
Monday, April 22, 2019

Multiple Investigations Reveal Secrets About Where US Tax Dollars Are Really Going   ~ R u beginning ta C the ...

very large in size, quantity, or extent.

In Brief

  • The Facts:Multiple investigations and testimony from high ranking sources have discovered that trillions of dollars of our tax dollars are going towards programs that not even the highest ranking people within government know about.
  • Reflect On:Why are we made to believe our taxes dollars are going towards necessary services that favour the population? Why do we so easily trust our government and take their word for it when evidence says otherwise.
It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each paycheque, and how much money multiple small and big businesses pay. We are told that it’s necessary, that this is the money going towards various programs that are responsible for building our schools, employing people for necessary services and infrastructure, among many other things. It’s truly amazing how much money governments rake in from taxes.

It’s an astronomical amount that makes it hard to see how all of the money is allocated to services that are in the people’s favour, instead of the possibility of it going into the pockets of certain politicians and elitists, among other places. Yet we are heavily taxed, and reasons for taxation are constantly brought up and justified, almost as if to imply that there really is no other way of changing things and doing things differently here on planet Earth. Our potential is huge, yet we are convinced that money and taxation are our only ways to operate.
Sure, some of our taxes are going toward various needs and services we deem necessary, but how much off of our paycheques is really required for this? Judging by the amount of money that has been poured into black budget programs, it doesn’t seem like much is needed at all, and this is because trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are actually going towards projects that the public has absolutely no idea about.
These projects are known as ‘black budget programs,’ which include Special Access Programs (SAPs). Within these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
Not many people have investigated the black budget world, but The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents indicate that a staggering 52.6 billion dollars was set aside for operations in fiscal year 2013.(source) More recent investigations, however, reveal a lot more than that.  The topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has:
Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. (source)
Recently, Arkin quite NBC/MSNBC  and went public outing them as completely fake government run agencies. You can read more about that hereHere is another article we published that has links within it to documents showing the close relationship between mainstream media, academia, and the CIA.
The most recent investigation was conducted by economist and Michigan State professor Mark Skidmore, alongside some of his graduate students as well as Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development. They discovered trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from the Department of Housing & Urban Development as well as the Department of Defense. For their research, the team used several government websites and made inquiries to multiple U.S. agencies. Much of the time they received no response and the Office of the Inspector General even disabled links to all key documents that revealed unsupported spending, according to the team.
Given the Army’s $122 billion budget, that meant unsupported adjustments were 54 times spending authorized by Congress. Typically, such adjustments in public budgets are only a small fraction of authorized spending… Skidmore thought Fitts had made a mistake. “Maybe she meant $6.5 billion and not $6.5 trillion,” he said. “So I found the report myself and sure enough it was $6.5 trillion.”Michigan State News.
They went on to find documents indicating a total of $20 trillion worth of undocumented adjustments made from 1998 t0 2015. Our tax dollars are going directly into these black budget programs, which often cost far more than our roads and services. If this information was made transparent and public for discovery and use, it would leap all of humanity into the stars and into new discovery and exploration. The implications would be huge, and it would force us to ask more questions.
Here’s a great quote from Paul Hellyer.

It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.  It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars  allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about. (source)
What’s even more interesting is that Fitts has been quite outspoken about a secret space program and where this missing money is actually going. She explains how enormous amounts of resources were handed over to covert operations to develop a security system of finance. This then created the CIA and a select group of people who were in charge of UFO technology. “By the time JFK came into office ready to challenge this shadow government and make space program the centrepiece of his administration, the civil war between the Deep State and the public state was in full force.” (source)
Interesting to say the least.

