almost overnight. She told me he gave her drugs, too, so God knows what really happened.
The other girl, the actress who was friends with the comedienne, actually had a TV agent in the city who put her up for a minor speaking role on the TV show ER. This actress was told that she needed to sleep with – I think it was the casting director, not the episode director – and she did. She got the small performing role. Her agent had basically operated as a madam – setting her up to sleep with the director to get the role. After the agent knew the actress was willing to go that route to get work, she set her up to work as a full-time escort between acting jobs. The last I talked to this poor actress, she had descended into full-time prostitution because she wasn’t getting audiitons for acting work, but her agent was sending her loads of johns to sleep with! So many acting agencies are fronts for prostitution, escort services, S&M/dungeon master stuff, and worse.
Joe Franklin who had a late night TV talk show in New York was another one famous for getting young girls to sleep with him while making promises about how he would set them up in show business. Which never happened for any of the women. It was all a set up.
When men of power see all these gorgeous, talented, and often very sexual women pursuing jobs in New York, many of them take advantage.
Now, I’m still talking about stuff happening on a relatively human level. Man to woman. It’s abusive, it’s nasty, but in some ways, it’s a story as old as time.
What I want to talk about next has to do with the price of celebrity and the whole replacement issue.

What I’ve talked about so far is what happens in the very lowest levels, the lowest “tier” of show business. This is where I was, where people were basically just working for a living, trying to keep themselves and their integrity intact, naive about the larger stuff going on for the most part. Some made bad choices, fell into prostitution, drug use, and/or porn – amongst the models, actors, and actresses I knew. But most of the people I personally knew well then stayed at that level. They never became famous or “big.”
I did, however, have many firsthand brushes with celebs who were on a much higher tier. And weird stuff was constant within these circles.
As I mentioned in another thread, I do believe that there are two realities within the industry. Insider/bloodline types who literally make a phone call after they get out of Juilliard or film school and immediately get work in the industry – who have often come from multi-generational abuse families. And then there are nobodies like me who get work but don’t have those connections. In my career, whenever I would cross slightly over into the reality of potentially getting bigger roles (in TV or film,) I was always presented with the “pay to play” prostitution demand, which I refused. I kept thinking each time I hit that wall in various cities, and various shows and film projects, that surely, at some point I would find a big role that didn’t require that, but I never did. Casting directors, agents, and/or directors always made it clear that you not only make yourself available to sleep with that specific power player, but most actresses are expected to be on call in what’s basically a pool of prostitute/escorts for other powerful people that particular person might know.
Models also end up in this situation, only it starts very young for them, since a model’s career is usually over by 25. They start working at 13 – 16 and begin working as prostitutes from day one in addition to going on modeling calls. Because models also have to keep an extremely, inhumanly thin physique, they are fed cocaine the very first time they are at a modelling shoot, usually, and this keeps them lively and bouncy for the photo shoot, lowers their sexual inhibitions, and makes them feel part of the “adult” crowd.
I have lived on a property where many Ralph Lauren and other high profile clothes catalogue shoots have been held, in addition to many women’s magazines shooting photo spreads there. Cocaine was handed out at the refreshment table much of the time. (I usually showed up, grabbed a snack, and left! I couldn’t believe how open the drug use was. The models were sickly thin but looked great in the bulky clothes. )
So to cross into the higher echelons of entertainment if you DON’T have family connections, you work yourself through the drug use/sexual permissiveness/prostitution/escort levels, and this in turn leads to things like mind control, having handlers, and into darker levels of what I believe is spiritual possession or soul loss at a profound level. At some point, if you “wake up” from the almost constant mind control and trance induction, and you say “No,” you can either be told you will never have a career (As happened to me before I got involved with the crap;) and/or you can have your physical well-being threatened.
I had death threats from one assistant director who had chosen me to play a recurring character (non-=speaking) on a TV show. I did about ten episodes. He was always inappropriately flirtatious with me, in a really creepy way, and when I showed up one day with an engagement ring on my finger after getting engaged, he got really nasty. He threatened my boyfriend’s life and mine. I couldn’t figure out why. I was just a bit player, nobody famous, nothing. I just laughed it off at the time but I knew another girl who had gone the prostitution route on the show and slept with this same assistant director, which got her exactly six speaking lines in one episode, and she became creeped out by him very quickly. She talked about how he was violent with her during sex, always feeding her copious drugs, and talked about how the next time she came over he would bring some of his friends over from the set and she would have to sleep with them.
She refused and broke up with him after that, naively thinking that theirs was a relationship of equals. She moved back in with her ex-boyfriend and the boyfriend had the tires shot out of his truck, she was gang-stalked while out driving for months, and her agent would no longer return her phone calls for her “unprofessional” behavior. The unprofessional part was her breaking up with the assistant director.
Again, though, I’m just talking about lower level shenanigans in the industry. I will talk more about observing actual celebs next. I just wanted to provide more background on the thuggery, mandatory prostitution, and drug use that is a constant in the TV/film world. ( I really didn’t see this in the stage world at all, so it seems more tied to the modelling, TV, music video, and film worlds.)

What I’ve described so far is really the “grooming” stage which I believe later can set the stage for a performer, once they get famous, to become deeply embedded in a very dark world, indeed. And having seen how dark it is, I can’t help but see that there must be people who protest and wake up at some point, and also I see how their waking up must be a real threat to the controllers of this system, so of course they are threatened, silenced, or killed. That’s the way the game seems to work. Awful.
One TV show I did starred Carroll O’Connor and the show was haunted by problems. Parasitic drug dealers literally took up residence in the tiny Georgia town where we filmed, preying on the cast and crew. Actor Howard Rollins had a major cocaine problem throughout filming. Carroll O’Connor’s son Hugh, who had been given a small role on the show so Carroll could keep an eye on him (he was prone to drug problems) became a sitting duck for the drug pushers and sunk deeper into drug addiction. Some years later he died of an overdose. And the women on the show were so horribly skinny and coke-addicted, it was terrible. They keep the women of TV and film horrifically thin. I could see the ribs and backbones of the main actress, Anne Marie Johnson, and a guest star who was a woman from soap operas, when they filmed a party scene wearing backless gowns. They seriously looked like refugees from a concentration camp – just like models. And neither of these women was large in any respect – they needed to each put on another 20 pounds just to be healthy. Many of the episode directors complained about how Anne Marie was getting too fat. Yeah, the residents of Dachau were SO frickin’ fat, what lard-asses they were. What twisted people.
I didn’t see any signs of replacements in these people, although celebrities are always different in person than you’d expect. Carroll O’Connor was always polite yet distant with everyone. Once in a while you’d see his famous humor come through in some improvising – shades of Archie Bunker coming through. The show was very serious and dramatic and slow-paced (It was the TV version of the film In the Heat of the Night.) I was struck by how Carroll O’Connor seemed smaller and frailer than he did as Archie Bunker, but I wrote it off as age. Plus he had a heart condition and the stress of having to film extra hours due to his co-star’s drug problems added to that. At one point during production he had a heart attack, but I wasn’t working with him then.
Still–I should double check some photos of him to see if he’s a replacement possibility, just because you never know! And there was a big gap between him filming his last Archie Bunker material, Archie’s Place, I believe, in the early 80′s? And In the Heat of the Night, which we were filming in 1989.
Anyway, the environment of filming on TV and film is just very toxic and it would seem that most of the players on this set were trancing out with drugs most of the time. Other TV and film sets I was on were much the same. It’s a pretty miserable life, in many respects, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that people might try to “rebel” at some point and later get replaced. Especially given the intense demands these days to be in front of cameras 24/7 and to be just as “interesting” off camera as on.
I want to fast forward and mention some candidates for replacement that I’d like to research more up ahead.
I had a friend who was friendly with Ann-Margret’s biographers and sometimes saw her backstage after her various shows. He had been going to see her live in concert since the 1970′s, when he was a young boy. He never spent more than a few minutes with her, but she was always friendly and knew him by name. One time she was performing at Caesar’s in Atlantic City, doing a stripped down version of the same show she had recently done at Radio City Music Hall in New York. (I think this was 1996 or so?) My friend got us tickets and also, through the influence of his friends, her biographers, got us backstage to talk to her in her dressing room reception area for a few minutes after her show.
She wore dark sunglasses throughout and you couldn’t see her face very well. She was a petite thing, curvy and sweet, very polite. My friend had made it sound like she really KNEW him and would call him by name, but she didn’t do that. It was more like she was forcing herself to be polite and do the obligatory guest greetings backstage. We made small talk for a few minutes, complimented her on her show, and then left.
My friend was shaken and freaked out afterwards. He talked about how her face looked really, really different (beneath heavy makeup and her hair hanging over her face I did think I saw some signs of facelifts and facial work, but I didn’t think anything of it – such is the way with older women in Hollywood.) He also said how she didn’t recognize him by name, and usually she did. (Admittedly he hadn’t seen her for a while backstage one on one. He had SEEN her backstage at various points in the mid to late 80′s but not one on one like we did that day in – I think it was – 1996 or so? She probably met lots of fans, so did she forget him? Probably?)
He also said how her show had been really lackluster and her singing was just awful compared to the way it had been at Radio City Music Hall. He said that show had been great, and this was really awful in comparision.
In retrospect, I’m wondering if she was replaced at some point? Or even if she sends a replacement out to do some of her shows for her? Is that possible?
I’ve been looking at photos and in some of her photos as a young woman she really looks like she has brown eyes, and in others they are lighter. Also she goes from being really bosomy to not having as much bosom to bosomy again. She had an accident in concert in the 1970′s in which she fell from a stage and supposedly had to have her entire jaw wired shut and restructured. Now I’m wondering – was that replacement time? Or was that when a replacement took over for a while while the original recovered, and from time to time she trots out the replacement to cover her in a show? My friend said she did NOT seem like the same Ann Margret he had watched onstage so many times and seen a few times backstage – and that the performance we saw was nothing like the same version of the show he had seen at Radio City.
I also have my radar out about her since she slept with Elvis many years back when they fell for each other during a movie shoot – and who knows which version of Elvis it was? Many people say that Elvis and she were like spiritual twins, extremely connected and linked and powerful when they got together – like soulmates. Sometimes when one celeb is replaced they replace an entire surrounding constellation of people – as we’ve seen with the Beatles and with many of the cast of Friends, etc.
So anyway, I wanted to put that story out there to return to later for further research.

