Saturday, November 14, 2020

Missing Fae-1-1


...MISSING 411 ??? should BE researching this !!!    ...outside the box folks ...thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX !!!

As we slouch through the dog days toward a merciful autumn, we’re graced with yet another entry in David Paulides’ Missing 411 series, this time subtitled Hunters. Anyone unfamiliar with Paulides should certainly avail themselves of his research, because it’s not only well-done, but chilling to boot.

I’ve mentioned numerous times before how Paulides’ research has become something of a paranormal Rorschach test: depending upon your interests, you’ll see what you want to see. Those with an interest in Sasquatch will contend that ape-men are snatching innocent hikers from National Parks. UFO aficionados will seize upon these cases as evidence of alien abduction. Conspiracy theorists will claim the government is harvesting brilliant minds to lead us through a worldwide cataclysm.

All of this, of course, ignores the absolute weirdness that surrounds the Missing 411 disappearances. There are plenty of strange commonalities to these cases (some listed below) that defy any of these traditional explanations. Nothing in Forteana seems to fit all the puzzle pieces.

Except, of course, faeries.

As noted numerous times on this blog and in my work, the fae folk are generally not pleasant, sweet, wish-granting godmothers. Usually they were quite nasty and, among other fiendish pastimes, delighted in abducting people, often from forests (consider the fact that the etymology of the word panic refers directly to the god Pan—a satyr, one of the fae folk—who instilled fear with strange noises from the woodlands).

In a spectacular example of possibly invalidating the objectivity of my view—being a faerie aficionado, of course I see their hand in this—consider how well the fae folk model fits the criteria for the disappearances outlined in the Missing 411 series:

  • Boulder fields and bodies of water. Quite a few people in Paulides' research disappear near boulder fields and bodies of water. While it is true that both Sasquatch and UFOs are commonly sighted near water, boulder fields fail to show up as often. In folklore, on the otherhand, bodies of water are home to water elementals, while boulder fields are regarded as faerie domains the world over.

  • Storms. Being nature spirits, faeries were naturally ascribed control over the elements, including storms and the weather. In the Missing 411 cases, Search & Rescue teams are frequently foiled by poor weather and sudden snow and rain. Certainly such abilities fall outside the scope of proponents that Sasquatch is a flesh-and-blood ape. While some will be quick to point out that the U.S. government can influence the weather—and, by extension, any sufficiently advanced non-human intelligence could as well—it seems like a grossly inefficient way to impede S&R progress, and I am not comfortable admitting that the precedent for such accuracy exists.

  • Animal fear. Just as in the Missing 411 cases, UFO and (especially) Sasquatch literature is replete with animals, particularly dogs, refusing to venture into the woods. Trained bloodhounds, for example, will simply lay down at the forest's edge and refuse to venture any further. This behavior is not only reflected in faerie lore of yore, but also in modern cases, such as the man whose dog was rooted to the spot after spying a pukwudgie in Raynham, Massachusetts.

  • Disembodied sounds. In some cases from the Missing 411 books, S&R teams will hear a disembodied voice, presumably the victim, coming from the wilderness. This phenomenon calls to mind not only the Oliver Lerch disappearance (likely a hoax), but also fae folk encounters, of which disembodied voices and music are a staple. As noted above, the Greek god Pan was often blamed with anomalous sounds coming from the woods. (As a humorous sidebar, take a listen to this Sasquatch Chronicles episode, which interviews hunters who hear childlike laughter in the woods... of course it couldn't be a faerie, that would be silly—it must be a Sasquatch!)

  • Modern folk heroes. One of Paulides' more recent entries, Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence, covers scholar-athletes who become intoxicated and are found dead in nearby bodies of water. This has a two-fold dimension when interpreted through the faerie lense: not only do the fae folk enjoy picking on drunkards, like Jemmy Doyle, but there are plenty of Fairytales where the protagonist is a warrior (in the 21st century our tribes are sports teams, their athletes our warriors). Some may rightly counter that the toxicology reports of these young men often have modern medicinal sedatives in their bodies—but the fae phenomenon has always acted within the constraints of its cultural context. If faeries of 1250 A.D. pushed wine and ale upon their captors, perhaps they would behave similarly with GHB.

  • Plucked into the air. Many advocates of the UFO solution point to the fact that Paulides’ son mentioned (and I paraphrase): “It’s almost as if something plucked these people up into the air, like a claw machine.” True, one of the victims—Todd Geib—placed a cell phone call that sounded as though he was rushing through the air. But I will see your UFO theory and counter with a quote from Evans-Wentz’s The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, which describes the Tylwyth Teg of the Isle of Anglesey: “As aerial beings the Tylwyth Teg could fly and move about in the air at will.”

  • Berry picking. Many of the victims in Paulides’ work disappear while out berry picking. This detail seems innocuous enough at first, but I have had many people see parallels to this and the cases I mention in A Trojan Feast. If forests are the faeries’ domain, and berries are in the forest, then that makes berries faerie food; and, if those who eat faerie food are trapped with the faeries forever then... well, you do the math.

There are several other criteria I've failed to mention, but these examples should be clear how parsimonious the fae folk solution is in expalning the Missing 411 cases. Factor in a handful of entities seen in some of the cases which sound strikingly like faeries, and the case is strengthened. Just because the Missing 411 cases have the "mouth feel" of fae activity does not mean that other theories are incorrect. This would certainly hold true if, as I suspect, both UFO and Sasquatch lore are attempts to describe the same phenomenon our ancestors attributed to faeries. What needs to be evaluated, really, is the paradigm in which Paulides' cases are presented: few to any materialist interpretations will yield a satisfactory answer. It is only by examining folklore that we will gain any deeper insight. One final, extremely compelling detail: consider this excerpt from Katharine Luomala's

"Phantom Marchers in the Hawaiian Islands," an article which appeared in the Fall 1983 edition of Pacific Studies:

The limpet picker related his story this way: One night when I was fishing for ulua [crevally, Carangidae] Mahu-kona side, I was sitting listening to the waves crash on the rocks. I was with Keoki. We started talking story after sliding fresh puhi [eels] down the line. It was about ten o’clock. Suddenly I heard the sound of a conch shell blowing in the distance. Keoki heard it too. I thought it was the wind. Then a little while later we heard it again. This time it was a little louder. It was spooky because we didn’t see anything, Then we heard it again. We looked toward Ka-wai-hae side and then we saw it. It looked like a procession. At first we saw a line of torches in the distance. The procession was moving along the coastline. The conch shell blew again. I took out my knife and Keoki got the rifle. We went seaward and laid down on the lava rock. We knew about night marchers [Hawaiian faeries, otherwise known as the menehune - ed.] from other fishermen. We knew you aren’t supposed to look upon the marchers and to lay on the ground face down. We did this. The marchers passed about fifty yards in front of us on the sand path. As they passed we could hear the sound of a drum pounding beat by beat. We didn’t look up until they were farther down the coast. All we could see now was the line of torches, and all we could hear was the far away sound of the conch shell. We didn’t know if they were going to come back that night, but we didn’t want to stick around and see. We got our sleeping bags and made it to the car and went to Spencer Park to spend the rest of the night. In the morning we went back and picked up our rigs and equipment we left behind.

Later, Luomala describes this behavior as part of a larger set of Hawaiian beliefs regarding the procession of royalty:

A herald often accompanied a dignitary in order to command people to get off the road and, if the principal marcher was of very high rank, to prostate themselves (kapu moe), or, if of lower rank, to squat down (kapu noho). The herald might also require the onlooker to close his eyes or to remove all or part of his clothing....

Although many victims detailed in Paulides' research disappear without a trace, occasionally their bodies are found. Quite often, the corpses are face down in the dirt, their clothes neatly folded and placed beside the.   