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to really question what’s going on with our tax dollars. Whose pockets is the majority of money going into, and for what purpose? What are we really paying for? Secret space programs? Deep underground and under ocean military bases?  Have we just been made to believe that the way we are taxed is absolutely necessary? What is really going on here and how come nobody is questioning it?
Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?                         ~ hehe "we" got PLENTY of $$$ folks ...fucking PLENTY !!!    ..."it;s" just  been  STOLEN  from  U.S.  ...where's the $$$$ folks   HUH !!! ...where? ...just "slipped" thru the cracks  humm   ...where's the $$$    folks ?  ...Image result for funny pics of flying saucers hehe ALL that shit fly~in 'round UP "there" ... isn't just E. fuck'in T's. & um pretty fucking sher "IT" isn't  fly~in  on  petrol or diesel ...2 ???
I am co-authoring this column with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. 
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, The US Constitution
On July 26, 2016, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”.  The report indicates that for fiscal year 2015 the Army failed to provide adequate support for $6.5 trillion in journal voucher adjustments.  According to the GAO's Comptroller General, "Journal vouchers are summary-level accounting adjustments made when balances between systems cannot be reconciled. Often these journal vouchers are unsupported, meaning they lack supporting documentation to justify the adjustment or are not tied to specific accounting transactions…. For an auditor, journal vouchers are a red flag for transactions not being captured, reported, or summarized correctly."
(Note, after Mark Skidmore began inquiring about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, the OIG's webpage, which  documented, albeit in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported "accounting adjustments,"  was mysteriously taken down. Fortunately, Mark copied the July 2016 report and all other relevant OIG-reports in advance and reposted them here. Mark has repeatedly tried to contact Lorin Venable, Assistant Inspector General at the Office of the Inspector General.  He has emailed, phoned, and used LinkedIn to ask Ms. Venable about OIG's disclosure of unsubstantiated adjustments, but she has not responded.)

Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress.  The July 2016 report indicates that unsupported adjustments are the result of the Defense Department's "failure to correct system deficiencies." The result, according to the report, is that data used to prepare the year-­end financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail. The report indicates that just 170 transactions accounted for $2.1 trillion in year—end unsupported adjustments.  No information is given about these 170 transactions.  In addition many thousands of transactions with unsubstantiated adjustments  were, according to the report, removed by the Army. There is no explanation concerning why they were removed nor their magnitude. The July 2016 report states, "In addition, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) Indianapolis personnel did not document or support why DDRS (The Defense Department Reporting System) removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million feeder file records during the Third Quarter."
An appendix to the July 2016 report shows $2 trillion in changes to the Army General Fund balance sheet due to unsupported adjustments. On the asset side, there is $794 billion increase in the Army's Fund Balance with the U.S. Treasury.  There is also an increase of $929 billion in the Army's Accounts Payable. This information raises additional major questions. First, what is the source of the additional $794 billion in the Army's Fund Balance? This adjustment represents more than six times appropriated spending.  Second, do these transfers represent a flow of funds to the Army beyond those authorized by Congress? Third, were these funds authorized and if so when and by whom? Fourth, what is the source of these funds? Finally, the $929 billion in Accounts Payable appears to represent an amount owed for items or services purchased on credit. What entities have received or will receive payment?

The July 2016 report is not the only such report of unsubstantiated adjustments. Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,  conducted a search of government websites and found similar reports dating back to 1998.  While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.
While government budgets can be complex, our government, like any business, can track receipts and payments and share this information in ways that can be understood by the public.  The ongoing occurrence and gargantuan nature of unsupported, i.e., undocumented, U.S. federal government expenditures as well as sources of funding for these expenditures should be a great concern to all tax payers.
Taken together these reports point to a failure to comply with basic Constitutional and legislative requirements for spending and disclosure. We urge the House and Senate Budget Committee to initiate immediate investigations of unaccounted federal expenditures as well as the source of their payment.
PS, On December 11, 2017 we learned that the key documents had been reposted on the OIG website, but with different URLs. On October 5, 2017 we discovered that the link to the report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported” had been disabled. Within a several days, the links to other OIG documents we identified in our search were also disabled. The sequential non-random nature of this disabling process suggests a purposeful decision on the part of OIG to make key documents unavailable to the public via the website, as opposed to website reorganization, etc. We also revisited the website intermittently to see whether the documents had been reposted under different URLs—until very recently they had not been reposted. The OIG link to the most report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”, which indicates $6.5 trillion in unsupported adjustments, can now be found here: We are currently searching the OIG website for the other reports and will share the links here once we have completed the search.
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I am a professor of economics at Boston University, a Fellow of the American Academy, a Research Associate of the NBER, and President of Economic Security Planning, Inc....