I’m glad you didn’t end up working as model. Most open modelling casting calls are really prostitution fronts, anyway, or they just force you to spend lots of money on unnecessary head shots/professional photography, and then the agency makes more from pimping and from the photos than actually getting the models work. At those open calls they want really pretty and really DUMB, submissive women. Very sad how such women are taken advantage of.
I can’t speak to the military/police component of the sets – there wasn’t such high security on most of the projects I was involved in, but then, this was late 1980′s/early 1990′s and I think the whole celebrity culture has gotten a lot weirded now, with much stronger security. The only time I saw a ton of military looking/creepy security people trying unsuccessfully to “blend in” was when they were filming A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly across from my apartment in Princeton, New Jersey and they had these creepy military looking dudes patrolling the streets while they filmed. I only had a brief glimpse of Crowe from a far distance, and I never saw Jennifer Connelly or Paul Bettany. I would have liked to have seen Jennifer just to confirm that she is now Fennifer – but I didn’t!
I wasn’t aware of the whole reptilian/shapeshifting stuff back then, but on an energy level, I definitely sensed a lot of characters in the casting directing/casting agent/modelling agent roles and directing/production roles who just intuitively creeped me out – and I think my instincts for self-preservation kept me away from interacting with them very much. A few directors on the TV show were nice. On In the Heat of the NIght they had guest directors for each episode and some of them seemed very sweet and not creepy, creative and artsy. Others were frightening. But I felt this stuff more intuitively and just shied away from dealing with the ones that felt “wrong.” In retrospect, given how naive I was in other ways, I’m very glad I had those instincts and avoided trouble!

About a completely different celebrity – I was kicked off an alternative news/conspiracy site some years ago for sharing this story, which was weird.
We all know Michael Jackson hadn’t been Michael Jackson for a long time and was possibly replaced several times. And he came from a horrifically abusive family where his dad sold all his children into bondage, basically. Many stories about how old Joe Jackson once kicked little Michael in the crotch, which may have led to permanent damage to his testes, and possibly the reason for his very high voice well into adulthood. Anyway, lots of mess going on there.
The being who was masquerading as Michael Jackson around 1990-1995 often rented out a suite at Leona Helmsey’s The Palace luxury hotel. A friend of mine in the hotel industry took me to see this huge penthouse suite, which takes up two stories, has amazing views, beautiful grand piano, endless rooms. This woman who was the concierge there during the time MJ was staying there told me about how he would have groups of 10 – 15 Mexican boys, under the age of 15, shipped in by a mysterious limo driver who would show up at the back delivery entrance and bring the kids in for “play dates” with Michael. And MJ also always had Bubbles the chimp with him and some other staff/entourage. The boys would stay over for a night or two and then be shipped back out again. My friend and all the staff used to dealing with VIP’s knew that they would be blacklisted from working in the hotel industry in New York if they let word get out about this.
The rooms were always a mess afterwards, she told me. Semen stains all over the expensive couches. She showed me some of the specific couches that had had to be replaced several times. Nasty stuff.
She didn’t want to tell me anything more, but suffice it to say that the insiders in the VIP hotel/lodgings world see a lot of stuff involving child sex trafficking and sex slavery and these people being shipped in for certain stars. The same goes for women sex slaves, too, it all depends on the celebrity’s tastes.
Another hotel industry friend who worked in lots of LA hotels on the West coast talked about Tom Cruise (one of the Foms, no doubt) who keeps to this day a special luxury penthose apartment for parties with his male gay friends – and sometimes they ship in gay male escorts, some of them underaged.
So there is a ton of this underground sex slave/prostitution/trafficking stuff that sits right along side the drug industry, both with parasitic hands in the world of stars, celebs, and models.
Were the “originals” this goofed up? I don’t know. The replacements do seem heavily indulged, though. They get all the drugs and sex they want, plus loads of spending money, fame, attention, etc.

In the past there has been a thread about Joan Baez and Foan. I can confirm that Foan has been around for a while. I saw her perform live in concert at an outdoor music festival in Pennsylvania, this must have been around 1986 or 1987. While Foan had a lovely voice and a nice stage persona, I had happened to be delving heavily into her earlier recordings right before I went to see her and was very confused at the voice I heard singing. She still has a nice soprano, but it’s not the original Joan. When I saw Foan it was right around the time she was coming out as a lesbian and had a memoir out about it.
I wonder how many times when a celebrity comes out later in life like that, that this is really the replacement announcing their sexuality? The original Joan by all accounts, while not an excessively promiscuous creature of the 60′s like many female singers were from her era, was straight – dated Bob Dylan (before he was Fob,) etc. Also the fact that she is extremely famous for that relationship she had with Bob hints at the possibility of replacement because we know that constellations of people get replaced – lovers, family members, cast mates, etc. And Joan/Foan got a lot of mileage out of singing that one song about her romance with Dylan, I forget the name of it …..Diamonds and Rust? It’s one of her classic hits that she always sings. So the two of them are forever linked as these iconic 60′s characters, and we know that both have been replaced (Dylan played by a lot of different people, some of them women.)
There was a notable incident in New Jersey some years ago where Fob Dylan was picked up by a policeman for wandering aimlessly through some neighborhood and didn’t have his ID on him, and it was only when he was back at the station being questioned that someone “recognized” him as Bob Dylan and sheepishly released him from custody. He had either done a concert the night before locally or he was slated to do one the night afterward, I forget. But nobody recognized him. Makes sense. Who can keep track of all the Fobs? And that was also around the time that that weird film came out where all those different actors (and one actress, Cate Blanchett) played Bob. Sometimes they throw this replacement stuff right in your face!

Artemis, Anne Marie was so extremely thin, I honestly can’t believe she has physically survived this long maintaining that level of drug addiction and/or anorexia. When I met her she was shy, quiet, polite, professional, but sadly addicted to coke as was her costar Howard Rollins. She had a very pretty face with classic bone structure but otherwise was rail thin.
I also think Jennifer Hudson should be looked into. Any of these naturally curvy women who are suddenly appearing excessively thin – including Kelly Osbourne as you mentioned in another thread – always raise a red flag. It MIGHT be the original person sometimes, but to me it just shows you how the person was probably tortured into starvation for months while her agents/handlers dangled the prospect of getting the woman more mainstream roles and work, which usually doesn’t pan out if it’s still the real person because her natural weight will re-assert itself. Horrid stuff.
I’m a tall gall, 6 feet tall, and many people wanted me to be a model, but I also have big bones and could never get down to the required 125 pounds to do mainstream modelling work. I did some minor modelling gigs but was told point blank that I needed to be at a minimum of 125 pounds to get work in the industry. I was told this in New York, Washington DC , Philadelphia, and Atlanta, so it’s pretty much the same all over. I’ve always maintained the same weight and even right now my ribs stick out in my back (naturally, not from starvation,) so I’ve never carried any extra weight to speak of. You wouldn’t say I had more than five pounds of extra flesh on me!
I tried back in the day to starve myself down but I couldn’t get down any lower than 139 pounds, and then I was getting sick from blood sugar problems and so forth. Unfortunately at the time I was dating a guy whom I believe to literally have been a shapeshifting reptilian (only figured out why he was so yucky many years later) and he kept telling me, even at that weight, that I was too fat! He didn’t even work in the industry.
So there is a really weird conspiracy of negative beings, physical, and non-physical, human and non-human or hybrid, industry connected and not, who want young women to remain as hungry and weakened and weak-willed as possible – and to hell with her health. Fortunately I figured out his sh*t and kicked him to the curb, but since I was young (19 or so) it all left a mark on me developmentally and it took a while to heal from those influences I was immersing myself in.

Cinematographers are also heavily into the dark stuff that is so pervasive in the film and TV industries. Through friends of friends I’ve had several conversations with a man who has been a main cinematographer on tons of mainstream hit films. He worked on Kill Bill with Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarrentino and David Carradine. He described working on that set and his whole gleeful description of the constant immersion in blood (fake, one would hope), body parts being tossed into scenes, and other celebration of carnage really made me sick. And he just loved it because he’s a nasty piece of work. He described the weird affair between Uma and Quentin and how he would sort of program her to do her scenes. The real Uma seems very different, quiet, low-key, nerdish and bookish. So definitely lots of programming and handling went on. (I’ve never been able to watch the movie. Tarentino’s work is such an openly Satanic celebration of bloodlust, I want to kill the bastard.) :)
This cinematographer has also worked with some major action directors like Michael Bey, who I’m convinced is an alien, he’s not human – go look at his eyes in a photo sometime! Again, this cinematographer only seems to work on these action/bloodlust/bloodletting types of movies.
This guy (the cinematographer) is also a creep who keeps a wife at home, then he’ll go off to someplace to China for six months and sleep with second tier actresses and crew members who work on the set, and then come home to the clueless wife. Horrific all around. Sets pretty much operate as freefalling orgy zones. “Married” people suddenly become “unmarried” for purposes of filming, then go back to their significant others. Michael Douglas did this for years to his long-suffering wife Diandra. Kathleen Turner recently confirmed this in her biography, talking about how she and Douglas slept with each other while filming the Romancing the Stone movies, then he went back to his wife. I’m glad Diandra got tons of money from him in their divorce!
The same thing played out in the earlier marriages of Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner. Remember how for ages their publicists promoted them as the ultimate family men, still married to their longtime sweethearts, devoted dads, etc? Now the truth is coming out about how abusive Mel is. Costner just always slept around. I know someone who gave him a massage at a resort somewhere – I think in Colorado? – and he always requested “happy endings,” which ends in sexual release.
Creepy world. Don’t believe any of the “knight in shining armor” spin about ANY star, male or female.

