
Wednesday, October 31, 2012



There’s one more thing I forgot to mention about Germany and its demands for the Bundesbank to do an audit of its gold, and its’ one of those things that makes one inhale strongly.
In the previous series of blogs about this topic, I presented two basic options by which one could interpret the growing demands in Germany, not only by the German people, but by the institutions and agencies of the German government, to demand that its central bank, the Bundesbank audit its gold, namely,
1) that the rift was between the Bundesbank on the one hand, which remained firmly within the financial orbit and power structure of the Anglo-American financial oligarchy in London and New York, and on the other hand, the institutions of the German government, which were buckling to increasing domestic pressure from Germans justifiably concerned about the west’s financial system and the growing dictates from Brussels that Germans should bail out Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. On this view, no such audit or repatriation will ever take place, and we can all breathe easily as the New World Order plans of the New York Wall Street globalists marches smoothly onward; or,
2) that the rift between the German government and the Bundesbank was only apparent, and a bit of theater, and in actuality the Bundesbank may indeed be bolting to a certain degree from the stable.
Well, if you find the second possibility unlikely, even in view of the possibilities outlined in previous blogs, then consider this interesting article from Zero Hedge:
Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?
Well, remember those secret gold swaps that were strongly hinted at by Herr Lars Schall? This, I suspect, is what we’re looking at here, and as the above article suggests: a “making good” on the gold supposedly in the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve via the Bank of England. It is a move calculated, perhaps, to satisfy the Germans and the German government…
…which it won’t. But the real trick here is the implicit assumption that has been undergirding virtually every article – from Max Keiser to Zero hedge – that has been covering the German gold audit story, and appreciating it for the truly huge story that it is: a major defection within the post-war financial structure of the West, or, as I would prefer to see it, as yet more evidence of the factional infighting among its key components.  This implicit assumption is that there is not enough gold even to cover the growing German demands for repatriation… indeed, there probably isn’t enough gold to cover all the re-re-re-rehypothecation…
…but there probably is a lot more gold than is stated to officially exist... and if that ever becomes generally known, then the geopolitical game changes yet again, and there are, as yet, not enough people in the general population that know that part of the story, though it is well known to certain elites of the UK, USA, China, Japan, and…of course….Germany…
On that view, an old secret detente has broken down, and some old markers are being called in…

- Giza Death Star Community

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