Monday, April 15, 2019

Wikileaks Document Exposes a “Secret US Base on the Moon”

~hehe that god damn Putin ...wait he wasn't EVEN 'round than ?    doesn't matter ....rat bast~erd ! & He's (Putin) prob~beely the REASON  Y  there is less almonds in Hershey;s   Almonds bar ....motherfucker !  Lol

In Brief

  • The Facts:A document published by Wikileaks clearly implies that the United States had a "secret" base on the Moon that was destroyed by Russia. It's one of many interesting documents that suggest strange things are and have been happening on the Moon.
  • Reflect On:Is our world really as it's been presented? There are millions of pages of documents that are classified by multiple countries every single year, how is it possible to really determine what's going on behind the scenes? Why does secrecy rule?
The Assange arrest is scandalous in several respects, and one of them is the effort of governments, and it’s not just the US government… The efforts to silence a journalist who was producing materials that people in power didn’t want the rascal multitude to know about… That’s basically what happened. Wikileaks was producing things that people ought to know about those in power, people in power don’t like that. So therefore we have to silence it. – Noam Chomsky (source)
The idea that something strange may be happening on the Moon is not far fetched at all. In fact, given all of the information that’s now available within the public domain on the subject, it’s hard to see how it’s not a fact. We’ll get to some of that information later in this article; but first, let’s draw our attention to a strange Wikileaks document titled, “Report That UR Destroyed Secret Moon Base.”
Unfortunately, the document is not an electronic document, therefore access to its full contents is not available online. For anybody truly interested in reading the entire thing, a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) may be in order.
Without speculating here, we can conclude that this is what it says it is, a report regarding possible space wars that are taking place in the classified world. The document title alone not only exposes the reality of these alleged wars, but the possibility of a “Secret Moon Base” belonging to the United States that apparently was in operation until it was destroyed by “UR.” (Soviet Union)
You can view it in the Wikileaks archive here.
So, what other information exists, besides this document, showing that something strange is and has been happening on the Moon? There’s a lot of information, so it’s hard to know where to begin.
First of all, the idea of bases on the Moon have been an open discussion within the government for a long time, although the information isn’t easy to find, but it’s definitely out there. A document from the government’s own publishing office is a great example. It clearly shows one of the goals of the United States government is to build a base on the Moon, and this is as far back as 1966. (source)
A portion of the document reads, with reference to presidents Kennedy and Johnson in a statement by HON. George P. Miller:
I also believe that we can and will achieve the goal set by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson: a manned landing on the moon before 1970. My own confidence in our rapidly advancing science and technology is such that I can visualize many more dramatic achievements ahead, although I will fix no timetable for them. 1. The exploration of the lunar surface, and possibly the establishment of one or more permanent bases there.
Furthermore, decades old documents have been declassified discussing this topic, showing just how serious and far possible advancements with these intentions have gone.
Take a look at the screen shot below, taken from the CIA electronic reading room in the form of a memorandum that was addressed to the CIA director regarding “Military Thought (Top Secret)” by Lieutenant General Korenevskiy.
The document above really goes into detail regarding the importance of weaponizing space. This brings to mind another document from Wikileaks, in the form of an email that was sent to politician John Podesta from Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, and Dr. Carol Rosin. It reads as follows:
Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death. Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.
A declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 shows just how seriously they considered a plan called Project A119. In general, they wanted to investigate the capability of weapons in space as well as gain further insight into the space environment and the detonation of nuclear devices within it.
Interesting to say the least, but it’s important to recognize the intentions behind the letter, and that is the recognition that humans have brought and will continue to bring their destructive ways into space by weaponizing it or attempting to weaponize it.
With all of this documentation, it’s also interesting to look into witness testimonies from credible sources.
In the 1950s, Colonel Ross Dedrickson was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the AEC, and for accompanying security teams testing the security of the weapons, among many other duties. When it comes to weaponizing space, which is clearly outlined within multiple documents linked above, this is what he had to say:
“I also learned about incidents involving nuclear weapons, and among these incidents were a couple of nuclear weapons sent into space that were destroyed by the extraterrestrials… At the very end of the 70s and the early 80s, we attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the Moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials. They destroyed the weapon before it got to the Moon.” (source)
Dedrickson is one of hundreds of whistleblowers with verified, credible and impressive backgrounds to speak up about an extraterrestrial presence. In that same interview, he went on to state that:
A spacecraft went to the rescue of Apollo 13, and they accompanied Apollo 13 on their voyage around the Moon back to Earth. And on two occasions they thought they might have to transfer the crew to their spacecraft, but they saw them safely back to Earth.
This may explain why several astronauts have also been quite outspoken about an extraterrestrial presence, like Edgar Mitchell, Brian O’Leary, Story Musgrave, Gordon Cooper and many others.
Another document from 1965 regarding the CIA keeping tabs on Soviet space plans reads as follows:
Keep in mind, this was more than 50 years ago.
Below is an interesting quote from Carl Sagan:
It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. (source)
George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon, and Fred Steckling’s 1981 book, We Discovered Alien Bases on The Moon, also come to mind when discussing this subject.
Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the Moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin.
The study makes a great point when it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis:
A decidedly conservative mainstream scientific establishment often rejects anomalies based on subject matter alone, i.e., there cannot be alien artifacts on the moon because there are no alien artifacts on the moon (or other planets). Such a view is an example of circular reasoning, based on the belief that extraterrestrials do not exist, or if they do exist that they could not have traveled to our solar system.
The truth is, “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” – Dr. Brian O’Leary, former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor (source)
When it comes to the Moon, man-made bases may not be the only ones there.
As far as our own bases are concerned, Karl Wolfe, who was a precision electronics photograph technician at Langley Air Force Base, became well-known when he provided his testimony at National Press Club in Washington, D.C. as part of Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure project.(source)
Wolfe’s testimony revealed that he was taken into a dark room where images from NASA’s Lunar Orbiter were being developed and stitched together into composite images called “mosaics.”
“They were doing 35 mm strips of film at the time which were then assembled into 18 ½ x 11 mosaics. Those strips were from successive passes around the Moon and they would build up a photograph ,” Wolfe said.(source)
“We walked over to one side of the lab and he said, ‘By the way, we’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon.’”
Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA, has also made some fascinating revelations. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994 (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source). But, according to Dr. Brandenburg, the Clementine Mission had an ulterior agenda:
“The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the Moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?… Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the Moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles-wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the Moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.” (Quote from the documentary, “Aliens on the Moon.”)

