
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Occult symbolism in the music industry

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Occult symbolism in the music industry

The subject of occult symbolism in pop culture has really exploded over the past couple years. The basic idea, for those just dropping in, is that there are secret fraternities whose influence on the music industry is responsible for much of the occult imagery being promoted in the mainstream media. These are groups who have inroads into finance, politics and industry so their ability to pull strings is significant. Most people wouldn't think of intelligence agencies as an occult organization, but the CIA has a long history of associating with cult groups like the People's Temple and the Finders in order to study the minds of sociopaths.

Many of the recent articles about media occultism come from people who are concerned about nudity and surface occult imagery, such as pentagrams or "satanic" horn signs. So I just want to make it clear that this is not where I'm coming from at all. I'm not interested in placing judgment on pop stars because, for the most part, they're not aware of the way they're being used. My concern is with social engineering agendas being played out by occult fraternities like the freemasons, the upper ranks of which have been involved in trauma-based brainwashing programs sponsored by the military and intelligence agencies. It is hard to believe that celebrities could have been subjected to these programs but unfortunately the evidence points in that direction. Here is an excerpt from the blog of Roseanne Barr, who claims to have had first hand experience with the MK Ultra project. The post in question has since been removed, probably for legal reasons:

joe jackson is an mk ultra operative who's abuse of his own children was used to profit the CIA's programs that follow and study the effects of child abuse on the young, and how their minds can be controlled to such an extent, and with such abuse, that they can be forced to develop talent. jesus said 'the truth will confound you in that day'. joe jackson is a child abuser, and catherine looked the other way while he beat their kids and tortured michael mentally. keep them both away from michael's kids.

To summarize, MK Ultra was a classified military project that employed the deliberate use of electroshock, sleep deprivation, forced drugging, sexual trauma, electromagnetic frequency harassment, violent occult rituals and other forms of physical and psychological torture. Anti-globalization activist Naomi Klein has written an amazing book, the Shock Doctrine, about how techniques developed during MK Ultra were then exported by US military and intelligence agencies to developing countries, where the same practices were used on political dissidents who resisted the takeover of their country by a military dictatorship. Hundreds of thousands of South Americans were tortured and then murdered in order to allow for US corporations to monopolize land and other natural resources that had previously been owned collectively by subsistence farmers.

So what does any of this have to do with celebrities? Well, one of the side effects of trauma-based mind control is that it allows for handlers, in the case of celebs, often CIA-connected producers, managers and/or family members, to have near total control over a subject's personality. Another unexpected side effect was the development of unusual abilities such as photographic memory, formed when the brain stem was scarred through severe abuse. Unscrupulous CIA personnel then funneled some of their subjects into high-class prostitution, as well as the music industry, and passed them around to others in the world of elite politics.

How do I know this? Because I have personally known a number of people who have been through it, people whose entire sense of self was micro-managed to the point where they had every trace of their identity erased, including their social security number, after asking too many questions or causing trouble. One woman I know was given by her family to a very famous pop star and was then unable to access her bank account after "acting up". Many of these families are connected to the criminal underworld and use bikers, drug dealers, pimps, and even law enforcement to keep their children quiet and reinforce the parents' authority.

There are a lot of people like this in the entertainment industry and many of them are raised in an atmosphere of severe sexual exploitation, which is why I am very hesitant to get into the gratuitous details of exactly what happened to particular celebs, even though the evidence is out there and a lot of other bloggers are doing it. People say that if you put yourself in the public eye then any kind of attention is fair game, but if these same people knew what happened to many of the stars as children they would realize that "choice" in Hollywood can be a very dubious thing. I am not interested in furthering the exploitation of people who may not have willingly chosen to have every aspect of their lives examined under a microscope. So please, if you would like to post degrading or overly explicit comments about any of the artists discussed here, don't bother. They will only get deleted. This is a tricky issue because at times there are programmers who pose an active threat to adults and even children, in which case exposure may be necessary. But making accusations of abuse should never be done lightly and, generally speaking, I feel that it's important to respect people's privacy around sensitive issues like this, since forcing a person to confront their abuse history in a public setting can be a way of inducing trauma in and of itself. This is why newspapers typically don't publish the names of assault victims, in addition to the fact that making this information public can set the victims up for becoming targets of violence and/or harassment by friends of the perpetrator. And in the case of mind control programs such as MK Ultra, when the exposure is accompanied by commentary about the celebrities' lack of talent and similar "criticism", it becomes virtually indistinguishable from the psychological abuse of handlers, who are invested in destroying any sense of self worth in their target.

