
Monday, October 29, 2012

Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning

Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning

Why did Elton John dub Lady Di “England’s Rose”? Was it because she was beautiful or because the rose has a deep occult meaning? This article explores the numerous occult symbols used in the memorials to Diana’s memory. To occultists, Diana wasn’t simply a princess, she represents the Sacred Feminine.
Lady Diana was often considered by the media as the “People’s Princess”. Loving, caring and beautiful, she possessed all the attributes to become a subject of idolatry. And so she became. Images of her taking care of poor children in Africa or speaking against landmines have struck the imagination of the whole world. Time Magazine said about her:
“Diana was beautiful, in a fresh-faced, English, outdoors-girl kind of way. She used her big blue eyes to their fullest advantage, melting the hearts of men and women through an expression of complete vulnerability. Diana’s eyes, like those of Marilyn Monroe, contained an appeal directed not to any individual but to the world at large. Please don’t hurt me, they seemed to say. She often looked as if she were on the verge of tears, in the manner of folk images of the Virgin Mary.”
Similarly to the Virgin Mary, Diana had (and still has) legions of followers, worshipping her giving nature and her maternal energy. In other words, she seems to fulfil the almost inherent need in human beings to worship a female goddess, giver of life and filled with compassion. The media has been a key actor in the creation of this icon by documenting every detail of her fairytale wedding, her troubled marriage, her humanitarian activities and, finally, her untimely death. Was Diana picked and groomed to become a sort of a “modern day Goddess” to ultimately be sacrificed, in accordance with ancient pagan practices? This might sound preposterous to the average National Inquirer reader, but not to the connoisseur of the occult practices of the world elite. Furthermore, numerous clues and symbols have been placed by this group to subtly commemorate the occult nature of Lady Di’s death. We will not go into details concerning her assassination, there are tons of sites and books discussing it. We will rather focus on the symbols that have surrounded the events of her death and memorial, which are the signature of the occult elite. These are visible to everybody yet only recognizable by those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear”.
Diana has been elevated to the level of Goddess in order to become the object of ritual sacrifice. This practice has been carefully planed by a secret group of illuminated people, often referred to as the “Illuminati”.  It comprises world leaders such as the British Monarchy and they are known to be DEEPLY versed into dark occult rituals.  If you have difficulty believing this, remember that the Nazis were in full force less than 60 years ago, displaying everywhere the esoteric symbol of the swastika, organizing massive occult rituals and bringing back pagan Germanic imagery .

The Goddess Diana

In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of nature, childbirth, hunting and the protector of the weak. She is the equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis and she represents the Sacred Feminine, the female aspect of deity. Princess Diana bore the same attributes by being a protector of the environment, taking care of the weak in her missions in third world countries and by giving birth to the future heirs of England’s throne. Oak tree groves were especially sacred to the Goddess Diana. In Roman times, Diana’s groves and sanctuaries were always in the wild, outside of the boundaries of the city. Such hidden temples were found all across Europe. To further the resemblance with the Goddess bearing her name, Lady Diana was buried in a grove in her home town (more on this later). The Goddess Diana is often depicted with deers and doves.
The female principle is often represented by the moon, where the Moon goddess is opposite to the Sun god . The feminine energy is also commonly associated with the planet Venus, represented in symbolism by a five petal flower – the rose. The goddess figure appears unmistakably in all religions, even in Christianity as the Virgin Mary. These symbols representing the female deity exist since prehistoric times and were preserved and diffused through pagan mysteries and through mystic Judeo-Christian teachings. Today’s students of the occult easily recognize and interpret those symbols. We will later explain how they have been used to associate Lady Di with the concept of the sacred feminine.

Pont d’Alma Tunnel, the Sacrificial Site

As you might know, Princess Diana died in a limousine “accident” inside the Pont d’Alma tunnel, in Paris. Her vehicle was supposedly chased by paparazzi who caused the world-class chauffeur to lose control due to his inebriated state after consuming alcohol.   We can argue for days about the theories concerning these events, but this is not the purpose of this article. The truth lies in the symbols placed on purpose for the initiates to recognize. One of them is the actual site where Diana lost her life, the Pont D’Alma Tunnel.
The city of Paris was built by the Merovingians, a medieval dynasty which ruled France for numerous generations. Before converting to Christianity, the Merovingian religion was a mysterious brand of paganism.
“ …the Merovingian kings, from their founder Merovee to Clovis (who converted to Christianity in 496) were ‘pagan kings of the cult of Diana’.”
-Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation
The Pont D’Alma Tunnel was a sacred site dedicated to the Moon Goddess Diana, where they used to practice ritual sacrifices. During those ceremonies, it was of an utmost importance that the sacrificed victim died inside the underground temple. The assassination of Diana was a reenactment of this ancient pagan tradition. Shortly after Diana was killed, Rayelan Allan (a researcher of esoteric history since the early 1970′s, who was also married to Gunther Russbacher, a deep cover CIA/ONI operative) wrote an article called “Diana, Queen of Heaven”. The article was picked up by numerous newspapers across the United States and Europe. Several authors who have written books about the death of Princess Diana used Rayelan’s article as reference. However, no one fully understood the deeper meaning of the article. Therefore, Rayelan decided to expand it into a book. The book states that in pre-Christian times, the Pont d’Alma area had been the site of a pagan temple of the goddess Diana and a direct gateway to heaven. Mindful of this safety net, the place was chosen by the Merovingian kings (AD500-751) to fight their duels, with the loser going directly to paradise.  ”Pont” means “bridge” and “Alma” means “soul” and for Merovingians, the site was a bridge across the “river of souls”. So, Pont de L’Alma, the site of the accident which killed Princess Diana, means “Bridge of the Soul.”