Related Articles

There are other strange facts about our Moon that’ve been pointed out by some very credible sources. I go into more detail regarding the actual structure of the Moon and what it is as well as the evidence suggesting it could be artificially made in the article linked below:
Multiple Scientists Publish Papers Suggesting The Moon Is Hollow & Artificially Made

Welcome To The World of Secrecy

A Michigan State University economist teamed up with multiple researchers, including Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development. They found trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from housing & D.O.D and going towards black budget programs. You can read more about that here.
We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). We have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)
I am mentioning this stuff because, whatever is happening with regards to the Moon, you can bet that it’s being funded by trillions of dollars from within these deep black budget programs. These are our tax dollars hard at work.
We don’t really hear about black budget programs, or about people who have actually looked into them.  However, the topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has:
Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. (source)
CE founder Joe Martino recently went deep into this subject on an episode of CETV, it will be airing soon!

The Takeaway

Our world is not how it’s been presented. Many subjects once and that still are deemed as a “conspiracy” are clearly not a conspiracy. Strange things happening on the moon and UFOs, for example, are one of several great examples.
It’s OK to explore these things, but it’s vital that we examine good sources and present good sources when we do so.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Newborn Human Baby Blood Shown to Reverse Age Related Diseases.

A recent scientific study published in the scientific Journal Nature has born out the possibility that components of the blood of newborn human babies could actually reverse many of the problems associated with cognitive and other impairments due to aging. While this may strike many as a horrific topic with it’s possible implications. Be aware this research is all linked to the scientific journals. A topic not for the faint of heart.
Human Umbilical Cord Plasma Proteins Revitalize Hippocampal Function in Aged Mice
This is a type of Parabiosis literally meaning “living beside“. By connecting the circulatory systems of two animals into one as in direct transfusion or periodic injections of donor blood. While the technology of transfusion, a form of Parabiosis, has been employed for centuries to save lives from catastrophic blood loss due to injury or surgery. Many would be horrified to know this practice is also being used by the rich and powerful for life extension to this day. Literally injecting the blood of the young for it’s rejuvenating properties. The topic was covered in depth in Raptorman’s last post about this grisly subject. It was reported widely by independent media.
Are the Aging Elite “Feasting On Young Blood”? Rockefeller Research Advanced Eternal Quest 
There are many accounts of the elite throughout history using the blood of young children for sacrificial and life extending purposes. These accounts are often dismissed as lore from long ago and something of a legend like Dracula. The fact is this practice is still in fashion for life extension and is being publically admitted. Recent scientific studies have shown the health benefits of injecting a young animal’s blood into an older animal ranging from increased vitality, better skin, decreased aging, shiner hair and increased mental powers as well as physical stamina. A conceivably nightmarish scenario where the blood of the young becomes a commodity for the rich and powerful. Who’s lust for the good stuff does not stop at Italian marble and fine wines. Exploring this possibility is not to accuse any individual or corporation of violating the law. Asking a core question in the last post regarding the logical deduction about this ghoulish concept.
How young is the blood needed for maximum effects?
Asking this important question. What is the age of the blood needed for the maximum effects? Citing the scientific literature from the Journal NatureAny of the recent articles on the Parabiosis and the elite’s fascination with it all reference the same report in the journal Nature. Missing the most telling part of the report entitled Ageing research: Blood to blood.
This was only a couple paragraphs down from the material covered in the mainstream pieces. Mainstream media outlets must have lost interest after only a couple paragraphs.
Clive McCay, a biochemist and gerontologist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, was the first to apply parabiosis to the study of ageing. In 1956, his team joined 69 pairs of rats, almost all of differing ages3. The linked rats included a 1.5-month-old paired with a 16-month-old — the equivalent of pairing a 5-year-old human with a 47-year-old. It was not a pretty experiment. Journal Nature   Ageing research: Blood to blood.