Here is a rant that was left on the twitter account of musician and TV star Tila Tequila. FYI, I couldn't care less what somebody's religion is, satanism or otherwise, but when Tila says "satanism" what she means is occult practices where innocent people are harmed. And I think there are a lot of people out there who would want this information to be made publicly available:

I don’t want to tell you all of what I know, RIGHT NOW, because “THEY” are watching. As a matter of fact, I had a HUGE battle with “THE OTHERS” for a long time and I must admit, they are powerful. But there needs to be someone, anyone, to stand up against them and for our world to be restored back into peace and harmony once again.
There are TONS of hidden messages in the video and symbols that prove that they worship satan. Please don’t take this as a joke. It is not and it is serious. The Government even now has a way to send out frequencies on your TV that you cannot hear, yet it highly affects your brain and mixed in with all the visuals from the music video’s, you become hypnotized without you even realizing this. That sounds crazy right? Well it is It’s all “HUSH HUSH” but I know about it, and I know maybe some of you guys know about it as well. I won’t say it, like I did on my Twitter back then, cuz when I did, all of a sudden Twitter blocked my tweets so no one could see them, and Myspace was also blocking all of my bulletins about this stuff. CRAZY right?

Anyway, the reason behind them doing this with the urgency of the music video’s is because they NEED to turn your brain to mush, so that you just become a vegetable, a robot, a zombie, under their command and not realize it. Have you guys seen the the movie “EYES WIDE SHUT?” well it is VERY SIMILAR TO THAT as well as the movie “DEVIL’s ADVOCATE” I’m telling you, this goes way far and beyond just “ENTERTAINMENT” there’s a lot of fucked up shit going on right now behind the scenes, and conspiracy theories and leading up to the world ending. You would be SHOCKED if I told you which celebrities has the same bloodline as the “DEVIL” God I wish I could tell you more.

I gotta go now, don’t wanna cause too much commotion about this before they come and do me wrong again. I will tell you one day how they did me wrong because I knew stuff about them. MAJOR stuff about them and once they found out that I knew, the did some fucked up shit. They own the majority of the media. They can do and say whatever they want, Anyway, enough for now….

The movie Eyes Wide Shut that Tila mentions is about a man who sneaks into a ritualized orgy and narrowly avoids becoming a murder victim by the masked participants, all of whom occupy positions of considerable social prestige. Parties like this actually go on in Hollywood and there are even celebs like Randy Quaid who are beginning to discuss the practice of deliberate murder of the stars by industry insiders. This is an ancient ritual called the Sacrifice of the Sun King and it is known to be immensely profitable for anyone financially connected to the victim. The Merovignian family is one of the elite bloodlines involved in it and they do believe themselves to be descended from both Satan and Jesus. Here is a video by Randy Quaid where he describes having to escape the country to get away from "starwackers" who have murdered Heath Ledger and others for the insurance money.

Obviously this is a complex and multi-faceted issue so I think it's important to avoid jumping to conclusions about the occult symbols that have become increasingly more prevalent in the media. I tend to view much of the media occultism in a neutral way, because a lot of the music is genuinely artistic and my opinion is that people need an outlet for difficult emotions and experiences, a need that is often filled by disturbing music. To cite one example, I know a guy who is a drummer for a death metal band that works a job as an attendant for developmentally disabled teenagers on the side. This is a dangerous job that many people won't do because the kids haven't learned to control violent impulses so the attendant often ends up getting punched in the face all the time. My friend has learned the magic trick to pacify them, by blasting death metal at top volume which always calms them down! And as somebody who has experienced a lot of violence, I know first hand that subcultures like these can provide a necessary release for people that don't have any other avenue to express otherwise unacceptable emotions.

But there is another layer to it at the same time, in that specific agendas are being promoted through the subtext of the music. Simultaneously, there is often an archetypal resonance, where it may be that no specific person has placed the images there deliberately, but there are nonetheless very meaningful ideas percolating through the imagery, ideas that run parallel to the histories of people who have been through state-sponsored brainwashing programs like MK Ultra. In some cases it may be that people involved with the making of the music are connected to highly placed occult groups, such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians or the Illuminati. For the most part I will try to avoid jumping to conclusions about which of these is going on in any particular situation, because I have only had peripheral involvement in the entertainment industry so I'm not an authority by any means.

