
Monday, October 22, 2012



29 05 2012
Pictures speak a thousand words.While Whitney Houston’s body is lying in a bed of cold water on the 4th floor of the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Ray J is harbored under the wing of Clive Davis and hotel security (the Mossad) on the 3rd Floor.
Here it is almost 4 (four) months after the assassination of Whitney Houston. The case is still an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle. There has finally been an arrest for homicide in the Trevon Martin case while Whitney Houston’s assassination has been virtually reduced to coffee house internet chat lines and cold case files.
Above, Brandy, and Ray J with the old familiar ILLUMINATI hand symbol of their subservient Negroes. ILLUMUNITI Negroes are dangerous. They are witting assets to spying and covert military intelligence operations; and any satanic evil design or empire.
Ray J remains the weakness link in Whitney Houston’s murder investigation. Pushed, Ray J is like late legendary Bluesman Sonny Boy Williamson, he’ll tell you everything he knows. Yet, I don’t think that Beverly Hills Police has interrogated him or his evil doppelganger, Brandy, about the note Whitney passed to her before her death like they’re linked to national security secrets.
Every U.S. President from JFK to Clinton stayed at least once at the Beverly Hilton, the hotel says. The Hilton was the Western White House for President John F. Kennedy when he was president – in those days the helicopter would land in the parking lot of the Robinsons store next door or at Beverly Hills High School, the hotel said.[1]
Above, November 7, 1962, Tricky Dick-President Richard Milhouse Nixon at the Beverly Hilton in his infamous California gubernatorial run. Nixon not only stayed there, he also participated in the opening ceremonies when, on August 10, 1955, he deemed the new spread — formerly a large expanse of farmland — “the most sumptuous hotel in the world.”[2]
The Beverly Hilton also appears to be U.S. President Barack Obama’s Western Whitehouse. Whereas, any ordinary taxpayer would know that the Beverly Hilton would be at taxpayers’ expense just as fortified as the Presidential Whitehouse in Washington DC with no fly zones, a military intelligence command center; and ultra secret and advanced intelligence, communication and surveillance systems. That’s a gimme.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villargosa and the illusive Beny Alagem. The Western Whitehouse is owned and controlled by Israeli Army Commander and citizen, Beny Alagem. In theory and practice, Alagem allegiance and loyalty remains with the Israeli Army, Mossad and State of Israel, the virtual reality Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Where is the line between the CIA and the Mossad? Franklin Lamb, PhD of Beirut[3]
“There is a total integration between the Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence agencies of the United States and the Mossad, and together they prey upon the American people and upon the peoples of the world. We have to keep in mind that the current prime minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, as documented by Neve Gordon and in the Israeli publication Ha’ir had four social security cards, as he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, under Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Nitai, John Jay Sullivan, and John Jay Sullivan Jr.,” said Jewish Author Ralph Schoenman.[4]
The reality is that Israel’s intelligence agencies target the United States intensively, particularly in pursuit of military and dual-use civilian technology Israel markets its expertise in defense to the rest of the world. Israeli academic Neve Gordon cited a glossy government brochure on drones titled “Israel Homeland Security: Opportunities for Industrial Cooperation,” which boasts, “no other advanced technology country has such a large proportion of citizens with real time experience in the army, security and police forces.” The chapter called “Learning from Israel’s Experience” notes that “many of these professionals continue to work as international consultants and experts after leaving the Israel Defense Forces, police or other defense and security organizations.”[5].
Below, Neve Gordon offers a revealing and stunning brief inside look at the mindset of the Israeli Security and Police State running amok in the United States.
The Beverly Hilton is owned and managed by previously employed military personnel. Accordingly, the Western Whitehouse as an entity has been morphed into an arm and extension of the State of Israel. It is a security and surveillance police state.