Scientific Research on this subject was originally done by Clive Mcay of Cornell University in 1956 and was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the secretive Office of Naval Research.
The Rockefeller Foundation stating it’s intentions as far back as 1943 to mine blood for it’s prophylactic use therapeutic components. “Thus, what started as an inquiry into the practicability of using animal plasma as a blood substitute for transfusion purposes, has developed into a program of “mining” blood for its individual substances and for testing these concentrates for therapeutic and prophylactic use.

The pursuit of using blood for it’s preventative and therapeutic health qualities is nothing new. Tales of vampires and a bloodthirsty elite rooted in the urban legend are gaining a scientific footing.
These experiments demonstrate the age range to obtain effects is a sliding scale meaning the older you are the younger blood needed for maximum effect. Pairing the equivalent of an 18-year-old with a 47-year-old produced only negligible results. Whereas pairing that same 47-year-old with a 5-year-old produced much better results. Mining the components of the young blood to enhance the function of an older host. All of this is certainly not good for the young donor being sucked dry of its vitality.
New research has come to light also featured in the Journal Nature. Answering the question of how young the blood would need to be for certain maximum effects. As indicated in the original work done by Clive Mcay in 1956 the youngest blood has the most dramatic health effects when injected into older hosts. Now it is born out in the scientific literature just how young blood must be for maximum effect to be had.
Human Umbilical Cord Plasma Proteins Revitalize Hippocampal Function in Aged Mice
Regarding this experiment it was not injecting young mouse blood into older mice. Injections of actual newborn human blood plasma from donated umbilical cords were given to older mice. Dramatically increasing their brain function and overall physiology. The experiment focused on memory and cognitive ability improvements using a component called a TIMP2 protein, mined from human newborn baby blood. Only researching the effects of this one component called a TIMP2 protein but admitting all kinds of rejuvenate qualities were obtained by the injection of newborn human baby blood. The experiment was related to aging research and not Alzheimer’s disease as is often quoted in mainstream articles when broaching the need for such macabre experiments.
In addition to revitalizing other aged tissues, exposure to factors in young blood counter acts age related changes in these central nervous system parameters, Although the identities of specific cognition promoting factors or whether such activity exists in human plasma remains unknown. We hypothesized that plasma of an early developmental stage, namely umbilical cord plasma, provides a reservoir of such plasticity promoting proteins. Here we show that human cord plasma treatment revitalizes the hippocampus and improves cognitive function in aged mice. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2), a blood born factor enriched in human cord plasma, young mouse plasma, and young mouse hippocampi appears in the brain after systemic administration and increases synaptic plasticity and hippocampal dependent cognition in aged mice.                    Journal Nature  Human Umbilical Cord Plasma Proteins Revitalize Hippocampal Function in Aged Mice
This cannot be understated. Human newborn baby blood reverses cognitive and other age-related ailments. Even in older mice that aren’t even human. Imagine what it would do for a billionaire in their late 40s who is overworked. Or an executive looking for any edge over their competition. What about an elite obsessed with life extension? Consider all of the horrific logical deductions. This is not to imply any wrongdoing by any individual or corporation. Only to show the relevant scientific research and ask logical questions as to where this is all going or where it has gone. Do you think there are enough donated umbilical cords to satisfy demand for such a conceivably important product?
These experiments demonstrate that the sliding scale slides all the way to the bottom if measured on an ethical gauge. The very youngest human blood being mined for it’s youth promoting effects. Possibly turned into commodity by the rich and powerful and used as a fountain of youth?
A darker picture could not be painted in the worst science fiction novel. Thanks to and for covering the last post on this subject. Please read the scientific literature linked here and spread this article far and wide. The thousands Facebook shares and likes of the original article were taken down from NaturalNewsBlogs by Facebook in the continued effort to keep information such as this from public view.
Reposted from NaturalNews Blogs  written By RaptorMan