Labyrinth is probably my favorite movie of all time. When I was in elementary school
I watched it dozens of times, to the exclusion of all other movies. So it was interesting to read that it is one of the main movies used for mind control programming. Programming in this context means using the movie as a kind of guided visualization for embedding occult concepts in the mind, a practice that usually takes place during episodes of intense, deliberately induced trauma. I can see how Labyrinth could be used this way as there are many esoteric meanings contained within the plot, a subject that has been covered in depth over at in2worlds. To cite one example she mentions, the labyrinth itself is a symbol of Gnosis, the journey towards wisdom and the Godhead. Jennifer Connelly's character, Sarah, is on a mission to rescue her brother who has been kidnapped by the Goblin King Jareth, a seemingly immortal being who can shapeshift and control time. At the beginning of the above scene, Sarah eats a fruit that has been poisoned by one of Jareth's goblins, after which she falls into a trance and sees a trail of glass spheres, each containing a miniaturized image of herself within it. This montage of images, along with being an obvious allusion to the Garden of Eden, describes the ego death and rebirth that takes place during the process of spiritual enlightenment. Each bubble represents a part of her spirit that has been stripped away or compartmentalized into the greater self. In alchemy, the philosophical egg, represented here by the spheres, is a symbol of reincarnation, where each lifetime can bring a soul closer to heaven. As the spheres drift through the sky Sarah is brought to a masquerade
inside a ballroom, obviously within the walls of a sphere because of the distorted figures of the dancers.

Masks are also a symbol of ego death and have been used in many indigenous cultures to bring a person into a temporary state of dissociation separate from their everyday personality. This process facilitates communication with the divine because the person is relieved of the normal perceptive filters that constitute their relationship to the surrounding world. At the end of the scene, Sarah remembers her mission to save her brother, realizing that she is in a false world and must return to the Labyrinth. As she runs away from the dancers, including Jareth who is pursuing her, the environment distorts, revealing the curved walls of the sphere and the true nature of her imprisonment in a false reality. She picks up a chair and smashes through the walls, sending glass flying in every direction. Alchemists saw the shell of the egg, in this case the glass of the sphere, as the boundary between the material world and heaven. When Sarah destroys the world of the masquerade she brings herself closer to enlightenment.

In the world of trauma-based mind control, however, the image of shattered glass means the violent split of the mind into multiple personalities, a process created only through horrific abuse. Images and phrases that were shown to the victim can then be replayed to call up specific personality fragments, that have often been implanted with specific commands. People who will be used for assassination and elite prostitution usually also have very fragmented memories in order to protect the identity of those they work for.

The very adult connotations of the scene above went straight over my head as a kid.
And watching it now, I can see a lot of that kind of thing throughout the movie, which is probably part of the reason why it has become such a cult classic. For example, there is the scene where the tiny goblins flip over the bricks Sarah has marked with lipstick to orient herself through the Labyrinth. As they hide her marks, you can clearly make out one of the goblins yelling "Your mother is a faggot!" The phrase is said so fast that even adults probably wouldn't hear it unless they have watched the movie a hundred times like I have! This is a little weird and I can see how some of the subtlety in the movie could be used in rather disturbing ways to say the least.

The Steve Miller Band's Abracadabra song isn't exactly an obvious choice, because most people associate the "abracadabra" phrase with children's TV shows or people acting goofy, not serious occultism. But I was surprised to see the depth of meaning contained in the video, a reaction that was compounded after reading that the band are regular attendees of the Bohemian Grove Men's Club.

The Bohemian Grove is essentially a private club for the world's elite. The above video shows the Cremation of Care, a Grove ceremony where an effigy of a human infant is burned in front of a 50 foot tall owl in the middle of a circle of men wearing white robes. Yes, really. The member list of the Grove typically includes bankers, industrialists and politicians, such as George Bush jr. and Sr., Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, etc. The Grove often provides prostitutes male and female, called presidential models, many of whom are underage and expected to perform for the attendees in every way possible. Child prostitution is a regular occurrence there, although this is kept very quiet, even amongst the members themselves. I know for a fact this is true because my friend Rafael Donner was assassinated after discussing the subject on his show for Berkeley Liberation Radio. Here is a link to a memorial that describes the work he did around issues of social justice in the bay area Native American community. I've also known a kid who was passed around to various adults within their network, and there are many besides myself who know about these things.