On February 16, 2012, five days after Whitney was killed, President Obama, secret service and his presidential team officially checked in on the hotel’s eight floor. On February 11, 2012 when Whitney was murdered, the president’s personal advance security, scout and surveillance team was at the Beverly Hilton securing the premises.[6] I don’t think anyone would disagreed that it would be standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service procedure to send in advance teams to setup surveillance and electronic monitoring systems; coordinate local, county and state law enforcement agencies; and secure locations to protect the President of the United States.[7]
President Obama could have demanded that the U.S. Secret Service and military intelligence coordinate its Western Whitehouse surveillance and intelligence resources with the Beverly Hills police to help solve Whitney Houston’s murder, but that would be like admitting that he is more than an ILLUMINATI CYBORG-SOFT HUMAN MACHINE.
Meanwhile about 2 (two) months after Whitney’s Murder in Cartegena, Colombia at Hotel Caribe, Dania Londono Suarez, above, watched as the man and his friends ordered bottles of vodka. “They were buying alcohol like it was water,” she said.
She saw them dance on the bar. The man she was with liked to dance in a “disorderly” manner in which “he lifted his shirt to show off his six-pack.”
They didn’t speak the same language, but when the man mentioned “sex,” she answered in her basic English, “Baby, cash money.”
They agreed on $800, she said, and went to his hotel.
The next morning, she was awakened by a call from the front desk alerting her that it was time for overnight visitors to leave the hotel, she said.
She woke the man up, and he refused to pay, telling her “just go, bitch.” [8]
Ms. Londono Suarez reported the incident to local police that confronted the dead beat john. The drunken john turned out to be U.S. Secret Service Agent Arthur Huntington of President Obama’s personal advance security team. Obama’s advance team had moved into Cartegena, Colombia days ahead to secure his appearance at the Sixth Summit of the Americas held in Cartagena April 14 and 15, 2012.[9]
It was subsequently revealed that Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been nightly getting their thrill on at taxpayers’ expense in Colombia at Hotel Caribe with drugs, alcohol and at least 12 prostitutes.[10] That was also standard, customary and routine U.S. Secret Service and military attaché advance team procedure to party down.[11]
Londono and Suarez are familiar surnames notoriously associated with major Bolivian and Colombian cocaine cartel crime families and the infamous CIA Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connections of the 1980s. Former Brooklyn billionaire drug trafficker Jose Santacruz Londono, above, was considered the Colombian Cali cartel’s No. 3 boss and one of the world’s wealthiest drug lords. Londono was allegedly gunned down in 1996.[12] During the 1980s, Haroldo Londono of Colombia was a syndicate member of Mr. Steve’s (Wilson) Mafia Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine Ring in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.[13]
Above, Bolivia’s Roberto Suárez, and Lt. Oliver North of the National Security Agency (NSA). Suarez was notoriously named “cocaine king”. Roberto Suárez gathered most of his country’s producers of coca and cocaine into one organization, which he called “the Corporation” and which one author described as the “General Motors of cocaine”. It became a major supplier to the Medellin cartel of Colombia.[14] Suarez had been Oliver North’s conduit for CIA’s crack cocaine profits to the Nicaraguan Contras.[15]
In Bolivia, Suarez worked the international crack cocaine network under racial mass murderers Klaus Barbie and the Fourth Reich.[16] The infamous Nikolaus ‘Klaus’ Barbie was an SS-Hauptsturmführer, Gestapo member under Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, and a major WWII Nazi war criminal. He was known as the Butcher of Lyon.[17] SS Barbie had been an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC); and a CIA asset.[18]
As result of the scandal, U.S. Secret Service supervisor David Chaney was allowed to retire. U.S. Secret Service supervisor Greg Stokes was “removed with cause”. A third agent resigned in the wake of the scandal. At least eight other Secret Service employees remain under investigation and further resignations are expected. Ten defense personnel are also under investigation for alleged involvement.[19]
There is an ongoing major Capitol Hill investigation of Obama’s personal advance team. The scandal has developed a life of its own that won’t go away for some time.[20] Subsequent to Obama’s personal advance secret service team bust, discrediting and humiliation, Ms. Londono Suarez suddenly went underground.