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Wicked World of Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Trafficking Case and the New Court Ruling

The Wicked World of Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Trafficking Case and the New Court Ruling
JEFFREY EPSTEIN SEX TRAFFICKING CASE AND NEW COURT RULING THAT THE FEDERAL PROSECUTORS VIOLATED THE VICTIMS’ CVRA PRIVILEGES (Crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2004).(NOTE: This court matter dates all the way back to 2006 and today’s ruling relates to a prosecutorial agreement that was reached with Epstein and his legal counsel, usurping the victims’ CVRA.)
EXCERPTS FROM MIAMI HERALD: U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE KENNETH A. MARRA — ruled Thursday, February 21, 2019, that federal prosecutors — among them, U.S. prosecutor Alexander Acosta (now U.S. Labor Secretary) — broke federal law when they signed a plea agreement with a wealthy, politically connected sex trafficker and concealed it from more than 30 of his underage victims.>> U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra, in a 33-page opinion, said that the evidence he reviewed showed that Jeffrey Epstein had been operating an international sex operation in which he and others recruited underage girls — not only in Florida — but from overseas, in violation of federal law.>> “Epstein used paid employees to find and bring minor girls to him.,’’ wrote Marra, who is based in Palm Beach County. “Epstein worked in concert with others to obtain minors not only for his own sexual gratification, but also for the sexual gratification of others.’’>> Instead of prosecuting Epstein under federal sex trafficking laws, Acosta, then the U.S. attorney in Miami, helped negotiate a non-prosecution agreement that gave Epstein and his co-conspirators immunity from federal prosecution. Epstein, who lived in a Palm Beach mansion, was allowed to quietly plead guilty in state court to two prostitution charges and served just 13 months in the county jail. His accomplices, some of whom have never been identified, were never charged. ________________________________________________________________________________
BREITBART — A U.S. District judge on Thursday ruled that federal prosecutors illegally signed a plea agreement with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and hid it from his more than two dozen underage victims.>> Judge: Plea Deal in Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Was Illegal>> ________________________________________________________________________________

PART ONE — How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime, BY Julie K. Brown, Nov. 28, 2018 LINK (To the Miami Herald journalist — this case was done during Obama’s administration NOT THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION as indicated.)
PART TWO — Cops worked to put serial sex abuser in prison. Prosecutors worked to cut him a break, BY Julie K. Brown, Nov. 28, 2018 LINK
PART THREE — Even from jail, sex abuser manipulated the system. His victims were kept in the dark, BY Julie K. Brown, Nov. 28, 2018 LINK
INTERACTIVE LINK — Sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein was surrounded by powerful people. Here’s a sampling LINK
TIMELINE — For years, Jeffrey Epstein abused teen girls, police say. A timeline of his case LINK
HOW MIAMI HERALD JOURNALISTS INVESTIGATED JEFFREY EPSTEIN, How Miami Herald journalists investigated Jeffrey Epstein LINK
THE MIAMI HERALD TEAM: Investigative Reporter: Julie K. Brown — Investigations Editor: Casey Frank — Visual Journalist: Emily Michot — Interaction Designer: Aaron Albright — Video production: Marta Oliver Craviotto, Emily Michot, Julie K. Brown — Copy Editor: Mary Behne — Social Media Editors: Adrian Ruhi, Noel Gonzalez –Drone Footage: Pedro Portal — Director of Design: Jessica Gilbert — Senior Manager of Design: Eddie Alvarez
CONCLUSION — US DISTRICT JUDGE ISSUES A FEBRUARY 21, 2019 RULING — Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein case, judge rules, By Julie K. BrownFebruary 21, 2019, 02:51 PM LINK _________________________________________________________________________________________
DUCK DUCK GO SEARCH — JEFFREY EPSTEIN sex trafficking LINK _________________________________________________________________________________________
Case 9:08-cv-80736-KAM (KAM = Judge Kenneth A. Marra), Document 435, Entered on FLSD Docket 02/21/2019, (33 pages, pdf file) — UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA, CASE NO. 08-80736-CIV-MARRA — JANE DOE 1 AND JANE DOE 2, Petitioners, vs. UNITED STATES, Respondent.
OPINION AND ORDER — This cause is before the Court upon Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (DE 361); the United States’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (DE408); Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion to Compel Answers (DE 348) and Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion for Finding Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents (DE 414). The Motions are fully briefed and ripe for review. The Court has carefully considered the Motions and is otherwise fully advised in the premises.