The Memorial Torch of Pont d’Alma

If you know a little about occult symbolism, a torch mounted on a black pentagram might make your radar go off. The torch is the ultimate symbol of the illuminated (people that have acquired the secret knowledge of the occult order). This torch is an exact replica of the one being held by the Statue of Liberty and was placed there in 1989 as a gift. So this wasn’t placed as a tribute to Princess Diana but it has become, over time, the unofficial memorial. The torch has reached this status because of its location, which is right on top of the Pont d’Alma Tunnel. After Di’s death, several memorial notes and flowers were placed, encouraging the general population to adopt this occult landmark as a memorial. Some even say that this torch was placed on purpose as an indicator of the location of this planned assassination. Whatever the case be, the symbol of the torch or the eternal flame has been used in other high profile killings, i.e. the JFK tombstone.

Lady Di Memorials and Rose Symbolism

Located in London, England, the park dedicated to Princess Diana contains an oval shaped fountain and a sanctuary. The most significant symbol can however be found on the ground:
We see here Diana represented by a five petal flower (rose) , the classic occult symbol to represent female energy. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:
“The cinquefoil (from the french, five-part) is a five petalled rose found in Christian symbolism of the Middle Ages. The five-petalled rose is often found affixed to the tops of Gothic arches, the vesica pisces-shaped doorways and windows thought to represent the womb of Mary. Some historians have speculated that the rose in Gothic architecture is a secret symbol of the feminine principle, one of a multitude of hermetic symbols found in these churches.The symbol itself dates back to Roman times, where it was called the ‘Rose of Venus.’ The rose, with its characteristic five petalled shape
mimicked the pentagrammatic path traced by the planet Venus in the night sky. This, combined with the flower’s natural beauty, made it an obvious symbol of the Goddess of love.”
The five-petal flower, the rose, the five-pointed star, the moon and Venus can all represent the female principle when we study occult symbolism. The huge rose window of Notre-Dame de Chartres in Paris represents the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame means “Our Lady”). The symbol of the planet Venus (♀) is also used to represent the female sex . The moon is also associated with the female principle because it absorbs light from the sun (receptacle) and it has an effect on the tides of water (humidity=femininity). Those associations have existed since the beginnings of time and take their roots in ancient paganism.
There is a blatant effort to associate Princess Diana with the symbols of female deity through the symbols used to commemorate her life. The rose is used to represent Diana in numerous instances:
Memorial coin from Royal Mint:
Memorial Garden in Paris
February 14, 2001 — PARIS, France (CNN) — A garden dedicated to the memory of Britain’s Princess Diana has been officially opened in Paris. French officials say the flower beds — France’s official memorial to the Princess — will eventually bloom, providing a place for children to learn about flowers, plants, vegetables and respect for the environment. But critics have scoffed at the project, laid out in a school courtyard, dubbing it “1,000 square metres of leeks.” “Through this place I wanted to pay tribute to a woman whose generous heart showed her deep fondness for nature and human relations, particularly with children,” Paris mayor Jean Tiberi said as he opened the garden on Wednesday.
Diana — the former wife of Britain’s heir to the throne, Prince Charles — died in Paris in August 1997. She was in a car which crashed at high speed while being pursued by photographers. Her companion, Dodi Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul, were also killed. But Diana’s name is the only one featured on a plaque outside the memorial garden, in the central Marais district of Paris. One local councillor complained that the princess deserved a grander honour than a “vegetable plot.” But British officials have enthusiastically endorsed the site. “There could be no better tribute to her memory than a garden where young children can play and learn about nature,” said Michael Jay, Britain’s ambassador to France.
Memorial Medallion
So the association of Princess Diana’s memory with the rose, the occult symbol of female deity is used ad-nauseam. Maybe this is why Elton John has dubbed Lady Di “England’s rose”.  To regular-minded people, those associations are insignificant but to initiates of the occult, symbolism is EVERYTHING.