As for the Steve Miller video, there are images of reincarnation through fire, the phoenix transforming into a series of animals, men in black leather masks making the Nazi salute, and people wearing black and white stripes, which in the esoteric tradition represents the duality of God and Satan, who are both equally important deities in the masonic pantheon.

Let me just preface this admitted speculation with the acknowledgment that correlation does not necessarily equal causation. The video also portrays a woman dressed as a ballerina with a circus ringmaster seeming to guide her actions. The circus ringmaster theme is an important programming script, with many MK Ultra handlers adopting this role in order to create a personality fragment that is a circus performer in their target. The image of reincarnation through adopting an animal identity is also a common programming theme, as this is seen by occultists as a way to reduce their target to a primal, malleable state. It can be challenging to discern what is programming and what isn't because there is a huge overlap between the occult tradition and the specific triggers used in brainwashing programs. To a certain extent this reflects the actual history of the programs because
international espionage is rooted in the occult traditions of Elizabethan England.
The CIA has adopted many of these techniques, such as using a person's sexuality to blackmail them into a desired course of action. Again, I will refrain from jumping to any definitive conclusions here, but given the Steve Miller Band's membership within the Grove, I suspect that they may have had some dealings with the presidential models and this provided the inspiration for the song. I also want to say that I don't think this means they are necessarily evil conspirators, by any means.

There are always going to be varying levels of complicity in these programs, with many of the people accessing the Models not even having a clue about the abuse that went into the formation of their personalities. The whole world of military psi programs functions on a "need to know" basis and I would personally like to avoid pointing the finger unless I know that someone has been actively aware of or involved in the abuse. And finger-pointing in and of itself has its limitations. A lot of the information I've received has come from people who've been involved in extremely shady activities and I'm grateful to those people for risking their own safety to expose higher-ups. A judgmental attitude probably would have gotten in the way of those conversations, so I try to remain neutral whenever possible. Exposure and the eventual cessation of the programs should be the goal, not causing programmers or other participants to suffer.

The esoteric themes in this Laura Branigan video are so prevalent that there is pretty much no way that somebody involved in its production wasn't schooled in occultism, if not an actual member of a secret society. First, there are multiple images of dolls and flowers shown repeatedly throughout the storyline. The dolls are yet another representation of ego death and the flowers are obviously meant to symbolize fertility, given what happens later in the video. As she prepares to go out for the evening, Laura's character is met by an androgynous figure in the mirror. Androgynes are a typical theme in Rosicrucianism, as they are seen as a synthesis of male and female, a way to achieve enlightenment through the unification of opposites in harmonious perfection. It is important, then, that she sees the androgyne in the mirror, because mirrors are yet another representation of the "false" self of the ego. As she walks to a nightclub, Lauras's character sees a man in a white mask who is watching her. The man then reappears in the club, where he walks straight through a closed door at the end of the hall. The door is a window between worlds, much like the closet was an avenue between England and Narnia. Laura follows him and then descends a stairway, symbolizing a journey into the "lower" self of animalistic impulse. Here we see a ritualized orgy peopled by figures in masks, again, and some kind of altar at the front of the room. As the video ends, the masked man walks into the sunrise, revealing himself as a solar deity.

Ok, I will admit this Lil Kim song never fails to make me start laughing! :D Originally, this post mentioned the materialism on display here and it occurred to me that this comment could use some clarification, otherwise assumptions of a socially conservative perspective will surely ensue. What I took issue with was materialism coming at the expense of others, not sex outside of marriage or anything so quaint, even though there are practical reasons behind why the "traditional values" crowd interprets these two things as inseparable. That's a bit much to get into here, but if the subject interests you then please refer to the comments section of the Animal Sofa post for a slightly more in depth look, otherwise this entire post will be derailed by a discussion about the anthropological record.

