
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nicolas Cage's Hit Girls

Nicolas Cage's Hit Girls                                              

Nicolas Cage, of the Coppola Hollywood "elite" clan has appeared in countless films as extremely symbolic roles (National Treasure movies, Knowing, Wicker Man etc) but this is not an extended post on those (I may yet get to them) roles. Nicolas Cage's latest comic book adaptation is 'Kick-Ass' and I feel is pushing it a bit in terms of what they can get away with when using young children in films (not that they haven't done much worse), watch these two trailers to see what I am talking about.

The child playing Mindy Macready with her "super hero" alter-ego Hit Girl, is Chloe Moretz and was only 11 years old at the time of filming. The alter name 'Hit Girl' works on two levels, obviously it references a Hit Man (reminds me of Leon a little); but I feel it is also referencing child abuse, as in literally a hit girl, a girl who has been hit (and I think the films themes of childhood violence, sexually violent language from children ["c*nt"], extra-long 'silencer' [+ other suggestive themes/imagery], a child retreating/dissociating into a fantasy world where they are a super hero, purple/mask etc).

She often attends film premieres, these are the kinds of sexualized poses Hollywood has their kid stars constantly doing, baited on by the paparazzi ("blow us a kiss doll" etc).


Predatory photographers in action.

At the '500 Days of Summer' premiere in the occult Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

The protagonist is Kick-Ass played by Aaron Johnson, pictured below with the wife of depressed (his attempt at smiling always looks painful) idiot PM Gordon Brown, whose purpose is to appear ridiculous and allow the elite's man David Cameron to become Prime Minister in the forthcoming election, Sarah Brown at a premiere of the film where he played John Lennon in 'Nowhere Boy' directed by his now fiance, the much older (23 years, he is 19 at present) Sam Taylor-Wood.

Cage plays in 'Kick-Ass', Damon Macready (Mindy's father) with his superhero alter-ego... "Big Daddy".

The opening image of this post comes from 'A Night of the Butterfly' Chrysalis charity event in 2003, note the masked Monarchs (why choose monarch butterflies specifically? Note the duality symbolism in the black outfits/bowler hats and white wigs/belts [they have a lot of banks as supporters, it's sponsors are the kinds of people; banks, movie studios, etc, who use Monarch slaves, hence this little annual celebratory celebrity bash]). Chrysalis is a generic charity that helps the disadvantaged, chrysalis meaning the butterfly pupa in a cocoon (transformation/metamorphosis). Evil hides in the light, the most evil people on the planet have probably given the most to charity. Charities like this allow their corporate sponsors like Disney etc to appear less evil while taking advantage of the easily manipulated, disadvantaged people the charity helps, which I'm sure it has as most people working in it will be genuinely helping the homeless. But this cataloging of people like the homeless is useful for potential Monarch programming (as they would know who to target; i.e. who would be missed, does this heroin addict have children we can exploit after they OD etc). Cage is also pictured with the Monarchs and Brett Ratner (from a well-off Zionist family, he recently directed Natalie Portman's New York, I Love You movie).

Nicolas Cage greeting intentionally humorous puppet George W Bush at the U.S. Capitol in 2001, note Scientology enslaved Lisa Marie Presley's head in the bottom right, they were married for a short period. He's also been married to Patricia Arquette and is currently in a long term marriage with Alice Kim Cage (Nicolas' middle name is also Kim by the way), they named their son Kal-El after Superman (taking the whole comic book freak thing a little too far... but more probably to do with the Hebrew meaning of the name "Voice of God" as he is into the occult).

Monarch Miley (with her usual programmed/fixed smile) between Cage and Hollywood bigwig Jerry Bruckheimer (who was a member of "America's first Jewish Fraternity" Zeta Beta Tau, other notables include Jack Warner and a Disney President, US Senators and the like) at some Disney event (remember those Masonic propaganda pieces, the National Treasure movies were Disney products, like Miley Cyrus).