Tuesday, October 13, 2020



October 2, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

WARNING: this one is so strange that I think it's safe to say that I'm somewhere between 99 and 100% skeptical of it, but even then, it's worth passing along and filing away in your "Strange Stuff and Rumors about Antarctica" file. To be sure, I think this story has all the distinct "odor" of one of those stories that occasionally comes along that has been deliberately planted on the internet, perhaps to have a bit of fun, or perhaps just to track to see where it travels in cyber space, and who picks it up and talks about it. It was shared by C.J.D.M., but before we can get to it, first a little background as to why I'm sharing it at all, given my skepticism.

For one thing, I'm sharing it on the off chance that that 0.000.....1 percent that avoids my skepticism might prove to be true. So with that in mind, down to my other reasons.

Regular readers here know that I think something mighty strange is "up" down there. I've rehearsed the strangeness of the place many times on this website (and in my books dealing with what I've called the post-war "Nazi International"). At the risk of boring those who know those books and previous blogs, permit me to bring anyone who may not know up to speed. The strangest thing about Antarctica is the list of people associated with the place. That list includes:

  1. Nazi Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering, founder of the Luftwaffe and Gestapo, and ultimate sponsor of the 1938-1939 expedition to that continent, about which there is much conjecture and little fact;
  2. Nazi Party head and Hitler's personal deputy thereto, Reichminister Rudolf Hess, whose connections to the continent (and to Goering) are strange indeed. It's too complicated a story to recount here, save to note that the subject of Antarctica was delicately raised by a  British diplomat in conversation with Herr Hess after the latter's famous flight to Great Britain in May 1941. (For the complicated story, see my book Hess and the Penguins which is available in the bookstore on this site). The mere fact that the subject would be obliquely raised during these conversations leads me to think that the public story for the Nazi expedition - that they were looking for fishing grounds and lubricants from whales - is a cover story, much like the story put out in connection to America's postwar Operation Highjump expedition to the continent (see bel0w, number 5);
  3. Current Ottomaniac and would-be sultan Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, who wants a permanent Turkish presence on the continent;
  4. Various "royals", including Spanish King Juan Carlos, who along with Britain's Prince Harry, have visited the continent;
  5. Admiral Richard Byrd, whose postwar expedition - Operation Highjump - was somewhat suspiciously called off after only a few weeks, when it was outfitted for several months' stay. The expedition, as anyone familiar with it knows, was a rather large scale military affair, complete with some Marines, an escort aircraft carrier, and so on. The expedition was planned with the personal involvement of the then head of the naval staff, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and then Secretary of the Navy John Forrestal. The public was told that the expedition was simply to test Arctic tactics and equipment, but as I've pointed out, Alaska or Canada would have done for that; there was no need to outfit an entire fleet and bear the expense of an expedition which was ended much sooner than intended. The ending itself, as most who are familiar with it know, is shrouded in suspicion, since Admiral Byrd gave an interview to a reporter of the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago de Chile who was traveling with the small press corps on the journey, saying words to the effect that the USA would have to prepare to defend itself against aircraft that could fly from pole to pole at tremendous speed. Needless to say, these remarks touched off a firestorm of speculation that continues to this day;
  6. Former U.S. Secretary of State John "Ketsup" Kerry, who in the middle of a diplomatic junket during one of the most hotly contested elections in American history in 2016, took a little detour to the continent because (we were told) he was personally interested in "climate change" and wanted to see it firsthand (uh huh... yea... sure). At the time, I speculated that perhaps Kerry's visit was really about conducting diplomacy. If so, then the questions is, with whom? and why there?
  7. Apollo 11 astronaut Ed "Buzz" Aldrin, who visited the continent, and allegedly tweeted some odd things about his visit, both before and after it. For example, prior to boarding his flight from South Africa to the continent, he tweeted that he was "going to the launchpad," leaving people to wonder whether that was "astronautese" for the flight to Antarctica, or whether it was intended as a reference to the continent itself. Then, falling ill during his visit, he had to be evacuated, but not before allegedly tweeting that what he saw down there was "evil."

With that context in mind, recall that many years ago there was something of a minor "furor" over whatever it was that the Russians had discovered in their deep drilling efforts over Lake Vostok, a vast underground lake on the polar continent. One story was that during their deep drilling they found a form of life that existed in no known list. (See the following, for example:

As can be seen, the idea that an unknown life form in the form of microbial life is not implausible, especially in an underground lake on an isolated continent, which lake itself has been isolated from the rest of the world for quite some time, millions of years in fact.

But... now there's a new story, and it is a whopper doozie, because the source of the story, a Dr. Anton Padalka, was allegedly on that Russian team doing the drilling at Lake Vostok, and according to him, they found much more than microbes:

Russian Scientist Claims Team Battled Creature Under Antarctic Ice

Now this, as I say, is a whopper. It may be the biggest "big fish" story ever, except in this case, we're dealing with one of my favorite animals: the octopus. So, picking out the important paragraphs from the story, here's what we have:

GENEVA — A defecting Russian scientist has surfaced with a mind-bending account of what REALLY occurred when he and his colleagues went missing for five days in a mysterious lake 12,366 feet beneath the Antarctic ice.

Dr. Anton Padalka told authorities in Switzerland that the researchers discovered a bizarre and deadly life form dubbed Organism 46-B – a highly intelligent octopus-like creature that claimed the lives of three of the team members.

But the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that “nothing of scientific interest” was found – because the former KGB strongman hopes to weaponize the organism.

“The discovery of such unusual life in Lake Vostok was the most important scientific breakthrough in decades, but we were ordered not to divulge it because of Mr. Putin’s sinister scheme,” the whistleblowing geologist told the Swiss.

It was in early February 2012 that members of the Russian Antarctic Expedition succeeded in the drilling through more than two miles of thick ice to Lake Vostok – a project that took more than 30 years. Because the freshwater lake has been sealed off from the rest of the world for between 15 and 34 million years, scientists had predicted they would find new species that had evolved far differently than any seen before.


Just as the eight man team neared the lake all communication with the outside world mysteriously ceased. As days crept by and the researchers failed to respond to increasing frantic efforts to reach them by radio, fellow scientists worldwide feared the worst.

“No word from the ice for 5 days,” Dr. John Priscu, a professor of ecology at Montana State University and head of a similar Antarctic exploration program grimly told Fox News at the time. “I can only imagine what it’s like.”

Or maybe he couldn’t. Dr Padalka claims that during this time, he and his colleagues were fighting for their lives in the lost world deep beneath the earth’s surface.

“We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature wetsuits,” he recounts. “It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional.”

Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus — seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve.

“It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac,” explained Dr. Padlaka. “Tragically, my colleague and life-long friend Dr. Vindogradov was killed this way. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head, then popped his remains its mouth. It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically.”

The 33-foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers.

“Many species of octopus can alter their appearance, usually to avoid larger predators,” Dr. Padalka explained. “Sacs of colorful pigments called chromatophores allow them to change colors, and by contracting their muscles they can blend in with the smooth ocean floor or a craggy coral reef. The well-known mimic octopus can contort its boneless body to take on the shape of a sea snake or stingray.”

But the shape-shifting abilities of Organism 46-B sound almost diabolical.

“It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. We thought it was one my colleagues swimming toward us in scuba gear. By the time the closest scientist realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.”

If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away – sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. Experts say that’s because each arm contains a cluster of neurons – essentially its own brain. The arms of Organism 46-B demonstrated a chilling knack for operating autonomously.

“After our sole female researcher chopped off one of the arms with an ax, the severed limb yanked the weapon out of her hands,” recalled the scientist. “That night the arm slithered onto the icy bank where we were sleeping and strangled her.”