Yeah, it’s there in the pageant industry. I was in the Miss Teen Pennsylvania pageant back in the day, I think that is what it was called, and during the three day rehearsal period before the pageant I was pretty much told by the production heads that I was being given a very favorable rating by the important people, because I could sing, dance, had good grades, etc. It was weird, it was like they were telling me in advance I was going to win. Not that the prize was much – I think it was just a couple of thousand dollars which you could use toward your college education.
Anyway, as we headed into the dress rehearsal stage and were finalizing our performances for the show/pageant (lots of song and dance numbers we had to perform as a large group), one girl who was very sexually precocious, who had a REALLY large rack on her, started noticing how the judges and pageant directors were paying me a lot of attention, and she started kissing up to them. She ended up winning the pageant.
I kept in touch with my roommates – three girls I had roomed with over that rehearsal weekend who were all contestants like me – and one of them later told me that that girl who won had slept with one of the male production people. Pure coincidence that she happened to win, of course. The girl was 16 years old but looked 22.
I hope she was okay after that and didn’t sink into the horrible little sideshow world of the larger national pageants.
I also knew a former Miss Pennsylvania, a very clean cut athlete type of woman, she was Miss PA in the late 80′s sometime; she talked about how at the national pageant it was all about who would be most sexually accommodating to the judges that weekend before the final pageant show was held. She didn’t win Miss USA but after what she saw, she had no regrets about it!

You know the now “D” list actress Tara Reid? (She of the addictions, the horrible plastic surgeries, etc.) She makes her living earning about $20,000 – $50,000 (when she looked better) as a private “escort’ to many wealthy international men.
When you are a C or D list celebrity female, you earn more as a prostitute than as an actress. I guess the attitude of these poor, abused mind=controlled women is “at least it’s a job!”

Per “gig” — which usually involves travel to be with the gentlemen in question somewhere out of the country, at his estate, private island, or yacht. The usual stuff. Pamela Anderson has been doing the same thing for a long time – she makes more, though! Many others like this one actress Mena Suvari who made a big splash in American Beauty but in recent years had disappeared off the map – she actually makes loads of money as a dominatrix catering to clients with certain, um, tastes.
This is all info gleaned from friends who work in LA hotels, Las Vegas too, where this stuff is widely known about.
Since SAG minimum rates for a day long gig used to be, what $500 a day or something? (I have no idea what they are now) and minor stars might get $10,000 for a small walk on role as the villain in a TV series – they can actually make more consistent income doing the call girl stuff (and call boy stuff. Whole ‘nuther story.)
In addition, many female “celebs” got started in prostitution and later became “stars.” Or they worked in a few roles, their careers stalled, they went into prostitution, serviced the “right” client, and then their careers became bigger again. Case in point Denise Richards who was working as an escort when she got involved with Charlie Sheen. Her acting career never took off and she always had more work as a call girl than anything else.
Paris Hilton was a notorious LA prostitute and the only reason she ever became a celebrity was because she blackmailed certain highly-placed entertainment people who were in her “little black book” and that’s how that horrible woman was foisted upon us all (and young girls especially, who for a while really looked up to her!) Her arrest for cocaine the other day is more typical of what she’s always been, what she’s always been up to. Paris now makes between $500,000 to $1million to show up at a “party” for the Kind of Bahrain’s son or whatever – she does those international prostitution/party appearance gigs all the time.
There is also a big esoteric/psychic ritual component. Depending on the wiring of the woman, she might be used to conceive a particular type of soul during a ritual, be used as a breeder, then the baby “disappears”. Also sexual rituals are used to bring energy to a person, company, project, endeavor, or location. Older women are often used to help a younger member (male usually) of a connected family celebrate his sexual maturity – think like a bar or bat mitzvah ceremony, only instead of coming of age spiritually, he is celebrating coming of age sexually. This can be done when the child is between 12 – 15 for boys, and not too long after a girl’s first period for the young girls.
You have the Madonnas who groom the younger women to eventually take their place with the sexual/psychic rituals, but sometimes the older ones are still being used for other things. It’s never really been about youth but more about energy and being able to access that person to harvest their psychic energy/emotional energy, and the women who have had a lot of sexual abuse and fragmentation and damage in their past are especially “popular” in this regard because they can be trained not to remember being abused and will tend to dismiss everything as a great party in which they had great drugs/drink, had sex with multiple people, and went home with a lot of money.
Pamela Anderson “wrote” a novel a while back that talked about one of her alter egos and discussed the frequent orgies “she” participated in. Thinly veiled real stuff. But I don’t think that book talked about any of the deeper esoteric stuff. Again, with mind control and fragmentation sometimes the person doesn’t recall everything they end up being used for.

Thanks for the pay update – I’ve still got figures in my head from the late 80′s/early 90′s when I was in the industry – although I never joined the unions as I mostly did stage work and made more being non-Equity than most of the true Equity actors I knew (a lot of them worked under pseudonyms in non-union theater settings so they could continue to pay bills, since Equity work is rare as hen’s teeth.)
I know a second tier TV actress/C-D list movie actress who has done some story arcs on various crime/law type series– often as the long suffering wife who turns out to be the killer, that type of thing – she usually films for two days max (AFTRA work) and since she has a bit of a “name” she pulls about $10,000 – $25,000 when she gets a story arc like that. Still, she works rarely, like most actresses her age (she’s in her 50′s now.) If she had slightly more name recognition she says she could probably make more for these types of gigs, but since she hasn’t been in a mainstream movie for a while, her “asking price” keeps going down.
She’s someone who actually didnt’ end up in the prostitution/sex slave track – but then she took a long time off from the biz to get married, have kids, live a normal life away from LA or New York – and she is also more of a character actress type than a blonde/buxomed/impressionable sex kitten type – which probably saved her!

With some of these ladies it’s helpful to look at the constellation of people they have “dated.” How did Hathaway end up engaged to wealthy real estate developer Raffaello Follieri, for instance? Info on some of his connections here – from June 2008:
“More trouble for Raffaello Follieri, the fiancĂ© of “Devil Wears Prada” star Anne Hathaway; Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is investigating the Follieri Foundation, a charity headed by the 29-year-old Italian businessman. The Post has it that Cuomo’s office has subpoenaed financial documents belonging to the Manhattan-based foundation, which is involved with vaccinating children in developing countries, among other things.
“Follieri last made headlines when he was arrested for bouncing a $215,000 company check issued on behalf of his real estate company. Those charges were dropped when he paid up last month, and earlier this year he also settled a lawsuit brought by billionaire Ron Burkle, who accused Follieri of “systematically misappropriating” at least $1.3 million from a joint business venture to finance his lavish lifestyle.
“Hathaway’s spokesman tells the Post that the actress no longer serves on the foundation’s board, though she had traveled to Central America with Follieri last year for a charity-funded vaccination program. Cuomo’s office declined to elaborate on the investigation, but apparently it has something to do with the foundation’s failure to file tax-disclosure forms required of nonprofit groups.”
So with this “fiancee” you have a bunch of things going on. First off, when someone in the industry like Anne is suddenly engaged to a guy like that, it is almost always due to an arranged escort/prostitution “date.” People think it’s just because famous and wealthy people meet at parties, but it’s not. Think of Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere and how they said they met at a party. No, she was a paid escort for the evening. At the higher echelons, these women (supermodels especially) are EXPECTED to keep powerful men company – it’s part of the deal.
Sometimes it works out nicely and the woman actually enjoys being with the guy. She ends up with a full-time “gig” as the real girlfriend or wife. That’s how you often end up with actresses marrying their directors. Or it’s more cold and calculated. He gets a bit of expensive, famous, beautiful arm candy – and she thinks she’s going to get lots of work because she’s married to the director. (Doesn’t always work out that way, though. Many directors rarely use their actress wives in films.)
Anyway, with Anne and Raffaello, you also have the constellation of Raffaello having done a business deal with infamous Ron Burkle, a billionaire friend of Bill Clinton, who is widely known to be a guy who likes procuring models and other “willing” women for Bill – as well as enjoying them himself. So these threads all interconnect. Also you have the connection through Raffaello to some “world charity/vaccination program” stuff, with Anne having sat on the board of the charity and travelled to third world countries doing “good works.” These organizations are usually fronts for prostitution, sex trafficking rings, and drugs – but they love to have someone wholesome like Anne as the “face” of the organization. I’m not saying she KNEW about all that stuff, she may have genuinely believed things were kosher.
Anne and Raffaello broke up, but apparently she had let him take naked photos and videos of her, and she was freaking out that these would be made public post-breakup:
“Anne Hathaway is concerned that pictures she took without clothes on for her now jailed ex-boyfriend Raffaello Follieri, might make their way onto the Internet. Anne’s brother was seen going through Follieri’s storage space, but the FBI had already raided the space the day before. Items taken by the FBI included Anne’s diary, and those scandalous pictures. There’s also a rumor an intimate video may have been taken as well. We’ve see Anne without a top on in movies like Havoc, but we haven’t seen her doing the nasty on video yet. Since we don’t have the pics from the storage space yet, the pics below will give you a preview of what is to come.”
Now, that’s how the mainstream press always spins this stuff. She agreed to do some soft porn photos and video for the guy, with the understanding that it would only be circulated amongst a “connected” group of his friends. But after she broke up with him, all bets were off, and she knew that he might get nasty and circulate the material wider. This press release makes it sound like these were just innocent little photos and vids taken between a consenting couple. That’s not how it usually works. The actresses agree to do porn in exchange for all the perks of being with the rich guy – but with the understanding that they lose rights to that material if they break up with the guy.
I think Anne got “lucky” or perhaps made some other concessions/deals, because the release of this material didn’t completely spoil her industry image as the nice girl. But it looks like some of it has leaked to the Net and is viewable online.
There is a higher tier in the porn world of homemade stuff made by gorgeous actresses and models, whose boyfriends just “happen” to be directors, photographers, celebs, or connected people and get exclusive access to the sex tapes or photos these women do. I’m sure Raffaello passed Anne’s stuff off to his friends like Ron Burkle, who is into that world up to his eyeballs, maybe even good ole Bill Clinton. It doesn’t mean that it was ever going to be in wider release at the lower levels of porn distribution – this is the more exclusive stuff, the exclusive circles.
I’m afraid that these are the same exclusive circles who probably have access to snuff films and sacrifices that are filmed, and that many of the same people who end up being replaced might also have their deaths or torture filmed and circulated. I can’t say that with 100% firsthand knowledge, but I have known people who survived sex trafficking, and they say that snuff films are done when a sex slave/prostitute/call boy has gotten a bit haggard and worn around the edges, past his or her “sell by” date, and/or pissed off the wrong people. And there’s a huge market in these exclusive, connected, and wealthy circles for that stuff.  I think if we really want to know what happens to the people who get replaced, that such snuff films would unfortunately tell us more than we would ever want to know.