Jerry and Nicolas' latest Disney project is the occult symbolic 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' where Nicolas plays Balthazar Blake (Balthazar being a Babylonian King, and one of the three magi/wise men to visit Jesus, meaning 'Baal protect the King', Baal appropriately means 'Master' or 'Lord', the Phoenician name for God, and don't forget the demon Baal; Blake is probably a William Blake reference) the sorcerer, an occult/magickal practitioner. Note the Masonic phallic structure that is the Chrysler's Building ritualistic usage in yet another occult themed Disney film.

While not Disney (Warner etc are all in on it of course), in the allegorical kids film 'The Ant Bully' he voiced the Wizard/Sorcerer Zoc (Oz), note on his character's promo poster "The Mix Master".

The film contains a few pertinent references including an eye in the pyramid subliminal (like the one in the above poster below the title, with the eye at the top and the lines symbolizing light coming from it), and below (props to the Freemasonry in movies site) is Lucas' (remember Lucas means light) grandmother who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, for no apparent reason (other than her interest in CT) the filmmakers decided to reveal a Masonic compass and square on her chair when she moved (note the torchlight).

Here is the scene from Disney's ritualistic Fantasia, 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' which the live-action Disney film is apparently based on. Note the sorcerer (who is probably supposed to represent Moses, based on the parting of the water at 9:26 which someone joked about in the video's comments, note the light emanating from the doorway also) conjuring a butterfly from a skull, the apprentice (Mickey Mouse) takes the master/sorcerer's hat but is overwhelmed by the magick's power. Highly symbolic/ritualistic scenes feature like the 'dream' sequence where he controls the stars/cosmos/clouds above and the waves below, as above so below (+ his dream affects his reality). Infusing an inanimate object with energy/a soul/life is very occult (and has some dehumanization programming usages here also, as the mindless broom is essentially a slave for Mickey Mouse), especially so with the object being a phallic broomstick. At the end note the step pyramid the conductor Leopold Stokowski is standing on, and obviously the sun symbolism that silhouettes him, Mickey Mouse and the step pyramid.
The work it was based on is Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's (famous for occult themed Faust) poem 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', Goethe was a Freemason (achieved First Degree on June 23 1780), his most famous Masonic poems are 'Masonic Shield' and 'The Hidden Meaning'. I've included an old illustration for the poem above (with standard occult symbolism). Goethe is pictured below, giving the Masonic hidden hand (or maybe he was just reaching for something in his pocket the entire time it took to create the portrait ;p). "In his dying moments, his last words were "More Light!"". He was also a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. A man truly after Walt's heart then ;)

Returning to Nicolas Cage's current crop of movies, his most recent overtly occult offing has him playing some kind of Templar Knight in 'Season of the Witch' (lots of self explanatory occult symbolism like the pentagrams and some arches/pillars, usual darkness/light suggestions, masks, dissociative "witches" etc). His roles are typically ritualistic and follow a pattern, which has a lot to do with his well-connected Coppola family.

Meet Cage's son, Weston Coppola Cage who is obviously just as into the occult as his father and is part of a death metal band 'Eyes of Nocturn'. They also have a mutual love for comic books as they wrote an occult themed graphic novel together called 'Voodoo Child' (this is relatively humorous).

Note upside down crosses, Baphomet pentagram patch (I think above on his jacket) and a Baphomet pentagram and inverted cross pendant.

He is the product of Nicolas Cage and Christina Fulton's (above) short-lived relationship, Christina appears to be a Monarch. Evidenced by her probably most prominent starring role in 'Lucinda's Spell' (note the 69 sex magick/numerology), Lucinda being a not-so-subtle reference Lucifer (Lucinda means light), she is the "New Orleans Sex Witch", with 'sex magick' as the prevailing theme. "Sex is Magic(k)" is the film's tagline. A quote from an amazon review about Christina's role as the sex witch Lucinda: "With more costume changes than Cher and more characters in her closet than Tracey Ullman, Lucinda plays everybody's fantasy with a breathless vitality, sliding from one persona to the next" illustrating the multiple personality themes associated with this film and Christina (more Monarch themes as the film is primarily about a descendant of Merlin who "must find a woman pure and magical enough to conceive a child to carry on the ancient and powerful bloodline". You can watch the entire thing on imdb here (I'm sure you can pick up on some of the references/symbolism, occult and MK [i.e. the caged parrot/bird with Christina]), note he has to do find the woman by the Eve of Beltane (this is the kind of ritualistic choice of conception date used in occult cult Monarch families).