The experts believe that not only does the octopus regenerate its limbs, the brainy severed tentacle may be able to form a new octopus.


Octopuses are extraordinarily intelligent, able to negotiate mazes, use tools and even build structures with Legos. The newly discovered entity is in a class by itself.

“From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human,” Dr. Padalka revealed. “If we were not all Ph.Ds, I fear it would have in the end outwitted us.”

A fourteen-armed (or rather, tentacled) octopus, that's thirty-three feet long (hmmm... thirty-three)!? Ok, I can buy the intelligence part. One can go on Youtube and look at any number of videos of octopus solving complex puzzles, or even watching other octopus solving complex puzzles, and then doing the same task themselves. One can find videos of them collecting baubles and junk from the seafloor to decorate their lairs, solving puzzles, and building things. I can even buy the "battle with the evil octopus" idea, and even that it deliberately smashed their radio. I can even buy the shape-shifting into a form looking like a scuba-diver, because octopus are masters of camouflaging themselves to look like something else, from sea snakes to coral reefs or a rock. And curiously enough, there have been for a number of years stories of battles in (or beneath) Antarctica, with postwar British SAS forces battling everything from Nazis to "monsters". Indeed, Nexus magazine ran a series about this allegation many years ago.

Believe it or not, none of this, really, makes the whole story questionable to my mind. What makes it highly dubious in my opinion is this:

Miraculously, the eggheads were able to capture the creature in a tank. After the five surviving scientists made their way to the surface, the program’s director ordered that the bore hole be immediately plugged. The geologists expected to be honored internationally for their amazing find. To their great disappointment, however, the Russian government claimed that the team had found no life in Lake Vostok – and denied that divers had even entered the water. (Emphasis added)

Really? A tank big enough to hold a fourteen-tentacled octopus that's also a Scottish Rite Freemason? (After all, it was 33 feet long! That's quite a secret handshake!) How did the Russians manage to get a tank big enough to fit such a large octopus (perhaps we should call it a quattuoropus, since it has fourteen tentacles) through the bore hole? And how, in spite of all their troubles, did they manage to herd it into the tank? And presumably, they did this to bring it to the surface through that bore hole, requiring heavy lift equipment?

So yea, color me (extremely) skeptical on this one.  But at least it was 99.999...9 percent entertaining.

It's that other 0.000...1 percent that I find disturbing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Your Phone Is Spying On You: Companies Are Generating Secret "Surveillance Scores" Based On That Data Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Tue, 08/04/2020

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,
Nothing that you do on your phone is private.  In this day and age, most of us have become extremely dependent on our phones, and most Americans never even realize that these extremely sophisticated little devices are gathering mountains of information on each one of us. 
Your phone knows what you look like, it knows the sound of your voice, it knows where you have been, it knows where you have shopped, it knows your Internet searches and it knows what you like to do in your free time.  In fact, your phone literally knows thousands of things about you, and all of that information is bought and sold every single day without you knowing. 
And as you will see below, there are lots of companies out there that use information collected from our phones to create secret “surveillance scores” that are used for a whole host of alarming purposes.

It is really important to understand that your phone is a surveillance device.  The reason why the advertisements on your phone seem so perfectly tailored for you is because of all the information that your phone has gathered on you previously.
To this day, many people are still amazed when they see an ad pop up for something that they were just talking with a friend about, but that doesn’t happen by accident.  The following comes from Fox News
Perhaps you’ve been talking to a friend about an island vacation, when suddenly deals for the Maldives or Hawaii pop up on your Facebook feed. Or you are talking to your co-worker about yard renovations when advertisements for lawnmowers litter your Twitter, or maybe you were talking about why you stopped drinking and a random sponsored article about the growing trend of “elective sobriety” is suddenly in front of your eyes.
Industry experts insist that our phones are not actively “eavesdropping” on us, but they do admit that our phones are “actually spying on us” in other ways…
“It’s easy to feel like our phone is spying on us. It is actually spying on us, but it is not eavesdropping,” Alex Hamerstone, Government, Risk and Compliance practice lead at information technology security firm, TrustedSec, told Fox News via email. “The reason why we see ads pop up that seem to be correlated to the exact thing we were just talking about is because technology and marketing companies gather extensive amounts of personal and behavioral data on us, but it’s not from eavesdropping — it’s from surfing the web, shopping, posting on social media, and other things people do online.”
Most Americans have come to accept targeted ads as a part of life, but what most people don’t realize is that the information our phones gather is being used for far more intrusive purposes.
“Surveillance scores” are being created, and these “surveillance scores” seem quite similar to the “social credit scores” that China has been compiling since 2014.
In China, if you do good things like paying your taxes or taking a parent to the doctor, your social credit score will go up.
But there are also lots of things that will cause your social credit score to go down…
It aims to punish for transgressions that can include membership in or support for the Falun Gong or Tibetan Buddhism, failure to pay debts, excessive video gaming, criticizing the government, late payments, failing to sweep the sidewalk in front of your store or house, smoking or playing loud music on trains, jaywalking, and other actions deemed illegal or unacceptable by the Chinese government.
And if your social credit score gets too low, the consequences can be quite dramatic
Punishments can be harsh, including bans on leaving the country, using public transportation, checking into hotels, hiring for high-visibility jobs, or acceptance of children to private schools. It can also result in slower internet connections and social stigmatization in the form of registration on a public blacklist.
Here in the United States, private companies are doing something very similar.  Information collected from our phones is being used to create secret “surveillance scores”, and selling those scores has become very big business.  The following comes from the Houston Chronicle
Operating in the shadows of the online marketplace, specialized tech companies you’ve likely never heard of are tapping vast troves of our personal data to generate secret “surveillance scores” – digital mug shots of millions of Americans – that supposedly predict our future behavior. The firms sell their scoring services to major businesses across the U.S. economy.
And just like China’s system, high scores come with rewards and low scores come with punishments.
For example, your scores can determine whether or not someone will rent a property to you, whether or not you will be hired for a job, and even how long you will have to wait for customer service
CoreLogic and TransUnion say that scores they peddle to landlords can predict whether a potential tenant will pay the rent on time, be able to “absorb rent increases,” or break a lease. Large employers use HireVue, a firm that generates an “employability” score about candidates by analyzing “tens of thousands of factors,” including a person’s facial expressions and voice intonations. Other employers use Cornerstone’s score, which considers where a job prospect lives and which web browser they use to judge how successful they will be at a job.
Brand-name retailers purchase “risk scores” from Retail Equation to help make judgments about whether consumers commit fraud when they return goods for refunds. Players in the gig economy use outside firms such as Sift to score consumers’ “overall trustworthiness.” Wireless customers predicted to be less profitable are sometimes forced to endure longer customer service hold times.
To me, all of this is extremely creepy.
Eventually, it may get to a point where you are basically a societal outcast if you are not willing to conform to a particular set of politically-correct standards, values and behaviors.
You may not get thrown in jail the moment you do something “unacceptable”, but your phone will be watching you every step of the way.
Each mistake that you make will be recorded by your phone, and that information will be stored and used against you for the rest of your life.
I know that all of this sounds very strange, but without a doubt we are living in very strange times.
My advice would be to only use your phone when necessary, but of course the vast majority of the population will never listen to such advice.
Most of us have become highly addicted to these marvelous little devices, and in the process we are helping the elite construct a system of surveillance and control that is unlike anything ever seen before in all of human history.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Seven Questions to Evaluate Nineteen 9/11 Suspects