Briefly, many critics of occultism in the media have pointed out how the promotion of promiscuity through the music industry has destroyed families and entire communities. But I think it is also important to look at the other side of the situation which is that promoting polarized ideological extremes also creates a market for the repressive fundamentalist demographic while stratifying society into privileged, well-behaved upper classes and the expendable underclass which is generally much more likely to have chaotic, unstable personal lives, partly due to economic pressures. This stratification is useful because the assumption of immorality, and the "inevitable" consequences that follow, also provides justification for grossly disproportionate distribution of resources in order to assuage the guilt of the wealthy. Just look at any history of eugenics and you will see that "sexual immorality" was one of the prime reasons why the ruling classes literally moved to have the lower classes exterminated. Of course, when you look closely at the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy, the falsity of these distinctions falls away since extreme wealth provides access to anonymity and secrecy in all manner of personal scandals.

So it should be no surprise that, given the vast sums of money to be made off of the gullible public, both through supposedly "hypersexualized" music fans and the fire and brimstone right, elite families such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have amassed their private fortunes through investing in religious institutions and sensationalistic, occult-saturated media enterprises alike. Notable quotes in the above Lil Kim song include "...I'm with the Rockefeller niggaz bring the riots.." as well as the typical references to mafia involvement. The Rockefellers are listed by occult researcher Fritz Springmeier as one of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, the families who have interbred amongst one another in order to consolidate control of the world's resources. References to rioting suggest the numerous stories that have circulated regarding how the FBI and LAPD actually paid young people to loot stores during the Rodney King riots, as a pretext for sending in the National Guard and establishing martial law. I'm not implying that Lil' Kim is involved in this, but the issue of masonic infiltration into hip hop has become so big that Jay-Z is now even going on the radio to deny his membership in the group.

This publicity indicates that the artists are being used to deliver very specific messages to the American public. One criticism of corporate hip hop culture that I will not argue with is the claim of misogyny, made most obvious by the fact that the majority of famous male rappers have bragged about beating women. Having spent most of my adult life bouncing around various ghettos throughout the U.S., I can honestly say that, based on what I've seen, this characterization is a crude, inaccurate exaggeration of the psychology of most men in ghetto neighborhoods, and there is really something quite sinister about this portrayal because it seems as if the music industry is promoting misogyny and indiscriminate violence as a cultural standard to be emulated. The promotion of violence, victimizing both women and men, falls in line with social engineering agendas of the world's elites, who want us all to be consumers, worried about money and competition instead of contributing to the betterment of our communities or finding solidarity in the ways that we are all being manipulated by criminal organizations like the Federal Reserve and the World Bank. Yet the hysterical condemnation of promiscuity by the anti-New World Order crowd has gone to ridiculous extremes and this religious scapegoating can also contribute to transforming entire communities into collections of alienated second class citizens.

As for Lil' Kim, I wish she would take better care of herself and stop getting all those plastic surgeries. But yeah, despite any complaints, her music is awesome and my neighbors are probably getting tired of it by now! Incidentally, after I initially wrote about her, I discovered that, according to the Kabbalah, we share the same guardian angel, Aniel. Potential problems for people born under the times designated as being under Aniel's jurisdiction include "emotional and material addictions" but potential qualities also encompass "spiritual autonomy" and liberation of negative forces. Interesting.

I am including this Toni Braxton video despite the presence of the seriously tacky animated intro. I've always felt this portion of the video stood out like a sore thumb in comparison to the rest of it, so it wasn't surprising to see an interview with Toni where she talked about the making of the video and referenced the animated segment, saying "Do they have to be perverts about it?" This is a clear example of how manipulated even the most successful artists can be by the music industry, a problem that can really reduce the quality of the music for everyone involved. A few years ago Toni had a baby and her label expected her to go on tour immediately afterwords. She was forced to drop them and switch to another label just to be able to care for her child. Good for her.

As for the occult symbology, there is a very clear image of a sun in the background, indicating the solar deities that comprise all of the world religions, including Christianity. It is said by many a political insider that when one reaches the top of the social hierarchy, all national, political and religious divisions fall away and you will see Arab warlords hanging out in hot tubs with the CEOs of Western corporations. Speculative freemasonry, among other secret societies, is the religion that unites them all because it strips away surface histories to reveal the astronomical basis of all religion. Again, this
imagery could be a coincidence, but since Toni is a regular performer in Vegas, an area that is inundated and controlled by Illuminist insiders, it seems improbable to me that her music hasn't been tampered with in some form or fashion.