And about the actresses and celebs who are pregnant and then magically not pregnant – case in point, Bristol Palin. She has been pregnant four times. The first time in fall 2006 (there are photos of her wearing a green sweater dated fall 2006 in which she is noticeably pregnant, about four months pregnant, maybe five months). That baby “disappeared.” Trig, which Sarah Palin claimed as hers. Tripp, which Bristol had with Levi Johnston – maybe. Although she slept around so much, and Levi has shown little interest in a decent custody arrangement, that parentage is questionable. And this winter she bought a condo away from her mom’s place, moved in with a hockey player friend of Levi’s named Ben Barber, got pregnant YET again….broke up with Ben, got back together with Levi for about five minutes (still pregnant with Ben’s baby)……….
And now she’s suddenly filming Dancing with the Stars…..not pregnant anymore.
SOME of these babies are most likely sacrifices. Sarah Palin will do anything and everything to remain in the limelight and sold her soul and her body a long time ago. She is systematically doing the same thing to all of her kids. Her “veteran” son, Track, is a known drug addict and was arrested for cutting brake lines on a bunch of school busses before he was shipped off to Iraq (with a cushy job of driving dignitaries around.) Now he’s home and back on the drugs. Willow, Bristol’s younger sister, vandalized a home and has also been arrested for fighting with another girl – all covered up. They’re all being groomed to be part of the machine in one form or another, and it’s the little ones who always suffer. (I include the kids on this list because their destinies were sh*t from the moment they were born. They never had much hope for a decent life.)
You can read a lot more about the baby stuff at: and
Vanity Fair just today came out with an explosive article that starts to expose some of the really dark stuff about Sarah Palin – her facade, carefully preserved by Karl Rove and Rupert Murdoch, is starting to crumble a little. But the sheeple still want her to restore the Republic to its God-lovin’, rifle-totin’, hating black people, ways, so I doubt she’ll disappear from the scene for a long, long time.

About Melissa Joan Hart – she’s been working in show business since the age of four, and having starred in Sabrina the Teenage Witch for all those years, she is no doubt highly skilled at moving esoteric energy – mind control and hypnotic energy – and influencing her young female fan base with whatever themes the producer/writers wanted to get across. A lot of that is probably unconscious on her part – she’s just doing what she was trained to do.
Her husband Mark Wilkerson is a bit of a puzzle. Very little info available on him even though he has his band A Course of Nature which has had some minor hits. The two of them did name their first kid Mason Walter Wilkerson, which is interesting. Who uses Mason as a first name unless it has some significance – a nod to the Masons perhaps?
My sense of this couple is that they are very good workers for the system. They represent the “good guy/good girl” platform. They are being USED by the system but might not be insiders themselves. Melissa is busy being a good breeder, though – just had her second kid I think.
Keep in mind with the breeder women is that there are often children born between the pregnancies we hear about – that get “donated” or sacrificed. Kids who can move psychic energy as powerfully as Melissa no doubt can would be highly prized.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Melissa’s own children, or at least one of them, don’t get offered to the star machine when they are a little older. Tune in on them in about ten years!

As expected since I joined here, I’ve been getting a certain amount of unpleasant – pushback – for posting. That’s why I’ve sort of been posting in a burst. I’m going to probably have to go dark for a while after my flurry of posting, but I’m sure you will all understand why. I’m not even in the industry anymore, but the psychic attack and synchronistic real time “warnings” (close car accidents being one) have been kicking up again. This always happens when I talk about real things. Some of you probably know me from past posts on esoteric type forums and alternative journalism/conspiracy forums, where often an entire group of gangstalking behavior starts kicking up when I piss off the wrong people. So much fun! Not.
So I will probably post some more today and might not be around here after that. Just wanted to let you know.
Speaking as a former performer, I always had a very pure and spiritual component, a very genuine intention to spread love and light and positive emotion, through my work as an actress/singer/musician/comedienne/writer. Very early on I ran into the dark arts. There is literally a much more pervasive darker form of “art” that is ruled by the Illuminati/reptilian/negative ET’s/negative humans/military industrial lodge complex (they’re all pretty much the same group, from what I’ve seen.)
I did tons of Julie Andrews, upbeat, positive ingenue type of work, largely comedic, some of it kids’ theater, a lot of it musicals, most of it live stage work. It was only when I started auditioning for, say, David Mamet plays, in which the women are always hardened, and often whores, that I started to see the “Bizarro” universe that co-exists in the arts next to the more innocent, love and light, having fun, making friends, trying to change the world crowd. (Yes, I was a neo-hippie type in the 80′s!)
Whenever I auditioned for “darker” roles, I was always creeped out by the metaphysical components. Lot of negative energies always attached to the directors, casting people, the actors and actresses who usually got the leads, etc. A theater in which that stuff is happening feels completely different than, for example, a nice little dinner theater out in the country where I portrayed a character in Camelot. The dark stuff definitely involves negative entities – often entities and energies that the performers WELCOME INTO THEIR BODIES in a form of willful possession.
Remember Oprah Winfrey’s movie Beloved which she did a while back? In interviews she talked about allowing herself to be literally possessed by a dark, unhappy spirit of a slave – so she could better play the role. This is what actors and actresses are encouraged to do – to become entirely disassociative and to allow something “other” to come in.
Madonna talked about being possessed by the spirit of Eva Peron when she filmed the famous balcony “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” scene for the film version of Evita. Ironically, she gave one of her best performances in that movie – because of her ability/willingness to be possessed. (And Eva Person was a piece of work – former whore, full-time fascist, exploited by the military industrial lodge complex she married into in the form of Juan Peron. She was also given “CIA cancer” which killed her off prematurely.)
Anyway, there seems to be the good Jedis and the dark Sith lords in the arts, and unfortunately, the darker arts are being strongly celebrated these days. Actresses like Anna Paquin, who didn’t have much of a career after her childhood nomination for best supporting actress in The Piano, has had to turn to the dark side of art to get recognition again in her vampire TV series, True Blood. There can be a lifelong process of trying to get a talented artist to turn to the dark forces. After that happens, a lot of subsidiary dark stuff happens – involvement in arranged “dates” with powerful men or women in the industry; feeding the star tons of drugs to get them to disassociate and go along with the abuse that starts to happen to them; and then involvement in actual dark rituals, sacrifices, but more commonly, sex rites (at least in the beginning. Think Eyes Wide Shut/orgies)
Sometimes stars protest and try to get out. This can work, to some degree. Jeri Ryan of Star Trek: Voyager fame was married to the politician Jack Ryan. Remember that story?
“On June 22, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider agreed to release the custody files. The decision generated much controversy because it went against both parents’ direct request and because it generally reversed the early decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child. It was revealed that six years previously, Jeri had accused Jack Ryan of asking her to perform sexual acts with him in public, and in sex clubs in New York, New Orleans, and Paris. Jeri Ryan described one as “a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling.”[13] Jack Ryan denied these allegations. Although Jeri Ryan refused to comment on the matter during the campaign, the document disclosure led Jack Ryan to withdraw his candidacy, clearing the way for Barack Obama to win the seat.”
I’m not sure how Jeri survived the public exposure of these facts, because usually, you get silenced if you talk about this stuff. Was she replaced? Haven’t had time to look into it.
Anyway, suffice it to say that there is a lot of gatekeeping going on in the world of the arts, and for whatever reasons, passing through those gates usually involves a lot of terrible relinquishment of one’s free will, sexual well-being, spiritual sovereignty, and worse.
The negative gatekeepers need a certain amount of true artists, lightworker types who are more fueled by love and innocence, and sometimes such types are targetted to be moved to a higher level of the playing field while AT THE SAME TIME keeping them surrounded by relatively nice “handlers” who don’t corrupt them… least, not yet. But it seems that everyone in that industry has to make the choice between corruption or getting out of the industry at some point. Drugs and alcohol and spiritual possession make it easier to say, “Screw it, I’ll do anything to get a job.” But a lot of people who try to make it okay within themselves end up the victims of replacement later on, because at some point, they usually do protest or get what’s called “a big mouth” and give that one revealing interview or comment to the media that can get them in real trouble.

The Bristol Palin stuff is really interesting because it’s all pretty much poorly hidden in plain sight. There are a bunch of bloggers who were silenced when they started really hammering the evidence about Sarah Palin covering for Bristol’s pregnancy with Trig. A few survived, most notably and Gryphen of Immoral Minority actually has boots on the ground and lives in the same town as the Palins and has been dutifully chronically the Wasilla Mafia that silences people who mention ANYTHING negative about the Palins. Her people called up the school where he worked and reported him as a child molester to get him fired. Not to mention publicizing his name, license plate number, and worse. There are so many brave citizen journalists who are trying to do the real work of exposing the powers that be, and since Palin is supported by Karl Rove and Rupert Murdoch, things have gotten even bloodier around her in recent months. One nurse who helped care for Bristol Palin’s child, Trig, after he was born prematurely with what was most likely Fetal Alcohol Syndrome had her house set on fire, her dogs drugged, and she and her dogs died. Horrible stuff.
About the Olsen Twins from Full House – I don’t have any firsthand knowledge of them, all I know is the twins ALWAYS creeped me the f**k out! Like they were possessed as very, very little girls maybe. Then when the one Olsen twin just happened to own the apartment where Heath LEdger overdosed, and the massage therapist who found the body (hint: she wasn’t a massage therapist but a hired sex worker) called the Olsen girl first instead of 911, that just seemed to be par for the course with them. Remember the satanic blood sacrifice type feeling of Heath Ledger’s death, coming just as Batman was coming out, and how the whole morbid situation ended up creating huge box office receipts – not to mention a posthumous Oscar nomination for poor Heath? Think that wasn’t all manipulated every step of the way?
It’s all about looking at the connections that these people plug into. You’ll find a lot of nasty and juicy stuff that way