I. Background – The facts, as culled from affidavits, exhibits, depositions, answers to interrogatories and reasonably inferred, for the purpose of these motions, are as follows:From between about 1999 and 2007, Jeffrey Epstein sexually abused more than 30 minor girls, including Petitioners Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 (hereinafter, “Petitioners”), at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, and elsewhere in the United States and overseas. (Government Resp. to Petitioner’s Statement of Undisputed Material Facts (hereinafter, “DE 407″ at ¶ 1.) >>> LINK

COURT RULING — AN EXCERPT – PAGE 8: Among other provisions, the NPA expanded immunity to any “potential co-conspirator” of Epstein’s: “In consideration of Epstein’s agreement to plead guilty and to provide compensation in the manner described above, if Epstein successfully fulfills all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to SARAH KELLEN, ADRIANA ROSS, LESLEY GROFF, or NADIA MARCINKOVA (names in CAPS for emphasis).” (DE 407 at ¶ 40.) The NPA also provided that: “The parties anticipate that this agreement will not be made part of any public record. If the United States receives a Freedom of Information Act request or any compulsory process commanding the disclosure of the agreement, it will provide notice to Epstein before making that disclosure.” (DE 407 at ¶ 41.) From the time the FBI began investigating Epstein until September 24, 2007—when the NPA was concluded—the Office never conferred with the victims about a NPA or told the victims that such an agreement was under consideration. (Marie Villafaña Decl. ¶ 7, DE 361-64; DE 407 at ¶ 43.) Many, if not all, other similarly-situated victims received standard CVRA victim notification letters substantively identical to those sent to Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2. (DE 407 at ¶ 44.) The Office did not consult or confer with any of the victims about the NPA before it was signed. (DE 407 at ¶¶ 45-46.)Epstein’s counsel was aware that the Office was deliberately keeping the NPA secret from the victims and, indeed, had sought assurances to that effect. (DE 407 at ¶ 48.) ________________________________________________________________________________ JUDGE KENNETH A. MARRA — COURT CONCLUSION (Pages 32-33):
The Government correctly notes that the CVRA provides that “[n]othing in this chapter shall be construed to impair the prosecutorial discretion of the Attorney General or any officer under his direction.” 18 U.S.C.A. § 3771(d)(6). The Court is not ruling In fact, the Office considered Jane Doe 2 a victim as early as August of 2006 when it sent her a CVRA letter that the decision not to prosecute was improper. The Court is simply ruling that, under the facts of this case, there was a violation of the victims rights under the CVRA.:
IV. Conclusion Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows:
1) Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (DE 361) is GRANTED to the extent that Petitioners’ right to conferral under the CVRA was violated.
2) The United States’ Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (DE 408) is DENIED.
3) Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion to Compel Answers (DE 348) is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
4) Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2’s Motion for Finding Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents (DE 414) is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
5) The parties should confer and inform the Court within 15 days of the date of entry of this Order how they wish to proceed on determining the issue of what remedy, if any, should be applied in view of the violation.
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, this 21 day of February, 2019.
KENNETH A. MARRA United States District Judge ___________________________________________________________________________________
NOTE – COURT REFERENCES:(y) NPA = Non-Prosecution Agreement(y) Decl. = Declaration by a plaintiff, defendant, and/or victim in a court matter.(y) ¶ = court symbol for paragraph(y) ¶¶ = court symbol for 2 or more paragraphs(Y) CVRA = Crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2004(Y) Without Prejudice = Law phrase. Without abandonment of claim, right, privilege and without implied admission of liability. __________________________________________________________________________________
Research compiled and gathered by Ann Rose Laurence, Erika N. Berry, and Cheryl A. Lawrence-Frank

Why Asheville????