It seems reasonable to suggest that President Obama’s personal advance team and military intelligence attaches had been customarily getting their thrill on at the Beverly Hilton prior to the president’s arrival courtesy of the Israeli Mossad while Whitney Houston was being murdered in room 434, but their electronic surveillance and monitoring systems had undoubtedly picked up the unusual goings on in Whitney’s hotel room; and background checks and recorded video surveillance tapes of the characters entering and exiting the room.
Yes, I suspect that the U.S. Secret Service had been compromised and “white mailed” by foreign intelligence, the MOSSAD, and then mopped up 2 (two) months later in the Cartegena Scandal. Simple-Toms will always ask, “Why would the MOSSAD be interested in Death of Black Entertainer and Super Star Whitney Houston?” Let’s go to Compton, California, Baby.
The men behind Ruthless Records, Marion “Suge” Knight and the late Eazy-E were Jerry Heller, above, and Michael Klein. Heller was the co-founder of N.W.A., and CEO of Ruthless Records.[21] Klein was the Ruthless director of business affairs. Heller was a teacher at UCLA for Entertainment Studies and Performing Arts. Heller had been invited to the White House by two of the country’s most notorious fascist Republican presidential administrations, Richard Milhouse Nixon and George H.W. Bush, Sr.[22]
Heller and Klein were also deeply connected operatives of the agent provocateur/counterintelligence group, the Jewish Defense League (JDL).[23] The JDL was founded by Rabbis Meir Kahane and Joseph Churba in the mid 1960s. The JDL is a notorious CIA cutout and a U.S. domestic arm of Israeli intelligence services, the MOSSAD.[24]
Kahane and Churba were part of the fascist Betar youth movement of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s New Zionist Organization (N.Z.O), Jabotinsky, above, was an ardent fascist and Nationalist Zionist and founder of Israel’s right wing Likud party.
Nationalist Zionism originated from the Revisionist Zionists led by Jabotinsky. The Revisionists left the World Zionist Organization in 1935 because it refused to state that the creation of a Jewish state was an objective of Zionism. The revisionists advocated the formation of a Jewish Army in Palestine to force the Arab population to accept mass Jewish migration. Revisionist Zionism evolved into the Likud Party in Israel, which has dominated most governments since 1977. It advocates Israel maintaining control of the West-Bank and East Jerusalem and takes a hard-line approach/racialist extermination policy in the Israeli-Arab conflict.[25]
Zionist & the Godfathers of Fascism and Racial Mass Murder, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
In the 1930s, Jabotin­sky was a fellow fascist of Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (July 29, 1883-April 28, 1945). Mussolini was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and later led Italy to join the racialist Axis Forces with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler during WWII. [26]The two best-known grad­u­ates of the Jabotinsky’s Betar National Zionist youth movement were for­mer Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Menaghem Begin and the JDL’s founder Meir Kahane. [27]
Jabotinsky’s per­sonal sec­re­tary (and a pall­bearer at his funeral) was Ben­zion Netanyahu, the father and polit­i­cal men­tor of for­mer Israel Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu Another of the fas­cist ele­ments within the National Zion­ist move­ment was the Stern Gang, which advo­cated a mil­i­tary alliance between Nazi Ger­many and the Zion­ist move­ment in order to drive the British from Palestine-the most famous grad­u­ate of the Stern Gang was Yitzhak Shamir, another Israeli Prime Min­is­ter.[28]
In the 1920s, Jabotinsky headed the Hagarah. The Hagarah was an underground Jewish Defense/terrorist force in British occupied Palestine. Feivel Polkes, a Pol­ish Jew and a mem­ber of the Hagarah, worked with the SS spy network of Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, above, (The Beast of Bucharest),[29] Knight of the Black Sun, CIA agent and California’s resident SS officer.