Diana’s Burial Site

The original plan was for Diana to be buried in the family vault at the local church in Great Brington but this was changed by her brother, Earl Spencer. He said he was concerned about public safety and security and wanted his sister to be buried where her grave could be looked after properly and visited in privacy by her sons. In actuality, Diana was buried in a grove to further her resemblance with the Goddess Diana.  The actual area for her burial is on an island in an ornamental lake known as The Oval within Althorp Park’s Pleasure Garden (is there any relation with the oval-shaped fountain in the Lady Di memorial Park?). An ancient arboretum stands nearby, which contains trees planted by Prince William and Prince Harry, other members of her family and the princess herself. Here are pictures of her burial site.

Note the flaming torch on her tombstone. The burial site of Diana cements her association with the ancient Goddess Diana who was worshipped in recluse groves outside of urban areas.

Memorial at Harrod’s Store

This is the 1st memorial dedicated to the unfortunate couple, on display at Harrods – a huge department store located in London. The store also happens to be owned by Dodi’s father. The symbolism here is extremely esoteric and significant. It surely deserves an in-depth analysis.
The yoni and phallus were worshipped by nearly all ancient peoples as appropriate symbols of God’s creative power. The Garden of Eden, the Ark, the Gate of the Temple, the Veil of the Mysteries, the vesica piscis or oval nimbus, and the Holy Grail are important yonic symbols; the pyramid, the obelisk, the cone, the candle, the tower, the Celtic monolith, the spire, the campanile, the Maypole, and the Sacred Spear are symbolic of the phallus.

-Manly P. Hall
First, we see pictures of Lady Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed in two interlocking circles. In occultism, the name for the two interlocking circles is “vesica piscis” and represents feminine energy. John Yarker  interprets this ancient symbol in his book “The Arcane Schools”:
The Vesica Piscis, two interlinked circles, is also known as “the Yoni”. The name “yoni” refers to the middle portion of the interlocking circles, is derived from the Sanskrit meaning, “divine passage”. That the yoni is the feminine, the yoni should be viewed such that the divine passage becomes a correlation to sex, or male/female union. It is this correlation, and its relation to rebirth and regeneration that remains a basic truth at the very core of Occult structural foundations.
The pointed oval is a universal symbol of the Divine Feminine and in this context the vesica piscis is the vulva of the Goddess, surrounded by the crescents of the waxking and the waning moon. This is yet another powerful symbol to associate Princess Diana with the female goddess principle. The vesica piscis was used by ancient pagans to represent the goddess Venus and was found in churches.
Below the pictures we find a pyramid with a capstone flanked by two candles (pillars). Look closely inside the pyramid:
It contains the wine glass – still bearing lipstick traces – used by Lady Di on her last supper. The symbol of the empty vase within a pyramid is another powerful image representing the union of the masculine and feminine principles. The wine glass carries the same meaning as the Holy Grail: the sacred feminine.
What more feminine symbol is there than the image of the vessel, the sacred womb of the mother? In patriarchal times, the Grail legends speak to the deepest parts of our souls in an archetypal quest for the feminine aspects of divinity.
In more abstract symbolism, a triangle pointing upwards represents the phallus and masculinity while a triangle pointing downwards represents the vagina, the womb, the receptacle and femininity.  Therefore, in this memorial we have a feminine symbol within a phallic symbol. The Goddess Diana joining with the masculine  -  Dodi. This union is further represented by the engagement ring (given by Dodi the night before their death) placed underneath the wine glass.

Memorial Statue at Harrods

This bronze statue is very odd. If the official cause of death of Diana and Dodi is a car accident, why does it say “Innocent Victims”? What were they victims of? Drunk driving?  Or did we mean that they were innocent victims of a sick occult ritual? More probable. Notice under Dodi’s foot is a dead bird. What does it represent?

To Conclude

What is the purpose of elevating Diana to the level of goddess through mystic symbolism? Numerous theories state that one of Diana’s sons will eventually become the much prophesied Antichrist. Are we making Diana the Virgin Mary of the Antichrist? Is the assassination of Diana, the “Moon Goddess” the response to JFK, the “Sun God” ‘s death? Was she part of a blood ritual due to the royal status of her family’s genealogy? Is the Queen of England actually a reptilian creature that can shape-shift into a 6 foot tall lizard? You can google any of these theories and you’ll find more essays than you can read. I have no proof about any of them so I won’t give a definite answer. One thing is for sure, symbols do not lie. Diana has been surrounded with the world’s most powerful people, and these people have deep knowledge of the occult. Initiates are fully aware of the fact that symbolism is the only true language of humanity and it can only be understood by those who are worthy. Diana’s memorials are PACKED with blatant symbolism, all referring to the same concept of female divinity. The symbols presented in this report weren’t destined to the average population, who still think that Diana died in a car accident. These esoteric codes serve the purpose of the elite, who carry out its rituals according to the secret knowledge it possesses.
This article has very summarily covered very deep and intricate symbols, each of which can be further studied. If you are unfamiliar with concepts discussed here, do yourself a favor and learn the language of the powerful.                 

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