I almost want to leave Lady Gaga out because the subject of her being a supposed *Illuminati mind-controlled sex slave*(!) is so played out I'm already bored! But actually, I don't really like the way most people have handled the subject so this is why I'm writing about it anyways. For starters, Gaga has said that she is celibate so all these rumors are probably completely unfounded.
I get the sense, from watching her videos and interviews, that she is a nice person who is very much in control of what she's creating, at least in terms of not having a manager or producer who writes the material for her. This much cannot be said for the hordes of manufactured pop stars where you can almost see some sleazy industry person behind the scenes, coercing them into more revealing clothes and more provocative behavior. Whereas, with Gaga, the music and ideas appear to be freely chosen. I like her music quite a bit and think that a lot of what she is trying to express is taken out of context(which doesn't mean there isn't something going on, but we will get to that). For example, much has been made of her infamous appearance at the Video Music Awards, where she performed her song Paparazzi in a "bloody" ceremony that seemed to be very similar to a masonic initiation, which always involves a ritualized death and rebirth. What she did was obviously a critique of a vapid, materialistic celebrity culture that exploits its talent. The culture industry expects entertainers to possess an eternally youthful appearance and to maintain that appearance with plastic surgery, eating disorders and botox injections. It's also not too surprising that her statement went over the heads of the mostly mainstream audience it was directed towards.

As for Gaga flashing masonic hand signs in her videos, this may very well be the case because it has happened a few too many times to be a coincidence. I could be wrong, but this is the sense I get. Unfortunately, this possibility has resulted in her being the target of the hate and fear of a virtual army of hysterical fundamentalist Christians. (I have nothing against Christianity, by the way, unless it is being used to categorize entire groups of people as supposedly sinful, which it has been for Gaga and pretty much all her fans.) This seems unreasonable to me for a lot of reasons. First of all, it is very, very unlikely that Lady Gaga is in on any of the awful human rights abuses perpetrated by the freemasons, such as state terrorism, child prostitution, financial fraud, etc. Even the founder of homeopathy was a freemason, so my opinion is that the lower ranks of their group are sometimes made up of decent people.

On another level, perhaps her VMA performance really was an initiation, and that initiation happened in part through the degrading, invasive personal attacks of the media and all the critics that popped up to "protest" the manufactured controversy. Remember she is being promoted for a reason and nothing sells records like controversy. I feel strongly that celebrity culture, typified by social networking sites where everyone is on display, is being used to condition the masses to a surveillance society where rights to privacy are virtually non-existent. A lot of people seem to think that Homeland Security disappeared with the Bush administration, but meanwhile the defense budget has been funneled into building surveillance cameras for US cities while the calls, e-mails and personal data of average citizens continue to be hacked into without the legal warrant that should be guaranteed by the constitution.

In Hollywood, invasions of privacy are taken to the absolute extreme, with photographers camped out on the lawns of celebs and only rarely receiving any sort of penalty for literally stalking people, a practice that really is supposed to be illegal. So how can one who is concerned about social engineering in the media handle this subject when they see what looks like an insiduous agenda being promoted? For myself, I've decided not to post any material that looks like it wasn't released by the celeb on purpose, because I would not want someone leaking my own private pics, correspondence or supposed abuse histories unless I had chosen to make that information publicly available.

To mention another point, many critics of media occultism point to the sexualization of children as one of the agendas currently being put forth, and this is certainly a huge problem. In occult circles children are seen as a source of pure energy and pedophilia is a way for occult practitioners to access that source. So it's a good thing that the issue is being addressed because the people responsible for the promotion of this agenda need to be exposed in order to stop the abuse from continuing. But I think this criticism becomes far less effective when teenagers are lumped into the same category as children. Almost every culture in history has had a coming-of-age ceremony at this stage of a person's life, yet for some reason Western countries, especially the United States, insist on attempting to prolong childhood in a way that can create a lot of emotional damage in developing psyches. I think there is definitely a lot of media exploitation of young people, and old people, for that matter, and this also needs to be addressed. But exploitation is absolutely not the same thing as pedophilia and to label it this way dilutes the seriousness of the word.