This all leads to the Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine connection, which is alleged to have been a joint covert CIA/ MOSSAD operation.[30] Michael Harari, above, a longtime top agent of Israeli foreign intelligence, the Mossad, was a security adviser to Panamanian Defense Forces Gen. Manuel Noriega. As the Mossad station chief for Central and South America in the late 1970s and into the 1980s until the U.S. invasion of Panama, after which he returned to Israel, Harari coordinated the Mossad’s gun-running and drug-trafficking operations in South America. Michael Harari “…he was in charge of operation watchtower – the program of drugs to LA gangs for money for guns for Nicaragua.”[31] Harari was one of the covert backdrops of Gary Webb’s infamous book, Dark Alliance and the CIA Crack Cocaine Connection. [32]
It’s not only about genocide, the covert racialist control and suppression of Black Intellectual Freedom, Expression and Artistic Properties and Resources. It’s about covert sources of income and cash cows, the M-O-N-E-Y. Who benefits from Whitney Death? Look for the Devil in the Details, Zionist Clive Davis and Sony.
All along, I have maintained that in the control of the financial, intellectual and artistic properties of Gangster Rap, Eazy E had been murdered with the AIDS virus. Above, listen to Suge Knight confirm that Eazy E was murdered. They play no games, especially with Black Folk kept poor and powerless.
The Beverly Hilton also has a rigid covenant of secrecy not unlike an arm of an intelligence agency; and secret societies. Within days of Whitney’s death, low level hotel employees that leaked or provided any information to the press were fired and silenced even to this day. “The hotel employees that talked to the media were fired because they violated hotel policy,” a source told RadarOnline. “They weren’t high level employees, but the hotel didn’t want anyone to talk about Whitney’s tragic death.”[33]
Hotel security did a more urgent and thorough job of surveillance and investigation of its employees violating secrecy covenants than Whitney’s death. In fact, none of the Beverly Hilton’s advanced command center intelligence, communication and surveillance systems controlled by the Israelis (Mossad), U.S. military intelligence and secret service have been released to solve any of the mysteries surrounding Whitney’s murder. Whitney Houston would have been better protected at a local downtown mom and pop hotel with a two dollar security surveillance camera than at the Western Whitehouse. IT WAS A DEN OF FOOLS, SPOOKS AND SNAKES.
Whitney’s murder is entangled in treads of the international and national security state, which is the dilemma, faced by the Beverly Hills Police Department and local law enforcement officials in solving the crime. They can’t penetrate the wall of silence and the security and surveillance state of the Western Whitehouse.
In December 2010, I covered artificial intelligence hologram technology in the Mind Rape of Whitney Houston. The technology was covertly used to develop her demon aberrations and intentionally scare her to death and drive her over the deep end.
In lieu of the recent Tupac hologram performance at Coachella Music and Art Festival in April 2012, artificial intelligence hologram technology and its connection to the State of Israel is worth revisiting.
In 2010, the technology and its far reaching dangerous implications was evolving at neck breaking pace, but the technology is far more advanced and far reaching today that I dreamed possible.
A hologram is a projected three-dimensional representation of a person or object, normally used in communication or entertainment. Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. A holocamera of any recorder or receiver would acquire the dimensions, form and movements of an object by means of ray scanning. This vision then could be transmitted simultaneously somewhere else, or stored and reproduced on a holoprojector at a later time.[34]
Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.[35] Military intelligence applications of artificial electromagnetic telepathy-so called “white noise” and hologram manipulations would explain how Whitney Houston could be harassed 24 hrs. a day with holographic DEMONS, and see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets.