I’m just going to throw this out there about Rod Stewart and maybe you guys and gals can look into it more at some point if you want to.
Sometime between 1967-1989 I encountered Rod Stewart (or perhaps Fod) on the streets of Atlanta. It was right in front of Tower Records downtown, not too far from where Rod was performing for a couple of nights at the Fox theater. He was wearing an almost cliched rocker’s jumpsuit, a one piece brightly colored, unwashed and dirty, outfit, and he looked slovenly and unkempt. The thing that struck me was that he had the most horrific skin you ever saw – acne covering every half inch of his face. Now, that sometimes happens when stars have a bad allergy to stage makeup and there’s not a lot you can do about it. But he also looked like he had deeply pock-marked skin from lifelong acne. His hair was stringy, bleached blonde, and yucky looking.
I was walking with my friend at the time heading into the store, and Rod/Fod perked up when he saw me. He chatted me up for a moment, and he even offered an invitation to a party he was hosting later that night after he performed, but the whole thing took place in this surreal ten minutes or so during which I was mostly going, “Is that really Rod Stewart? Something is really off here.” I gently said I was busy, thanked him, and headed into the store. He had already left the store with a bag of purchases so he continued out to his bus or his taxi or his limo or whatever, I didn’t wait to see.
Later that week I heard anecdotes from some of my performer friends who lived downtown that there had been lots of Rod Stewart sightings during the time he was in town. Just like I had seen, he didn’t travel with any security, didn’t have a girlfriend or wife on hand, and kept inviting people to a big party at the Marriott Marquis I believe – I think he was staying there.
I didn’t know anybody who actually WENT to his party, though.
Thing is, later on (and there wasn’t any Internet to speak of back then, so I couldn’t look him up online) I looked at some friends’ record covers, Rolling Stone mags, and so forth and the guy featured on those didn’t look anything like the guy I saw. The guy I saw was maybe 5’9 or 5’10 and his accent wasn’t particularly noticeable, he sounded more American than Brit.
The freedom with which the guy was wandering around town seemed odd. Admittedly Atlanta is a second tier type of city, hardly a New York or LA, but he was wandering around on his own without ANY entourage at all. And he didn’t seem drugged up or drunk, in fact he seemed kind of nice and polite and friendly. (He still could have been high, though, but it didn’t seem like he was obviously so.)
So anyway – I have always wondered what the hell that was. Did I see a replacement?
In more recent Net searches I do see some discrepancies that might hint at replacement, but it’s also possible I saw a stunt double, stage understudy, or hired “double” who was simply on call that weekend.
The weirdest thing was how OBVIOUS the whole “I’m a rock star and I’m walking around town in my yellow rocker’s one piece jumpsuit going to the Tower Record store” thing was. Like it HAD to be an actor pretending to be him. Doing a poor imitation.
But who knows?

Tabasco, I do think that many stars begin as innocent, spiritually sensitive beings with immense talent and that some of them end up surrounded by or working for dark people, dark organizations, and dark NON humans (ET’s or hybrids) and once that stuff happens, they can barely control what happens next. However, you do have to WANT to make it in show business and have that desire – to reach the point where you say, “Screw it, I just want the work.” That invites in the other stuff – the possession, the prostitution, and worse. Unfortunately, though, sometimes it will be a person’s agent, manager, parent, producer, or director boyfriend who dominates the decision making process, and the artist might be naive or powerless about saying “No.” It’s all very, very sad.
Clones and synthetics – I’m not really sure what all is going on there, myself. I do have a theory that sometimes horrific plastic surgery, of the type that really is more mutilation than beauty improvement, can sometimes be done as a form of torture to bring the star “in line.” I can’t look at some celebs like Mickey Rourke, Heidi Montag, and Ashley Simpson without thinking “Maybe the original is still in there but they were tortured into shutting up or falling in line in some way.” So using extreme surgeries as a form of torture and abuse might happen long before someone is actually replaced, or maybe in place of replacement. But then some real plastic surgery DOES take place to make replacements look like the originals, too, or to even “improve” upon the originals. So it all gets very confusing. has had a lot of interesting exposes of how blatant the extreme use of PHotoshopping has become on magazine covers – not really a surprise, but interesting. So you’ll see an actress who is perfectly fit get PHotoshopped down to a size zero waist just because the sick as f**k editors are part of the agenda promoting women to be undernourished, weakened, and submissive.
(That’s a whole different story, magazine editors. The few nice ones I worked with were few and far between and they were often replaced by the very literal WHORES that owners like SI Newhouse would bring in to take over his various publications. Whole different war story there. YUCK. All of the arts are so horrifically controlled by yucky, possessed and/or non human beings. )

About the potential incest thing……put it this way. At least TWO bloggers who were covering the anomalies of the birth/conception/delivery of the Down Syndrome child we now know as “Trig Palin” BRIEFLY mentioned the incest thing and a WHOLE LOT OF HURT happened for both women. Death threats, one got sued, and more. Maybe it was from Sarah’s “fans,” but maybe there was more to it. The parentage of Sarah’s own children is mixed. Curt Menard was mysteriously killed when someone put stuff in his fuel line and he flew his small plane and crashed. This was after a reported affair with Sarah. It is likely that Track Palin, who looks just like Curt Menard and granddaddy Menard (the ears especially are a giveway,) is the son of Curt. And there are questions about Sarah’s other children and them not belonging to her current husband Todd.
The scariest stuff as you research the family are the shady origins of CHuck Heath, Sarah’s dad. He remade his own history and looks like he had to leave one state and flee a couple of times. Lots of revisionist history around that man. PHotos of him show a possessed being who is not human. Also, he has been openly quoted regarding Sarah having little kids around in saying that “little kids are always losing their underwear” and other horrific quotes that hint at sexual abuse in that family.
Then you look at the family’s scary Dominionist ties, and how Dominionists are working hard to bring on Armageddon and the Rapture, and within their sect they encourage lying to non-believers because non-believers are literally considered NOT REAL, or demons, and you start to see more of the nasty pathology.

Different subject – going back to the whole idea of dopplegangers.
Traditionally a doppleganger is considered a double, either a physical being or a non-physical being, which mimics someone else in every way, to the point that people get confused as to who is real and who is the “original.”
One of the most famous doppleganger stories was of Percy Bysshe Shelley, husband of Mary Shelley of Frankenstein fame. Not long before Shelley’s death his friends reported seeing him walking outside a window of the house, but it wasn’t him because the real Shelley was somewhere else at the time. Since he died soon afterward, there were whispers that that had been a doppleganger – which can often be said to be a harbinger of the original’s death.
If you travel at all in this world and happen to work in a field in which you are exposed to lots of strangers, you soon see that there are only a certain amount of body/skin/voice/personality types out there.
In my work as an actress I’d regularly move to a new town, end up living in close quarters with thirty complete strangers, and get to be very close to those new friends during the time we’d work on a show together.
What struck me after a few years of doing this is that I was starting to see doubles everywhere. Certain “types” kept repeating themselves. Amongst gay men, for instance, I kept seeing repetitions of almost the exact same type of man over and over again. Very eerie when you’ve travelled to a new part of the country, the guy has a different name, and he sounds, looks, and acts exactly like someone you befriended months before in a different state, on a different acting job.
When you haven’t travelled much, you don’t see this stuff. But it’s real.
So that DOES mean that the frequency of NATURAL physical/voice/and personality doubles is higher than you might think – unless you have travelled a lot and spent time with tons of strangers as a gypsy performer type like me has.
Then I went on to do counselling for a decade and worked with thousands upon thousands of strangers. And I saw doubles ALL THE TIME. These weren’t just people who looked alike, talked alike, etc. Their ISSUES and problems, the dynamics they were experiencing in relationships, family, and work, repeated themselves. So I’d meet someone through a referral who lived in one state and talk with her and she would almost exactly mirror somebody I’d met five years earlier in a different situation, different state, and the issues the person was dealing with were exactly the same.
Some people talk about “twinning” as a programming phenomenon, and this is when two people, unbeknownst to each other, are chosen from birth to lead eerily parallel lives, experience similar mind control, patterns in their lives, and so forth. They may or may not eventually meet.
But I’m not really talking about that.
I’m talking about the fact that we aren’t that original. We like to think we are. But if you travel around from state to state, talk with and intersect with thousands of people in each state, you are going to find people who are very similar to other people, and this isn’t necessarily something that has been manipulated. It can be entirely natural. The people who resemble each other might not ever know each other.
I’ve had a lot of times in this lifetime when people have sworn up and down that they know me and knew me. Sometimes by a different name. As a little girl visiting with distant family in Kansas I had a group of schoolchildren my age (I was in sixth grade at the time) swear that my name was something else and they all really liked this other girl and were happy I had come back.
I’ve had people I met through children’s theater tours, both students and administration, swear that they knew me already – by a different name.
The weirdest celeb-related experience I had where someone swore they already knew me was with Remington Steele actress Stephanie Zimbalist.
In 1989, after Remington Steele had ended, (and I believe before her former costar Pierce Brosnan was taking over the Bond franchise – or maybe he was just starting to?) Stephanie was doing a few TV movies. She did a move for the Hallmark Hall of Fame people called “Caroline?”
The plot of the movie was weird. In it, Stephanie played a woman who took over another woman’s identity – pretending to be the real Caroline – so the movie was all about a double taking over for the original.
I was just a day player, an extra with no lines, and I had a couple of days work doing background scenes. It was set in the 1950′s so we had to get dressed by the costume people in period outfits and makeup and hair, which was fun. I was dressed and then sent to a trailer to get my makeup and hair touched up. Stephanie Zimbalist was already in the trailer getting her hair and makeup done. She was talking with some of her people and I didn’t inject myself into the equation, not knowing if she was one of those stars who hated people to bother her or not.
But she saw me right away and her eyes got big, and she said, “Hi, I know you! You were on that other set – ” And she went on to describe how she and “I” had gotten to know each other really well, struck up a friendship, on the set of another project she had done. But she couldn’t remember my name.
I said, “Um, Ms. Zimbalist, I’m glad you and that other woman had such a nice chat, but I’m afraid it wasn’t me. ” And I told her who I was and how I lived in Atlanta (we were filming in a pretty old neighborhood in Atlanta, just a few blocks from where I lived at the time.)
She was polite but really surprised. She said, “No, you’re (so and so) and I remember talking to you, and it’s nice you’re here again and we get to work together again.”
She was really insistent that I was this other person.
I don’t know if it was because I was in costume, wearing a nice woman’s tailored suit from the 1950′s, with my hair back, or what – but Stephanie really thought she had met me before.
I didn’t get to talk to her anymore that day as I was just doing background work and Stephanie was only in some of the scenes, anyway.
But isn’t that weird?
To me it just shows you how easily a double can pretend to be the real thing – even if the double was me!
And given my travels, I know for a fact that body types, skin types, profile, mannerisms, tone of voice, and personality REPEAT THEMSELVES FREQUENTLY.
So it wouldn’t be at all hard say, if you were trying to “recruit” a certain type of double, to canvas the population and locate people who closely resembled other people.
I don’t think “cloning” is required, at all. The naturally occurring doubles out there in the population are rich and frequent. Perhaps cloning does take place, but from what I’ve observed, finding natural doubles is pretty easy.