But back to Lady Gaga. This video is the one that convinced me that something is going on with her. I first found out about it on Vigilant Citizen. VC is an interesting site but I have to say that I really disagree with many of the opinions expressed there. However, I do agree with part of his interpretation of Gaga's epic Telephone video, particularly the idea that the video tells the story of the creation of a Manchurian candidate. A Manchurian Candidate, for those who don't know, is an assassin who has been programmed with specific triggers that will call up instructions for the murder. In the case of this video, the trigger would be receiving a call on the telephone, the image of which is used in rather gratuitous and nonsensical ways throughout the video. Lady Gaga is famous in conspiracy culture for always covering up one of her eyes, an image that is constantly used in pop music to represent the all seeing eye and, in earlier time periods, the eye of Horus. Many people would say the all seeing eye, pictured most famously on US money, is a neutral symbol of enlightenment that can be used for beneficial purposes. Yet the history of its usage has been tied inextricably to religious, financial and governmental institutions that seek to limit "enlightenment" to the privileged few.

Another image employed in Telephone is the honey bee, a traditional pagan symbol of fertility cults, which make up the basis of the early phases of Illuminist programming. Fertility symbols are not inherently "evil", yet it is said that in many families that practice trauma-based mind control, the image of the honeycomb is used both to represent and to access the compartmentalized mind of a person with multiple personality disorder. Normally I wouldn't mention use of the word honey since it's a common phrase but the word is repeated and anunciated in a way that makes it sound deliberate. I can understand why certain people wouldn't like this video as it could be very triggering for those who've grown up in Illuminist families. I can see both sides of the issue, both the supposed "haters" and Gaga's fans as well. But if people want to find the programmers responsible for the abuse that goes on in families of intergenerational occultists, look further up the chain of command. In all likelihood, Lady Gaga is just a talented musician.

Honestly, I was very impressed by Telephone even despite what appears to be subtle occult propaganda, with the flashing of hand signs and all the rest of it. Some would say this is a testimony to how effective the propaganda is, but I see it more as an opportunity for discussion. Before Lady Gaga came along hardly anybody was even talking about MK Ultra and now the subject has really blown up, to the point where even mainstream sites like the LA Times are writing about it. Even though the tone of many of these sites is dismissive, I still see this as an opportunity to bring the issue into the public eye more than anything else.

Insane Clown Posse promotes themselves as the most hated band in the world and there is really a lot of truth to that statement considering that they're pretty much the exact opposite of critic's darlings. The ICP universe is formed around the concept of the Dark Carnival, a theme they've used to designate each album with its own tarot card. The Dark Carnival is based on a dream by one of the clowns, during which he saw beings that tore the souls of the damned from their bodies on the way to Hell. I've run across ICP's fan base, who call themselves juggalos, in various parts of the US, painted up in clown make up and following the band on tour. The main event of the year is the annual Gathering of the Juggalos, a concert that comes complete with live wrestling, hay rides, role-playing games, movie screenings, swimming, helicopter rides and mountains of highly processed junk food. It sounds like a stereotype of American consumerism and I kind of wish I could go! (I would bring my own food though:p)

At the same time, I have very mixed feelings about this particular subculture, in large part because of Tila Tequila being assaulted for no reason by an enormous group of juggalos at the most reason Gathering. It saddens me to see the way that people's worst tendencies so often come out in crowd settings. Although I really disagree with what happened there, I also don't want to dismiss the juggalos out of hand, as most of the ones I've known were just regular kids, many from broken homes, who had created a family of sorts through the ICP universe.

The Miracles video marks a creative high point for the band and, ok, I confess that I can't stop watching it! It's almost a realization of Platonic mysticism for the "unenlightened" masses, a concept that subverts the elitist basis of Western philosophy with its goal of establishing philosopher kings to rule over the commoners. Or at least it seems that way at first glance. The song glorifies the mystical experience as ultimately triumphing over rationality. When Shaggy says that scientists are "lying" he speaks for legions of working class juggalos who have seen the worst of the scientific paradigm: incarceration in the prison industrial complex,
being subjected to brain-damaging psych meds, and working at low-paying industrial jobs that breed alienation. The video shows the clowns in space, in the ocean and riding on a space ship, superimposed over images of butterflies, pyramids, flowers and DNA spirals, all important symbols of spiritual transformation, and potent triggers for MKed people as well. :/