In the above trailer, the actual url's video (see here) messes up for me, the sound does not work and for some reason it shows you the below blood ritual magick scene below which I cannot see in the same video when embedded above. I think I heard Jimmy Hendrix's 'Voodoo Child' in the trailer, interesting that she played the sex witch of New Orleans and the Cages set their comic 'Voodoo Child' in New Orleans (though probably a coincidence) after Hurricane Katrina.

Monarch motifs are all over her website, her clothing line 'Fulcage' has as it's symbol a Monarch butterfly motif and features heavily all over her website (check out the rest of her collection, the little dog clothing is priceless! it's all exactly what you'd expect, skulls, skull and bones Monarchs/butterflies, crowns etc).

Weston wearing one of their (he is also co-designer) occult designs. Here, in reference to his and his mother's fashion line he describes how he [paraphrased, some of it is inaudible] "studies mythology and symbolism so I like to incorporate that into some of our..[stuff/designs]".

Note the butterfly cage in this fashion launch event (again this is another motif used with her fashion line, it says above the cage IT ZA FULCAGE). All the usual big cat print and Marilyn Monroe imagery associated with Monarch Presidential model sex-slaves.

Note the "elite" (e inside a triangle), "king" and other suggestive (of their control) corporate names/logos. Nothing remotely Oedipal going on here by the way.

Nicolas Cage's has had a lot of financial problems as of late, a lot of suing and counter-suing has taken place. In one by Christina, she claimed that Cage put her through "mental, physical and emotional abuse" which would not be very surprising if true.

Returning to Nicolas Cage, I can remember a few years back on a plane I saw 'Ghost Rider' (also starring Eva Mendes), another comic book adaptation that wasn't particularly engaging but did contain a lot of occult symbolism and demonology, even explicit references to the Qabalah (Israel Regardie's 'Tree of Life' I remember noting as I had recently acquired it at the time, though still not read). And the theme of being enslaved for the rest of his life by Lucifer/Satan (or whoever, I can't remember specifically) after making a deal with it may resonate with his own life (he also has those flaming chains, in most of his films he will in some way or another be a 'light bearer' with a torch or whatever), he has the Luciferian flaming Ghost Rider skull tattooed to him (among other tattoos like apparently a lizard wearing a top hat but I can't find pictures worth including here).

He may (or not) be programmed anyway, choosing the name 'Cage' may suggest his 'caged' existence (I think the above pinned butterflies image was posted on an Icke thread or somewhere but I can't find it now, hard to keep track of things so apologiez if I repost anything).

The film 'Face/Off' was on TV the other night and I turned on just as the face transplant scene was occurring, there are lots of expectant mirror scenes (one in particular where they face off looking at themselves in the mirror and they each shoot and shatter the mirror), losing your identity/self/personality (and assuming another) is also a theme and of course electroshock and other programming themes feature also. John Travolta (remember he's a Scientology cultist like Nic's ex Lisa Marie Presley) and Nicolas Cage swap faces, they each play both personalities in the film (I posted the MK symbolic [half face/split mind/personality, as their personalities switch in terms of the actor portraying them] posters with some additional thoughts on Cage in that linked Travolta post after the tragic death of his son).

I thought this was quote from him was interesting and true about acting: “to be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new… There’s a fine line between the Method actor and the schizophrenic.” Schizophrenia literally translates (from the Greek) as 'split mind' but is quite different from multiple personality (dissociative identities; method actors will "dissociate into character" [with self-induced programming methods of practicing mannerisms/ticks/personality traits in the mirror, shaping the "alter"]) and they are often confused (I'm not saying he confused it there as obviously losing touch with reality is a big part of it too). I did not realize I had accidentally checked 'do not allow, show existing' in the comments settings for this post so thanks to the commenter who mentioned that, it was not intentional and now feel free to comment.

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