Why Asheville????
Researched by Jody Lynn
The occult crown jewel of this area is the Biltmore Estate, former property of noted illuminatist George W. Vanderbilt. #Qanon drops and anon research has identified the Biltmore pool as a nexus of evil, as indicated by the “art” it inspires.
The occult crown jewel of this area is the Biltmore Estate, former property of noted illuminatist George W. Vanderbilt. #Qanon drops and anon research has identified the Biltmore pool as a nexus of evil, as indicated by the “art” it inspires.
The Biltmore pool room is the focal point of many unexplained events. It is rumored that insane laughter emanates from the main drain in the dead of night, and that a woman in black haunts the room. Given the things we know now, it takes on greater significance.
Not to be outdone, nearby is Seely’s Castle (Overlook Mansion)- another storied Asheville property shrouded in rumors of satanic ritual and sacrifice. Fred Seely, the owner, was the builder of the Grove Park Inn.
Seely Castle
The Grand Bohemian Hotel, modeled after a “grand European hunting lodge”, features a motif of stags and antlers throughout. This reminded me of the Rothschild Black Forest human hunting parties; there are Roman busts in the decor as well. (Note the fleur de lis in chandelier)
The Grand Bohemian boasts a bar and grill called Red Stag Grill. The Hotel was also the location of the filming of a trailer for Serafina and the Twisted Staff.
Serafina and the Twisted Staff is a best selling Harry Potter- style series of books involving a young girl, the Biltmore Estate, and (no joke) shapeshifting mountain lions called catamounts. Recommended for ages 8 and up. (Read the last paragraph in the summary)
The Grove Park Inn, built by “father of modern Asheville” Edwin Wiley Grove to rival the notoriety of the Biltmore in 1913.
(Pic included is advertising for Grove’s product, which at one point sold more bottles than coca cola- fat as pigs!)

Aerial view of the Grove Park Inn and its golf course in Asheville, NC
At one point in 1917, the architect of Grove Park Inn, resident of Seely’s Castle, and son in law of EW Grove, Fred Seely, purchased Biltmore Estate Industries from Edith Vanderbilt
What the Grove Park lacks in dark aura, it makes up for in historical significance and notable clientele. During the Cold War, it was selected in 1956 to house SCOTUS and the Judiciary Branch in the advent of a nuclear attack on the U.S. LINK
Guests range from William Jennings Bryan to Michael Jordan, from Helen Keller to John D. Rockefeller.
In addition, 10 Presidents have been guests at Grove Park.

Asheville has quite a unique haunted history; there are many local legends and ghosts reported in the area. (Biltmore and Grove Park both made the list) LINK
Apparently, a group spends nights in the haunted Riverside Cemetery pretending to be zombies. Riverside Cemetery is allegedly haunted by soldiers killed in the 1865 Battle of Asheville.
Here was an unsettling find; Asheville is apparently home to a religious organization called Twelve Tribes. This Reddit link describes the Twelve Tribes experience. Very dark and cultish. LINK
Finally, something I’d like to add; I came across some material that made some pretty alarming claims of a Satanic group operating in the American Southeast. Asheville is named therein as the Pagan Mecca of this region.
I am sourcing this material to provide an idea as to what is being alleged, I cannot confirm it. A lot of it is graphic and very disturbing, and I will not link here. If even partly true, Asheville, North Carolina is under a very wicked spell. LINK
Ley lines are alleged alignments of ancient monuments that were built according to the position of the planets. Discovered by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, they are said to carry strong electromagnetic fields that can influence mood, perception and even memory. Multiple famous places are located on “nodes,” which are where these lines intersect: Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza are two. Most civilizations across the world are aware of these mysterious lines and have their own names for them, such as “dragon lines” in China or “fairy lines” in Ireland.
It just so happens that Asheville is perfectly situated between two major ley lines that stem from the Bermuda Triangle, with the Vance Monument (the OBELISK!) downtown being the exact midway point between the two. LINK
Once you scratch the surface of this nondescript, small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains, you find a hidden dark world- quite shocking for a town of less than 100k.
How many more Ashevilles are out there…?

Secret Tunnels Under Asheville