The kabala conceives of the ocean as Schamayim, the supreme deity who represents the primordial realm of etheric substance from which all spirits arise. In kabalistic astrology, all souls enter the lower world through the stars before beginning their journey to the heavens. Within the tarot, and possibly within the Dark Carnival as well, the 22 arcana also parallel the Kabala's 22 paths of the soul towards the celestial realms. Sometimes I think the symbols are alive, intangible expressions of an otherworldly intelligence that merely uses the secret societies as a means to gain traction in 3D. O_O

At nearly 31 years of age, I think that I'm officially too old to be watching Enuff Znuff in a state of earnest appreciation. But Fly High Michelle is just too over the top to resist!:D The video tells the story of the loss of innocence, or the kundalini awakening that happens during adolescence. The tale is predictably punctuated by occult symbols like the dove, representation of Isis and later Venus, the deity who embodies feminine fertility, as well as flashes of light which translate to illumination. There are also mirrored shades, for the false self of the ego, and images of rainbows, the seven colors of which have traditionally been used to represent the human chakras.

I do hope the girl in this video wasn't exploited during the video's production although of course it's impossible to tell without first hand information. It can be challenging to discern whether or not something of this nature has occurred but ultimately it's only the business of the performer if that information isn't on display. And in many cases of occult symbolism saturated media, evidence of exploitation is minimal at best. Regardless, it's important to acknowledge that apparently MK'ed performers aren't just meat sacs devoid of artistic talent. Because dehumanization can occur in many forms, whether through managers literally pimping underage, emotionally vulnerable celebs or, on the "opposite" side of the spectrum, from critics who can only see a victim or corrupter when looking at someone whose public persona strays from impeccable moral standards. Realistically, some celebrities really are victimized, but at the same time the continuum of experience in the culture industry will vary from horrific to benign. So if some of this analysis seems a bit flippant, it's only because I relate to the position many of these stars have found themselves in and so hesitate to throw the victim word around when it may be unwarranted, because the inaccurate *mind-controlled sex slave*! label has been placed on me a couple times, much to my confusion and amusement. Assuredly, sure some will think it's horrible to laugh about these things but without a sense of humor it would be impossible to maintain a stomach for this subject matter. I will draw the line at making other, seemingly victimized people the target/scapegoat of those jokes.

Here is an an Ozzy Osbourne video that shows a clear example of what I would consider to be blatant exploitation, since it employs the use of a child mouthing sexually explicit lyrics in a provocative way. It's evident that this was something stage-managed by adults which seems really off to me since this girl is just too young to be making an informed decision about whether or not she wants to place herself in the spotlight. The video contains simulated drowning, portrayals of extreme grief and the suggestion of sexual trauma, which could all be way too much for a small child to absorb. There is also an eye of horus and a ballerina, the image of which is another traditional MK Ultra programming theme. So I really don't know what to make of this because, despite the image presented here, Ozzy comes off to me as somebody who is fairly toothless even though he's made some irresponsible decisions. It's a well known secret that his wife is in control of their marriage, even effectively managing the mammoth Ozzfest venture, so the apparent misogyny in the video becomes more than a little ridiculous in light of this information. It could be that industry people around him were responsible for implanting MK Ultra-related imagery and arranging the kiddie porn lite shot at the end of the song. At least that's what I hope. I also hope sobriety has helped Ozzy to make better decisions about his own children. As always, it's hard to know what is really going on but I can't see how someone who wrote the best anti-war song of all time could be a completely unethical person. War Pigs is probably my biggest weakness when it comes to Christian fire and brimstone moralizing!

Well, at this point I've pretty much worn myself out writing about occult symbolism in the music industry so I think I'm done with the topic. Pretty soon I'm going to be "interpreting" symbols of the kabbala in the patterns of mud splatters on the sidewalk. ;) It's easy to get a bit schizophrenic about this material if you're not careful! And on another level, it's important to remember the corporate media for what it's designed to be: a distraction. There is value in analysis as long as it's placed in the proper context, as a way to distract "consumers" away from continual wars and the increasing loss of basic human rights.

Oh but wait..I forgot Amy Winehouse!:D She is one of those performers who has been labeled as suffering from *Illuminati mind control*. I can definitely see that Amy has some self-destructive tendencies so hopefully she can get that under control so as to provide us with music for many years to come. But to be honest, I could find absolutely no evidence whatsoever that she has ever undergone any kind of " MK Ultra mind control". So why not just admit that I posted the above video because it's a great song?;)           

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