
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Classic Interview with Father Malachi Martin

I am not Roman Catholic!...................But A great MAN !!!         

Classic Interview with Father Malachi Martin

Published on October 12, 2012 by   ·   No Comments
I posted this on E.I. some time back, but after our network was hacked, it was one of the posts that got deleted and I never got around to replacing it.  Due to the high volume of people asking for information about Father Martin, I’m posting it again for your reference.
Malachi Martin was famously a frequent guest on Coast to Coast am in the Art Bell days, and his interviews were always riveting.  Here is a classic interview that aired in 1996.  Listen below:
(For those interested in Catholic history, conspiracy and prophecy, you will enjoy my interview with Cris Putnam, author of bestseller Petrus Romanus:  The Final Pope is Here.  Click HERE to read the entire interview)
Fr. Martin was a Catholic priest and ex-Jesuit with over 30 years as a theologian and exorcist on his resume.  Often at odds with mainstream Catholicism, Martin’s legacy is one of high praise from those who appreciated his exposes of the Vatican (Martin was a true insider, having served as a close aide of the Holy See in the Vatican of Pope John XXIII) and deep criticism from many of the devout in Catholic hierarchy.
His numerous books are often considered classics and his work continues to be cited by those who follow in his theological footsteps.  According to Malachi Martin, evil is real and it seeks to corrupt mankind in ways we thought only existed in movies.  His contention that much of that evil is centered around the Holy See has kept him at the forefront of those who research the secrets of the Vatican.
Father Martin died on July 27, 1999.  A list of his work can be seen below. Click any link to purchase:
Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans
Windswept House: A Vatican Novel
The Jesuits
Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order
The Final Conclave
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church

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