I’ve never seen the show (True Blood) but always liked Anna Paquin. I’ve about had it with vampire culture, though. The mass indoctrination to appreciate, welcome, and embrace soul draining esoteric entities, but embodied and disembodied, is exactly the core of the spiritual dilemma we remaining humans face on this planet right now. Stories that celebrate vampire culture have all the same crap running through the productions, through the energy fields of the actors, in my opinion. So stay shielded when you watch the show, ‘kay? :)

Fine. Have fun!
Do you know any real life vampires?
I do.
I live in an area of the country where Anne Rice’s biographer, Katherine Ramsland, is operating her own little Satanic blood letting vampire cult. Her “day job” is as a professor of death sciences – excuse me, forensic studies- at a university. The glorification of dead flesh, autopsies, murders, psychokiller pathology, etc. Fun stuff.
I know a young gay guy who was killed by one of her worshipper/followers following along with the whole culturally pervasive MINDf**k that is vampire pop culture.
So how does that tie in to your innocent viewing of a popular vampire show?
It does. It speaks to the larger culture, whether you want to look into the esoteric side of it or not.
Katherine Ramsland and I have met and she is not human. Pale, blonde, blue-eyed, but with that classic Nordic/albino reptilian fleshy face that looks like a rubber mask.
I had to shield myself psychically the whole time i was in the room with her because she had all this CRAP coming out her energy field trying to latch onto my own energy and drain the sh*t out of me.
But you know, there’s nothing wrong with vampire culture. It’s all just good, wholesome, f**king fun.
Just like the rest of it.
Innocent performers who are trying to bring beauty into this world who get taken over and possessed, financially, sexually, spiritually and in astral/dreamspace by all these same assh*le entities — no harm done, right?
Have fun.