Who could have committed the crimes of September 11, 2001? Answering that question requires understanding the details of 1) what happened that should not have happened and 2) what did not happen that should have happened. Additionally, it requires asking specific, well-formulated questions and seeking answers that are evidence-based to assess potential suspects in terms of means, motive, and opportunity.
In my book Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects, a case is made for the investigation of nineteen people who were in position to do everything that was needed to affect the crimes. These legitimate suspects can be compared to the nineteen young Arabs who were accused of the crimes yet who did not have the means or opportunity to accomplish most of what happened that day.
The following seven questions should be asked when considering suspects. For each question, my nominees are described.
  1. Who could have prevented U.S. intelligence agencies from tracking down and stopping the alleged hijackers before 9/11?
    • Louis Freeh was Director of the FBI for the nine years leading up to 9/11. Under Freeh’s leadership, the FBI failed miserably at preventing terrorism when preventing terrorism was the FBI’s primary goal. During this time the actions of FBI management suggest that it was facilitating and covering-up acts of terrorism. After 9/11, Freeh went on to become the personal attorney for Saudi Arabian ambassador Prince Bandar and a director for a company linked to 9/11 insider trading.
    • As Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCI) from 1997 to 2004, George Tenet led an agency that botched and bungled its duties related to counterterrorism. The evidence suggests that, as with Louis Freeh and the FBI, at least some of those failures were intentional. Tenet had developed secret paths of communication with Saudi authorities and he appears to have disrupted plans to capture or investigate al Qaeda suspects.
    • Richard Clarke was appointed U.S. “Counterterrorism Czar” by President George H.W. Bush in1992 and he held that position until after the 9/11 attacks. Clarke was also a member of the highly secret Continuity of Government planning group along with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and he implemented that secret plan for the first time on 9/11. He was a personal representative of the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country that financed terrorism and had many ties to 9/11. Clarke predicted terrorist attacks on Washington and New York and, through tipping off his friends in the UAE, was behind the failure of two CIA attempts to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. On 9/11, he led the secure White House videoconference that failed to respond to the attacks.
    • Richard Armitage was a special operations soldier, long-time covert operative, and a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). On 9/11, Armitage was Deputy Secretary of State and, in this role, he implemented an express approval program that provided visas to the alleged 9/11 hijackers. On 9/11, he was involved in the secure videoconference run by Richard Clarke that failed to respond to the hijacked airliners.
  1. Who could have disabled the systems in place to prevent hijackings that should have been effective?
    • On 9/11, General Michael Canavan was in the role of hijack coordinator for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) but he was mysteriously missing that morning. Canavan’s role was most responsible for communications between the FAA and the military and his absence was critical to the failure of air defenses. Having only started as FAA’s hijack coordinator just months earlier, Canavan left the position in October 2001. According to an FAA intelligence employee, Canavan started his job by running training exercises that were “pretty damn close to the 9/11 plot.”
    • Duane Andrews, a long time protégé of Dick Cheney, was a leading expert on the defense systems that failed on 9/11. At the time, he led the company Science Applications International (SAIC) that created the national databases to track and identify terrorists, supplied U.S. airports with terrorism screening equipment, predicted and investigated terrorist attacks against U.S. infrastructure including national defense networks and the WTC, helped create the official account for what happened at the WTC both in 1993 and after 9/11, was a leader in research on thermitic materials like those found in the WTC dust, led the robotics team that scoured the pile at Ground Zero using equipment capable of eliminating explosives, and provided the information to capture the alleged mastermind of the attacks, Khalid Sheik Mohammed.
    • Benedict Sliney was the FAA’s Command Center national operations manager on 9/11. It was his first day in the job, having just left a lucrative law career defending Wall Street financiers. Despite his lack of experience, his FAA superiors deferred to him as the attacks proceeded and allowed him to take charge of the response to the hijacked airliners. Sliney’s failure to respond effectively on the day of the attacks, allegedly not even knowing how to respond, contributed significantly to the failure of the national air defenses.
  1. Who could have disabled the U.S. chain of command that should have immediately responded to the attacks but did not?
    • Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of U.S. defenses on 9/11. After the Pentagon was hit, Rumsfeld wandered out to the parking lot for approximately 30 minutes. His presence there showed that he was not concerned about other planes that were reported as hijacked, as if he knew what to expect. Rumsfeld did not concern himself with the work of his direct subordinate, NORAD Commander Ralph Eberhart, and he did not do his job to ensure the nation’s air defenses. Rumsfeld and his Defense department later failed to cooperate with 9/11 investigations.
    • Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge at the White House on 9/11 and is known to have been the primary decision maker that day. In the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, Cheney gave instructions that appear to have directed a stand down of air defenses as well as an order to shoot down United Flight 93. Cheney later worked to prevent any investigation into 9/11 and led a campaign of lies to start the Iraq War.
  1. Who could have disabled the U.S. national air defenses that should have responded effectively and intercepted some, if not all, of the hijacked aircraft?
    • Ralph Eberhart, the commander of NORAD on 9/11, sponsored the highly coincidental military exercises (i.e. war games) that obstructed the military response. Twelve hours before the attacks, Eberhart apparently ordered the defense readiness alert system Infocon to its least protective level, making it easier to hack or compromise the defense computer networks. Failing in his duties to protect the nation while giving orders that further prevented response, Eberhart later lied to Congress about the military’s knowledge of the hijackings.
    • As a special agent in charge for the Secret Service, Carl Truscott supervised all protective matters relating to the president, the first family, and the White House. The response of the Secret Service to the 9/11 attacks suggests foreknowledge of the events because the agency failed to protect the president from the obvious danger posed by terrorists. Combined with the failure of the Secret Service to follow-up on offers of air support from Andrews Air Force Base, this led to the suspicion that the agency was complicit in the attacks.
  1. Who could have caused three WTC skyscrapers to fall through the path of what should have been the most resistance?
    • Brian Michael Jenkins, as deputy chairman of Crisis Management for Kroll Associates, played a leading role in planning for terrorist events at the WTC, including having reviewed the possibility of airliner crashes into the towers. A special operations soldier and long-time right-wing political advisor, Jenkins had been accused of implementing a “terror war” in Central America during the 1980s.
    • Wirt Walker was named a 9/11 insider trading suspect in previously classified 9/11 Commission documents. Walker’s company Stratesec provided security services for the WTC, United Airlines (which owned two of the planes hijacked on 9/11), and Dulles Airport (where American Airlines Flight 77 took off that day). Stratesec held its annual meetings in offices leased by Saudi Arabia and Walker also ran an aviation company in Oklahoma at an airport that was associated with the alleged hijackers.
    • Barry McDaniel was the chief operating officer of Stratesec. McDaniel was in charge of WTC security in terms of what he called a completion contract, to provide services up to the day the buildings fell down. He is also an Iran-Contra suspect and previously worked for companies that conducted covert operations, like Sears World Trade and The Vinnell Corporation. After 9/11, McDaniel went on to start a business with Dick Cheney’s former business partner, Bruce Bradley.
    • Rudy Giuliani was Mayor of New York City on 9/11. He and his staff had foreknowledge that the WTC Towers would fall when no one could have predicted such a thing. Giuliani was also responsible for the destruction of critical WTC evidence at Ground Zero. In a crime that continues to take lives, he told people in the area that the air was safe to breathe, when it was not, in order to speed the removal of evidence.
    • L. Paul Bremer’s career with the State Department and as managing director of Kissinger Associates led to him becoming, like Jenkins, one of few leading experts on terrorism before 9/11. On the day of 9/11, Bremer had an office in the South Tower of the WTC and was working for Marsh & McLennan, a company that occupied all the impact floors in the North Tower. Also associated with a company that had patented a thermite demolition device, Bremer was one of the first people to provide the official account for what happened on television that morning.
  1. Who could have coordinated an attack against the Pentagon that struck the exact spot that had just been renovated while allowing all Pentagon leadership to escape unharmed?
    • Paul Wolfowitz was Deputy Secretary of Defense on 9/11. Along with Armitage, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz was a leader of the organization PNAC that, one year before 9/11, had called for a transformational event “like a New Pearl Harbor” to reinvigorate U.S. military spending. In the eight months leading up to 9/11, Wolfowitz led the Pentagon building project that renovated the exact spot where Flight 77 was reported to have impacted the building.
    • Peter Janson was the chief officer of AMEC Construction, the company that performed the renovation work on the Pentagon building in the exact spot where it was hit on 9/11. AMEC was also hired to clean-up the debris at both the Pentagon and the WTC immediately after the attacks. A long-time business associate of Donald Rumsfeld, Janson went on to benefit from the War on Terror as a director of an oil and gas transport company.
  1. Who could have ensured that no effective investigation was conducted and that no one was held accountable?
    • Porter Goss was a CIA operative who, after 9/11, became DCI. On the day of 9/11, Goss was meeting with Pakistani secret service (ISI) General Mahmud Ahmed as the first plane struck the WTC. He later helped cover-up the crimes through his leadership of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11. As DCI in 2004, Goss took actions to ensure that no one in the intelligence community was held responsible for 9/11.
    • Robert Mueller, although not named as a suspect in my book, was a leader of the 9/11 cover-up in his role as director of the FBI, a position he took one week before the 9/11 attacks. Mueller had a history of covering-up government crimes including FBI collusion with organize crime, the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103, and the CIA terrorist financing network known as BCCI. That made him the perfect guy to lead the FBI investigation into 9/11.
It should be obvious that the 19 young Arab suspects accused of the crimes could not have accomplished any of the things required to pull off the 9/11 crimes, as described in these seven questions that need to be answered.  In fact, the evidence indicates they could not even fly small aircraft. On the other hand, the suspects noted above not only had the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the crimes, many of them were long-time associates known to have engaged in covert operations or cover-ups. Anyone who is objective in an analysis of 9/11 suspects knows which of these groups should be investigated first.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The wholesale export of Loosh