A secretly coded “Holy See” Project was also publicly exposed two decades ago. The Holy See Project was a collaborative of the CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Vatican in the use of holograms along with artificial electromagnetic telepathy to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, and DEMONS, etc. to mind control populations.[36]
The public health risk from exposure to electromagnetic and hologram technology radiation and frequencies is unknown. However, two decades ago, the military industry complexes were covertly developing out-of-this world non-hertzian scalar electromagnetic surveillance, and manipulation and alteration of DNA/RNA to conform to with mind control hologram optical protocols.[37]
Many artificial telepathy electromagnetic victims report dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, or induced sleep at inappropriate time, memory input and control, subliminal control, visual hallucinations, holograms, hearing distortions, sense of touch distortions, microwave burns, involuntary muscle movement, voice and speech input, control of emotions and personality overlay.[38]
Artificial telepathy electromagnetic applications and weapons used at lower levels of amplification can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort, debilitation and confusion, men and women are assaulted on sexual organs which cause extreme discomfort and pain, total control of body functions such as manipulation of breathing and heart beats. Many become ill with migraines, cataracts, burns, digestive tract health conditions with massive rectal bleeding, skin cancer, leukemia, breast cancers, brain lesions and tumors, various cancers, various diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, various teeth problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Epstein Barr virus, heart attacks, heart disease, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, & death.[39]
CNN was among the first to break ground in television holographic applications when it beamed into its Atlanta studios holographic images of Will. I. am of Black Eye Peas. The holographic project was the decade long work of eerie vice president and the Washington bureau chief for CNN, David Bohrman.[40]
It is unknown if David Bohrman is related to the late escaped and dangerous Nazi war criminal, SS-555 Martin Bormann, former head of the Nazi Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[41]
At one point, Wolf Blitzer and Bohrman revealed that Artificial Telepathy Technology is being developed and perfected off shore in Israel. Bohrman’s CNN holograms were developed in Israel by Norwegian graphics design firm, Vizrt and Israel-based sports enhancement specialist, SportVu.[42]
In December 2003, Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the guise of a “spiritual retreat” that often have been best described as “strange.” They met in odd blood red outfits with former general and war criminal (Sabra and Shatila Massacre) Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th Prime Minister.[43] Sharon is alleged to be a master mason connected to Knight Templar’s secrets in House of Holy, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the subterfuge of spiritual healing with the Black Hebrews, but after the trip little or nothing has become of their spiritual or religious awaking among the Black Hebrews.[44] In fact, they often appeared in public distressed, disorientated, and confused, and returned home from Israel exhibiting even more bizarre, destructive and addictive behaviors.
Israeli publication Haaretz reported: “Houston, protected by a ring of publicists and family, rarely spoke to the local media during her trip, even famously evading a hand shake with then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon while meeting him with Brown in Jerusalem.”[45] When Sharon told Houston that he hoped that trip to Israel would be the first of many, she answered, “Yes.” And when the prime minister asked how she felt being there, she said, “It’s home, it’s home.”[46]
Whitney and Bobby most likely entered Israel as CNN’s Bohrman did as part of secret telepathy-holographic technology protocols and for medical and psychological examinations to study the effects of long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from its applications.
AbbaNibi, the Israeli/Jewish cultural newswire reported that Whitney Houston before her death had been planning a return trip to Israel as a follow up to the time she spent there with Bobby Brown. She wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). “The Insider” confirmed Whitney’s planned return trip to Israel through goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together. She said to me, ‘We need to get into the holy waters, so that nothing can harm us.’”[47]
In her tormented and confused state of mind, Whitney was “COMING HOME TO ROOST” and Israel didn’t want her there. Her autopsy confirmed that she was severely ill. Whitney Houston had outlived her usefulness. She was worth more to them dead than alive.
The 24hr. Surveillance State
Bohrman was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Pseudo Programs founded by internet genius and entrepreneur Josh Harris, above.. Harris confessed that Pseudo was a fake corporation,[48] most likely a CIA front.
In 1999, Harris and Bohrman conducted human experiments called “Quiet,” which tested the effects of media, surveillance and technology on the development of personal identity. In New York, they invited New Yorkers to live in pods in a six-storey Broadway warehouse and be subjected to 24-hr. total surveillance, in the shower, in the bathroom, which would tie into Israeli security and surveillance state theories. During the experiment, everything was free: food, alcohol, drugs, a firing range, and shelter.