It’s fun. It’s always entities in somebody’s energy field, entities someone has given PERMISSION to be there in their field, that drive me off these boards. I can deal with the real life death threats, attempts on my life, psychic attack, all the usuall yada yada ba boom that I’ve been putting up with for thirty f**king years.
But see – it’s the Artemis’ of the world that always are the gatekeepers on these forums. Carissa, you know what I”m talking about, ‘right?
Same person, same critters, same stuff.
Masquerading as truth seekers. Then the entities show.
Really interesting stuff.
As I said before, I’m out of here, but best wishes to The Mask, Sherlok, and others.
About Jane Fonda and the various possible Fanes……I remember in an interview she did (one of the Fanes probably?) she said that when she first came to Hollywood and tried to get work she was told very plainly that she was going to need to have a LOT of physical alterations in order to be “qualified” to work in the industry. I remember one of the alterations she mentioned was that people told her she was going to have to have her jaw broken and realigned to be considered camera worthy. She did not mention in this interview if she had agreed to have this process done, but she said it in a very matter of fact way, as if starlets having their jaws broken was absolutely a commonplace occurence in the 1960′s in the Hollywood mill.
Now, of course, this was probably a Fane telling this story – because I watched this interview sometime in the late 80′s or early 90′s, and she was probably replaced at least once by that point. Perhaps she said this to explain aware the severe differences in her face shape between her early days as a starlet and later times.
But it really struck me – we tend to think of things like nose jobs, breast jobs, and the like as relatively newish required procedures for starlets. But this stuff has been pretty commonplace since at least as far back as the 1950′s/1960′s. Jaws broken? Sounds pretty extreme, doesn’t it?
Another thing that struck me in that Fane interview was how calm and unconcerned she was describing this stuff – sure speaks to the mind control that wannabe celebs step into where they will do literally anything to their bodies to get work in Hollywood – and the horrible enslavement of the women, too.
It has long been rumored that Marilyn Monroe was an early recipient of silicone injections to her body/torso – the early version of a boob job – and that chronic pain stemming from this procedure was part of what nearly drove her mad, led to her severe emotional ups and downs, and her drug and alcohol addictions. I think it might well be a contributing factor if Farilyn the replacement had all of that stuff done to her. (I’m not talking about the original Norma Jane here, obviously.)
Last post today, I promise!
About Jennifer Connelly. I can say with 100% certainty that the “Fennifer” we see today is not the Jennifer I worked with on a John Hughes film called Career Opportunities. I didn’t get to act with her much, but I did see her film several scenes. At that time I only knew her from Labyrinth, and I knew she had been a model.
Back then she had a more – elfin – quality than Fennifer has ever had. Hard to describe. But definitely there was an overall look to her features, especially since she was about 19 or so when she filmed this and she was young, of a slightly off kilter elfin quality. All the features were “perfect,” but the symmetry made you think “supernatural, beautiful creature” instead of plasticized girl.
One thing I was shocked by at the time was that a lot of the crew and production team, including the assistant director, were making really dismissive and nasty comments about her. I remember them arrogantly asserting that if this film didn’t work commercially, if it wasn’t a success, then “it would be over for her.” Or they might have said “It’s all over for her.”
I was really struck by the implied violence of that statement. And these people were drop dead serious as they said this. I heard this said by two crew members and also by the assistant director at separate points in several days worth of filming as they were standing around before and after scenes were filmed. At the time I just dismissed it as the cruelties of show business and how you only get one shot sometimes at a big breakthrough role. But since learning about how many replacements are happening, this statement keeps haunting me as I consider its implications.
The film didn’t do well at the box office at all, and you didn’t hear from Jennifer again until she did The Rocketeers which did okay commercially. And she did a movie where she was topless and was suddenly in the limelight again. I think at this point it was all Fennifer, though. It’s like the original quiet, shy, and pretty girl I observed is gone and this version is more womanly (bigger in her frame and curvier than Jennifer was. The Jennifer I saw was tallish and skinny all over. No extra flesh anywhere! More of a classic waif thin model physique. )
One thing that they did seem to get right with Fennifer is the eyebrows. The seem pretty close to the original’s eyebrows. I’m amazed at how they can get the really bushy eyebrow look on a woman who doesn’t have thick eyebrows, but they can do it. The most dramatic illustration of eyebrow transplants is the new Megan Fox- Fegan. You’ll see in some early photos of Megan that at one point she had extremely thin, over-plucked eyebrows. Once you’ve damaged the eyebrow line to that extent it doesn’t grow back out into a full bushy line again. The Fegan has perfect, thick brows, and they look so perfect you can tell the hair is a transplant. (Yes, they DO eyebrow transplants. Kind of a common procedure if a woman has overplucked and doesn’t have a good eyebrow line anymore.)
Mask – Yes, I’m not entirely sure that the Jennifer Connelly replacement came in that early, either – only that she definitely was replaced at some point. Very sad because the girl I got to see on the set was very sweet, hard-working, creative, and dedicated to what she was doing. Why get rid of her? She seemed compliant and willing to do everything director John Hughes asked of her, and Hughes seemed very happy with her work. She would come up with little improvisations to the scenes and he loved all the little things she added. Like she was filming a scene where she was shoplifting and she was supposed to go from point a to point b in a store. She added lots of funny little moments along the way, interacting with a woman who was an extra whose character was supposed to watch her and discover she was shoplifting. Everything was unscripted and she had great natural timing and instincts. She would seem “perfect” in the sense of being a good actress – but something went on behind the scenes, obviously, to end up in a replacement situation. My guess is the casting couch. It’s not usually just a casting couch – in show business it’s like with modelling, they also usually prostitute young actresses out to other powerful people. Maybe that’s where she drew the line? Or went along for a while, got the Rocketeer movie, that other drama where she was topless, and then had enough?
Artemis – I had forgotten about actresses having their back molars removed. You’re right, that was common, to give actresses that high cheekboned look. I just was kind of shocked at the idea of having your entire jaw broken and realigned as Fane Fonda was talking about in that interview. Surely, such severe reconstructive surgery would take a long time to recover from? Anybody here ever had a broken jaw? Wouldn’t it be many months of recovery? Sounds horrible, doesn’t it!
PS About the casting couch and prostituting out young models and actresses – this was why I gave up on show business. I could post a lot of stuff about this but it might not be appropriate in this thread. Suffice it to say that I had a TV show host, an assistant director on another TV show, and several “modelling agents” pretty much present the classic deal with the devil. You get work on TV or in films, but you work sporadically since jobs are not always available and the competition for women in the industry is so bad. In between you earn a living as a call girl/escort and you’re often working for the same people who are in a position to get you bigger and more consistent acting work, so you want to stay on their good side. It’s kind of a “pay to play” situation. You pay with your sexuality and remain on call 24/7 for these creepy guys, and if you’re lucky, you might get some real acting work out of the deal. I kept ending up right at the brink of getting serious TV roles and some movie parts and always hit that wall where it was pretty much “do this or we just get the next girl to do it.” There’s no incentive for the system NOT to do this because so many men and women fall into it willingly.
I think this tends to happen more with unconnected people. I’m a nobody, no blue blood connections or money or anything. So I had to actually go to acting school, slave to get parts anywhere I could, and gradually try to approach acting like a real career. I wasn’t one of those connected types who could make a phone call to my uncle fresh out of screenwriting school and instantly get a job on network TV as a writer. That stuff happens all the time. There are basically two tiers in show business. People who are legitimate in the sense that they actually have talent and don’t have connections – but they’re willing to prostitute themselves in some way (and if they change their minds, they probably get replaced at some point if they’re famous enough.) And then there are those with connections who might have talent or might not, but they end up making good money and steady money in the biz usually due to their insider contacts.
Aug 24, 2010, 10:41amartemis wrote:
This thing with jaw breaking mabe has smth to do with wider jaws/more pointed chins we found in many replacements? Bones rearrangement? Gosh…
I think they must be connected somehow. Why do the replacements seem to have a standard issue pointy/funky jawline? It’s very weird to me.
Speaking of weird jaws, check out this un-Photoshopped version of Fennifer Aniston from a recent magazine cover – very different from the Photoshopped version:….them-repeatedly
The version without Photoshop is pretty horrifying, actually. She kind of has that look that people get when they’ve had too much reconstructive facial surgery and as they get a little older it starts looking like parts of their face are falling off.
Also on Jezebel they recently posted a picture of Katy Perry as a child. I think she was mentioned here as a possible replacement, but then others say she wasn’t replaced – I’m not sure myself but I figure this might be useful for comparision purposes:….k-cheesy-posing
Oh dear, I think we may have a Fusan.
(Bear with me – I still need to get a handle on image posting -)
Is this young woman from Rocky Horror the same as the woman presented as Susan Sarandon many years later?
Young Susan:….ctuer-show.html
Fusan of today’s era: (photo notes say it’s from 2005)
If it’s the same woman, how did she go from a much thinner, more aquiline nose as a young woman to someone whose nose got a lot pointier? The second photo almost looks like she has a fake nose on.
The rest, I’m not sure of – needs more examining for sure .
Mask, I will think about doing that – thanks for the encouragement! Although I probably should have posted that last bit in your “Use and Abuse of Celebrities” thread.
I have tales from a lot of film sets and TV sets to share. Plus a lot of stories about actors and performers and sad things that happened to them.
Maybe we could start a thread for people who make it to this forum who have firsthand observations of celebrities (from meeting them or seeing them in concert) and who also have experience working in show business? Because I think that might be useful and it would also be a good place to share some of my firsthand experiences in the meantime.
And then if others come along with these types of experiences they can contribute there. Even if you’ve just seen a celebrity in concert, and you suspect a replacement, you could write about that in that thread. Or if you had a run in with a celebrity in another setting like a book signing or whatever, that could go in the thread. Remember the person who reported Debbie Reynolds acting all zombied out at a book signing? Those types of stories would be great there, too. The idea would be to post anomalous things that aren’t quite RIGHT about celebrities that tie in to the idea of replacements, clones, etc.
I remember you had a poster here a while back who had some firsthand observations from film sets – I think he wrote about seeing Brad Pitt act like a zombie? And he and posters like him could chime in there, too. What do you think?
Help me come up with a good title for the thread! Something like “Inside Peek at Celebrities and Show Business?” I dunno, help me brainstorm!
Hi Mask – (*pause for a big sigh*)
I think it’s extremely complex and that it gets into a lot of esoteric territory. Like, allowing something else to come into your body and possess you physically, emotionally, and sexually.. Deal with the devil stuff. And I’m not really talking about Lucifer as a Biblical entity, because, who knows, it sounds like he was the same as the entity Marduk from the ancient Sumerian texts, who in turn sounds exactly like the bloodthirsty Jehovah/Yahweh who is the founding father of the Judeo/Christian faiths.
But I’ve been presented with this “deal” a lot of times. As an actress and as an author. Turned it down every time after sensing the horrible energy of what it would entail – literally having your entire being and free will consumed by something awful.
I know, very science fiction. I don’t want to get into too much high weirdness here – although I know you folks can handle it!
I want to start my “Close Encounters with Celebrities” thread which I hope will explain what I’ve seen in more detail. A lot of actors and actresses I know took the deal, I’m afraid. It didn’t work out well for any of them. None of them became famous or powerful enough to end up being replaced, fortunately, I guess? But most of them ended up working as prostitutes, riddled with drug and alchohol addiction, and worse, even at the very lowest echelons of the entertainment industry.
There are a lot of layers and I don’t think the players necessarily know what is going on, themselves. I will post more, promise!
The rest, I’m not sure of – needs more examining for sure.
Re: Jennifer Connelly in particular – all I can say about her is that, given what I’ve experienced and seen within the industry, it’s likely at some point that she was “required’ to do a certain amount of prostitution to powerful industry people and maybe objected to that? Usually after you agree to do that you end up getting much more powerful roles, and you can, if you’re very lucky, end up fast tracked to an Oscar, etc.
All I know is that the Jennifer Connelly who won an Oscar is not the original. Which is sad. I think the original was very nice and talented!
On a more esoteric level, there are other things going on related to soul loss and spiritual/emotional damage, which are usually brought on by someone agreeing to become a prostitute/gay escort (depending on one’s sex), and then that usually ends up creating alcoholism and drug use in the person because they are trying to make their situation feel okay when it most definitely ISN’T okay….and somewhere along the line dark energies come in. Or the person finally wakes up, protests, and then they are killed off and replaced. Lots of nastiness unfortunately.
How about AFTER they are replaced?
I don’t know. I don’t have any firsthand or anecdotal information about what really is going on post-replacement, unfortunately. So I do think it’s complex most likely. I definitely don’t think it’s as simple as one of the Paul McCartney/Faul scenarios floating around, with the original horribly disfigured and disabled after a car accident, and Faul coming in to preserve the brand. (Some say he was disabled and lived in seclusion afterwards; some say he was killed.) But it’s possilbe that that situation spawned the replacement thing becoming more pervasive and “in your face” since they were able to effectively repress most of the “Paul is Dead” rumors and pass of Faul pretty well with the masses. Maybe that encouraged the new, much more common and frequent, scenarios of replacement? Because that one was so successful. (Not that it was the first. As you and others pointed out, folks like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Doris Day, etc. predated the era of the Faul/Paul replacement. I just think post-Faul that the program went a lot “wider” and broader, became more frequent.)
I think you’re right about Foan (Rivers, Joan). In the mid-90′s I did some (piss poor because I suck at it!) standup comedy at a club called Tatoo I think it was in NYC. Joan Rivers often performed in the main venue downstairs but she wasn’t there that night. I had a funny chat with a guy who was in the musical review downstairs that was being performed that night. We shared a smoke on the back steps that led from one floor to the other – his dressing room was up near the comedy club where I was performing. When he came marching up the steps he was clad head to toe in feathers and sequins, sort of a La Cage Aux Folles crossdressing theme going on in the show he performed in – it was all men dressed as women performing as different “stars”, faux Cher, faux Bette Davis, etc. Anyway, he said that I should come down and see the show if I could because there was a guy who sometimes would slip in and do a Joan Rivers walk on (as a Foan) and his voice, look, and mannerisms were so real that Joan herself would sometimes walk in behind him and do a five minute bit onstage where the tranny Joan was face to face with the “real” Joan. They usually only did that bit when Joan was physically in the house; she was apparently a good sport and loved poking fun at herself that way. But that night the tranny Joan/Foan was going to go on for a few minutes as Joan and see if people could tell whether he was the “real” Joan or not. Sort of an inside joke to the regular audience members who were in on the switcheroo.
I didn’t get to see him, nor did I get to see the “real” Joan/or Foan 2.0, 3.0 or whatever – but it would have been a trip! I was still waiting to go onstage for my own bit upstairs.
PS During many of Cher/Fher’s tours she has done this same bit where the show opens with the fake Fher singing a song and then the “real” Cher comes on to sing. Of course, the real Cher has been a Fher for a long time.
Weird as frick is right. In my research I’ve come across scary stuff about various sacrifices of children, sort of the “pay to play” stuff that celebs do to retain their place in the system. And with the technology available now to keep preemies alive and well earlier and earlier in their gestation, stories like this where there suddenly isn’t a twin any more freak me the heck out. Was the twin sacrificed ritually? Or was it “given” to someone for DNA harvesting, etc.? Or it’s going to become a “spare” for when their other child grows up and starts dating Suri Cruise or one of Angelina’s kids and needs to be replaced somewhere along the way?
There is a long line of famous people who sacrificed a child, including many political figures. Or at least, mysteriously synchronistic “coincidences” about how many big politicians lost family members “tragically” at some point- and then, magically, their careers take off.
Off the top of my head – John Edwards who lost a teenage son: (from wikipedia)
“Wade was killed in a car accident when strong winds swept his Jeep off a North Carolina highway in 1996.”
Ah yes, the mysterious fatal car accident.
Political families have those a lot. Joe Biden’s wife and infant daughter died in another bad car accident, although his two sons survived. Biden lied over the years and said it was a drunk driver who did it, but apparently this blogger says that’s never been true:
“In an act of reprehensible cruelty, then-presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden while campaigning in Iowa last year blamed the car accident in which his wife and daughter were killed on a drunk driver. The claim was completely false. The car accident was in fact his own wife’s fault. Apparently distracted by one of the three children in the car with her, she accelerated into the path of an oncoming truck which could not stop to avoid her car.”
(the above is from….r-accident.html
Senior George Bush “lost” one of his daughters to leukemia.
“Another daughter, Robin, died at age three from leukemia”
Funny how family members die, and then daddy’s careers take off.
I’ve tracked similar incidents in the entertainment/celeb world, so when Artemis mentioned the disappearance of the Travolta’s alleged twin, all this stuff crossed my mind again. I think sometimes the celebs themselves make the sacrifice, and sometimes it’s the parents who then manage their surviving child’s celebrity career and obviously benefit enormously from their child’s wealth, etc.

Eternity That was the case with Jennifer Hudson and Kanye’s mom. The pieces in the Jennifer Hudson never added up and when it happened I automatically knew that it was a ritual sacrifice. They never really accused anyone and the man whom they wanted to blame the creime on, William Balfour, the sister’s boyfriend, said that he was not around at the time and has never been charged.
And Jennifer Hudson may be another person to look into as possibly being replaced. She has lost an extreme amout of weight supposedly through Jenny Craig? or is it Weight Watcher’s? and is now the spokesperson. She doesn’t look the same and lost that weight way too fast(another sign to watch). It could also be part of her programming knowing that starvation is part of the torture that goes along with programming.
She did have a long hiatus after here mother, brother, and nephew were killed, and is now out of the spotlight it seems again. I also suspected that her nephew was raped before he was killed as part of the sadistic ritual.

