
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Can America Handle The Truth?

Can America Handle The Truth?

Obama Truth Slips Away SC Can America Handle The Truth?
The United States of America is at a tipping point. It is past time we are told the truth and begin to solve the problems. The time for false hopes, hugs, and feel-good can-kicking is over. The talk is all about the ‘fiscal cliff’ and whether or not we can figure out a bipartisan solution to the economic realities that are going to happen sooner rather than later. The Benghazi scandal and the true motives of abandoning our own brave Americans in a time of need are undergoing a huge whitewash. The number of Americans on food stamps is at a record-breaking high of nearly 50 million and growing. The number of Americans who are un- or under-employed is now at 23 million, and the statistics are always shaded to favor those in power. When ObamaCare kicks in fully beginning now (after the election – how convenient), it will be exposed as the most dishonest 2700 pages of bull excrement that has ever been passed by our Congress; and that is a very challenging order. That bill alone will send us off into fiscal collapse. But can America handle the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
If the phony stimulus and fiat money counterfeiting schemes by Helicopter Ben Bernanke and his equally culpable cronies at the Fed were not allowed to influence the GDP, we would realize that we have been in a depression (not even a recession) for the last four years. Reality check: we have been lied to about the severity of our economic situation. Both parties are culpable. We have been serially deceived and now-addled dopers addicted to the drug of debt heaped on future generations. We cannot continue to borrow our way out of debt any more than a person can drink themselves sober. Yet, we continue to ignore reality. The truth, unlike the political agendas of all politicians, has no agenda. It is what it is. And yet we are continually bombarded with misleading data from the ruling class and their compliant hacks in the media. This is simple high school math, not politics. When exponential spending is happening faster than revenue growth, a fiscal dead-end is just around the next curve in the road. Reality also is what it is.
Americans are polarized and divided as never before in the 236 year history of our republic. We are now the Blue States and the Red States, contrary to Barack Obama’s promise to the country as he stood before us in Chicago’s Grant Park and accepted the majority decision of the electorate who chose him to be our 44th president. For a brief moment in time, even those of us who did not vote for him listened and hoped as his words attempted to bring us all together as Americans. Remember how he told us he would stop the ocean’s rise and heal the planet? Remember how he portrayed himself as the great uniter of all people?
“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is a United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America, a Latino America, an Asian America; there is a United States of America. “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president of the United States of America.”
Those words have been shown to be only meaningless hollow political rhetoric, something we have become accustomed to so often in the last four years. Yet, somehow this radical revolutionary has managed to convince over half the electorate that he deserves another four years to ‘fundamentally transform’ the country. He never intended to unite us; he intended to force upon us his vision of social justice and collective salvation. His vision of America is the exact opposite of our founders and the authors of the Constitution. He hides the truth because if it were exposed, he wouldn’t get 30% of the vote. He is a pathological prevaricator because that is the only way he can survive.
For those who don’t understand the true meaning of his coded phrases, let me translate. He doesn’t believe in the American Dream we have always strived for since this country was founded back in 1776. He doesn’t believe in life, liberty, or anyone’s pursuit of happiness except his own. Some of the useful dupes who keep passing out when he speaks eventually will learn those lessons the hard way. That includes anyone and everyone he will throw under the bus to retain his power and control over us. The casualty list is mounting. Ask Rev. Wright. He believes not in American values of liberty, free-markets, and Judeo-Christian principles, but rather in the iron fist of fascist totalitarian rule with secular, statist motives. Our enemies are his friends. Our friends are his enemy. Ask the Israelis, who rejected him by over 85%. He is out to change the world. He truly believes he is the messiah.
Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama II, Harrison J. Bounel , or whatever his real name, is continuing his scam – the biggest hoax in the history of the world – pretending to be one of us. Everybody in a position of authority knows – he knows, Congress knows, the Supreme Court knows, and at least a large majority of America knows – that he is not who he says he is. They all know he is not constitutionally eligible to be POTUS. It is impossible. Either he is not a ‘natural born’ citizen (one born on sovereign soil of TWO citizen parents, according to the definition by a unanimous Supreme Court decision in Minor v. Happersett), or he has lied about his biological father and created a fictitious character with the name Barack Hussein Obama. He is a composite, just like his girlfriends in the book he took credit for authoring, “Dreams From My Father”.
His Social Security number (#042-68-4425), the one he has used since his high school years in Hawaii and most recently used to obtain financing on the Chicago home on Greenwood Avenue, is also fraudulent. He and Michelle are no longer listed as the owners of that property on the tax roles. His amended tax returns have changed, and they have removed the deduction for mortgage interest. In fact, both he and Michelle have multiple aliases, addresses, and Social Security numbers. How can that be? The SSN he has been using since he was in Hawaii during his high school years does not even pass the country’s E-Verify system and comes back flagged and illegitimate. It was taken out in Connecticut, not Hawaii. His birth certificate is a known hoax. It was created by a computer, not a typewriter and is not to be found in a microfilm file located in Honolulu. Hawaii officials are complicit in the hoax. So far, only Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse have gotten the farthest to verify suspicions and uncover facts about the entire constructed faux-identity despite roadblocks at every turn. Whatever the truth (and yes, it will eventually come out), it is not the scenario presented by the illegitimate usurper smiling and sitting in our Oval Office with his feet up on the Resolute Desk.
Are Americans ready to face the truth? Have we had enough of the lies and spin and prevarication? Is fiscal sanity and bipartisanship even possible today? Can we even save this mortally wounded republic? As we watch the White House evade the truth by changing the subject and not answering the big questions about responsibility, we know we are in the midst of a huge whitewash and cover-up. As we search for the truth about what happened on September 11th in Benghazi, Libya, we do know one thing for a fact: whatever really happened on that eventful night when we needlessly lost 4 brave Americans is not the way the White House and the administration keeps dribbling it out. It is always that way with this White House. Change the subject. Attack the messenger. Spin the malleable dupes. The truth is not in them.
What really happened in Benghazi brings me back to the stark vision of Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of Colonel Nathan R. Jessep in the movie “A Few Good Men”. After finally being pinned down in the court scene and exposed as the person who ordered the ‘Code Red’ that cost the life of a marine entrusted to guard the compound in Cuba, Col. Jessep says he had to keep the truth covered up because people could otherwise not handle it. When mortal humans, regardless of their position of authority, exceed the rule of law and make their own rules, it always ends badly. The reality of life imitates the fiction of the movies. Unfortunately, the reality of Barack Obama is not a movie or a fictional Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, or Brad Thor thriller. It only seems like it.
When we finally learn all the details of that tragic night in Benghazi, our man-child president will be exposed. Only he could order the troops to stand down and leave behind American treasure in the form of the four brave casualties of the terrorist attack on the CIA compound. Americans don’t leave their brave soldiers behind. In Somalia, we went back for two dead bodies. During 9/11, the NYPD and NYFD ran up into the buildings, not out of the buildings.
We are going to learn more about running guns to America’s enemies, and it will make Obama’s part in the Fast and Furious scandal and subsequent cover-up look minor in comparison. We are going to learn about the possibilities of treason and sedition at the highest levels. America is going to learn the truth about Barack H. Obama. We cannot only handle it, but we must have it before we can heal and move forward. Americans, as long as they acknowledge that they have God’s will that continues to guide them with Divine Providence, will never fail. John 8:32 says that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set (keep) us free. The fiscal cliff is the next challenge, but first we must face the stark realities. Justice must be done, and crimes must be adjudicated. It is not going to end well for those who defy the truth.

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