
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Justin Bieber’s surprising celebrity relatives

According to, Justin Bieber's distant cousins include Ryan Gosling, Celine Dion, and Avril Lavigne. Find out how far back their family ties go! Plus, Lindsay Lohan and her mom, Dina, hug it out Wednesday afternoon following their brawl that ended with a 911 call earlier in the day, and we're taking a look at some of the funniest tweets of the week. Which celeb tweet made you LOL? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.                If you haven't READ  Dave McGowan  articles on Laurel Canyon! duhhh!!......................yea ALL these "stars"  just "happen" to come .....out of no were?....yea right?..................YEA and how about ole "mickey mouse"      .........wake the F-up!!! people ---------it's ALL a sham!!!...we've been sold a bad bill of goods, Brad Pitt   just happens to be O bomb a   cousin or whatever   yep?        ..........................what r the odds ???

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