~hehe "could" IT possibly BE .....WE  r  NOT are be'ing "told" the WHOLE TRUTH ???  humm ...just a lil ,folks !

  Posted by Alec Newald on February 15, 2015 

The wholesale export of Loosh or something else entirely?

By Alec Newald.
Have you ever noticed it’s dangerous to be different? It’s harder to make friends and easier to make enemies. Quite often these enemies can be in places touting high authority, where it appears the only acceptable stance is the status quo. That is not the premise of this article but we just might find out in due course why that should be so, perhaps there are ‘others’ that don’t want us to know what we are here for?
This work was inspired by Michael Tellinger, Harry Oldfield, Duncan Roads and the late Robert Monroe, to name but a few. It was written to make you think rather than give you a completed picture. There are far sharper minds out there than mine; my challenge to you is please finish this equation, or at least dot a few of the i’s.
One of the many things I have learnt over the past six decades of life on earth is to keep an open mind. I think because of that ‘I’ and maybe even ‘we’ are about to be rewarded with a whole new intriguing and puzzling avenue of thought. As Michael Tellinger said in his talk at the 2014 Nexus Conference “the earth has a far more interesting (and funky) past than most mainstream history books would have us believe.”
Michael also rightly suggested, the so called mainstream explanations of many discoveries are so preposterous and naïve, they appear to be made up by school boys playing a prank on us, or words to that effect. When examined with an open enquiring mind, and an ounce of intelligence, a far different story is revealed. The subjects I’ll be raising in the next few pages may at first also sound equally preposterous, so an open mind is definitely required if this is all new territory for you..
Starting at the deep end of your history.
Philosopher Neil Freer writes: “I am convinced of the correctness of Sitchin’s thesis [of our Alien origins] and of Sir Laurence Gardiner’s [of how the line of the Alien Royalty hybrids still rule the world as our power elite] are the only explanations which contain no inexplicable elements, no contradictions and in which all the facts dance together in total consort. Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature..
“The Catholic Church, a continuation of the fear of the god Enlil [Yahweh] type of subservient religion came into ascendance by an alliance with the gradual assimilation of the Roman empire and adopting its practices. Suppression of our true history through promulgation of the Hebrew Old Testament forgeries done to make Enlil their single monotheistic deity, affected a racial amnesia and the ancient Sumerian culture was forgotten and only rediscovered in the late 1800s. Military and political controllers have suppressed the knowledge and data about alien presence on this planet by denial and ridicule.” [Colaw, 2004].
Indisputable holes in longstanding theories
Michael’s 2014 Nexus talk went on to cover several subjects; perhaps the two most compelling after the focus of this work, are the presence of 100,000, perhaps even more than 200,000 year old gold mines in various areas of Southern Africa, which definitely fit within the Sitchin thesis, and definitely do not fit within the mainstream settlement dates of Southern Africa.
He also pointed out a vast array of geometrically arranged stone circles (counted in the millions) that still seem to generate some kind of microwave energy, even though they are much degraded after many thousands of years of weathering, and possible colossal flooding. He suggested, through private conversations with mining engineers, that many of the mines were known well enough in the trade as it were, and had been for years. But the point in question is that they appeared to have been cut so straight and so deep, it was doubtful we could achieve the same even with today’s advanced technology. The mining experts had been told not to mention the presence of these mines to the general public, nor to anyone else for that matter.
Don’t you just wonder why?
If you have been where I have been over the last 20 years of research you might say nothing new in that, this form of censorship remains in place in nearly every avenue of science and discovery. That aside, what I was not expecting to hear about during the Tellinger talk was mention of the product ‘Loosh’ and it’s possible means of conveyance to the heavens.
What is loosh?
I first came across the term Loosh a decade ago, after reading one of Robert Monroe’s books Far Journeys. Robert’s explanation for the term goes something like this; I quote loosely from his book.
“Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug a substance a thing we shall call Loosh. This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who possess, need Loosh, find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its “natural” form. He, she, it, decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh. (Far Journeys, p.162)
From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the harvesting of Loosh from the Type 4M [i.e. human] units. The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice – and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list just a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before...(Far Journeys, p. 170)
Monroe goes on to tell us that other 'entities' or 'Inspecs (intelligent species)' that he encountered confirmed this loosh-information, but they also added that this 'Someone' was not the beginning of all, he, himself, was created as well. He was only part of a fraction of creation. There would be vaster worlds encompassing the 'world' created by 'Someone'. End quotes. (more detail can be found in the end notes)
And so it goes on. I did not give Loosh too much further thought after reading the book, but with my mind fully opened, neither did I dismiss the idea. A good friend, whose quotes on the subject appear below, is so well read on this and many other related subjects that I have to totally respect his opinion. He kept prompting me on the subject, but the penny did not drop, or at least the need for further thought on the subject did not eventuate, until I had listened to the Michael Tellinger Nexus presentation.
Suddenly there it was again, the possibility of Loosh, only this time beautifully illustrated with complimentary photographs, most of which I will soon share with you. Pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place in a little more detail. At the same time though, something even bigger and more perplexing was added to the equation. Something every part of my inner self felt it knew, like a name that is on the tip of your tongue, but the harder I tried to recover it the more elusive it became. I think in all modesty we are on the verge of rediscovering a very old secret of such immense importance to the human race that I cannot think of anything that could be more important to discover, and here it is right in our own back yard.
Now there is more than one take on who the Loosh extractors might be, it is even possible there is more than one type of parasite feeding off our emotive energy. This next segment covers what I consider to be a more personal parasite, perhaps feeding off individuals as much as the masses. This one seems to prefer the more negative emotions.
The year is 1945
At the foot of a cliff along the Nile River, near the city of Nag Hammadi, an Egyptian peasant unearths a large storage jar containing ancient manuscripts. The discovery turns out to be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the past century. A treasure of fourth-century texts, the manuscripts are the scriptures of the ancient mystical tradition commonly called Gnosticism, from the Greek gnosis, that is, secret knowledge. It is a discovery that challenges everything we thought we knew about the early Christian church, ancient Judaism, and Greco-Roman religions.
There are 13 codices containing over 50 texts, which contain a substantial amount of information
This is what Jay Weidner has to say about them:.