Pseudo called in a spook CIA psychiatrist to maximum overload the subjects with intensive Project CHATTER-MK ULTRA type interrogations and harassment. The experiment is captured in a film, “We live in the Public”.[49]
In 2000, after exposing himself and a girlfriend to the “Quiet” experiment, Harris suddenly took off for refuge in Ethiopia,[50] the ancestral land of Ashur-Aset-Heru Mysteries, the Ancient Land of Kush. Even in the ancient Land of Kush under the protection of the most ancient Heru (Horus) and Aset (Isis). In the ancient land, Harris believes that he had been shadowed by the Guardians of the Dark, the FBI.[51]
For decades the military industrial complex has been developing a new scientific discipline, Neurotheology (spiritual neuroscience). The Neurotheology theory is that man’s religious belief systems is neurological (MK ULTRA’s Aldous Huxley’s Island).[52]
Decades ago, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada, above, developed a “God Hemet” to feedback recorded EEG brain wave frequencies recorded from “spiritual states” and fed the frequencies back into subjects by VLF (very low electromagnet frequencies) and ELF (extremely low frequencies) to the temporal lobes to reconstruct religious experiences.[53]
Current Neurotheology studies use neuroimaging to localize brain regions that are active, or differentially active, during experiences that subjects associate with “spiritual” feelings or images. David Wulf, a psychologist at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, suggests that current brain imaging studies, along with the consistency of spiritual experiences across cultures, history, and religions, “suggest a common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain.”[54]
Some Neurotheology scientists working in the field hypothesize that the basis of spiritual experiences arises in neurological physiology. Suggestions have been made that an increase of N-Dimethyltryptamine levels in the pineal gland (Third Eye) or stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of magic mushrooms mimics religious experiences.[55]
Can you envision the danger of a Dr. King, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X or Huey P. Newton hologram with Artificial Telepathy Electromagnet Technology voices, words, content and messages controlled by the New World Order and military industrial complex for covert mass population mind control projects consistent with the Holy See Project?
Tupac’s hologram commercial exploitation at Coachella Music and Art Festival was a test to measure public response and resistance. It was an aberration, an artificial creature. The hologram was in Tupac’s vision, but the voice, words, false gestures and message were carefully artificially crafted, manipulated and controlled.
Tupac’s Coachella (Virtual 2Pac for Coachella [Masses]) hologram aberration was commercially exploited by James Cameron’s Digital Domain.[56] James Cameron is the infamous Canadian film director and producer of horror-sci-fi blockbuster films, Terminator, Aliens, Abyss and Avatar.[57]
This is extremely troubling, freighting and chilling. James Cameron is ILLUMINATI. He is a subliminal messaging specialist, reimaging expert of Kemetic Mythology, and has been linked to high level Scottish Rite freemasonry, CIA Mind Control Contractor Dr. Ewen Cameron, and covert MK ULTRA mind control programs and projects.[58]
Cameron and Digital Domain appears to be spearheading the duel-use commercial exploitation of Artificial Holographic Telepathy Technology developed out of Israel, the Homeland Security and Surveillance Capital.
Already, there are plans in works to put this Cameron-ILLUMINATI Tupac hologram aberration and artificial creature on tour.[59] Of course, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson hologram world tours are also in the works. See Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson perform their greatest hits at $150.00 per ticket padding the coffers of the New World Order. [60]
Artificial Hologram and Telepathy Electromagnet Technology overall implication in the control and manipulation of free artistic and political expressions of the Black Music Industry is simply frightening and mind blowing. There will no contracts, disputes, freedom of cultural-political expressions; and no independent Black enterprises, markets or industries in ILLUMINATI hologram manipulations. It amounts to the crime of cultural Genocide prohibited by U.N. Charter.
The New World Order ILLUMINATI- Luciferians are still busy at break neck pace developing neurotheological sciences with telepathy-holographic technologies under cover of the Israeli Security and Surveillance State with an agenda to mind control world populations to mimic the worship of LUCIFER as GOD. It’s called Project Blue Beam.[61]
We have entered the Era of Post Human Renaissance. We have come to the real time experience and virtual reality of a POLICE and SURVEILLANCE STATE in America and YOU DON’T HAVE OF A CLUE OF WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON EVEN AT THE WESTERN WHITEHOUSE!

[4] Id.
[7] Id.
[10] Ib.
[18] Id.
[27] http//
[28] Id.
[29] Id.
[31] Id.
[37] footnote 1
[39] Id.
[47] Id.
[51] Id.
[53] Id.
[54] Id.
[55] Id.

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