Good points! Jennifer Hudson is definitely one to watch.
I remember that Venus and Serena Williams lost a sister a while back, allegedly to a violent shooting I believe – the sister lived in a “bad neighborhood” in L.A. supposedly. Why would the sister of these multi-millionairesses be living in a bad neighborhood? Sounds like she was a toss-away to help them keep earning their millions – or maybe dad had her taken out. I always thought their dad was creepy. Like Tiger Woods’ dad, training his child/children from a young age to be sports prodigies, willing to do anything to make that happen. Also speaks to the idea of the illegal sports performance/enhancing drugs that are available in the higher echelons – creating superhero type performers like the Williams sisters, Tiger Woods, and Lance Armstrong.
Eternity Do not forget that singer Aaliyah was also killed in the Bahamas on the island of Abaco. I have heard that Aaliyah, and the pilot were still alive AFTER the plane crash just as Princess Diana. Why wasn’t there an attempt to save them??? It is also said that Aaliyah was killed by the people who made Queen Of The Damned in order to boost movie sales, however, that was only a fraction. Poor Aaliyah was a sex slave anyways and was handed over by her parents and uncle.
98% of sports is fixed and alot of those players are under some sort of mind control, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, military op, etc. This is why many of them get into so much trouble have ‘suspensions’ or ‘rehab’ and are on hiatus. I have heard that Tiger Woods was ‘okay’ until he began association with Michael Jordan (another shady character) and Charles Barkley. MJ’s father had ties to the mob as well as MJ. His father also molested their sister during childhood. She wrote about it in a tell all book and MJ immediately halted paying for her daughter’s (his neice’s) college education.
I never did buy those stories of relatives being left behind in these bad neighborhoods, so to speak. Never sounded right. Professor Griff of Public Enemy fame has a series on youtube about the Entertainment cabal and the ritual sacrifices these “celebrities” have to make if they want to be in the “millionaire” club.

I know a lot of elderly gay men in my area, many of them formerly in positions in the arts (usually people like costumer designers on Broadway, artists who had gallery exhibitions and have art in the major museums, and some stage performers) who swear that AIDS was around long before it was talked about in the mainstream media. One man I sometimes have breakfast with says after HIV began to be more talked about he realized that his deceased lover must have had it. The guy was sick for many years with the typical AIDS-related diseases, most noticeably wasting disease and Karposi’s Sarcoma (that sad condition where the patient gets the horrible black lesions all of his body.) This was around 1975 when the man died of these things, and his partner survived and is still around today. His survivor never tested positive for HIV, though.
One angle we should consider with replacements is that if a celeb suddenly exhibits that classic wasting disease you see so often with HIV sufferers, we should look to see if a healthier-looking, bulkier replacement of them shows up on the scene later. If so, it might mean that 1) the original was killed off by having HIV injected into their system so a replacement would take over the “brand” or 2) that the person simply has HIV.
One version of Fom Cruise that was around a while back seemed to have wasting disease to me. Then that newer, sexier version of Fom has been around in recent years. (Not Fat Fom who looks like he’s eaten too many cheeseburgers; he’s not the sexy younger looking on they’re parading around these days.)
It also seems like George Clooney (or Feorge?) is looking very wasting diseasey lately, and is likely suffering from HIV. Usually people hit that stage towards the end of their life. My friend who died of HIV looked like this a few months before he died. So we should keep our eyes open in case a thin-looking, emaciated George has one of his little “motorcycle accidents” like he’s had before and reappears later looking bulkier and healthier. Those might be markers for a potential replacement.
Again, I’m just speculating, but I wanted to share some thoughts on this.

And don’t forget the old CIA induced “heart attack.” I believe that can be done with directed energy weapons. Especially startling when it happens to someone who was a social dissenter of some kind who had zero history of heart problems. I know two people this happened to. One survived, one didn’t. The one who didn’t worked as an engineer on one of the “Mars Rovers,” a new one they’ve been working on through John Hopkins Applied Physics Labs in recent years. He was also working with something involving bouncing information from satellites off of cell towers. I don’t remember the exact technology because it was way over my head when he spoke about it.
He was a think outside the box guy and while I didn’t know him well, he was in my extended family. Over the years he seemed to be a non-conspiracy person, meaning, he didn’t believe we had been to Mars before, and he didn’t believe that there was life on Mars, although he hoped there could be.
But the last time I saw him, about six months before he died, he was starting to have a crisis of faith and was starting to be much more open to alternative info. I can’t say with absolute certainty WHAT he was looking into when he died, but I don’t think his sudden dropping dead of a heart attack right when one of his projects was getting “hot” (his words to his sons) is a coincidence. He was only in his 40′s, was healthy, happy in his job, no history of symptoms or problems. His sons never found all his research papers and computer files, either. It was a locked room CIA murder mystery where files were removed before his one son found his body at his apartment.
Then there is the guy who was a whistleblower recently about the Gulf oil spills, talking about how there were actually TWO wells with problems – and how he recently died drowning in his hot tub. Yeah, right.

Okay. One of the things that has always struck me is how we can unknowingly find ourselves enjoying the performances of an artist over many, many years without consciously realizing that that person has been replaced along the way. But the more I’ve learned from studying the excellent research posted here, the more I’ve seen that I’ve often been a fan of a performer both before and after replacement, but on some level I do seem to register that a change has taken place. Like I enjoyed the pre-replacement David Bowie as well as much of the work that Favid did later on in the 80′s. I always wrote off his changes in style and look as costume and makeup-related, which was easy to do since when he was younger he enjoyed stepping fully into his Ziggy Stardust persona and burying himself under tons of theatrical makeup.
Another performer that has crossed my radar recently who in some ways is similar to Favid Fowie is Peter Gabriel. Like Bowie he started out when he was younger as an extremely theatrical performer who almost always obscured his features and body with extreme makeup and hair alterations (in some early performances he even shaved his hairline which gave him a weird faux balding appearance at a premature age.)
Like Bowie/Fowie, he has had many “lives” professionally. There was the early theatrical performer, and the later, mainstream 80′s guy who seemed more sexy and Top 40, with hits like Sledgehammer and a bunch of highly successful videos in the early 80′s (although as in his video Shock the Monkey he was often still barely recognizable because he was buried under so much makeup.)
Then he got into soundtracks and wrote award winning film scores like the one for The Last Temptation of Christ in the late 80′s (I love that score!)
Then later on he almost disappeared from the music scene and became heavily involved with projects involving the heavy promotion and production of “world music” and almost becoming like Bono with his world improvement causes – only Peter Gabriel‘s projects have mostly involved musical outreach, not so much general world charity or solving world hunger like Bono/Fono has involved himself with. More recently he has become heavily involved with trying to pioneer new ways for artists (especially minorities and artists from neglected nations) to get their work out there in various digital formats and distribution formats. Almost like setting up new distribution formats for independent musicians.
Career-wise it would seem like there were many points in his history where there could have been a replacement. This includes the juncture point where he left Genesis to pursue a solo career, and Phil Collins became the lead singer for Genesis.
To me Peter’s voice seems pretty consistent over time, with that unique husky texture to it. But oddly he hasn’t really released much new stuff in a long time, and the last major album he sang songs on was all cover songs from other artists, which seems odd to me. A great songwriter like him is covering everybody else? Makes sense if he’s just a Feter now, though!
So lately I’ve been looking at photos of him from his various epochs and I’m seeing different ear shapes and nose shapes, maybe even head shapes between the different Peters. I realize a lot depends upon finding photos of similar poses, or of the same ear views to compare, but here are some of the photos I’ve been looking at so far. I would appreciate any feedback from you eagle eyes out there to tell me if I’m barking up an unfruitful tree or not. Sometimes you can get a little too close to this stuff and THINK you see something, but it’s not really there.
I’ll start with the youngest photo I have found on him:

From the 1970′s sometime:

With Phil Collins:

Theatrical makeup:

I know it can be hard seeing differences in these early photos, but please stick with me and examine some as he got older:

Now we get into older photos of him – and this is where something starts to smell for me:

Where did that long, pointed schnozz come from? The early Peter had a relatively aquiline nose. Do noses get longer with age??????
Also notice how in all of his older photos (the more recent ones) he always seems to be sporting a goatee, so you can’t’ get a good look at his chin shape. In some of his younger photos he almost seems to have a slight cleft to his chin – in others, he doesn’t.
And the ears confuse me. I know older men can develop somewhat elongated “old man” ear. But you’ll see in the last photo he doesn’t seem to have that at all. The ear just looks different to me. When he was younger there was a bit of an elfin quality to his ears, almost a point. Now older Peter has perfectly rounded ears?
There might be some lip changes, too. I’m not sure.
Anyway, I hope I haven’t completely made a fool of myself with this post! It just came to me recently thinking about this stuff that Gabriel could be similar to Bowie in some respects – having multiple “incarnations” as an artist while secretly being replaced somewhere along the way. Maybe even twice!
He had a painful divorce around 1987 and disappeared from the scene from about 1988 to 1992. That’s one time frame that’s possible for replacement.
In reading his bio I’m struck by how involved he’s been with known NWO type/world improvement fronts like Amnesty International and so forth – but that all came post 1988.
“He also became well known as an anti-Apartheid activist, for his efforts to bring different styles of international music to the attention of the West by establishing the WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance) Festival, his own Real World label and recording studios as well as the addition of world music performers and styles into his own music. He has also worked extensively for Amnesty International as well as many other humanitarian efforts, such as founding his own human rights organization Witness and co-founding, with Richard Branson and Nelson Mandela, world human rights advocacy group The Elders in July 2007. His dedication to humanitarian causes was recognized with the Nobel Peace Laureates’ Man of Peace Award in 2006 and Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience honour in 2008. “
A lot of that work came after that 1989 to 2002 break period.
For a successful hit maker in the 1980′s, he took a weird path after that. Only one album in 2002 that is somewhat reminiscent of his 80′s stuff, a more moody and thoughtful version of his material with some minor hits on it. And then no more vocal recordings really until 2010. His new album is a weird one, too – it’s all cover songs of other artists’ works. I heard a song from it recently and while it sounded like the distinctive husky voice from the 1980′s, I was thinking, “Gosh, these sound like castoff pieces he might have done a long, long time ago.” Meaning – why couldn’t they simply be extra music that the original Peter recorded a long time ago?
Same for his 2002 album. That one always struck me as possibly being “extras” that hadn’t been included on his last album from the 80′s. One thing we need to keep in mind is that when an album is being made, depending on the artist and how prolific they are, there can be double the amount of songs recorded as are actually used on that album. Sometimes more. So songs from the original Peter could have been archived and used later. So it’s probably very common for albums and songs using the original’s voice/talent are being released when it’s a replacement who has now taken over the rest of the brand.
He mostly has been doing soundtracks for TV and film during the periods between albums. Nice way for a replacement to be out of sight and not be observed. He’s also been very shy of press and rarely gives interviews, is rarely seen at events unless he’s getting an award, that type of thing. Probably because the nose is so damned noticeable!

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