A highly descriptive document of an entirely different world [from the one we know]. People don’t realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn’t even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed. Gnostic is a Greek word meaning knowledge – gnosis. The Gnostics believe that liberation can only be achieved by knowledge, by the consumption and evaluation of reality through knowledge. The library at Alexandria was run by Gnostics and they were the first people to collect scrolls and books and assemble this information. “Their culture spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. This was long before the advent of the Western religions outside of Judaism which was mostly concentrated in Israel. Gnostics preached that there was an invasion that occurred about 3,600 BC and, about 1,600 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were buried, they wrote that this invasion was like a virus and, in fact, they were hard pressed to describe it. The beings that were invading were called Archons. These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality, to fool us. They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul that they don’t possess.
Solving the Archon problem may very well be the test. The final test of humanity is, can you define the Archon problem and solve it? The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally. That just drives them out of their minds. They cannot stand familial love or the love between men and women and that’s why they do all these things to destroy the pureness of it. If you look at the path of modernity, it’s one attempt after another to remove any sense of purity even from the children. It is really hard for them because children of 6 or 7 years old who watch television see things that probably no human should even see. The same thing is true about the horror films, these are all Archonic tricks to desensitize people so that they create even higher levels of violence when that point becomes necessary for them, so they can become satiated. Because that’s what they are doing, drawing energy from us because they have no intrinsic assets.”
I actually prefer John Lash’s take on the Archons, although similar to Weidner’s views, I think Lash’s research is more far reaching. If you have not yet studied this aspect of our possible history I do believe when you finally do it will really make you think about all you see around you with new eyes.
John Lash has coined the definition of archons as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program that has enslaved humanity. In order for humans to beat the “system” during the final showdown, we need to know a few simple things that can be done to break the programming. (See link in endnotes)
They have also been called the Jinn. From Wikipedia:
Jinn, jann or djinn (singular: jinnī, djinni, or genie; Arabic: الجن‎ al-jinn, singular الجني al-jinnī are supernatural creatures in Islamic mythology as well as pre-Islamic Arabian mythology. They are mentioned frequently in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled Sūrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts and inhabit an unseen world called Djinnestan, another universe beyond the known universe. The Quran says that the jinn are made of a smokeless and "scorching fire",[1] but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon.
More than one voice on the subject
If it is possible there is another overriding user of human emotive energy, a genuinely more god like entity, capable of really constructing life as we might understand it, rather that a the false reality constructs from the Archons, then it might go something like this.
A respected fellow researcher: Duncan Roads, Editor - Owner of Nexus Magazine, has this to say:
This is the hierarchical structure:
1. The creators of the original Earth 'humans' had already experimented with many other dominant lifeforms in their search for the optimal loosh producers. They found that the prototype which had a bit of themselves (the creators) inside - gave out the purest and best loosh. It needed no refining or distilling.

2. Once they had perfected their biological loosh factory or garden (Earth) - they installed OVERSEERS - who were tasked to maintain and explore ways to increase loosh production.

3. Opportunistic scavengers, pirates and thieves have regularly poached from this garden, and have transplanted 'us' elsewhere - along with modifications

4. Sometimes visiting lifeforms, who had need of our gold, water, salt, carbon, or whatever - would cut 'deals' with the overseers. Some of these, such as those we call the Annunaki, were given permission to further modify the existing 'humans' so as to suit their needs. As long as the newly modified form emitted loosh, there was no problem. In the case of the Annunaki and a couple of others, they proposed an upgrade to loosh production - in a win-win situation - called 'civilisation'. ie a centralised mass of humans, who were continually faced with joys and pains - religion, economies, wars, enslavement, blood-lined ruler-ship - all these come with civilisation - but are not present in 'non civilised' cultures.

5. Nothing has changed since then - except on one level, the newly modified humans - they were going to be erased until it was realised they were a new race and potentially worthy of self-determination. We are a cosmic baby - born of parents with many differing non-human genes already in their makeup. We are a new hybrid race - cosmically speaking - and we have been given the 'nod' in terms of our continued survival as a species.

6. Our continued survival has many implications. To some lifeforms we are a dangerous threat - we have mental ideas and concepts (individuality) that act as viruses in telepathic/hive-mind societies; we have the potential to change our form to any one of a million physical forms; our physical forms house a non-physical entity which exists on several planes of existence simultaneously (that REALLY bugs some races - because they want what we've got on that level).
(end quote)
Speaking for my friend, I think I’m safe in saying none of the above was arrived at without due diligence and a careful balancing of all the avenues of information available. To say he is personally privy to more info than the average researcher would be an understatement, so ignore his concepts at your own peril.
I don’t personally consider the collection of Loosh as a negative thing. It could be called a victimless crime. After all Loosh can come in the form of laughter and joy, or even love. The possibility that some ‘darker forces’ enjoy the prospect of getting us to kill or hate each other in the hope of gathering loosh in this way is all part of the game, if you should wish to partake of it. But why would you?
Section six
A particular section of Duncan’s last quote (6) really caught my eye;
“To some lifeforms we are a dangerous threat - we have mental ideas and concepts (individuality) that act as viruses in telepathic/hive-mind societies”
How Duncan came to this conclusion I do not know but I’m sure it’s true. My own personal studies and hands on experience, has me in no doubt to its validity. And here lies the rub, the fact that the status quo on this planet is the only acceptable concept for those in high places, smacks of a determination to keep free thinking individuality out of our society. As I stated earlier, it’s dangerous to be different. But why should this be so?
Free thinking individuals are the life blood of innovation; if we are to improve our lot we need them by the truck load. More of the same ‘status quo thinking’ is the last thing we need. The education system by-in-large, clones status quo thinking, and punishes reagades who will not conform. 
When a few dreamers slip though the “The Wall” as Pink Floyd once sang, with an invention or two capable of changing our suffering lot, they are quickly sucked up into some deep dark secret military establishment under the guise of national security, and never heard from again. You should be wondering why the latest jet airliner off the design board is just another clone of the one before, and the one before that. Similar to the automobile, invented over a hundred years ago, they have more frills now yes, but it's the same old same old underneath. In this supposed age of ingenuity and super computers, why have we not made more progress, do the oil magnates have that much power over us, or is it someone or something else?
Sorry to say it but the human race appears to be in lock down mode, prove it isn’t so! Or better still try and find out why it is so.
Open your eyes and see the obvious.

If you were researching this field around the time I was born you would have never seen the connection between the old and the new. It did not exist for you to see back then, before the days of computers and solid state circuitry. It appears only too obvious now, after it had been pointed out. Michael’s work prompted me to look at ancient buildings and their layout in a new light; it also made me look at modern buildings, including their construction, then entire city complexes, with the same new eye.
Even as I was writing this a friend reminded me of a little known fact concerning many of the Greek temples,
“the mathematics involved in such structures implies a meeting of all column vortices at a stratospheric altitude ie; if you extend the columns upwards the lines meet in the stratosphere of the Earth!” This is baffling and appears pointless unless you consider it is related to the ideas being presented here, and the complexity of the construction to give this kind of mathematical precision is stunning. Not withstanding the question, how did they know the hight of our atomsphere back then?
The key to all this new excitement came from a quote from the Sumerian or Babylonian texts pressed on clay, as in Zecharia Sitchin’s books and work. These writings suggesting that the ancient cities where built in accordance to and within the law of the planet and its upper grid, ie. As in heaven so on Earth. As above so below.

Let me quote from one of Michael’s translations as presented at the 2014 Nexus talk.
“In distant days, in those days, after destinies had been decreed. (kingship lowered to earth)
After An and Enlil had set up the regulations for Heaven and Earth, Enki; the exalted knowing god – by the rules for Heaven and Earth..
The fixed Rules, he set up the cities.” (End quote)
And we are given a hint into the meaning of rules, or rather the fixed rules, which would appear to have more to do with a grid pattern above the earth than anything else.
So, the cities must abide to an order, a positioning, to a code of placement, geometric alinement perhaps. Global positioning to affect a grid, or maintain one! This is stunning in its simplicity. But what is it maintaining over our heads, (in the heavens) and why is it doing so?
There are more than enough researchers out there with papers on a theoretical grid about the earth. The late Bruce Cathie, who was a personal friend, has written much on the subject. His math is way beyond my comprehension but the little I do understand of his work provides compelling reading on the subject, as does the work of Carl Munck. Links provided in end notes..
Is it possible that the export of human emotions has increased exponentially in modern times, due to the increase in populations and the size of our cities?
And does the strength of the grid rely on humanity in its numbers to maintain itself. (More on that soon) If so does the same apply?
More people, more power to the grid?.
Does this lock us down?
If so, lock us to what?
Once in, perhaps you can’t get out?
Inwardly I felt I knew the answer, my past life history is still only partially known to me, but connected to this it surely is, but still the complete answer eluded me. Was it about the Loosh?
Yes, but not only. Was the suggestion, without further embellishments? This came from some part of me embedded so deep I cannot reach it, even with the aid of hemi-sync meditation and out of body exploration! It would appear for reasons better known to ‘others’ this answer was only going to be presented to me after I had done the hard yards. The hard yards in this instance appears to be a hands on approach, I have to go to Egypt and touch this thing personally.

A clean start.
Without doubt in the earth’s most recent past, in the context of earth’s total history at least, approximately 13,000 years ago, there was such a colossal upheaval that oceans washed over the lands and mountains rose from the sea. Civilizations were wiped out, they must have been, perhaps many millions died. It is possible only a few stragglers survived. What was in the past was lost to us. This is not theory, this is hard cold fact! If you read outside mainstream with an open mind that is, or you care to travel and see with your own eyes.
This catastrophe however, did not come as a surprise to the more advanced beings that lived here on earth at the time. Even though it is amply evident, many facets of the great pyramid complex at Giza, to name but one place, have been machined in some way with very advanced perhaps sonic machinery, just perhaps as those mines were cut deep in the African soil. The fact that not one single piece of this machinery has ever been found that I know of, even to this very day, suggests to me that it was packed up and moved out in an orderly fashion, before the event, or events occurred. It is almost certain this was not the first time in earth’s history this type of event had occurred. It might be a clue as to why the ancients preferred to use such colossal sized stone building blocks. It appears the further back in history you go, the bigger and heavier the building material used. A clue here is the same locations were always used for the rebuilt, time after time. They are still discovering previous civilizations and buildings beneath existing ones in all corners of the globe. So is it true, was there once an ancient law that required buildings or cities to be constructed at pre-set locations, and does that law still apply today? Perhaps they do, or at least something of a similar nature.
Hidden in plain sight
I have included within the end notes an excellent doco titled ‘Secrets in plain sight’ it exposes the various myriad geometric constructs that have been built within our cities over the past few centuries. It at least suggests that somebody is still operating a system of which the average laymen in the street has no idea, even though they may pass by these constructs daily. This Doco also covers the fact there are curious alinements of many of our major cities with more ancient stone structures, even though these may be offshore and in foreign lands.

My understanding of time-space and dimensional reality is based on personal experience and some very compelling documentation with new break-through technology, which we won’t get side tracked with too deeply here, but I suggested you google the optical work of Harry Oldfield (link provided in endnotes)
From the above I have deduced that geometric shapes especially, but any form or construct, built or scribed onto our landscapes here on earth, in the 3D world, will impose itself into or onto other dimensions of reality, even time. Buildings of stone do this better than anything else. I also feel the key factor in this positioning or accessing of time space is the human element. ie, human will and intent or consciousness, can help hold this construct in place, even if in the real world, our world of today, that construct no longer exists. It seems to me humanity and its connected conscious out-feed is the key here, and it appears to have been overlooked in this equation by most other researchers in this field.
A ghost in the machine;
I firmly believe that human ghosts can hold to them the things from their past which are familiar and perhaps comforting, and this world of theirs can be accessed with the right technology. So far Harry Oldfield has managed to do it optically only, but if it can be photographed it can be accessed in real time with the right equipment. Yes folks time travel is alive and well, and we are only a sharp mind or two away from accessing it. Even now with a few more tweaks to Harry’s inventions, I’m sure we could video past worlds in real time. But this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Harry’s work has also allowed us to see the parasitic slugs in real time. His optical genius of an invention has allowed us to see into a different dimension, and there they are!
Strange apparitions spliced to humans. At least this is a form of parasite we cannot now deny. An individual type maybe that attaches itself to those that have opened themselves up in some manor either through over the use of drugs or through mental or physical torment. So if there can be one type there can be others. Harry’s work has allowed us to see ourselves as part of a far greater world than ever before, just has it has done in the open spaces of sacred ancient sites.
Stones and I mean really big stones of the correct mineral content, placed in appropriate locations, ie tuned to the local environment, will open doors into time space. As documented in one of Harry’s classic photos of Stonehenge.
Because of our rocky past most of the ancient cities are long gone, but there are shadows left in places like Egypt, Turkey and Greece. More recent maybe, and copies perhaps of what was lost to us long ago. Even Bosnia, with the recent dating there of the Pyramids at circa 20,000 to 30,000 years. These actually might be more authentic, and these edifices are still pumping out some form of frequency or energy signature. You have to wonder why?
Perhaps the fact that they are, is due in part to the materials used in their construct. Materials like quartzite, similar to quartz, it is piezoelectric. Meaning it will generate electric fields if vibrationally excited. Quartzite grains or rocks also have a natural resonant frequency. An ancient form of a solid state transistor perhaps, similar to silica or granite with its high quartz and feldspar content, which are an ever present substance in most ancient stone edifices.
One of the most interesting things about Teotihuacan is the finding by archaeologists of the extensive use of mica embedded in numerous structures. This mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil and it is found in all buildings, housing complexes, temples and along the roads so basically this mineral is all over Teotihuacan. The pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm.
Human use of mica dates back to prehistoric times. Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World. The earliest use of mica has been found in cave paintings created during the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 BC to 10,000 BC).
Obviously Mica was not incorporated to these constructions for decoration purposes because you couldn’t see it, so it is clear that this mineral was incorporated into these monuments for another purpose.
Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric, and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat; it can be split very thin (0.025 to 0.125 millimeters or thinner) while maintaining its electrical properties, has a high dielectric breakdown, is thermally stable to 500 °C, and is resistant to corona discharge. Muscovite, the principal mica used by the electrical industry, is used in capacitors that are ideal for high frequency and radio frequency. Phlogopite mica remains stable at higher temperatures (to 900 °C) and is used in applications in which a combination of high-heat stability and electrical properties is required. Muscovite and phlogopite are used in sheet and ground forms.
So we know that Mica was not used for aesthetic purposes so they must have had a very specific and good reason to incorporate it, they clearly knew of the characteristics of this mineral. Teotihuacan, a marvel of ancient engineering.
Suddenly, every standing stone on the planet takes on a new meaning. And every standing stone or ancient temple was once a place of reverence and communal gathering. Dare I remind you the human voice has abundant capacity to create great frequencies of resonance, which can be measured and attuned to do a job of work, just as the human bodies static electrical change can be used.This brings us more to the point of this article; tuning humans to provide all manner of things, including Loosh.
We hold a charge;.
Scientists inherently acknowledge that the human nervous system is built according to an electrical design. The scientific literature describing the nervous system is replete with references to electrical theory and electrical devices that man uses today. Such references include technical words like batteries, transducers, motors, pumps, calculators, transmitters, electrochemical potential, circuitry, binary system, current, resistance, voltage, capacitance, charge.
“When we scuff our shoes upon a rug on a dry winter day, our bodies typically charge up to a potential of several thousand volts with respect to the ground. This is a well-known fact in physics, and is easily verified by meter measurements. Touch a grounded object, and a spark will leap between the object and your fingertip. This type of long electric spark can only exist when a high voltage is present. The shortest, tiniest spark requires about 500 volts. Big, nasty, painful sparks require lots more voltage, up to several thousand volts. But even when no sparks are jumping, there's still a high voltage between your charged body and the ground. Your charged body is surrounded with an invisible electric field.” WILLIAM J. BEATY
You may be familiar with the term ‘Grounding or Earthing’ which has been rediscovered of late as a method to be used to generally improve your health and wellbeing. Simply put it is allowing your feet to touch mother earth without wearing shoes for a designated period of time each day, say 20 minutes, and so ground yourself, neutralising that static charge that can build up in your body.
A tradition that prevails still in many eastern countries, also at times in western cultures, both religious and private, of removing ones foot wear before entering a building, has connotations outside of politeness and concern for the floor coverings. A sweaty human foot will do more harm to carpets and floor linings than the odd dirty shoe.
Imagine a thousand and more worshipers all removing their footwear to enter a mosque or some other religious building, perhaps all carrying at least a thousand volts of static charge, and grounding that into a granular marble, granite, or similar stone floor.
1000x1000 is a million volts of static charge to the floor of the building which could be called a capacitor, and as such ‘capacitance’ it has the ability to store an electrical charge, or at least down load it. Also maybe acting as a transistor-amplifier, ie; The common-emitter amplifier is designed so that a small change in voltage (V/in) changes the small current through the base of the transistor; the transistor's current amplification combined with the properties of the circuit mean that small swings in V/in produce large changes in V/out.

Most Egyptian or Grecian temples’ are constructed with a marble or stone floor and tall pillars reaching up to cross-members above, very similar to the design of Stonehenge. The human machine inside is taught to concentrate all their energies on the one objective, their chosen god. Love the idea or hate it, it’s one way to get Loosh exported to the heavens in amplified quantities.
Of course you don’t need a church to concentrate human emotive energies. The gladiatorial arena would have been a fine place to start with, now-a-days called sporting arenas. The movie theatre also works well, have you noticed how most movies play your emotions, love, hate, fear, revenge, to name a few.
How might all this energy be channelled I wondered, in more modern times?
The temples are still with us they just look a little different. If you live near a city centre just look the window. There you will see concrete, steel and most of all glass in the form of tall towers.

The chief raw material used in the manufacture of glass consists of silicon dioxide, with a little limestone and soda ash. Glass is an amorphous material, which means that the structure of glass lies between that of a crystalline material and a liquid. Glass is often considered as a super-cooled liquid.
Silicon dioxide is mostly obtained by the mining purification and processing of quartz. Silicon dioxide can be used on microchips. Thin films of silica grow spontaneously on silicon wafers via thermal oxidation. This route gives a very shallow layer (approximately 1 nm or 10 Å of so-called native oxide. The native oxide layer can be beneficial in microelectronics, where it acts as electric insulators with high chemical stability. In electrical applications, it can protect the silicon, store charge, block current, and even act as a controlled pathway to limit current flow.
Holding up our modern glass buildings we have steel, an excellent conductor. So Back to that definition of a capacitor from Wikipedia
A capacitor (originally known as a condenser) is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically in an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary widely, but all contain at least two electrical conductors (plates) separated by a dielectric (i.e. insulator). The conductors can be thin films, foils or sintered beads of metal or conductive electrolyte, etc. The non-conducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitor's charge capacity. A dielectric can be glass, ceramic, plastic film, air, vacuum, paper, mica, oxide layer etc. Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Unlike a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy. Instead, a capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field between its plates.
So what are we exactly?
Vibration as Sound and Light
One of history’s greatest engineers Nikola Tesla, who invented the means to transfer and to distribute electricity over long distances, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Scientific experiments in Quantum Physics and particularly those at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research — CERN — at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, continue to demonstrate that once we break everything down to its core, pure energy is behind everything. When we go down to the sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some call this the unified field or the matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality: all being energy.
What’s most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light. If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves. This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second. So, if a pianist could press a key way above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Light. This could create a chord of Light in the same way they can create a chord of sound. And it would be seen as colours of Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light.
So, is it possible to export or emotive thoughts and energies to another place through the use of conductors, transistorized buildings of glass and steel, or even in ways not discussed here?

.Above, the office block, railway station, airport, sports arena, religious buildings of all kinds. Yes the perfect place to herd your stock of humanity and milk them for all they are worth. These temples even have their own additional power input, electric cables run between them all connecting each one in series. And then if you have any free radicles, we could say ‘loose Loosh’ each major city has its main ‘collector’ tower. As in the examples pictured below. There is no form of commercial communication known than needs a hundred metre high steel spike for broardcasting or receiving and yet they all have them. This can at best only broadcast in extremely long wave energy waves. So maybe that’s our first real clue, as to what Loosh’s footprint looks like as an energy wave or cycle? I also firmly believe these towers were constructed with other insidious uses in mind, but that’s a whole other story altogether!

Is there anyone out there to receive this Loosh?
If you are struggling to be convinced that there is even anyone out there in the first place, that may or may not require Loosh, I’ll leave you with this little fact.
Every day the earth collides with more than a hundred million meteors and something like a hundred tons of extra-terrestrial material comes pouring into our atmosphere. Most are microscopic, but some are quite substantial – the biggest ever recovered intact was found in Greenland and weighed thirty seven tons. Approximately half of all the microscopic meteorites are metallic, mainly iron and nickel, the other half are composed largely of silica or stone.
Most of the stony meteorites contain small glassy inclusions and about two percent of these are called carbonaceous because they contain significant quantities of organic matter. The proportions in fact are extraordinarily high. About 0.1 per cent of all material which has ever fallen on earth is organic. By comparison, if we measure the total weight of all organic matter on earth against the mass of the planet itself, only 0.0000001 per cent is of living origin. This means that meteors are coming from somewhere that is a million times more organic than earth itself. I find that suggestion almost scary in its connotations.
There have been many asking the question;
If Aliens exist and they are visiting Earth, why don’t they make open contact with humanity?
I feel the above dissertation answers that to a certain degree. If we are an experiment, or a product living on a farm as live stock, or if we are being allowed to develop or mature for whatever reason, then the less interference in this development the better.
If it is ‘all’ of the above then even less reason to interfere. As Duncan Roads suggested, this does not stop the odd private interaction from taking place for personal needs of particular alien groups. But overall it’s hands off and this makes perfect sense of the current situation on earth. Lots of UFO’s seen by the general public. A few personal encounters and interactions. No explanation given by those in authority on this planet, except for the odd preposterous ‘swap gas’ explanations, and no aliens landing on the Whitehouse lawns.
As I suggested at the beginning, your help in completing this equation is an open invitation to further research, in the hope to understand who we are and why we might be here in this form.
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